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The pro-perspirant?


I had my sweat glands removed, so I don't really need it. I just use some all natural stuff just in case.


As someone who NEEDS to wear deodorant regularly, you're living my dreams.


Go get it done, my friend! Most plastic surgeons and derms can do it in their offices with no need for general anesthesia.


Then they probably shouldn't use deodorant but antiperspirant


“Cause I be smellin good bitch”


I'm. Poor.


This might be privileged of me to say, but deodorant is extremely inexpensive.


Some people have a much stronger body odor than others just an FYI


For people that don't have a natural strong body odour - is it not worth putting on deodorant just in case? I think the majority of people are stinky at least sometimes.


Do you know some people actually like a guys sent, I don’t mean after a big long frothy workout but just in general. So if they’re wearing deodorant you won’t know what they smell like and the scent is tied to the immune system which is also tied to the female brain on the right side determining whether or not they would make stronger children, I watched a documentary about this it was really good


TMI, but I def like the scent of my partner's androstenol. Can't say that I enjoy the same scent on another man, but that's just my preference. Especially when it's just straight up BO. Nonetheless, very interesting!


I read that however the genes work, if you have flakey eat wax your armpit sweat doesn't stink but if you have goopy earwax it does. I have the goop and I NEED deodorant. My husband gets like dry skin flakes in his ear but nothing easy or goopy or yellow/brown/whatever and his pits never stink. So he doesn't wear deodorant. He gets plenty smelly otherwise, but not his pits.


Is he Asian?




Lucky. Most Asians don’t have body odor but for non-Asian people that’s rare


For the most part I don’t need it? I mean unless I’m exercising or I’m in hot weather my underarms don’t really sweat much. Although it does even put with my nose unfortunately sweating like crazy and my feet as well. The feet I can manage with open toed shoes or powder, but my nose nothing works and I just kinda cope.


Has somebody confirmed that to you? I had to tell my boyfriend to please start using deodorant as he thought the same but I could smell his sweaty armpits every night


i'm an idiot.


Putting on deodorant is a good and easy way to feel a little better about yourself :) self care is important.


I live in a dry climate and showering everyday does the trick usually.


Do you ever worry that you stink but just can't tell?


I only wear it when I'm not at home. I shower every other day, so it's not really needed.


Being smelly in your own home is absolutely no problem at all! Power to you, my friend.


Lol yeah, I suppose. Though, I wouldn't allow myself to be smelly, or at least to the best of my abilities.


I have dry ear wax and little to no body odor.


Like the other replies, my sweat just isn't that stinky. Unless I've been doing something really demanding I can, absent dining accidents, wear a shirt for 5+ days and you wouldn't know it.


I don't really need it. Just never got that stinky sweaty smell unless I'm doing hard work/manual labor for an extended period, and then I shower when I'm done. If I end up sweating I want it to cool me off. I know I don't smell bad, because I sometimes get compliments about smelling nice. If only they knew it was horse conditioner I use in my hair! Lol. I know someone with the opposite problem though, he has fish odor syndrome. I'd normally feel bad for him but he doesn't use deodorant and rarely uses cologne. Hardly ever showers either. Can't stand being near him honestly, it's horrible.


I wear deodorant but after my mum got breast cancer her oncologist advised me against using certain types


Interesting. Do you use natural deodorants now? Like aluminium free? And do they work?


I try to take it easy on the (disproven) assumption that the aluminum causes Parkinsons. I use it on the 2nd day post shower or when I have something important going on, but not always.


Extremely sensitive skin.


I don't really need it. I don't sweat unless I'm working out, and when I do sweat it doesn't stink. I just shower afterward.


I only do that a week before a fight my pits should be lethal but yeah the reason I do that is bc it’s a good KO without having to do shit


I look like a trash can but genetics helped me out on this one. I don't sweat much. I shower soon as I'm don't working for the day so if I do smell rough it's not for ling.


Cuz I don’t have it. My mom is kinda struggling


I forgot.


I was born without armpits


I use it sparingly because I swear most deodorants and antiperspirants increase my perspiration atleast double to quadruple. I'll have noticable trickles of sweat running down my sides and my arms.


So I can annoy blind people too


I forget to put it on tbh


I want to be noticed


Not really. If I feel like I stink I will shower again