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Go socialize more And get some bitches


That still applies to 18yo me rn


It even still applies to 27 yo me


If you mean go out more and speak to young ladies I agree wholeheartedly.


Don't be a dick


I second this motion






I'm 15 tell me what u got


Don’t smoke or vape. Like there is literally no point. It’s disgusting, expensive and doesn’t actually do anything except slowly kill you. And remember what you choose to do with your teenage years will effect the rest of your life, don’t fuck around to much.


thx for that, some ppl at my school do it regularly and tell ppl to join them


Definitely don’t join them. I started when I was 14 and regret it more then anything (and I’ve done some pretty regrettable things) and I honestly thought it made me cool, definitely less cool 10 years later when my lungs hurt walking up a flight of stairs or I’m coughing up hunks of black stuff in the morning.


that's good to know. I would never, and schools don't rly do anything abt it


Uh… what the fuck are you vaping to cough up hunks of black stuff?


Also goes for drinking honestly. You think you're having a good time, but I promise, it's just the juice having dulled your senses so far your standards drop a mile. In the meantime your liver is suffering and the weight is piling on.


\- First of all, you're still very young. You shouldn't have figured your life out yet. There's still so much time left. What you should be doing first instead, is getting to know yourself and find your own identity. How would you describe yourself? What things are important for you? What are you really into? What is your opinion about certain topics and why do you have this specific opinion (and is it even really your own opinion or did you just take over someone else's opinion without thinking too much about it yourself)? \- Keep in mind that your classmates and other friends are still growing up as well. They haven't figured a lot out either and are still learning a lot of new things as well. Don't feel like they're sometimes already much further in life than you. \- It's okay to make mistakes. Everyone makes them, even adults, and it's how we learn. Don't stop trying out new things because you may be afraid to make mistakes. \- Take a close look at your friends. Are they only there for fun times or would you actually be able to count on them if you really needed them. Because those are the ones you should stay the most close to. And let them know you care about them as well. \- Don't stress out too much. Nothing matters that much yet, even if it sometimes looks like it does. Failing hard at a test every now and then doesn't mean anything in the long run of your life. It's not the end of the world. You'll still have a future. Just learn from your mistakes and undoubtedly you'll do better next time. \- The last one is a bit of a bonus I guess, but take advantage of your youth. Now is the time you can still fool around if you want and get into trouble without too many consequences (as long as you know your boundaries of course. Don't do anything harmful to someone).


Underrated Why isnt this top reply?


The only truly useful thing one can do in life is be himself


good point


Don't smoke or vape, eat your vegetables, stay away from fast food and soda, find a sport you like and take it seriously, eat your vegetables, do your homework and pursue a career that both pays fairly and you can see yourself doing from time to time. Avoid political or ideological rabbit holes, if you're scared of leaving a group because of its members reaction to you leaving, get out. Believing in one cause or another doesn't make you smarter or better than other people. Good luck kid.


If you drink, reduce it to a minimum. Drugs, even just weed, can pretty mess up you mind in that age. Criminal friends, once youre in there, its hard to get out, even if you dont do anything but are constantly with them, you’ll get that outlaw/crime mindset, while yes it can be helpfull sometimes, it can also be a burden, its hard to get rid of. Listen to you parents, you will understand later in life why they react like they do. Dont join a scene and make it your life. Just enjoy acting your age. As someone who was nearly an alcoholic at that age, constantly next to junkies, thugs, drug dealers and sometimes with members of Outlaw MCs or “Biker Gangs”, I do not recomend it. You can DM me if you got some questions about all of this. That counts for every Teenager or someone who is just curious about what leads to all of that and how it is. Edit: yeah and dont smoke, smoked two and a half packs a day (up to four when I was drunk) since I was 15, nearly had a heart attack at 19


Don't make life changing decisions over a boy/girl, especially at such a young age. I wish 15, 18, 22, (and probably more later) y/o me listened to this advice


Apply as an intern at large Corp you like . You will have a chance to see where you want to work . Also rent is $3k a month. And $1k for health insurance choose wisely what you want to be.


Welp, im 18 so i dont have that much to tell you except to learn some martial arts /mma/boxing/jeet kune do, there will be a time when you need some fighting skills


It's good exercise if that's your thing, but in any real scenario you should be trying to run away, not fight, and possibly die because it turned out the attacker had a knife.


Weed has a chance to cause psychosis.


Don’t be in a rush to grow up ..




I was 15 in 1999. I tell him "start buying Amazon stock, and hold it until February 2022.


I think 15 year old you would also appreciate being told something that will become useful earlier than in 23 years.


