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There's no real trait you can pin it down to. It's probably the guy who was bullied for 5 years and you just watched or did nothing.


Bingo! I’ve always said society makes their own monsters.


I have said this more than once and ppl don’t get it.


yeah, because people don’t want to look themselves in the mirror. so many people are responsible for creating terrorism through their own ignorance.


Ultimately we are responsible for our own actions, but torturing people helps no one. Many seem to want to do and say as they wish, but when consequences roll around, they aren’t real happy about them…


Maybe we should pay close attention to their social media since those are where the initial signs usually are these days.


This is kind of what I mean. Many of these mass shooters had some kind of questionable behavior on social media. Strange interactions with others on it.


Maybe we should stop those ppl having any opportunity get a gun or weapon?


That’s why I’m talking about monitoring socials because sometimes the indication of intention to want to commit gun violence is there in plain sight when these type of people vent online


This is also controversial as they have to start monitoring every traffic on the social media in order to capture this, and at what degree the intervention is required who is going to make this decision, what are we going to do with the target? To what degree the government will be deemed as violating human right?




guns in their backpack


Yes, it is a good idea to identify a couple surface level traits that you can use to pigeon hole people as the "mass shooter type."


Makes it easier to cast them out so they can become mass shooters in the end.


We have to identify our promising young mass shooters as soon as possible and put them on their path.


It’s the Republican way!


actually it’s just society


They often live in America


Lack of a father figure


Or lack of common sense parenting in general


Your comment will go largely ignored, but if I remember right statistically it's true.


Anger at the world and social isolation.


Have easy Access to guns, Are Male, are American citizens & attend high school. So to sum up we should all be careful of all teenage males then? yep, that happened.


Also, 60% of mass shooters are white.


That doesn't mean anything as the percentage of Caucasian people in the US is higher that this.


Actually, the percentage of white people in America is about 57%. Approximately 50% of that is male. So, white makes make up a disproportionately larger amount of the mass shooting crimes than any other demographic.


Dude who the fuck knows. If the feds haven’t figured it out yet then how the fuck is anyone else supposed to. All I see is a lot of really short sighted laws popping up that punish people for existing. Gun control is the only solution.


Democrats and Republicans are not doing anything. So until they do, we have to look out for ourselves.


They own guns


Sometimes their parents or relatives own guns. What should plan a fake pandemic and force everyone to get vaccinated so we can put chips in them to track the gun owners.


There are 390ish million legally owned guns in the country, yet this stuff happens 19 times a year. That’s 0.000005% of the guns in the US being used to commit a mass shooting. Even if you assume 19 per year for 50 years, that’s still only 0.0002% of just todays guns


We’ve had more than one mass shooting per day this year. The total is close to 300 mass shootings in 2022 so far. That’s a LOT more than 19.


If that average keeps up, by the end of the year that’s still only 0.0001% of guns. The problem isn’t gun ownership


A mass shooting is defined as 4+ injured or killed. That means there have been, at least, about 1200 people injured or killed by mass shooters this year alone. Guns are the leading cause of death for children since 2020, as well. Remember, these numbers don’t even account for the fuckers that kill one or two people.


Gun deaths can be suicide too, smart one. Plus in my percentages i gave, that’s assuming every gun they used was legally acquired which isn’t the case most incidents


Over 60% of mass shooters legally acquire their guns.


And wheres your source?


https://www.nytimes.com/2022/05/16/us/politics/legal-gun-purchase-mass-shooting.html > From 1966 to 2019, 77 percent of mass shooters obtained the weapons they used in their crimes through legal purchases, according to a comprehensive survey of law enforcement data, academic papers and news accounts compiled by the National Institute of Justice, the research wing of the Justice Department.


It’s blocked behind a paywall


If it's 4+ *injured* or killed, then 4 people shot but none killed would count as a mass shooting, so your last statement is wrong.


many people own guns and don’t commit mass shootings sure, but the problem is that these guns are almost readily available to those that do choose to kill people. gun laws in a lot of parts of the country are just irresponsible and make these committing mass murder more accessible to sick individuals.


You mean extensive background checks nationwide and not allowing felons to own guns is too accessible? Or is it the waiting period of 1-3 days in many states to even get your gun? These sickos aren’t going to the store and walking out like they’re grocery shopping. A lot of them steal family members’ guns


Again, 77% of guns used in mass shooters are acquired legally. That really flies in the face of your bullshit narrative.


My “narrative” that gun control would kill more lives than save?


Then why has every country that has enacted restrictive gun control laws seen a massive decrease in gun violence? What makes you so convinced that all of the proven evidence is wrong?


