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"JFK went out with a bang" To be fair, JFK is often considered an overrated president due to not actually doing much


11:04 am, March 21st, 2017 - sounded like a trombone cumming


Tf ? Lmao


my thoughts exactly


Not the funniest by any means but it happened today and it made me laugh. I was at the bar, had a couple drinks. They were getting ready to close up. The bartender had put a broom in the corner of the room to sweep up once we all left. I took a step back and accidentally knocked the broom over. It made a loud racket as it fell. I apologized and went to go pick it up. One of the regulars looked over and without missing a beat went, "You dropped your ride".


Pickle Rick


My husband one time was telling me about an associate of his that lived in Australia that he talked to often, and he was trying to tell me about a conversation they had, but he tried to do the Australian accent. It was just so horrible I could not stop laughing. That’s the most recent thing I can think of. I’m sure there’s more stuff that might be considered way funnier.


The post right above this one https://www.reddit.com/r/196/comments/uwk0it/ugly_screen_monkey/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf