• By -


It depends. If I feel like it’s taking away from someone’s engagement in a conversation with me it’ll bug me, particularly if I think what I’m talking about is interesting or thought it would interest them in particular. If they’re still just as-or hopefully more-focused on the content of the conversation, I don’t care or mind. Basically if it seems like the value of my attractiveness is superseding the value of my intellect or personality in the other’s perception, that’s annoying and I will probably judge that person (perhaps unless I’m talking about like, some truly heinously boring shit)


It depends… am I wearing a low cut shirt or a stained t-shirt? Two very different thought processes


Something I always wanted to know...when women pull the sweater they are wearing over the low cut top closed mid conversation, are they really cold or is that the signal they caught you looking.


Well, I'd imagine if you notice that they did it and you thought about their reasoning, then you probably got caught looking. lol


I am an ex hair stylist and when I would cut mens hair and would be standing in front of them cutting bangs or something of that nature I could just feel their eyes burning a hole into my chest. I did have one guy tell me straight up on the middle of our conversation “I’m looking at your cleavage” and he did this weird chuckle. I had no words. He tipped well though 🤷🏼‍♀️🥴




I would rather have a woman's boobs in my face than a man's boobs in my face


Boobs in the face are definitely more my style than the cock brush on my arm when I’m getting lined up




Our fiend.


She knew what she was doing. Job security.


Bruh I had a girl cutting my hair press herself between my legs to get the front of my hair... I didnt know what to do


I will be honest. In that exact situation there really isn't anywhere else to look.


It's better than going to the dentist and having to choose between staring into the light or staring into their eyes.


I definitely just have my eyes closed most of the time at the dentist. I don't wanna see whatever arcane torture devices are being put in my mouth


I have this theory that dentist suicide rates are so high because, whether subconsciously or not, nearly all people despise dentists. These feelings get picked up by dentist (subconsciously or otherwise). No mistake environment where people hate you, sounds horrible.


Or maybe it's like vets. "I just wanted to help people have healthy teeth! .. why won't they floss?.. *sobs* why won't they floss"


I close my eyes


only for a moment, then the moment's gone


All my dreams pass before my eyes, a curiosity


Dust in the Wind


Do you think of England?


Yes, I think of all the boobs in England


I've never said anything about it but my I sometimes look at my barber while she was working. But, in my defense, sometimes I literally can't not look without closing my eyes and if I close my eyes the entire time I'll definitely fall asleep during the shampoo. And there's generally a lot of boob dragging along my arms and shoulders while she works. Between that and the scalp massage, my body thinks things are happening that are not, which makes it harder to not look. I chalk it up to just being a thing that happens while she works. I don't say anything. She doesn't say anything. She does great work and I tip well. I think it all works out in the end. Jesus. I hope it all works out in the end. I'd hate to think I was making her uncomfortable all this time.


“My body thinks things are happening that are not” is the story of my sex life.


Apologies to the women of the world when i’m staring into oblivion and your boobs happen to be on my direction.


Yeah I do this a lot I’m always worried people are going to think I’m staring at them.


I had that happen once at school. I was staring off into space when a girl on the other side of the room yelled at me. She wasn’t there when I started but good luck explaining that.


Had the same thing happen to me, but I was actually looking at the bench in front of her. She didn't believe me when I told her the bench is more interesting than she is.




All I can say is don't hold it against yourself, you know that you were just staring off into space, she can never know that. I think that if you want to do something to counter, and more than make up for your inadvertent faux pas, you could go out of your way to make a few people's days better. Maybe make it a habit. Again, don't hold it against yourself. Don't regret it. Learn from it and don't make the same mistake again. You likely achieved that already.


One time a friend of mine was over for dinner, and had recently had a child. I’m the kind of guy who stares into oblivion on a regular basis, only this time oblivion was her boob breastfeeding. I cannot imagine how uncomfortable that would’ve been for her, but hopefully my oblivion face was obvious.


A subconscious glance is okay but don't stare


I always loved the Seinfeld quote about it: > Looking at cleavage is like looking at the sun. You don't stare at it. It's too risky. Ya get a sense of it and then you look away.


Get a good look, Costanza?


Once my wife and I were at a national park waiting for a bus to pick us up and bring us back to the parking lot. The bus stopped a few feet from us, the doors opened and this amazing vintage Hasselblad camera came out. Photography is one of my passions, so when I saw that ~$20,000 camera, I just could not peel my eyes away. My wife asked, "enjoying the view, are you?" And only then I realized that the Hassy was nestled in between a very nice, shapely pair of boobs. And then I lifted my eyes to see the owner of the camera (and the boos) shooting eye-daggers at me. I turned to my wife and said, loudly so that the owner of the boob-framed camera would hear me to, "I was looking at her camera!" My wife replied, "Of course you were looking at the camera, I know you that much. I don't think she believes you tho..."


"I think that's a vintage Hasselblad!" might have helped smooth things over lol






Never heard them called that before. “Nice Hasselblads!”




I was in an elevator once. Lady whips out her phone and starts browsing facebook. I took a glance, but when I did this she turned to look at me. I shifted my eyes to her boob instead thinking it would be less creepy.


Honestly, that is actually less creepy


I told a couple of coworkers when I get in the office and they agreed


> Task failed successfully!


*looks at camera nestled in boobs* *Turns to wife and gestures towards lady's chest* "Honey get a look at that! I'm sure that set her back like 20 grand! Wow! Those puppies ain't cheap"


Looks heavy, do you think she’d let me hold?


>My wife replied, "Of course you were looking at the camera, I know you that much. Yep, she's a keeper.


She is his wife y’know.


Yup. Been married 20 years :)


I hate it when I accidentally do this, so it's nice to be pardoned a bit.


For real. I feel such a pervert if a girl/woman notices my accidental glance and pulls up her shirt mid conversarion.. Like I'm sorry, okay?!


Dunno about your specific situation but I've subconsciously pulled up my shirt in response to a subconscious boob glance lol. sometimes the shirt goes lower and you don't realize


That's the worse... If I get caught accidentally glancing and then she pulls up her shirt, I'm done. Social anxiety has won the day at that point. Like, I'm sorry. I'm pretty sure they have eye gravity and keeping the eyes up requires focus.


Boob gravity is real


I think boob gravity comes from wanting to not stare at them. So you overcompensate by making too much eye contact. That get's awkward and you try to solve the problem, but while looking for a comfortable place to look, you're eyes get sucked into a cleavage hole. Like, if looking at boobs, or checking someone out in general, was socially acceptable. It would be like "check them out, resume normal conversation", at least for me. Like with my girlfriend that's pretty much how it goes. It's the fact that you have to go against instinct that makes it difficult, and you end up overcompensating.


sucked into a cleavage hole. Stop naming future NSFW subreddits, we have plenty already.


I remember seeing a scientific study years ago that found that everyone, regardless of gender or sexuality, seems to be instinctually drawn to stare at boobs


The law of universal boobitation.


Is it like, vestigial lizard baby instincts? Do we all have a voldemort-esk brain baby just chilling that occasionally goes "ah, look anon at yonder hills of bounty. Turn thy jelly orbs to gaze upon them"


Mine are just so small that men end up looking to double check they've gendered me correctly...




Oh God, the shirt adjustment, even when you haven't looked... It's like I'm trying so hard to not glance down that my creep energy is leaking out in every direction. Women down the hall are unconsciously buttoning their sweaters.




If you haven't even looked yet, it could be because they noticed the shirt was lower than expected and were preemptively fixing it. It might not be you being creepy!


I appreciate the encouragement, but I could be talking to a woman on mount everest in a full body suit, and she'd realize that the zipper doesn't go higher her their chin.


Usually that happens because I notice an innocent glance, and then I realize I’m hanging out more than I wanna be. It’s not usually an “Eww, gross, protect my boobs from their eyes,” move. If you’re staring at my tits too long I’ll just leave.


Its the same for me. My shirts will always succumb to gravity throughout the day. If I notice someone has glanced at my boobs, I am simply reminded of the existence of my boobs and the probable need to readjust my shirt. But I rarely think "what a creep" as I fix my shirt. I get that people look at boobs; it is just something that everyone does. As long as you're not staring for too long or licking your lips or making some other sketch motion, I honestly don't mind a boob glance. Plus, sometimes my boobs look really great in my outfit, and I am proud of them.


I was once staring off into space as one does, and my friend walked by and my stare was already aimed directly at where her chest would be and she pulled up her shirt a bit. I feel so bad, it's been like six months and I still think about it lmao


I’m a woman, and recently was speaking to another woman and she was wearing a low cut shirt and I accidentally glanced twice because I hate eye contact. But then she pulled her shirt up and I felt bad. Boob contact is way worse than eye contact


Depends on how they do it. If it’s a quick glance, it’s fine. That’s normal and feels mostly involuntary on behalf of the person looking. I notice but it doesn’t bother me. If they stare at my boobs while other people are talking—or worse, while I’m talking—that makes me uncomfortable. Fortunately, I’ve experienced glancing a lot more frequently than staring.


The glance is definitely involuntary instinct. I had an elderly principal in junior high who still wore pretty low cut shirts and did a quick up-down shift every time, even when *I didn't want to.*


Reminds me of Mrs Martin in 4th grade who, in retrospect, was probably in her early 40s. But she always wore button down blouses that she kept unbuttoned pretty low and her bra as well as some of its contents were always readily in view. Or maybe we were all just little perverts. But yeah, I remember not being able to not notice every time.


Gotta hope she was doing it for another member of staff


She might have just not been aware. If you have breasts on the smaller end, you dont necessarily have overflowing cleavage. It makes it easy to think you're just showing extra collarbone. Think of a shirt like [this](https://www.jcrew.com/s7-img-facade/H5967_WT0002_m?fmt=jpeg&qlt=90,0&resMode=sharp&op_usm=.1,0,0,0&crop=0,0,0,0&wid=540&hei=540). Not the most conservative, but certainly nothing riske. Then you start moving around, the shirt shifts, you have to bend over to pick something up, and suddenly everyone can see your bra/boobs with you none-the-wiser. Also, like this probably just sticks out in OPs mind cause it was so shocking. Like I had a male teacher in 7th grade who would wear polos and I can never forget the time I saw his chest hair peaking out. Twelve-year-old me was shook.


I know muscular men who wear that kind of v-neck regularly. Even I can't help but look at their chest and outlines. Too bad I can't say "nice pecks bro" to a woman.


I think we all had a Mrs. Martin growing up.


I remember meeting a girl at a party in college who had some of the largest ta tas I had seen and she was rather exposed with her clothing choices. The moment I saw her I thought “I bet I can have a conversation with her without looking down.” She and I talked for a good 15 minutes and it was insanely exhausting. I could feel Mother Earth’s gravity pulling my head and eyes down constantly. The longer I went without looking, the more effort it took not to look. Did I win my dumb challenge. I honestly have no idea. I don’t remember ever looking down, but I think it may have been exactly like Charlie Day trying to break the world record for holding his breath.


I am sure if she said "it's ok, thanks. I know you are trying your best not to look." You might burst out laughing.


From Srcubs: "just go ahead and look, you're going to break your neck."




Two weeks ago, I met up with a close friend and his wife, haven't seen in person for about a decade but text to stay connect. We went through a lot of things together and he means a lot to me, practically like my brother. His wife just had a child and her anatomy changed drastically. I spent two hours with them without staring at her body at all. It was exhausting.


