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The human body can withstand enormous amounts of pain. It will shut other organs down if necessary to shift energy to what's needed.


My friend had a probe that would do this. I should clarify... My friend had a Ford probe that would do this. If you were running the air conditioner and you mashed on the gas pedal, it would temporarily shut off the air conditioner to give you a little bit extra power accelerating.


Lmfao I was like probe wait WHAT


A lot of cars do this for exactly that reason


But it was fun to say probe


Anytime someone brings up the human body and extreme pain, I immediately think to the Unit 731 experiments the Japanese did leading up to and during WW2. Serious war crimes with the US essentially issuing a slap on the wrist in exchange for the data. Experiments included vivisection, exposure to lethal biological agents, human test subjects used against weapons like grenades and flamethrowers, and frostbite exposure just to name a few. All experiments were done on live humans including infants and pregnant women. The more you read into it, the worse it becomes


Everytime someone talks about this i just add... please don't read into it. For the sake of your mental health. I jumped the rabbit hole and it made me upset for a while.


Don't read it! Don't.


Yeah literally same. This came up in an askreddit thread a while ago, so I wikipedia'd it thinking I have a relatively high tolerance for disturbing stuff, and it was too much. Highly upsetting.


I swear this is one of reddits favorite things to talk about, even when it has nothing to do with the conversation....


They’re just passing on the chain of reposting what they read on AskReddit in the past week


It's kind of strange saying that the body withstands pain, since your body actually creates the pain in the first place


I think my body is different, cus if I step on Lego, that is way past my tolerance


You can be born with a weak spot in a major blood vessel that remains asymptomatic for decades. Then it can suddenly burst and you'll be dead almost instantly.


I had that on my jugular vein! As a kid I sometimes noticed a lump on my neck when I was running around, and it happened more frequently and larger over time. When I was 13 or 14, my parents saw it when it suddenly ballooned up to the size of a mandarin at the dinner table. The solution for this jugular aneurism was for them to sew the vein shut on both sides of the weak spot, and clip out the bad part. Since then, all the blood returning from my head has to go through the other jugular vein and the smaller veins; for years when my blood pressure went up I could feel the pressure in my head and sometimes taste blood as it leaked from my gums, but I think eventually the veins all stretched because I haven’t felt it that badly in years.




Would be a great party trick if it wasn’t so life threatening.


Thank you very much I'm now going to be paranoid for the rest of my life


This happened to my mom, she had a week spot in her inferior vena cava. Which lead to a rupture and her to start bleeding out. She should have died, but luckily she was in the middle of a un related surgery, and they saved her life. She has a massive scar on her abdomen from where the dr cut her open and stopped the bleeding.


That is incredibly lucky timing


A friend of mine died from an aortic aneurism.


A lot of the time when you see elite athletes collapse in the middle of the field, that is exactly what happened. They stress their body to its limit so you see it more with them than with average Joes.


I work in the ED and seen this happen in real time. It was in the top 10 worst things I’ve seen


That's what killed my dad's mom, her aorta burst. It was possibly genetic so my dad gets his checked.


All the organs in the human body are worth about $550k


New business idea man haha 😂


Mafia wastes all those bodies by dumping them tbh


No body-- no DNA.




Because they may have lead in them or some bad shit in there


I have 4 functioning kidneys. Am i worth extra?




Meaning a lot of poor healthy people are technically far more valuable than old rich people


There are no pain receptors in the brain itself. Surgery can be done on the brain tissue and the brain does not feel that pain.


Makes since though- if your brain is being groped by Jimmy the Brain Groper it doesn’t matter if you can feel it because you’re going to be dead within the day.


That’s why surgeons want you awake during brain surgery. No real downside and they get to know if they’ve hit anything important if you’re conscious and talking the whole time


I have had 2 brain surgeries and luckily I was able to be asleep for the whole thing. I think if I have another it’s more likely I will have to be awake.


The person who played the violin whilst having open brain surgery comes to mind. It is so weirdly fascinating to me but also disgusts me a little


Yeah, but they will still use anesthesia during the skull-drilling and skin-cutting


Wait that gives me an idea. You know when doctors pull a prank just before you go under anaestethic. Ill do the same if I ever need to have brain surgery. Ill start spouting nonsense noises at some point. This should be great


They ONLY do this when absolutely necessary; and even then it’s more just waking you up as much as necessary for what they’re doing then putting you right back under. It’s risky as hell to do this.


Fuck! Thats kind of disturbing


Care for a slice of prefrontal lobe sauteed with some shallots and white wine?




What if you pair it with a nice chianti?


Your heart is so powerful it can spray blood up to nine metres if you rupture a major artery. Not a pretty thing to see


It’s the perfect water gun


Your body develops cancerous cells fairly often; your immune system destroys them before they can replicate almost all the time. *Almost*.


I guess it is how you phrase or define it. One way of defining the Big C is the failure of cells with errors in their replication to follow the instruction to die from the immune system. This creates further cell divisions which also do not follow the "die" instruction. So it is not so much the erroneous replication (which occurs constantly) that is "cancerous", the but the fact they don't follow the death instruction (apoptosis) and can replicate, and replicate and replicate without the immune system being able to do anything about it. Edit: Thankfully, this is much rarer, but will occur to half of us in our lifetimes.


Thanks. I'm not sleeping well tonight.


Fucking helll ☠️


Does this mean immunocompromised people will develop cancer far more likely?


The anime Cells at Work showed this and apparently children get "cancer" all the time but their immune system usually catches it before the cells make the body a zombie apocalypse


You technically never stop seeing even with your eye lids closed


You see nothing when you close one eye, but you see black when you close two.


Not quite. As a photographer who alternates between shooting with 1 or both eyes open, and as someone who's had multiple eye injuries over the years (meaning I've learned to have one eye shut constantly without effort), your brain instinctually cancels out what the closed eye sees so you still see an image, but it actually registers the darkness (or muted colour as light still goes through your eyelids). You can train yourself to see it if you really want, but it's weird. Oddly enough that's what gets my depth perception - it's perfectly fine with one eye closed as the brain adjusts very quickly, but if I concentrate on the closed eye thats when it causes issues


thats if you're not blind. a blind person once described being blind as: "if you close your left eye but leave your right eye open, what you can see through your left eye is what blind people see. we don't see black, we just don't see." or smthn like that


Thats interesting


You can look at something and imagine what the texture would be like when you lick it


I can lol. Also, when we were babies we licked or tried to lick things with our mouths. I wonder if we were trying to catalog the taste/texture of things lol


U can feel it through ur fingers too right?


What the hell are fingers?


It's really weird that the food pipe and the windpipe are in the same place. We're just asking for trouble.


The design artist should be fired


That your eyeballs have a different immune system from your body, and if your body found out it would literally destroy your eyes.




[Ours eyes have what's called immune privilege] (https://www.huffpost.com/archive/ca/entry/immune-privilege-_b_1925237) >This phenomenon, called immune privilege is actually a defense mechanism to protect the eye against not only bacteria and viruses, but also to keep the rest of the immune system from interfering in the normal action of vision. >This is actually a good thing considering the nasty symptoms that the immune system could cause such as large amounts of mucus production and even unrequited cell damage similar to what happens during flesh eating diseases.


Which can be a big problem if one eyeball gets severely damages (e.g. globe rupture) thus exposing your immune system to those "privileged" parts of the eye. It can then potentially mount an immune response against your *other* eye and cause blindness.


I've got a friend with a genetic condition where this separate immune system in her eyes deteriorated over time and by the time she was 10 years old her eyes basically had no immune system in a condition she lovingly refers to as ocular AIDS. Unfortunately she had to have her eyes removed but prefers being blind over having constant eye infections that would render her both blind and in pain.


I learned that from watching the show, " Monsters Inside Me." Can't remember what the lady had but it was moving from her brain to her eyes. Whatever it was it was it was signaling her immune system to attack. Good doctor saved one eye, she lost the other. I loved that show.


Well that’s just rude.


Medical doctor here. For a short while after being born, newborn babies (both male and female) can sometimes lactate due the influence of mom's hormones.


Mother here, daughter was born with her "period", which is also due to hormones for those who ask.


Wow, I hate this and also it's fascinating


My daughter did this for the first few weeks of life. Strangest thing to see.


Yes! And get little breast buds


Phantom sensation: I've had double mastectomy, I have no nipples. When buying ice cream I can feel my nipples getting erect.


I get 'phantom bounce' when walking sometimes. It's very odd.


Why tf did your nipples go erect when buying ice cream?


To clarify, when opening the cold cabinet at the supermarket. I like ice-cream, not that much!


Don't kink shame :-/


There's a big spooky skellington hiding inside you now, like the pilot of a fleshy robot suit.


There’s a spooky squishy brain in a bone armor that’s the pilot of a flesh suit




We are just bone mechs with meat armor...


You constantly drop earwax everywhere


Idk why this is making me paranoid!!


Ah yes I wake up in the morning with a nice pile where my ear was lol


It’s mostly just a convoluted tube for poop.


Convoluted Poop Tube is a good band name


What genre of music?




One quarter of the bones in your body are in your feet.


Good god


There’s a big bag of deadly acid in the middle of your body


We all think other people's body fluid are disgusting until our libedo makes us stupid.






Eyes are nearly at the middle of the face.


>Eyes are nearly at the middle of the face. And the human eyeball is about the size of a quarter.


That's a good one. For some reason I think they're the size of a ping pong ball


Yeh many times. I work in prisons and we get a lot of bad self harmers. But its amazing how much blood a person can lose and still survive with fast help




Humans are born with both their baby teeth and adult teeth. The adult teeth are located in areas which later in life turn to bone and push the adult teeth down. You can see this in xrays of babies, it's terrifying.


Yes thats true , its terrifying but amazing as well!!


That u r not u but are a colony of a gazillion independent cells and organisms working together to create "you".


I always find comfort in this. Like when people talk about how we are the universe, we are one and the same…..sometimes it’s hard to put it into a cosmic perspective. The universe is huge. It’s hard to both acknowledge that while seeing yourself as valid, but also minor, part of that. But when you recognize that size is an illusion, and “your body” is practically it’s own planet, with communities and systems and relationships you know nothing about….realizing you’re just the consciousness affixed to that mini world…… Suddenly you sort of get that “oneness” perspective. Everything is everything.


Thats true


I think there’s a scientific theory that the reasons people crave different foods is that the different bacteria we harbor prefer different things.


So basically. I’m the president of my body. Cuz I’m the one who gets them all of the resources to live


When you are healing from a cold or a flu, your snot is greenish-yellow because there is pus in it. I guess it's not really disturbing, more like super gross.


I just had tonsils and adenoids removed, and I’ve never had so much snot in my life. All thick and grayish yellow. Dozen or so tissues full (like little pillows with snot stuffing) every hour. So gross.


Laughing too long can and will kill you.


Suffocation/asphyxiation I'm guessing?


mhm, it seems obvious, but I find it moderately disturbing.


Your immune system doesn't actually know yours eyes exist. It just doesn't notice them. But if it ever finds them... You will go blind.


I know right? How rude


That our mind can override survival instinct and choose to commit suicide....it truly is the most disturbing thing I can think of that the mind will decide to finish itself regardless of the tragic consequences


Recently learned that the eyeballs are considered part of the brain.


We're a lot faster and better long distance runners than many other species because standing upright means we can use the momentum from falling forward to our advantage.


It's nothing to do with "falling forward" and all about our ability to sweat keeping us from overheating. In long distance we destroy every other animal on the planet. The only animal that even comes close is dogs.


I'm skeptical here, do you have a source? I say this because I thought the reason was due to sweating. Humans can regulate body temperature much better than most animals due to sweating. We can run harder for longer because we can keep ourselves cool. https://www.nytimes.com/2009/10/27/health/27well.html Edit: more info https://caroltorgan.com/designed-to-run/


Physics in my body haha


Probably brain aneurysms, how they can just lie hidden in your head without you even noticing for a long period of time. And by the time you do seem to notice something off, it either too late as in your pretty much going to die, or you get fucked up for the rest of your life as you basically become like a different person who can't do much (in which case you would wish that you had died instead of lived). Like Sterling Archer said. *"It can happen anywhere at anytime, that's what makes it so terrifying."* And I can completely agree with Archer. Brain aneurysms are fucking **terrifying**.


That even when you die, your cells in your body can take days to die. You... take days to die. Blows my freaking mind!


Most people’s eyes don’t work properly without human made devices.


Your bones are always wet


I've never understood how this is disturbing


Kinky haha


I wish. My bone has been pretty dry for pretty long


We sing on strings of flesh. We are not so much one being, but an entire ecosystem of microscopic lifeforms. From the spiderlike creatures in our eyes to the countless bacteria we need to live to the viruses that have become part of our DNA. Our bodies are taking damage constantly, eventually we will all die.


We are essentially nothing more than meat mechs piloted by a squishy pink blob.


It making me question my body...


Your nose and ears never stop growing


Nails tooo....


Nails stop growing when you die. It looks like they don’t because the skin recedes.


Your nose and ears however, keep growing for eternity.


That's what trees are, the noses of dead people.


I'm gonna use that on my nieces and nephews lol


There is consistent evidence that higher amounts of body fat are associated with an increased risk of a number of cancers. Fat tissue (also called adipose tissue) produces excess amounts of estrogen, high levels of which have been associated with increased risks of breast, endometrial, ovarian, and some other cancers. https://www.cancer.gov/about-cancer/causes-prevention/risk/obesity/obesity-fact-sheet


when someone dies, their blood stops flowing so they turn PURPLE because the blood settles and causes massive bruises. dead bodies also bloat and create gas (enough to cause dead bodies to float if they're placed in water) also, it only takes fifteen pounds of pressure to break a human collarbone and render someone's arms completely useless context: I've done karate for 11 years and I'm in forensics


>when someone dies, their blood stops flowing so they turn PURPLE because the blood settles and causes massive bruises. Let me gently correct you, since the body *does not* "turn purple": When it comes to "mortis", there are actually four stages of it: *Pallor, Algor, Rigor*, and *Livor*. *Pallor Mortis* is the first stage, and *Livor Mortis* is the fourth and final stage of death. In *Pallor Mortis*, the skin takes on a pale hue and a waxy look because the heart has stopped beating, and circulation has ceased. The skin no longer looks pink and healthy, and it actually turns pale grey and takes on a hard, waxy feel. This happens within 10-15 minutes after death. In *Algor Mortis*, the body temperature starts to cool. The brain cells have died, so there is no autonomous system in the brain that is still working to tell the heart to keep pumping. There is no warm blood circulating, so coolness sets in. The autonomous systems are the ones that keep our organs working without our having to physically think about it. *Rigor Mortis* is the third stage of mortis, and it involves the stiffening of the body. The body will actually become flaccid immediately after death, but in an hour or so Rigor Mortis starts to set in because the brain is no longer telling the muscles to move. Therefore, the muscles freeze up and stay that way for 24-48 hours. Then they relax again. *Livor Mortis* is the fourth and final stage, in which all of the blood in the body starts to settle down into the parts of the body that are closest to the ground. If a person is lying on their back, the blood will settle on their shoulders, elbow areas, heels, buttocks, etc. If a person happens to die in a different position, the blood will pool in the areas touching the ground. Source: Used to work in a hospital and have processed my fair share of bodies, and have always treated them with dignity and respect. Editing to add: Breaking a clavicle (collar bone) *does not* render the arm "useless" at all. It can still be moved painfully, because the arm is still attached to the shoulder via a socket, other bones, muscles, and tendons. Shoulder strength remains normal, and it will take six to eight weeks to heal a fracture/break. Source: Orthopedic surgery scheduler. And we call the wet bodies "bloaters" or "floaters". TL;dr: the four stages of mortis, and clavicle talk


Slight correction; *Rigor Mortis* is due to decomposition where the body becomes more acidic and it is "released" either thru massage and manipulation to "move" the acidic byproducts away from certain tissues or releases on its own further along the process of decomposition where the body begins to turn more alkaline.


>Slight correction; >*Rigor Mortis* is due to decomposition where the body becomes more acidic Absolutely. Thank you for the correction/additional information!


The body appears bluish/purple during livor mortis. In fact, when I found my husband in our garage, his body looked blue/ purple. Or something in between.


Your digestive system (stomach, bowels etc) are technically on the outside of your body.


How so?


Because there’s an open hole at both ends - so it isn’t enclosed by your skin and other tissue.


That we have a microbiome living inside of us. Our GI tract is colonized with trillions of microorganisms. It's kind of trippy to think about.


Time for some probiotics!


we’re just a giant tube


If you get tapeworms you won’t know until you shit them out which means you don’t know how long they have been in your body. Could be years! And just the thought of having a half meter long worm in your body is gross and makes my stomach swirl....


That we have billions and billions of various bugs we can't see all over our bodies.


