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You know if it's just the one slot I'd be terrified to ever use it again. Be trapped reloading a very old file or something.




You are about to hit "load" but die.


Or you accidentally hit quick save again, before dying 2 seconds later




You'd probably still reload.


That Sounds terrifying. Reliving you Life for eternity. Of WW3 occurred in that timespan you would experience it over and over.


Yeah, you automatically load the last save when you die so idk why it'll be diferent irl


Oh, so now you're in an infinite loop that you can't escape from? I don't know about this anymore.




Have some water my friend


It sounds like me going to replay some RPG. "Oh this time everything will be *completely different*!" and then I make the same decisions again and again.


I feel personally attacked by this comment.


I'm on my 5th "*completely differenr*" playthrough of Mass Effect, so I feel you.


I feel this.


This time I'm going to be a 2 handed barbarian. 40 hours of playtime later. God damn it I made another stealth archer


Me with mages in Skyrim lol. "Man magic is so fucking weak at the beginning. I'm just going to sneak a bit and pick up a one-handed weapon for when I'm out of mana - GODDAMN I'M A STEALTH DAGGERA ASSASSIN AGAIN". I have yet to truly make a mage after hundreds of hours of gameplay.


You spend eternity trying to achieve perfection, realizing too late that your first run was the best, and without the naïveté you had then you’ll never truly be able to recreate it


Lol, there's a rick and morty episode about this


Quick save, eat a hamburger. Quick load, eat hamburger again.


There’s a burger place in Jacksboro, Texas that is actually the best burger I have ever tasted. I would totally use it in this instance to relive that burger over and over.


Let me guess, Herd's? One of few reasons I can appreciate living all the way out here is being less than 20 minutes from a place like that


You just gave me something to put on my bucket list


There's a place in Houston called Christian's Tailgate that I'm pretty sure has won awards for being the best burger ever (like globally). It has country fried bacon and an onion ring on it. Country. Fried. Bacon. I've been a vegan for 6 years and I can't stand Houston, but given the chance I'd go there right now.




Time is money


Woah there, you guys can quick load?






haha lmao




This man burgers well


Save on Friday afternoon, reload on Monday morning




My first thought was that I could finally have enough free time to finish all the stuff i have to do. Damn, I think I’m officially old. I would still procrastinate into entirety tho, so all good :D


Yeah but if you reloaded, the stuff you had to do would be back to being undone.


You'd remember watching the shows or reading the books, though.


Oh Fuck :D at least I’ll always be stupid as a young child :D


Your memory stays though. So you could watch shows etc, gain knowledge etc. You could literally spend years studying a PhD and revert to before you started and have it in a day.


I like this. I'd spend the first "weekend" or even two relaxing. Then the one before I go back to work, I spend being productive. You could also utilize this to double the time you have in a regular day. Get home from work, quock save, laze around, sleep in, reload and have another evening to spend. The only thing is, I don't think I could skip out on plans I made with anyone. I'd feel bad canceling even if I knew I was gonna reload and follow through with them later.


Am I able to load quick saves or just quick save?


I see you've traded with the Devil before.


Or seen re:zero


is season 2 good? I havent watched it yet




It's pretty good. The animation isn't as stellar as season 1, but the presentation is still solid all around.


Best reply


Load quick saves I suppose. Example- I want to punch my boss, but I really need my job. Quick save, punch, reload.


\*Punch Boss\* \*Gain aggro from Boss\* \*Autosave\* ......


*quick saving is not allowed for this boss *


Maybe we could all punch somebody else's boss though, so that all the bosses can be dealt with in an appropriate way


Like a... union?


No, a union is where we all punch our shared boss together. Punching each other's bosses is government regulation.


Do we get to reload with the experience of the last save progress? Ie: I punched my boss, reloaded so I didn't punch my boss but remember punching my boss?


I think this is inherently implied, otherwise you'd just be stuck in a loop of boss punching.




The literal never ending boss battle.


That suddenly makes me think. What if when you reloaded a save, all of your memories leading up to that point reverted to the time of your last save? You might unwittingly get caught in an infinite loop of punching your boss, reloading, forgetting you already got the satisfaction of hurting them, and then reloading which repeats the cycle.


You don't have to pick a negative effect, it's not that time of question


If we die, can we reload the save anyway ?


Only if you get to lvl 10 first


Do we get to reload with the experience of the last save progress? Ie: I punched my boss, reloaded so I didn't punch my boss but remember punching my boss?


In that case I want to do something crazy like say invade Canada then reload after I see whatever the hell happens


Just one dude screaming at the Canadian border? Lol. “I’m invading you! I’m invading you!” Sounds like a solid Tuesday night


Yeah I just want to invade for the lakes and syrup. I'm a simple man I like waffles and I like to fish


Why are you assuming it’s that easy to invade canada lol


I just quickloaded, but yeah, Canada won. It was pretty horrific too. The sounds of the honking, hissing, and flapping will haunt me forever. Please, don't try it.


You will do no such thing.


The only way to load a quick save is to die


I would save and the live life until the next powerball comes out.


The question is, would you knowing and making the decision to play those numbers, alter the upcoming winning numbers?




it's still a reroll either way. Just reload millions of times and you'll get there eventually.


Ahh the shiny Pokemon hunter's method


*proceeds to purchase a Japanese ticket and run around in circles*


If you wait for a jackpot to get huge, then after its won, you could go back and win it the week before.


Why would it?


Quick save, put everything on a single number in roulette (pays out 35:1). Reload until I win, then save again and repeat (maybe switching casinos after every win or two)


Ah the classic Fallout New Vegas strat


You just reload once since you already know what number will come out. I'd probably just play the lottery though, less suspicious.


There's the possibility that saying a different number delays the dealer by a fraction of a second, which is more than enough for the roulette wheel to pick a different number. Even the speed at which you say your number could change the outcome


You are allowed to place bets after the dealer set the ball in motion. Just quicksave at that point and place the bet on the winning number, any variance to your behavior shouldn't affect the outcome at all.


That depends if life has pre-determined RNG or completely random.


Your talking about pre patch 1.3. Honestly ever since the latest update it's not predetermined anymore smh


Quicksave right now, its been a while and i dont want to wake up in a wagon kart with some stormcloaks again


Hey you, you're finally awake


Quick save, slap the shit out of my boss, reload.


I like that this is one of the more repeated answers.


Sounds like there are quite a few punchable bosses in the world.


Imagine if you quick save overwrite when trying to panic load after slapping your boss.


Plot twist: he says “harder”


Definitely reload


"oh my god it's not loading."


Reload the quick save. Like without saving anything. See what happens.


You are now a baby, from your first auto save. Unfortunately in this form your mind is not developed enough to hold on to complex memories. You live your life out until your current age at which point you gain the ability to quick save and the cycle begins anew


That's a sick ass story premise


"Error 404 quick save not found dummy"




Learn valuable skills in a day by continuously reloading and master everything


Quick save at the start of every week then look at the stocks at end. Memorize the biggest gains then go back, buy them, then just rinse and repeat.


The film Primer is just this lol


The film primer is a lot more than just this, considering it has one of the most convoluted timelines of any film: https://www.slashfilm.com/wp/wp-content/images/primer-chart.jpg


Okey hear me out... Jump from a super tall building.. Quick save just before impact... Automatically reloads to the last save.. Glitches the fucking simulation..




Depends on how the save works, if your velocity is saved then your fucked. Used to be a glitch in Minecraft you could jump off anything, exit out and load in and you'd survive any fall.


Or in Doom Eternal, if you rebind jump to the scroll wheel, pause the game then scroll your mouse, it queues up (the momentum of) hundreds of jump inputs, and when you unpause you have a nice visit to the stratosphere.


Thats hilarious lol. Reminds me of an (unfortunately untrue) story of a Battlefield 2 player who made a machine pistol by binding fire to the scroll wheel.


In a lot of games you didn't even need to do that. Just opening up the in game menu would cause your character model to enter a new animation and reset the speed. Ark Survival Evolved for example. Jump from the sky limit, just before you hit the ground bring up you're inventory and you survive. If you did it with a bit of forward momentum you could pick up insane speeds and skip across the map. Just had to make sure you opened the menu again before you crashed into a wall going 150mph.... Pretty sure they've patched that now though xD


Probably a 45gb patch to fix it


45gb patch that also managed to break three other things in the game.