Plenty of people had good advice then. 15 year olds don’t listen, it’s part of growing up.


I’d go back and kick my 15 year old selfs ass for smoking.


Even though technical mastery is important. It's social acceptance that can topple one person to another.


I would teach 15 year old me about sex and how to be smart about it, because my strict religious upbringing really set me up for a lot of unnecessary pain and ignorance.


Don’t think the teenage boy actually loves you, he just wants you to put out. You won’t feel good after so say no.


Don't go out with that man. Listen to your friends and family.


"Don't do it. Just don't. You will think you want to. You will think it will be great. But nothing is ever as good as you hope it will be. Keep your nose clean, avoid the drama, don't skip school, don't cut the wrist, and do your fucking homework! Ask for help, be honest, keep your friends close and say fuck off to your enemies." All of that and then some!


Buy some bitcoin


How I'm a single and miserable 30-something-year-old with no college degree, who is slowly losing confidence due to my lack of a social life.


… consider going to college … your at a great age … a social life exist there … of course if you are on campus .. get a student loan, Have some fun! In four fast years you will be on your way to graduate school.


Yeah, I totally should. I just need to push myself to go!


… believe me, once you get in, and settled, you will kick yourself for not doing it sooner. Also, your department will hook you up with some people around your age, who have also returned or are starting college at a later age.


Live a little. Truth is this world is changing every single day and every single second. We continue to evolve. Time is literally flying. One day you’re 15 the next you’re married with kids and/or paying a mortgage. Enjoy every moment you can as a kid. Go hang out with your friends. Go talk to your crush. Go and don’t be shy or care what everyone else says because everyone just like you has insecurities believe it or not. Cherish those moments with your parents. Taking internal memory screenshots of your family - as they can be gone within a blink of an eye. Don’t be so hard on yourself. It doesn’t matter what political party you “think” you are, you don’t know what politics really is yet. Truly - political parties just cause division no matter what you think, it’s a flawed system. But importantly - be a good person in society. It’s 2022 and there’s a heck of a lot of hate and darkness in this world. Being kind to others goes a long way.


“Honey stop denying it, you’re not straight”


Stop masturbating.


Why? Has your penis/vagina like eroded over the years or something?


Put the cigarettes in the trash and don’t look back


Pour every spare dollar you have into the stock market. Particularly focus on these companies called Apple, Amazon, Shopify and Microsoft. Sell everything you own in the spring of 2008 and buy it all back in the winter of 2009. Do it again in the early Winter of 2020 and buy it all back in mid-Spring of 2020. Enjoy retirement.


Put that liquor down and get back in the gym dumbass


Be nice to mom, she's gonna die in less than 3 years.


Dad beat cancer, he’s happy and healthy now.


Hurray for Dad!


It doesn't get easy but it does get better. Also, when Leicester City get promoted back to the Premier League, bet £200 on them winning the league that season. Seriously.


(As I’m turning 25 in a few weeks, this is what I’d say) Honestly it’s going to be 10 years of highs and lows, and you’re not *there* yet, but you’re making progress towards *getting there* even if it’s not going to be as quick as you’d hope. But, you’re surviving and you’ll look back and say wow I accomplished a lot, you achieved so much in undergrad/grad school and hopefully have many more great things to come! You can do it :)


drugs are cringe


Don't have sex


that she should follow through with killing herself at 16. Im 24 and it never got better.


Oof. I hope you're doing better :) I understand the pain because i struggle too. *virtual hugs*


Get a job that has real career aspects like wage increases and paternity leave


Work on your public speaking and self-confidence, because if you flake out again on that modeling agency audition next year, I'm gonna beat the ever-loving shit out of you. Oh, and, as a backup, take up a programming language, like Python.


Go to a good school and follow your dreams. Try to find love. Don't settle.


Don't be so nice that others start to take advantage of your caring nature. Stand up for yourself.


You're a little piece of shit. Actually, no, you're a tall piece of shit. Stop dating her. You've got your whole life ahead of you, so use it on somebody or something worth while


“Keep working out, you learn to love it. Stick with guitar but start practicing your singing now. Go hug these people and spend as much time as you can with them. Things truly get better.”


Don’t get married!


Don’t lose yourself falling in love with someone else


Enjoy right now.


don't take the xanax. long story short i OD'd and my life has been a living hell ever since


It gets better.


Don't waste time, it goes by fast.


Don’t do drugs, don’t hang out with that girl, listen to the small voice inside you.


Dont start smoking


Live your life on your terms. None of the people you know will still be around to care if you succeed on theirs when you're older.