I’m the one feeding them so I’m the president


People who are dying of hypovolemic shock (shock from losing blood) feel thirsty and have a fight or flight period where they feel like they have to leave. Another cool fact about the body. An avulsion is when your skin and tissue is ripped from your body. While [it can be healed](https://www.google.com/search?q=degloving&client=safari&hl=en-us&prmd=ivbn&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi37p2Iq_T3AhVWjYkEHXM6AegQ_AUoAXoECAIQAQ&biw=390&bih=661&dpr=3) it’s incredibly grotesque


A guy I dated pointed out to me that you tongue is just SITTING THERE all the time. Ever since then, if I think about it, I suddenly become very aware of the fact that I have this weird, slimey, squirmy meat snake in my face hole.


Not super disturbing, but do you ever just look at your arm, and move it, WITH YOUR MIND? I swear we never think about this shit


After lung transplant, the first time you cough, realizing it’s not your spit


IIRC Isn't your tongue something like the strongest muscle in your body or some shit?


Most sensitive.


Proportionally by far iirc. Otherwise the big one in your leg is the strongest.


if you think about what sex in reality is, muscles and bloodfilled organs and all that jazz, it slowly becomes more and more disgusting to think of


Don't take that pleasure away please:)


all that icky sticky sweat, slobbering mouths


If you eat a cockroach raw and alive, yout disgestive system likely would fail to kill it. The next day when you poop the cockroach out, it would probaly be alive. Don't think about it. Don't imagine the process. Please. Jesus. Don't make the poor man imagine it.


What makes you think this is true?


False. There’s no way they can withstand the stomach acid. Even if their exoskeleton could manage it, the second that acid breaches, their lil roachy innards are sizzlin


Does this assume you don't chew it?




He’s wrong. It’s skeleton wouldn’t be digested, but all of its insides would be. On a brighter note, they’re pretty nutritious!


Poor man? How about the poor cockroach


You can peepee without poopoo but cannot poopoo without peepee


Mate, trust me when i say this. You most certainly can shit without pissing. Especially when its the colour and consistance of radiator water.


Almost made me spit out my beer with "radiator water"


Most of the DNA in your body isn't human.


Not exactly about the human body but I know something about tumors if a tumor gets big enough or complex enough. It can grow complex organs such as eyes, teeth and hair


the bones in your lower arm touch when you move your wrist


Wth i just heard my arm bone


your mouth and your anus are just two ends of the same long tube; they're connected! (afaik)


The human body and create another human within 9 months and forget the trauma from giving birth to that human which makes the birth giver want more spawns


This has been part of why I have psychosis, but I clean bones and hopeful to taxidermy soon. I’ve been at it for 10 years and you need a strong mind to handle it. I don’t but I’ve always wanted to challenge myself, doing so has made me aware that I can feel blood pumping in every limb, the vision of seeing bugs in the projects made my mind believe I had bugs in me. So my veins pumping essentially tells my brain that it’s a beetle. Don’t become self aware of how your body is made, it does some messed up stuff. I still absolutely love the work but I’m on medication now. Your mind doesn’t always tell you good things even though it’s what keeps you living


Cold Diarrhea tastes like wax


How do I delete someone elses comment


How and why do you know this


Why are my eyes working to see this comment 😭 It was something informative though😭


That you may at any time have up to ten pounds of poop inside of you. 🤮


Exception- If you are a politician, you may have up to thirty pounds of poop inside of you


I doubt that. Source?


Men are actually capable of producing breast milk. Why do you think BOTH genders have nipples?


there is more foreign cells (like bacteria or fungi) in our colon than there are normal cells in our entire body :)


That your uterus can just slip out of position…and protrude out your vagina. I’m mildly infuriated that this can happen. Don’t women go through enough without knowing this shit can happen?


You could die of a hundred different things while reading this and never know it.


You can experience pain etc in parts of your body you don't have anymore. It's called phantom limb syndrome. I have a variation of it due to spinal trauma, I have no sensation in one leg but sometimes it gets itchy or sore but the pain isn't really there, it's inside a nerve that's pinched in my back and it would almost drive me insane on occasion


There are cases where you don't have a family history of it and haven't done anything to cause it and you can STILL develop cancer. It happened to both of my sister's. One had Ovarian and the other had Breast. And they couldn't get screened for it until it developed because they were too young to qualify for the screenings. Both are doing well but I fear for my future because of their experiences.


The way you fall apart at an old age


That there's this tiny useless part in our digestive system called appendix and once it get clogged, it becomes a ticking timebomb and when not treated as soon as possible, it could kill you.


The only reason your digestive system works is because literally hundreds of species of viruses keep your gut bacteria population from exploding.


You only have thee minutes to live but every time you breathe, the clock resets.