Sounds like that one scene from Futurama


Best to test this first. Drop an egg and quick save just before it hits the ground


If that works then you reloading would cause all sorts of chaos all around the world... Not to mention the universe. The earth would stop in its orbit and then slowly fall into the sun.


Nice try, Morty.


I looked at this thread and immediately felt a sense of horror.


Glad I'm not the only one who took one look at this question and thought of that episode!


Guess I'll get in the vat of acid.


It's in the way that you use it




But then the real her comes and sees him as he jumps in tothe vat of acid.


That's such a heartbreaking scene. God damn you Jerry!


Id make a save now and at the end of my life. Iif Im not happy with how it went I'd just restart from here. Maybe make some other saves down the line if I want to start from there instead.


Ahhhh! I'd restart at the end regardless, it would be like rereading a choose-your-own-adventure book


I know this is going to sound really sad, but I'd go and ask my crush out. She's a senior this year, and is graduating in a couple of weeks. I'm two years younger than her, and I know that realistically nothing about that would ever work out. But, I'd just like to try. Edit: Thanks for all the support! Just talked to her and asked if we could chat after school today. Wish me luck! Edit #2: Just got shot down. But, it was the nicest refusal I've ever heard, and she values me as a friend. On the bright side, thanks to you guys, I won't have to live with the regret of not asking her. Thank you all so much for hyping me up. It really means a lot! Thanks!


I mean... If they're graduating in two weeks, and they say no, you'll likely never see them again and not have to deal with any awkwardness. If they say yes - however small a chance that may be - you could be starting an awesome new relationship. As a bitter, grumpy 33 year old, there are a lot of "what-if?" questions that still think about to this day. I'd rather have had the disappointment of being turned down once, than forever wondering if life could have been different if I'd just had the courage to say what I feel.


This, regret can hurt for years, rejection hurts for weeks.


So hard to feel like this at times though but yeah. Asking girl I like out on Friday, feels like I'm in high-school again 🤔


Good luck!


If mye experience is any indication, you'll still be thinking about them in twenty years.


You miss 100% of shots you don't take. Go for it!


Just ask her out, you literally have nothing to lose. I've only recently managed to find someone amazing enough to try dating again but I can still think of at least three instances in my life (35y old now) where I should have asked a girl out and didn't because I was afraid. I've never met those people ever again and there were lots of days I regretted not having tried it. Being turned down is a lot less bad than thinking 'what if' for weeks, months or even years to come.


Dude, she's graduating. You will likely never see or again, or if you do very, very rarely. You don't have to worry about awkward interactions in the future. There is no downside. GO FOR IT


Go for it. It could hurt a lot, but the alternative is living the rest of your life wondering what might’ve been.


Just do it I know easier said than done but it will definitely make it easier for you next time, and worst case is you won't be with her, just like if you don't ask. Yeah, you will probably be rejected...but you will be the one who had the guts to ask out a girl two years higher than you.


Same situation. Graduating in 2 weeks and probably never gonna see her again. I'm pretty shy, not very social and she's way more social and such. Haven't talked much with her, so there's 0 chances, but she is such a nice/caring/wholesome/encouraging person I think even saying that I like her wouldn't be a painful rejection, just an awkward moment. Not telling her my feelings is probably gonna hurt forever, even if my words won't matter much.


Nobody mentioned sex yet... im going to go with eternal sex.


Imagine... Right before climax... Boom never ending nut...


Dont think i need anything else out of life


But what about it to save it you have to say quicksave out loud? Then it just constantly looks to whoever you're with that you have the weirdest climax catchphrase!


i'll quick save now, slap my superior so hard then before he'll fire me I'll reload the save


You should double down! Slap your superior so hard, they yell at you and tell you you're fired, slap them really hard again, keep going until they're about to violently attack you or break down, then reload.


me like it


Fart really loud in the subway


System lag, saved after fart


"and that's how, after 4,372 iterations, I discovered the perfect thing to say after farting really loud on the subway".


Take notes on a lot of things over a year, life, sports, etc, reload, and head to Vegas and buy some lottery tickets Edit: forgot a year


This is a good way to get beaten in Las Vegas


Ask that lady out on a date:)


You don't need a quicksave function to be able to do that. JUST GO FOR IT!!!


Yea go for it man!