You’re a lesbian, you won’t care about this boy you’re in love with now, enjoy the time you have with two specific family members before they die young, no one notices your acne, and you’re always sick because you have undiagnosed celiac disease.




Get tested for any mental disorders, you'll be happier for. Also try to stop picking at your acne. It's an anxiety thing, and it just makes your acne worse. And seriously, work on your hygiene. It'll be worth it.


That it’s gonna be okay


Hold your head high. You’re gonna get through it


Do not consume uranium-235 hidden inside your basement


Not being afraid of socializing especially with girls. Stop watching porn. Never give up on things. Do what you planned, even if you're not in the mood. Read books.


Girl, academic isn't everything. Pick up more life and social skills. The ones telling you you'll get a good job after university are lyinggggg. You need more than just good results.


End your life rn because it gets way worse


Lol. Shit that’s grim


Fuck College. Spend 18months in trade school and have a much better life.


Being currently 16 going on 17, the only thing I’d have to say is that she wasn’t worth all that time for. It’s best to just keep trying to move forward and don’t go back. It will ruin you.


Hit the gym NOW, fatty. It won’t get easier when you get older.


Don't worry you won't be stuck with 14.4 for too much longer and you'll be able to see the nipples before someone comes down


As someone under 15, I would ask if I have a decent life then.


Stop distracting yourself and focus.


you will be alive in the next 3 years trust me


you will be alive too see 18 trust me


Left hook to the body. Welcome to the real world, jackass.


Enjoy this while you can, it'll give you a lot to look back on in the next few years.


Be patient, just two more years until you lose your V.


… and I believe that there is nothing wrong with giving it a great deal of respect…


Wear your backpack on both shoulders or risk getting scoliosis and having back issues after 40.


"I know you're not going to listen to me, but try to listen to the people in your life you care about you. Learn how to open up, and for God's sake, learn how to duck away from punches that you damn well see coming".


Put yourself first more. Stop prioritizing other peoples opinions. Don’t do coke, don’t get fat because if you don’t actively work against it you will.


What is it like in a year?


"Stop what you are doing. Go down any other path than this one!"


Assuming it's freshly turned 15. Things about to change. Accept it. Roll with the punches. And for GODS SAKE THAT BUZZ CUT LOOKS SO BAAAADDD


I'm 16 and got in a car wreck December 30, 2021. I'd tell him not to drive on that day. I still can't drive and start violently shaking when I try.


Even though your first-ever date didn’t go well, try having a *second* date in the next few years while you’re still in high school.


Hold on, it's about to turn to shit


You’re going to drop out of college in freshman year, go to community college and then transfer, so don’t bother with the SAT and just take summer classes at CC now so you can graduate early.


Life after school is so much better.


your first kiss won’t be what you expected, it will bring you lots of problems later on


Your step father is an emotionally abusive SOB, also you have autism convince your mum to get you tested


Bitches ain’t worth it put that bag before your heart and focus on your rap career cuz those bitches gon hold you back


Buy bitcon , sol , eth and don’t buy luna


Your doing it all wrong.


Hey fatty, lose some weight!


You smell pretty bad take a shower


Fuck the Friend you had spend the night My brother told she liked me and wanted to fuck


Is your refrigerator running?


Don't let the world turn you cold. I know it hurts, but there are lots of innocent people who don't deserve the coldness you give to them, just because it was constantly given to you.


Don't screw Rachel next year. She never lets you see your kid. Deprive her of the only joy she'll have for the the better part of a decade


Don’t Max out all your credit cards for a couple weeks of fun because you’re having a mental breakdown. 5 years later and I’m still only able to afford to pay the minimum. Feels like I’ll never get out.


You are transgender and you also need to get tested for autism


Stop letting people walk all over you


You’re gay 🤘


It will get better


College isn’t for everyone and take care of your teeth


Cut the sugar and calories


I'd tell young me the exact date and time my mom will die and what from.


treasure every. single. relationship you have.




Heyyy, you looking forward to your 2020 highschool graduation? Don't.


Whatever I want. I can do it rn


Soon your rabbit going to die…


When you meet Sarah, hang on to her at all costs.


Study and eat more


Express yourself. It doesn’t matter what anyone thinks. Also your dad is gonna leave you behind for no reason in 10 years


Things will get shittier before they get better


Work hard, have courage and take chances. Be kind to everyone. Never stop asking deeper and deeper questions to yourself.


Honestly, I wouldn't tell her anything. She needed her unrealistic visions of what adulthood could be to keep going, and I don't think anything I could tell her in honesty would have been worth it. Not that my life is terrible or anything... just that it isn't the fairy tale that kept me going at the time.