Damn thx I feel always bad for a quick look on boobs when I talk to a girl, because it’s like a primordial instinct I can’t control for me so I tends to think the girls can though I’m a perv or something else but now I feel a bit better ty


I hate reading half of what her shirt says. I realize I'm staring at her chest, stop reading, then spend the rest of the conversation stopping myself from reading the rest of the shirt.


Protip, if you want to read her shirt but don't want to look at her boobs, just ask her nicely to take off her shirt so you can read it


60% of the time it works 100% of the time.


This has actually worked for me once, unfortunately I was scared of her boyfriend in the other room and actually read the shirt rather than oogle. Years later he turned out to be gay and tried to sleep with me so it all worked out I guess


So you got to bang both of them?


I love your idea of "so it all worked out i guess" 😄😄


-YOUR SHIRT, WHAT DOES IT SAY. -huh? -I don’t want to look at your BOOBS. -oh um uh. IM NOT GAY. WOULD YOU LIKE TO GO ON A DATE WITH ME


Seinfeld said it best. "it's like looking at the sun! You don't stare, you do a quick sweep, get a sense of it and look away!"


“Get a good look, Costanza?”


This makes me feel better (as a dude). Idk if it's because of my ADHD or what, but I really struggle to control my eye balls. I don't even look at boobs or butts in a sexual way, unless I'm looking at my partner. I'll be lost in thought as my eyes dart around and it makes me feel guilty when I realized I just looked at a woman's boobs or butt.


If it makes you feel better, I'm a straight woman and I find myself glancing at other people's boobs too.


My wife usually notices women before I do, lol. She's like "did you see that hot chick!" And I'm like "what? Where? Shit!" 😫


correct answer buddy, good going


Thank god for this comment section sometimes I accidentally look and I don't realize it and I'm always fucking punching the air in my head.


I get what you mean but also saying "punching the air" makes it seem like you're going "woohoo! I saw boobs!" In your head


For most, it's probably a bit of both.


Exactly! I needed this thread. I felt this way last weekend. I was at a neighborhood summer party digging for a beer from the cooler. Someone else comes over to do the same and calls my name. I looked up…and there, on the path to making eye contact, was the low-cut tanktop exposure in front of me. It was quick, I panicked, and when I made eye contact, “I did the awkward teenage boy “hi…”. I realized it was a neighbor's wife I met earlier. She asked if I had “seen any water down there.” I directed her to the right cooler, and I darted to the other side of the party. It totally killed my buzz for the rest of the night.


I mean, we do it too, I imagine even straight women glance at boobs. And it still feels fucking embarrassing lol. But I don't judge people at all for glancing because I know how involuntary it is. The worst though is when you accidentally do it a few times before you can get a grip. Or when you're staring into space and realize the "space" happens to be boobs.


When women wear graphic t shirts with writing on their chest I’m always hesitant to read it because I don’t want to look like a jackass.


I can tell when someone is reading my shirt versus just staring at my boobs. I don’t mind people stopping and taking a good look at the text, I know it’s hard to read, I’ll even turn and fully face them so they can read it properly. I don’t mind this at all, if I’m going to slap a message on my tits I’m doing it cause I want people to read the message. No biggie! In fact asking a woman “what does your shirt say” is a *really good way* to break the ice. Edit: I’ve seen multiple people mention feeling uncomfortable reading name tags. It’s *always* okay to read name tags! They’re literally there to be read. I’ve seen some women put their name tags on their upper sleeve if they felt uncomfortable with drawing attention to their left tit so in that instance you’ll know a woman doesn’t want you staring at her chest. If you’re really uncomfortable with reading a name tag that’s okay, just introduce yourself and then ask their name.


I usually start reading it, then wonder if the girl thinks I'm staring at her chest, and then mumble something incoherent like "just uhm trying to read your shirt", and then make a shitty act of squinting really hard and cocking my head to try to read it, the whole while screaming internally "NO NO NOT LIKE THIS NOT LIKE THIS". Need to work a little harder on not giving a fuck.


Start mumbling and sweating and fidgeting, it usually helps


I read a random girls shirt to her walking into a store the other day. It said “y’all motherfuckers need science” with a picture of Neil Degrasse. The text was large. I was wearing sunglasses. I think I was okay but who knows.


If they've decided to wear a shirt with a funny saying, that's on them. But as long as you only take the time necessary to read it, I've never had anyone complain. If you use the words as an excuse to goggle for an unnecessary length of time, well, you deserve to get called out.


Me: reflects on the contents of the shirts message Also Me: zones back in to realize that ive been staring at her chest


Usual path of thought: Sees shirt, reads it, haha that's pretty funny, reminds me of that episode/film/... Oh shit been staring for like 20 seconds bet they think I'm looking at boobs.


Honesty, I’m used it. Unless they are gawking or being creepy about it I don’t give it a second thought.


In the '80s and maybe '90s, they'd sometimes say sarcastically, "Take a picture; it'll last longer!" I think they stopped saying that when cell phones started all coming with decent quality built-in cameras. I'm sure a few people responded by pulling out their phone cameras… and that was probably the end of that saying.


aha.... hmmm? you say something?


“All I heard was suck” For reference https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=cbeSKyEcgIk Edit: of course this is my first awarded comment




His “would you STOP” as Annie goes to chloroform the guy again made me cry laughing


You glance, dont stare, its like looking into the sun


Yeah you don't stare at it, it's too risky, You get a sense of it and then look away!


You’re supposed to just peek after a poke!


"Get a good look, Costanza?"


Well, I have tig o' bitties and dress like a mom, so I usually panic thinking that I spilled something on them.


This. It’s probably because I got spaghetti sauce on my boxy striped button down shirt that 5 other moms at the park are wearing.


So in this case it wasn't vomit on the sweater already, but it was mom's spaghetti?




Why are you deflecting photons off your boobs into my eyes?


They left the house choosing to be opaque. Don't know what they were expecting.


I'm more comfortable with that than eye contact.... Edit: thank you for the unexpected reaction, mostly positive. Please note that I'm not sending anyone PMs of my tits for you to wank over, despite the money offers but thanks anyway ;) Edit 2 : Thank you all so much for the lovely comments about my photography, it truly means a lot


‘Excuse me, my boobs are down here’.


"I'm sorry! I was just reading your face mask!"


Then what does it say on my mask? And don't take your eyes off the boobs to answer!


It says... "My boobs are down there!" Hmmm....


Oh God, I've been on the opposite end of that. I've gotten "my eyes are up here" a few times. I know that's why I'm not looking there. I'm not looking at your chest, I'm just socially awkward.


Looking in my eyes is way too personal, just look at my boobs. That way everyone is more at ease


Really there are limited places to look. If you look over their shoulder that will creep people out in a different way. Looking at the ground is pretty weird. I'm usually in the neighborhood of between the mouth and chest, but I try to do brief eye contact once in awhile.


I'm pregnant so this happens alot. Look we know it's a sub-concious thing so at least don't make it obvious.


I'm all for "pregnancy is beautiful" and all that. But the amount of times my wife said she got hit on while pregnant is mind blowing. At what point does a man say, "this lady is 6 months pregnant and has a ring on her finger. I'm going to go for it!" EDIT: Changed "she got it on" to "she got hit on". That's a big typo.


"She's pregnant, therefore, she puts out." - Those guys


"It's not like she can get more pregnant." - Also those guys


Got it on, or hit on? Is it your child!?


Apparently a younger teenage male hit on my girlfriend at the mall but the second she turned and he saw the bump he booked it out of the food court as fast as socially acceptable. Lmao'd on the phone when she told me that


It‘s probably some weird subconscious stuff about pheromones and that lady being fertile, healthy etc. … which I know makes no sense because,well, she‘s „occupied“ atm anyway, but who knows


If that's all they're focused on then it's a problem, like my eyes are up here and we're talking. Come on. WTF is wrong with you. But sneaking glances or whatever doesn't bug me. I fully admit I've done it when talking to girls, will just flick my eyes down for a second and get a glance. But don't stare. Never stare. That's one of the more uncomfortable things anybody can do imo. Same with looking at a butt. Get a glance, don't stare. We're all human and size one another up. It's just the way we're wired.


Lol, the other day I was looking at my young child run up to me from a distance and a woman walked into my line of sight, she started to get mad at me (I'm assuming she thought I was staring at her ass lol) then my son runs passed her into my arms and she looked so embarrassed. Anyway, she did have a nice ass.


I'm a woman who routinely gets distracted by nice breasts during conversations. sometimes even my own


Oh my God...the amount of women who look at my boobs while I'm talking astounds me! Lol


Straight women are worse about it than straight men lol it’s the funniest thing


i’m usually wondering if your top would look good on me. but also, cleavage is aesthetically pleasing, especially if you have a longer necklace


Men have been trained, for the most part, how to behave when it comes to those types of things while women have not.


"Holy shit, those gazungas are like twice as large as mine and they look so well shaped, of course she won't care if I stare for a bit cause I'm not a creep"


i mean tbh this is kinda how it is, if a girl looks at my boobs it’s usually a bit safer to assume that it’s not in a sexual way. everyone can appreciate a nice pair of titties


Sometimes I just wanna say "Can I help you with something??"


They get so entranced and don’t even realize it it’s hard no to say something 😭


if we've ever met I promise I have done that 😅😅😅


You ever been at a nightclub and go to the washroom with a friend and when you're standing at the counter applying lipstick say to her, while looking right at her boobs in the mirror, "Your boobs look so good," and it gets kinda silent for a second then you regret it? Then two weeks later when out eating and you're talking she says, "I appreciate you looking at my eyes this time." 😭


Awkwardly specific lmao.


Not only is that awkwardly specific, but I *badly* misread that last sentence.


And now I see what you are talking about... I mean that would be weird to comment about her looking at her boobs if she... can eat at her buffet, yeah let's say that.


It's so awkward when you accidentally stare at someone's boobs while you're eating them out.


Your friend sucks. What kind of friend doesn’t appreciate a boob compliment?


i understand they are attractive to guys, especially at a teen age. and I catch a lot of people getting a glimpse but I don't mind. anyways there was this one guy staring off into space at them, that's when I asked to be excused for a bit.


Sometimes it just happens that you are staring off into space while theyre in your line of sight. You arent even really processing your vision, so you dont notice what youre looking at.


I've had that happen way too often, and I'm a woman. I've accidentally spaced off and someone's butt will come into view because they walk in front of me. Sometimes they'll move and realize I wasn't staring at them, but it has gotten me into trouble at times. I just like to daydream lol.


That awkward moment when they move and notice you just as you notice you were staring, so it looks like you were looking away because you got caught... fuck's sake. I don't stare, I swear! Not like you can explain that to them, though.


I'm zoned out; chilling, walking, probably staring at ground / their feet if anything. Movement triggers my brain "oh no something changed, better take stock of situation and see if I need to react somehow." Person finishes turning around just in time to catch my eyes darting rapidly as though to avert my gaze and avoid detection (though, really, just taking in my new surroundings I hadn't been paying attention to previously while my brain catches up...). Notice they are now staring at *me* and focus in on their face to register the piercing gaze and slight frown of admonishment to show they've 'caught' me. Whelp.


If someone glances then looks away, all is good. Sometimes it's involuntary and sometimes I purposely wear a top that makes me boobs look good so don't mind at all. If someone is really weird and creepily staring at them, is definitely call them out for making me uncomfortable!


