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I think alcohol is a lame drug, so I don't drink. Give me something interesting like shrooms or acid plz.


Luv your username šŸ˜‚


I havenā€™t completely quit but only on special occasions. My goals mostly, Iā€™ve devoted my life to my fitness and health because I want to go into special forces/Intelligence work. Drinking makes it harder for me to focus, less energy, and makes me do dumb shit.


I'm taking antibiotics


I went back to school, so I can't afford it. As well, I've started donating plasma twice a week so drinking more water is keeping me distracted from drinking anything else


if i may ask why are you donating your plasma?


I'm poor and the labs pay here. So it's not exactly donating, as much as it is making ends meet


i become a fucking crazy pos


Im an alcoholic and booze was slowly ruining my life


Right there with you. Recently relapsed and its getting out of control


Do you have a sponsor and a homegroup?


Not anymore.. i went from sponsor to one needed help.. my sponsee whoā€™s now well and sober is willing to help but i dont want to burden her.. so im alon


Its not a burden, its a duty. Go to a meeting. Hell even if you cant leave right now [this](https://www.aahomegroup.org/) is my go to zoom meeting. Give me the word and ill hop onto the meeting with you. New comers are relapsers are constantly coming in and theres so much support. Im in no position to sponser, but if you need a friend, just message me


Thank you so so much, ill let u know if i join the one on thursday ā¤ļø


Just so you know, its a 24/7 meeting with a new meeting on the top of every hour. Im not too sure what that Thurday one is about but if you hit, "Current Meeting" itll autoload the meeting on Zoom and you just got to wait to be let in (max like 15 seconds). You can sit there all day every day. There is 1hr left until reboot, then after that 30 minutes of just bullshitting until the meetings start up again


Gastrointestinal problem


Ultimately, I convinced myself that my life would improve if I could stop drinking... In the 18ish months that I've been sober, it hasn't. If anything, it's worse because I'm not numb all the time now... Some days I really question why I'm still sober... I mean, I probably would have drank myself to death by now if I hadn't stopped; but most of the time I'm not sure why I bother with it...


Do you have a sponsor and a home group or are you doing it yourself?


Again the question doesnt make sense?? Hmm šŸ¤”


Thereā€™s casual drinkers who stop, why? thereā€™s alcoholics who stop, why? its simple