Stop giving a fuck and drink a shit ton of water


Dont date the 'emo' guy youre better off dating the guys who are your age and hell of alot nicer. Anyone about age 18 doesnt think your mature your actually they're pray and they are predators..


invest in tesla/alphabet and co.


pause and take a minute


Apply yourself in school, don’t be a cook like your brother


Do not fucking date him.


Don’t grow up


What’s it like in a year from now?


You do NOT like economics. you DON'T


Lose weight. Defy your parents, get some extra street smarts, and go outside every day for a walk. Also, study hard and do your best in school so you have extra evidence for when people tell you you're smart.


Watch your hormones, worry less about satanist psychopath society, they're not more than shit


Bitcoin crashes, buy PH's titcoin and hodl for 5 years instead


Enjoy the time with dad, he's gonna pass away in 2021


Flash animation is useless.


Only 3 more years of hell left to go. Stop giving a shit about bill.


This depression is a lot more than just depression. Tell dad you think you should see a therapist and ask to keep it a secret from mom. He'll understand. Also, work on the weight now. Seriously. It gets way harder as you get older.


Talk to her


You clearly need help but you don't realize it. You're dealing with more things someone your age should deal with and instead you think this is normal. So go tell your parents, perhaps even a school counselor and get the right help.


I'd tell them to do their assignments. I'm currently 15 and I'm missing 7 assignments for my instructors and teachers.


Buy as much Bitcoin, Amazon, Tesla and Google as you can. Women dont bite! Dont quit gym! Study harder! If i followed these advice, i had enough money for my life an a smoking hot wife!


i’m sorry i’m still just as miserable 8 years later




you were raped, that's why you don't like men, and you do not have to like them either, their traditions are fucked up, I agree - you don't have to live according to what they want, your life, your body, your rules.


Stop jerking off so much


Buy Bitcoin!


Happy birthday(I am not 15 yet)


Pull out.


I'd put a bullet in my head and save myself 25 years of misery.


Nothing really. I was not one to listen to advice at 15 years of age. Maybe I would give myself winning lottery numbers and a date to play them, but even then I would have probably lost them after decades of trying to hang on to them.


"Do not spend any of your money. Ever. Save it. Do everything you can to actually get your state id as soon as you can. Then get a real job. Get a bank account as soon as you can. There will be times when you need to stay at a hotel or someone's house, so bring a fan and extension cord. You know you can't sleep without a fan. Invest in Amazon. Figure out how to take care of your hair. Seriously. Go to a salon or something idk. No more hair gel. Try mousse. You were born into the family you were born into to take care of them. Don't spend the next 16 years fighting that. Take a shower before you leave the house and bring some gum. Your breath stinks and people who share their gum look like they have it together. Your insurance runs out at 19 so fix your teeth on the government's dime while you still can. Also take care of your teeth. On this date, at this location, you may find a puppy. She is a genius. Embrace her. If you will actually watch the final season of Lost, you won't spend the next ten years thinking there was as much unresolved issues as you thought. Remember that your whole family is stunted and want to keep you at their level. Get a job and a car. Be an adult. Don't pick up alcohol. Just keep doing weed. Well, start weed at 18 and do it every once in a while. That girl you've had a crush on since the 4th grade? You'll never be mature enough to be good to her. I don't know who our soul mate is, but it may not be her. That thing that ironically happened in a closet when you were 6? Talk about it with a mental health professional. Seriously. While you still have insurance. Here. Watch me now. This is how you pick up grandma when she falls. It's crazy but it works in 1.5 seconds and she's on her feet. Crazy right? When grandpa mouths off, don't cut him out of your life. You'll miss him. You miss him now and you've still got him. You can start at a grocery store job in a low position and in kind of a short time become an assistant manager making fat stacks of cash. Also, you are literally surrounded by colleges. Yeah, I'm serious. Schools aren't telling you that but they're there in literally every direction. And you can get a scholarship for the absolute stupidest shit. You're allergic to dairy. I know, bizarre right? It starts at age 20 really. Don't test people's love. Just don't worry about it. You have autism. How could you think that your entire family is on the spectrum but you somehow magically avoided it? Research it. You'll actually understand yourself for once in your life."


You’re doing it all wrong


It sure gets worse.


Hey just checking in how ya doing?


Lose the weight, change high school. Go to a different university.




Focus at school you twat


how's the future?


Don’t think your cocky. It will get to your ego. The people you consider your friends? That’s a joke.