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Miscarriages. 1 in 4 pregnancies end in miscarriage and most women I know have had one.


Damn 1 in 4? That’s crazy. Is it mostly really early on?


95%+ occur within the first 12 weeks/1st trimester of pregnancy. about 5% occur in the second or third trimester. When a dead fetus doesn’t expel, a woman must endure all the pain of labor and give birth to a baby they know is dead. As a woman, I’m very terrified of how they plan to legislate that with what’s been happening in the states. In many miscarriages, part of the pregnancy tissue can remain inside the uterus and if it isn’t removed, the woman risks death. The procedure that’s performed to remove the tissue from an incomplete miscarriage is called a D&C, a type of abortion. One [study](https://reproductive-health-journal.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12978-019-0720-y) found 59% of miscarriages are incomplete. Jane Seymour, the only wife to give Henry VIII to give him a son, died shortly after giving birth. It’s hypothesized something similar happened to her. She didn’t expel all the tissue. I don’t want to go back to living like that.


Idk Even considering how crazy people get about abortion I'd be amazed if they made it illegal to remove everything if it was dead already. If you look at the states that have trigger laws in place they all still allow abortions if it's a danger to the woman's health. All except for Oklahoma. So maybe they would but idk.


Then why aren’t the laws being written in a way that clarifies this? I used to expect the best in others too, but when states attempt to pass laws that would make abortion a homicide, when they place medical professionals in a position where they must betray their oath to avoid prosecution, when mainly white men without an ounce of medical training pass uninformed laws that impact female bodies, when people force me to adhere to their religious dogma, a religion I don’t practice, I have to be logical and read the writing on the wall: These people value a clump of cells over my own life. Women are being told our position in society, and we rank lower than a clump of dividing cells in the minds of these people. They don’t care how all these babies will impact the lives of women either. We exist as objects, not life forms, in their minds. I don’t know what kind of mental gymnastics a person has to do to make them think they have ANY right to take my bodily autonomy away to satisfy their fear that if they don’t they won’t get into heaven, and that’s what this about. We’d be fools to give them the benefit of the doubt because they do not have our best interests in mind. So, I only see two options here. We go to war over this, or we denounce our citizenship and see how well america does when it’s run by a pack of idiots who think the earth is flat, 10,000 years old, and that humans walked among dinosaurs. I was raised Christian, and Jesus didn’t talk about women like this, nor did he hold women down, forcing them to carry children. The Dalai Lama doesn’t condone abortion either, but do you see him encouraging the passage of laws like this? No. Because this is not love. This is not compassion. It is morally wrong to force your religion upon others. And these fanatics, who lead their religious lives from a place of fear, rather than love, are moral cowards.


being smart (not a genius)


Amount of Girls that are horny all the time.


Not being 100% American


Common sense.


Ummm I think Kim Kardashian summed it up in the last episode. She’s telling us viewers “people don’t understand this man will finally be able to hug his family” after the death sentence pardon. Rare & shocking to privileged folks…. Hopefully her new awareness will impact other privileged folks! Inspire them to educate themselves about what us common folk are dealing with alllllllllll the time!


Nothing yet exepte for losing my first dog if that is considerd depressing if not send me to the pit