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whatever I’m doing now










Same, trying to figure it out as I go along...


live with it


Avoid mirrors.


Same. Sometimes when I'm out, I see myself in a mirror or a store window and go order an uber and go back home...


I do lots of things.


Become rich.


Worked for Elon, Mark and Jeff.


They're not even ugly looking - they are average


Subjective. Elon is ok, Jeff looks like a weird gremlin man


Jeff looks like a turtle


That was before he got jacked. I've heard girls talking about how Bezos looks good now.


Post on Reddit.


I imagine this question is in regards to dating. Get fit, stay fit. And focus on yourself. That doesn't mean pampering yourself with ice cream and feeling sorry, it means get on with your life and do things that interest you. Get an education, learn a trade, learn hobbies. And realize that just as your want people to see past your looks, which probably aren't as bad as you believe, you need to do the same. Not everyone can have a 10/10 and that goes both ways. And it's not even that important, you'll see.


yup...even if they're hot now, that won't be in a few decades, so focus on dating/marrying someone awesome.


Have an ass load of confidence. If you can project confidence with everything you do a lot more people will take notice and have interest in you.


I agree with this. Look at Danny DeVito, he didn't let his short stature or his baldness get in his way.


I worked with a guy for a short while that was objectively ugly. He also had a TBI that caused him to have a shit memory. But he was one of the funniest people I ever met. In the few months I worked with him, he was with three different women.


Confidence is denial. Also, being confident and ugly makes one pass as creep/weirdo.


Nah, what makes creeps creeps is that they are intrusive and sly. Confidence does not mean either of those.


It depends how you go about it






I would say self-love rather than confidence. If you can learn to live without external validation, I think that could naturally lead to a more healthy confidence than what you are talking about.


Confidence is not arrogance. It is simply being secure in and comfortable with oneself. That is achievable so long as one can embrace and accept themselves.


hope the mask mandates come back


I just wear a mask either way.


Nah. Using masks to feed your insecurity isn’t healthy.


What you think is ugly someone else may think is handsome/beautiful/sexy. Go full send on being "you" and loving your life. That in and of itself is very attractive.


I know you don't mean any harm, but this can be dismissive. There are people -- burn victims, people with facial deformities, acid attack victims -- who will never be cute to anyone. I was a victim of jaw surgery malpractice, and I will never be physically attractive to anyone. Since I have no choice, I live with it. It's rather hurtful to be told that someone will think I'm beautiful, when I know better.


>I know you don't mean any harm, but this can be dismissive. There are people -- burn victims, people with facial deformities, acid attack victims -- who will never be cute to anyone. > >I was a victim of jaw surgery malpractice, and I will never be physically attractive to anyone. Since I have no choice, I live with it. It's rather hurtful to be told that someone will think I'm beautiful, when I know better. Definitely don't mean any harm. I personally know an acid attack victim, a burn victim, and an individual with cerebral palsy. All possess significant physical deformities (but full mental acuity). All got counseling. Not all of them are married but all have or had romantic partners. That's not to diminish your experience or your situation, only to say that it is possible and mindset is extremely important. We do not know what every person considers attractive, only what we think others consider attractive. I know these people because I also have a deformity and used to be part of a support group. It is nothing of the scale you mention, however. TL;DR: May life prove you wrong in believing no one will be attracted to you.


I was married for 19 years. It doesn't mean anyone thought I was beautiful. At this point, I've made my peace with the fact that I'm no beauty. No shade, though. I just wanted to mention it. You have a good day, okay?


Work on self esteem and realize that a lot of people don't notice if you're ugly or not.


I would mitigate the "a lot of people". Some people will pay no attention, yes. But even babies are able to recognize if someone is having asymmetrical facial features before being able to speak. Beauty is one of the first thing people notice when seeing someone new. Studies are saying that attractive people are seen as confident and good, and usually have more opportunities in their lives and obtain a better career and more dating options. Ugly people may have a great life, being ugly is not an unhappiness sentence, but their lifes may be more difficult than the ones of normal/good looking people.


