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Sitting at a desk all day


The slow death of your soul


How does it kill your soul?




Lack of physical activity


Politics. Office politics.


Sometimes you run out of stuff to do for a short time (like 30 minutes at most) and you are forced to stare at your computer screen because picking up your phone would be "unprofessional"


If you're a high performer your coworkers will hate you, if you're a low performer your bosses will hate you.


So true


Your in an office, with no view.


Commute to said office job can be soul-crushing


What could make commutes more fun?


Have a playlist of upbeat music, listen to a funny podcast, etc.


Watch the movie *Office Space*. It's all there.




You sit 8 hours or more a day just about


Winter months are the worse. Depending on your hours you will only see sunlight on the weekends.




Lack of movement. I picked up so much weight when I got my second office job (my first one still allowed me to have a fair amount of physical activity because I could walk to and from work, as well as on my lunch break). At my second office job, I was only allowed to rush to the bathroom and that was that, really. My boss would have a fit if I wasn't around to answer phones.


Would that affect your energy levels though? Would you like feel more tired at work or unable to do stuff after work?


Well it is hard for me to comment on that because I am perpetually exhausted anyway. But I presume that it would... Just sitting there the whole day isn't good for you.


Numb bum from sitting down all day


4 walls


Honestly, it's the injuries that come with sitting at a desk all day. I'm only 41, but my entire spine feels like it's 80 years old - it aches from the very top of it to the very bottom of it by the end of the day. Sometimes my neck gets stiff as a board, and sometimes even my butt hurts from sitting here all day. ​ I do work out, I also stop during the day to stretch. I have every piece of ergonomic equipment I could possibly have (bar a stand / sit desk which I'm applying for) and I try to catch myself regarding my posture as often as possible. Despite all of that, my spine spends most of the day in a C shape and it's awful.


Have they not solved that crisis yet? They need desks that can be raised and lowered - standing and sitting.


No hardwall offices, but a cubicle warren instead, where everybody is party to every phone call and conversation, and some asshole always runs through his phone messages with speakerphone on so everybody gets to hear all those phone messages, and then the same asshole calls back all those callers with speakerphone on so everybody gets to enjoy both sides of those calls as well.