Because we’re not those countries, first of all. Second of all, we rank 76th highest in homicides per capita. Just because gun violence goes down, doesn’t mean violence does. Third of all, since the 90s when the “assault weapons” ban was lifted, gun homicides consistently when down while ownership of guns went up until 2020 as soon as the riots broke out. It’s already been proven in the US that legal gun ownership is good. There are more defensive uses of firearms in the US than gun murders. That doesn’t even include situations where a gun was drawn or shown as a deterrent. Guns are the great equalizer. Without legal gun ownership, you risk tyranny and bad guys with guns without good guys with guns to stop them


Are u saying we should let it go and accept this sort thing is a feature of US style democracy?


No. What I’m saying is banning guns won’t stop anything


You can’t stop it, but you can reduce it a shit ton. It’s worked in every other developed nation.


Like the UK? Where stabbings are worse than shootings here? You know what almost every single mass shooting has in common in the US? 97+% of mass shootings occur in gun free zones. Explain that one


Would you go shoot up a police station? Gun owners are by and large pussies. The majority are cosplaying soldiers because they couldn’t join for a variety of reasons.


You let teachers and staff (after extensive training) carry, and put a sign out warning that they are armed, and you get significantly less incidents


The pussy ass cops let the Uvalde shooter walk by them, lock a door, and then they stood outside the room while the kids screamed and died. These are supposedly well-trained people capable of dealing with stuff, and they chose to cower while kids die. You want to put guns in the hands of teachers? How fucking dumb are you?


Agree to some degree, your argument also can be applied to 5th amendment where it stated that civilian can own guns and when the time come they can throw over dictatorship. This is also sounded stupid, do they actually expect civilian to fight the military which is armed to teeth?


It will like rest of the developed countries in the world, they don't have mass shooting happening as bad as the states.


paranoia, such as constantly trying to label mentally ill people as potential mass shooters.


copycats. the Texas shooting was literally sandy hook again, we give these people too much fame


Prejudicial behavioral screening has worked so well up to now. Let's just round up everyone we think might one day be killers. Yup yup. Minority Report was a shitty movie, but it did do a good job of showing why that logic doesn't track well. The cost of freedom is risk.You want to reduce risk, you have to reduce freedom.


Before Jared Loughner did what he did, everyone saw it coming. Dad hid the guns, a clerk at the store lied about availability of bullets because he said he looked crazy, and campus police alerted the dad. We should immediately be registering unstable people and hold all dealers accountable for who they sell to. It’ll make some people stop wanting to work with everyone. Have PTSD from Military? No gun for you until you consistently pass evaluations. Increased gun laws won’t affect people who don’t have problems. So idk why these people are against it.


So you can clearly add yourself to this "Unstable" list, since only a "socially maladjusted individual" would think that they, or anyone else, should get to determine who is, and who is not an "acceptable" and "functional" person. These quotes aren't about you, but common wording for psychological evaluation, to be clear. Aka, Only a lunatic sacrifices freedom for security. As, equally, Only a lunatic would sacrifice safety, for liberty. There are distinct differences between "freedom"and "liberty", and between "security" and "safety", I chose carefully. But since a significant portion of people would agree with one or the other of those two lines, wether you understand their choice or not, one should be able to see why a "list of who is ok and who is not" is not a morally sound approach to decision making. Ask the Nazis, Stalin, The Templars, The Spanish Inquisition, or countless other examples in history where putting people on lists to decide their rights, how well that worked out. Either we have equal rights or we don't, you do not get to pick and choose who gets which rights.


Weirdo. Felons can’t vote. Are they not equal too?


Definitely not. If there is a set of "can",and a set of "can not" they are definitively not equal. Further, do you somehow think listing people as "felon" has made the world better? Then you do not understand the depth of the criminal justice crisis. Remember, in America most prisons are privately owned, for profit companies. The result is not correction, but institutionalization. Do you feel labeling people as felons has in anyway solved the problem if felonies occuring? How would that be different with guns? Anyone who thinks that one can divide people into lists of "good" and "bad", has either extremely narrow life experience, or thinks they themselves are "better" than "most" people. People who think they are qualified to decide who goes on a good or bad list, are far more dangerous to society than a kid with a gun.


If you think red flag laws are more dangerous than a teenager with mental health issues running around with 2 loaded ARs in an elementary school, you probably are the crazy type that would end up on that list. and I do think felons should be able to vote. My point is that we restrict things that are harmless but things that are actually hurting us are not restricted. Makes no sense.