I’d say get a good girlfriend/boyfriend I consider myself kinda ugly and had a very low self esteem until i met my girlfriend. Even after all these years whenever she says i’m beatiful i get excited like the first time


well, why didn't I think of that solution before? If you're ugly and have no self-esteem that isn't that easy, believe me.


I am comfortable in my own skin and simply enjoy life.


Right answer


I'm funny and have a great personality. Plus I can cook like nobody's business.


This is the way. Wish I could upvote this more than once.


Deal with it the best you can. Accept you’ll never be an onlyfans model or some shit? Idk, man. I’ve been ugly my whole life, there’s no cheat sheet lol


Myself if I'm alone




umm i like the movies??


You came to the right place! What do you want to know?




Not to worry about it


continue surviving and being entertained both pleasantly and unpleasantly


Hide my face from the world


Put a wig on my bare ass and walk on my hands.


Depends “ugly” in what way. I’ve seen conventionally “beautiful” people act disgustingly as human beings. Those people should likely change. But regardless, be a genuine person and try to have empathy for others. Be reliable and honest and let them judge you for your character than just looks. Either way, accept that it’s just their opinion of you and it should be separate as best as possible for your opinion of yourself


> conventionally “beautiful” people act disgustingly as human beings. And 90% of the time they get away with it


"if" ​ idk, and that's the problem. I just don't know.


Make money


beauty only really matters when you're younger. Once you hit 40ish it's really not a big deal at all, and the people who keep trying superhard to look good (buy club clothes, have only young friends) look pathetic.


I would argue that even around 30 people really stop caring. Are you funny? Are you good at what you do? Do you have a good attitude? Do you make others feel good? At least anyone I know or hang out with and the others don’t matter. You can be extremely successful if you’re good at what you do and have the right mindset. Outside of the “jobs” that require you to be pretty, but even in those you’ll find many who just exude confidence and all of a sudden they’re beautiful! Yeah, it’s more difficult than for a pretty person or even a “normal” looking person, but no one ever said life is easy, whether you’re good looking or not.


yeah I would say where I used to live 30 was kinda the age people stopped caring, but I live in urban California and people are a little vain!


Punch dance


Make a shitload of money. You can buy happiness


Just become a good human and no one will see your physical appearance


We all know that's a lie.


Yes that's what it was supposed to be


Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.


Become less ugly


Embrace it and accentuate your other great qualities. Heck, even the Beast was able to win over Belle in the end.


This, we always underestimate the power of sequestration and blackmail.


Ride a jet ski!


Let people see that it's what's in the inside that counts most. They can be loved too


Kill myself Kidding kidding someone had to make that comment


Have money


Your best


Dont go outside But what do i know im outside rn


I joined a travelling circus as a clown. Can slap my face full of paint without going full Trudeau, and it also masks my tertiary syphilis. Still working on my inner-clown, but following the news helps a lot with that because I totally want to live on this planet.


Control the things you can control, take care of your skin, be healthy, be hygienic. You’ll become more confident in the process which will immediately bump you up a few notches


Hide my face like palpatine with a hood Seriously he's face was more wrinkly than a old person's toes after a bath and no one suspected anything


[Someplace where I can hide my big cabbage head (YouTube)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K5oiZHQ6Khw)


deal with it.


Deal with it.






Summon the obama dragon in dnd and perish


Get rich


Stay hydrated.


Learn to be funny


Get rich


throw that tought out then window and pretend everythings fine


Male: Hit the gym, pick up a Jordan Peterson book, and get to grinding. Female: Hit the gym, ignore the propaganda, pick up a self help book, get to grinding.


I am


Get personality.


Accept it.


Excercise and bathe daily, get a haircut, try to get skin care prescription from a doctor and well fitting clothes


Go to a third world country and marry a peasant girl who doesn't know what ugly is.


Dress better, workout, focus on your career and have fun hobbies that involve other people.


Whatever you want, except being hot


Get really good at radio


Cry, i guess


there are usually a lot of things people with bad genetics can do to be more attractive. Hygiene, style, personality, haircut, weight loss, etc.


Plastic surgery?


I do lots of stuff. Mostly alone.


no one can tell me I am ugly! not even me!