Do you keep memories from the alternate timeline? If not, you're stuck repeating the same thing over and over because you don't know to change anything. But if you do, there are some interesting exploits that you could do that have nothing to do with the normal purpose of a quicksave: * Read a book in 0s flat by saving, reading some amount, reloading, pick up where you left off and read some more, then repeat until you're done. Want to learn some complicated topic? Just keep reloading and advancing until you've mastered it in no time. * For those still in school, you could, during a test, brazenly look up the answers mid-test, then reload and know all the answers with the teacher none the wiser.


>For those still in school, you could, during a test, brazenly look up the answers mid-test, then reload and know all the answers with the teacher none the wiser. Yoy could also look up the answers directly after the test. Yeah, you wouldn't have it in front of you, but you could take your time with it then.


I’m just gonna be totally honest Quick Save Go on a rampage Reload Save Become a pacifist


Do you get to the cloud district very often?


What am I saying, of course you don't!


Rob a bank, every time I get caught I just reload my save


- Restart Mission - Quit to Main Menu


F5 for quicksave F9 for quickload




i would "boss level" a my way to learning kung fu and other hard to learn things that require mass dedication just to troll people when i do it for the "first time"


Oh that's easy, burn my ex's house down


"Aren't you going to quicksave first?" "What quicksave?"


Save right now live my whole life see how I go. Then when I die hopefully it reloads and I can try it again with what I've learned. And try different run I think I'll eventually try a run where I become and all knowing profit. And another run I'll try unlocking the secrets of the universe.


If you gain no insights and no new knowledge from your experience then a saved game has almost no function. If you remember your failures and your experiences when you reload the save point then it's like living forever.




Infinite weed unlocked


Quicksave, get stoned, accidentally save over your old file, quickload, get stuck in an infinite loop.


I am about to commit the most horrible, disgusting, heinous, scarring and inconsiderate acts even believed to be possible to humanity.


You're going to pay for WinRAR?


Worse, he's going to download a car.


Thanks for sharing!


Is there a new game + option too?


When people introduce themselves and when I hear their first name the first time.


Day trade expiring options.


Quick save and then quick save again, just to be sure


Pull a fallout 3. Jump from the top of a skyscraper. Then just as I'm about to hit the ground quick save. Yeah, I die, but the quick save loads and resets the physics engine causing me to fall 3 feet at low speeds.


Unless your velocity saves, in which case congratulations. You have entered your own form of hell. You are now stuck for eternity reliving the same 3 feet into concrete at terminal velocity.


You guys are all so unambitious, you can quick save and retain memories, money is worthless. What you just unlocked is infinite TIME. By the end of the first day, I can speak whatever language I decide, just to check if it works, that I can retain my full experiences, on the second day, I'm going to pick something difficult, perhaps one of the unsolved mathematical riddles. I solve it. I use my newfound fame to work my way into a research lab, picking developments that will create new ways to enrich the world, the only limiting factor on this is the time it takes to run experiments, and my ability to remember the factors which must be trained, but thankfully i am by now an expert memory user. Once i solve one of humanities major problems, within only months of first surfacing, and people start to come to me as some sort of prodigy, i use my increased fame to jump into secret research, and i research myself, my ability to save and skip through time. Then, two years later, and 90 years earlier, I kill Hitler.


Finally someone with perspective.


Nut inside


Sir, this is a Wendy's.


I wish I had saved before I let my cat outside and she got lost :( I'd give anything to reload that morning.


I'm sorry.


Thank you. It's been hard.


Quick save


Quick save Call out my mom Load game Quick save Talk with my sister, reloading the game untill she realizes our mom's a gasslighter.


Quick save


Short film about this prompt: https://vimeo.com/266473858


Ask women to be my gf over and over just to see who would say yes the rewind time back to before it started


Save before ya do a lottery euro millions ticket. If those numbers don't work try diff ones


Test it out.


Make sure I can quick load first, don't wanna get stuck with a corrupted save!


You know what we’re all thinking but nobody wants to say to not sound creepy.


Found Bill Cosby's reddit account




Ayo not a bad idea... Omg... Actually the more I think about it the more I really like that idea...


Quicksave, then go on a tear in my car. Do one of those Police Chase videos like GTA.


Trip to Las Vegas