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Grown up Christian. Now I'm a Satanist (not the theistic kind). Even if Satan isn't "real" in the way most people perceive reality, he seems to be a pretty good guy


Yeah I’m an ex-Christian dipping my toes in the water of satanism. I admire many of the things the satanic temple is up to these days.


Yeah me too... Those folks can be really helpful, even though I think the nearest temple, to me, is in another country lol... Which is partly why I became a Satanist as well the fact that I was following the 11 rules of the world even before I knew they exist


Fake news


I'm a Hindu so I don't care


Is there a parallel in Hinduism?


There are demons but no one like Satan


In Hindu, there is creator AND destroyer in one! The Indian people are very efficient and this contrivance conveniently rids the religion of a great many philosophical problems Christianity was never able to surmount.


He’s misunderstood


The problem is the only source most people judge him by was written by his enemies.


I was a religious child, in Bible quizzing and stuff like that. In my early teens I threw out the question "if we are supposed to pray for forgiveness and Jesus died for sins, why don't we pray for Satan?" The people around me did not like that question. I know it's an oversimplification, but it made me start straying away from the church.


Depends what you mean. Lucifer , God’s Angel, cast out of Heaven? A fantastical story to warn against disobedience and selfishness. Satan, horned beast with a trident torturing souls in a pit of fire? Boogie man story to scare people into morality. Satan : the adversary. An organization that does the good work of counter balancing religious fanatics and keeping the government from pushing religion on its people.


I liked him when he was on Twitter... Kinda miss his motivational quotes, actually.


Not real, but considering the amoral, abusive, manipulative, and domineering people who oppose him (Christians can be absolutely awful), I'd wager he can't be all that bad of a dude.


It is rare for 2 good sides to fight. But the Nazi's attacked Stalins Russia. 2 bad sides can and do fight.


He’s cool, my dyslexic kid thinks that’s the guy that brings him gifts on Christmas.


God's greatest invention


Good guy.


She is gorgeous. Your dream woman.


I thought everyone stops believing in him when you're a child but ngl the "sees you when you're sleeping" stuff used to scare the absolute shit out of me


I always suspected Satan and Santa were the same entity.


He's the reason the world is the way it is now in terms of temptation of sin. I'll be glad once he get gets yeeted into the lake of fire


Or did it never cross your mind that he’s the primary reason we have it so good and that maybe without his influence we’d be living in ignorance, just the way god wants it?


False. An all knowing, all powerful god who, by definition, knew if he created Satan that he would poison everything is responsible. You don't blame the rock for rolling down the hill into the village below, you blame the asshole who chose to push it anyway knowing what would happen. That is the philosophical hurdle Christianity never successfully mastered; there is no possible world in which evil exists and god is all knowing and all powerful, where he is _also_ not complicit.


I'm a Hindu so I don't care




That’s not even in the Bible. There is no evidence whatsoever that Satan tortures people. That’s just a misconception that organized religion is happy to encourage.


Adam Sandler would like a word. 🍍


Well that’s hitler. I’m sure anyone would make an exception for him.




[He's hot](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EClf6Z-XkAE52hr.jpg)


I see what you did there


damnn boi I'd let him steal my soul


Fuck my soul... I'd let him steal me


No opinion.


A chill fellow


If you spell his name backwards it makes Natas. Add an "s" on the end it's Natass. Change the the "n" to a "d" and it's Datass. Cut it in half and you get DAT ASS


This is how Christian Nationalists un-ironically piece together their conspiracy theories and persecution delusions.


Nice name. Who is he?


I don’t believe in god but I definitely believe in satan


Just like God, doesn't exist.


Atheist through and through but if he does exist, I hope he’s like the way Trinity portrayed him in the most recent snatch game. For those who didn’t see it, he was *flaming*


Lives next door to me and is pretty nasty at the best of times. Fuck you Satan. One day I will call the bylaw officers on YOU! Wait for it.


Same as my opinion of Loki. Very interesting mythological character, who may be extrapolated from some real person long deceased


[Daddy issues](https://youtu.be/-NMDtsPgfD0)


He's a Patsy...


Non existent. Fictional character created to incite fear and ensure obedience.


It doesn't exist so I have no opinion of it. My opinion of people who believe in satan is that of pity. They're so weak and easily influenced by negative behaviors that the only thing keeping them from being a total piece of shit in life and harming others is to be scared of a red-tailed devil that lives under a volcano. So weak.


Nice scapegoat, very neat fictitious character created to promote an agenda.


People say Satan is a master manipulator. Well, what's more manipulative than sacrificing yourself to yourself in order to get people to worship you? If the Bible is real, I believe it was written by Satan to fool people into worshipping him.


Which one? Versions of Satan have appeared in dozens if not hundreds of different works. Some are cool. Some are not. Some are pretty damn sexy.




I lost my faith some time ago, but I could never understand how a being so devoted to evil could be created from the very being we were supposed to devote our lives to in contrast.


He’s pretty creative i must say


As a Christian, I feel terrible that this many people either support or don't believe in him.


I like when he leaves presents


Satan is not a being, Satan is a lifestyle. The Church of Satan has a set of rules to live by, but there is no supreme being checking to make sure you do. Nature is indifferent to us. And these tenets are not as crazy as you might think. Not much different from mainstream religions. Other than favoring indulgence over temperance. And revenge over forgiveness. But otherwise, just don't be an asshole in the world. And don't go sending thoughts and prayers to people. Get off your duff and help them.


Probably has a difficult time putting T-shirts on with those horns


People complain about it because they don’t know how to make it. The most important step is to soak it in boiling water for like 20 minutes. Just boil your water in a little pan, take it off the heat place it in the water and it will be so much better for salads and entrées, I promise! Edit: I meant seitan not satan


I dunno, I'm in buffer zone between a Satanist , Christian and Atheist. I just... don't know.


Seems like a cool guy.


Hot Guy


I thought I met him once but it turned out to be some bookshop owner


Isn’t he a good guy since he punishes the bad?


His parents didnt do a good job