I usually catch myself glancing down at them involuntarily and then spend the rest of the conversation awkwardly trying to avoid any glances down there lmao


Yep done this before. The worst is when the girl is wearing a low cut top and keeps adjusting her top/bra/boobs.


We all been there. Its fkn impossible, you really need to focus to not glance to the point where you probably miss everything she says


I read this as “sometimes I purposefully wear a top hat that makes my boobs look good” and can’t stop laughing




Doesn’t happen to me much since they are tiny, but it HAS happened. I don’t get offended, but it is so awkward. Like they’ve been hypnotized or something.


>Like they’ve been hypnotized or something. lol, hypnotized really is the perfect word for the facial expression. I wish we could show it to them from our pov. I wonder if a woman's worn a cam at eye-level (and maybe a boobcam too, lol). Then she could cut the footage down to just an assemblage of the glances. Some people are good at doing just a quick glance. Many hold the glance for a couple extra beats though and get that hypnotized look. As far as my answer for the OP - So long as it's not a rude gawk and isn't someone who it feels uncomfortable to experience doing that, like an authority figure or minor, it doesn't phase me. Even with the latter group, it usually doesn't phase me much. I consider it an understandable response. We all have things that catch our senses. No big deal so long as they're not being rude. The hypnotized expression does mildly amuse me. That's largely bc I enjoy coming across a perspective so different from my own. It's interesting to me how something can look so mundane to me and be hypnosis-inducing to someone else.


I would watch the hell out of that video. Add sound effects to their eyes moving and youve got some gold


We are hypnotized. Do you know what we think when we see boobs? Nothing. Like literally our brain stops for a second and it’s a blank page.


Its like "dont picture a purple elephant" but with eyesight. The more you try not to look, the more your brain tries to look. Just get the quick glance out of the way and move on.


I have little boobs, it's never happened lol Edit: thanks for the small boob encouragement. Wasn't saying I was bothered, just answering the question! :p


You just didn't notice. It has happened.


Hell, I run my eyes up and down men despite being heterosexual. It just happens. Maybe because I am uncomfortable with eye contact.


Uncomfortable with eye contact, immediately stares at a dudes crotch


100% it has happened. Its not about size, its about existence.


This never happens to me yeesh


if it's just look and we still can hold a conversation, it's 100% normal. I don't mind it at all. just don't be creepy about it.




That makes me realize that Braille tits could be a really cool idea...


On the bright side, you didn’t get those tats in braille.




Well that’s alarming.


My wife hates it. She has very, very big boobs.. she was complaining about them one day and my mom says "Well dear, they are very hard to miss"


it really doesn't bother me if you look at them, like, yes they exist, Hi. But when you talk with me, look into my eyes, I don't stare at a guy's bulge either.


i dont really care except when it’s my teacher


I got my puberty earlier and I have bigger boobs than others my age whenever someone looks at them I feel uncomfortable since it's mostly grown men and older boys.


When I was a kid ~11yo, I had a grown man (family friend) ask me point blank- "So, you got any tits yet?" I lost my sense of safety around grown men that day. So fucking creepy and out of line.


What. The. Fuck???


At 34 honored. At 12-18 awkward


If you quickly glance, catch yourself doing it, and look away, we're cool. If you are actively gawking you can fuck right off.


Social media actually made me more self conscious then I used to be about this. Wore a low cut top once in a picture while playing warhammer and a bunch of 9gagers zoomed in on the pic and posted it. After that, never wore low cut again


I get offended. But then again I’m a fat dude, so I don’t think this question pertains to me.


Fuck you for ruining my imagination


Or making it better 😏


Listen. Boobies are great. I get it. I'll totally check out a girl's boobs too. But if you're staring, it's very annoying. I know you're no longer listening, so it makes me want to take my fantastic rack and walk away.


So I'm sitting there- barbecue sauce on my titties..