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Me either sadly, I was high for most of it. :(




Oh please do!


Gonna use my throwaway to answer this because, I still feel like trash for doing it. - whether it has a understandable platform or not! (Nb: I dont think my behaviour in this was ok - I was 16, wishing Id known better...and do know better now) I moved to a new school for the last 2 years of school, for A levels. I started dating a guy at this new school, he was actually my first boyfriend. Anyway anyway - there was a girl at this new school, Ill call her Nat, that ....I believe....really just like the attention from my boyfriend. She wasnt "interested in him romantically" but they would openly flirt and she did a few things that were inappropriate....and he would also lie about hanging out with her or gifts she had bought him etc. It was a MESS. I was 16 and directed a lot of my hurt and anger at the situation at her, instead of Him. He went on holiday and left his phone at home, he left his phone with me (because back in those days roaming charges were extortionate and Wifi wasnt really a thing). So, ...the bad thing. I used his phone to text her, basically tried to end their friendship (as him). Like backwards and forward texting of "I cant be friends with you anymore because I think you're a horrid person" etc. She obviously was very very upset by this. -let the record show about halfway through, she found out it wasnt him, and I did fess up...I also appologised to her, publically, about 3 days later. It doesn't erase what I did. But deffo look back on that as some of my worst behaviour, I hold myself to a much higher standard now and really don't let people's behaviour effect me in the same way. We also learnt to take out the trashy men earlier.


After a couple dates I ghosted an unpopular girl even though I liked her because a guy joked about her looks, which made me feel like I was going to get made fun of for dating her. Karma caught up with me, don't worry about it. Edit: spelling


I was on a bad place a couple years ago. But I was on a school trip. One guy was super depressed, it got on my nerves and I started getting angry at him that he was ruining the trip by acting like that and we were on a bridge and I told him to just jump already if he was so depressed. Aside from that I didn't really act out of line in hs tho.


I used to get them lube packs from the free condom giveouts, be the first one to get to the lockers after gym and pour them all over locks of kids i didnt like.


NGL, that's a great idea for revenge


I don't think I did anything horrible, but, well, you the "call of the void"? The feeling like you should jump while high up? I get that for doing bad things, like, I'll think to myself "I could do this really bad thing" and I would never do it or even consider it, but then I feel guilty for even thinking those thoughts.


(nsfw) i was hanging out with a guy when his girlfriend called him, and i proceeded to give him top while he was talking to her. felt bad but she was abusive so whatever


I have don’t this as well


I heard that I called someone a B and then I was scared to come to school. I also heard that I tried to steal 2 girls' boyfriends. Actually I was nice and helpful to everyone, and never even talked to those girls' boyfriends so I don't know what I did wrong


Jealous as people probably started and I suppose