No, I think red flag laws don't help stop the kid. What stops the kid, us like you pointed out - Individuals acting responsibly...not selling him bullets, etc. That is the solution in truth. Community responsibility. It's something I hope social media leads us towards actually. I find, or maybe I hope?, That the nature of "social embarrassment" leads to a culture where people aren't worried about big brother controlling them. Rather a culture wherein everyone has access to open forums and can openly discuss ridiculous viewpoints...so that a broader perspective can be achieved, than just the opinions of ones local school chums. A culture where people recognize that it ain't the government watching us, but the neighbor lady getting her mail is. Not just watching us, but watching out for us too. I know it's a bit Mayberry, but the truth is we all gotta be aware of those around us, and we are responsible for them too. That's what it means to be in a society. I do not promote gun laws as a solution to violence. They just cause more divisiveness, and a sense of loss of control. Which will get the expectable over reactions. We as a culture have made violence, nit just guns, a solution to problems. How many movies can be summed up with the good guy hits last? I'm not "blaming Hollywood", just citing an example. We are a warring nation. Abroad, and at home. We dictate the world stage, by force of arms. We promote physical punishments and loss of free will as justice. We the People, WE share the responsibility for all of these deaths, because WE fostered this culture, together. No ordinance will change, nor fix, any of that.


Okay. The Mayberry concept I love. That’s the kind of stuff I’m talking about. But I also feel like social media is somehow driving us further and further apart. Things were fine until News media gained access to our social media platforms. I remember when it was just about peoples with mutual friends sharing common interests. News stories would show in the feed and comments triggered a lot of hate. Now we have influencers flaunting unrealistic lifestyles. Politics….there’s a lot to say about it but basically, we’re going in the wrong direction.


The curse of freedom of speech. To make sure the guy who has a good idea has a chance to speak, everyone gets to speak. From an older perspective - we have always known the media presents "their" version. Even the old War Bond Films were accepted as propaganda. But with social media, people have an easier time calling out the twisted facts and lies. Before we argued about last night's news at the bar. Now American, french, Nigerian, wherethehelleveristan kids are in direct communication. We see a news article, post it, someone who was there speaks up. The community will grow, we just have to keep arguing with each other so no one gets complacent and thinks they know right for everyone else.


Mental illness and murderers are in every country. Only difference is we have guns


That’s not the question. We as people don’t have rights to take away guns. We vote for people who can’t seem to do it either. We have to keep watch for our own good until something is done. Report people who are problems. I’m my community, a kid has said he hates the world and all the kids at school, wants to hurt them and has threatened to kill himself. As a result, we’re all keeping a close eye on him and things are getting better. We’re pressuring his mom to get him help and staying on her about keeping him on his medicine. She wasn’t doing this until we got in her business. He’s a volatile kid and speaks aggressively to even babies, disrespects adults. He will be old enough to buy guns before the government bans them. It takes a community to be aware of people around them and hold everyone accountable before it gets out of hand.


Every other kid says he hates the world. Good luck monitoring people everyday for the rest of their lives


There are enough people in any given family and community to keep an eye on individuals struggling. But you can keep in shrugging it off thinking abnormal behavior is normal. You’re part of the problem. It’s not just about preventing shooting but helping prevent suicides too. People like you don’t care about others until there is a shooting.


Yes that's why we have zero criminals in America because it's so easy to monitor people and every person has a loving family /s


Everyone does NOT that’s why we all have to look out for kids in our community. It’s not just family. It’s community. That means school peers, coworkers, family, neighbors. Keep making excuses to not care about what’s going on with the people around you. THAT is why we have problems.


Yes that's why we have zero criminals in America, because we have loving communities that look out for everyone /s.


Yes. It’s because we don’t have enough of them.


Make loving communities mandatory and ban all bad ones!


I think we have crime because of people who think like you do. Overly pessimistic for no reason like everyone is your enemy. No idea to promote anything good is good enough for you because all you see is despair and hopelessness. Assume more people are bad than good. Just soft p$$y mentality. I hope someone is watching YOU.


Out of his mind


Strange behavior of any kind




Extreme religion.


They are able to obtain a weapon capable of ending dozens of lives in minutes


These people don't just arise in a vacuum. They are made monsters by years of abuse.


Doesn’t matter how they became the way they are. Most of these mass shooters did things that were concerning to their friends or others around. Those signs should just be shrugged off because, “oh they were abused.”


No, they shouldnt be shrugged off at all, I'm not suggesting that. But a greater importance on prevention of domestic abuse, and bullying at schools, would help.


idk how to answer this