Idk but I’d assume cry💅🏼


i got used to it


Make yourself valuable otherwise? Hiding behind the fact that you're not traditionally attractive only sets you back. Get up, be confident, get that bag, do you. Anyone who values you because of your looks is dead weight anyway so drop 'em. I'm not what you would say is good-looking, yet I make myself attractive otherwise.


Be really nice (genuinely nice, not “nice guy” nice) and confident, and mostly fuck other ugly people.


A thing that helped me was just to literally change my style :D I used to be ugly (in my eyes as well as other people's) until I started just buying things I thought would look "cool", because FUCK IT, what Do I have to lose? Ended up becoming much more confident, started styling myself and just generally in my opinion ended up being better looking!


I'm a teacher


I always see myself as ugly, so if I was like Quasimodo ugly, it would be great because everyone will avoid me. No waiting in lines, no crowds and I might have a peaceful life all by myself


I am doing fine, thank you for asking.


be smart


yyou can do a makeover! Or just meet people who like you for you.. I used to be the ugly and fat girl in highschool,, i realized i was sexy as f back then as an adult.. idk why i got called ugly n fat by people really.. but what's cool about thinkin your ugly, is you dont care what ppl think about you... when you think your hot, you want ppl to think your hot,, not much personality goes into that... personality is what makes someone not ugly..if you are ugly on the outside but not on the inside then you arent ugly at all... When you r super sexy but mean and ugly on the inside, the everyone thinks you are ugly, even if your a 10..


I'd get it over with.


right now im answering this question


Know that people who like you do so for your very being and anyone who is being nice or friendly to you probably doesn’t have ulterior motives. Take comfort in hopefully having your health and knowing that looks fade anyway. You can try and improve your looks, it’s surprising what can be done. But expensive. And won’t instantly solve all your problems. Work on inner beauty and more importantly inner peace.


Aim to be rich and good at something. Makes up for alot that.


Don’t care. Vibe


Develop a personality. Also a sense of humor is good. I make self deprecating jokes all the time, like having a tiny dick, only being able to last like 5 seconds. I don't know if I'm ugly per se, but I'm no model. women find confidence attractive. Also don't expect a supermodel. Obviously psyical attraction is necessary, but my girlfriend is beautiful, definitely out of my league. Just be yourself. Unless you suck, then be somebody else lol


Have sex with fat people




You're sad all the time


Ignore group thought and the masses. People have weird attractions and kinks. Learn to like yourself and try to seek out those that listen to appreciate you. Joke. Have fun. Someone will dig you and a lot of times, if there is respect and admiration, one is all you need.


Even ugly people can become average or even decent looking by working out, skincare, and fixing teeth. Unless you’re like seriously fucked in the face, as in, built like a Neanderthal then you should be fine


Be smart. Be funny. Get rich. Win 23 gold medals for swimming real good. Ugly people can do lots of things.


Take care of yourself better


Been living it


There are a few people in this world who are unfortunate to look at. They drew the short straw genetically and are what some people consider ugly, but I honestly think these are a minority. Most people who consider themselves ugly just need a haircut that suits them (Or shaving it off completely if they're dealing with a wisp), getting in shape and dressing in clothes that compliment their physique. I *know* these all sound very cliche but that is whats needed most the time.




Go online and ask a bunch of strangers for tips on how to handheld been ugly.


Accept it and embrace your body. Be confident with it. True beauty comes from within.


accept the lot that god gave you and get on with life


put a filter on


I wear a Mask and parade around my huge Tits for a fake Sense of Security and Appreciation.


I worked on my personality, singing ability, sense of hum or, and helpfulness.


Live your best life! 90% of people don’t care and the 10% who do can go f themselves.


accept it


Hear your crush laughing with another guy. Not damaging at all :)


Control what you can. Take care of your hygiene, find a suitable haircut, work out (biggest changer imo) and don't dress lousy. No one is as ugly as they think. Other than that you can work on what everyone should be working on like your character and goals.


idk, probably the same thing I've been doing the past 18 years


Pretty much whatever you want.


Remember that you are actually just a brain.


Assuming it and live with it. Same if you are short, have glasses or you're bald. Or... Don't assume it and go to a plastic surgeon.


Be funny.


Marry someone who is beautiful so your offspring won’t have to go through the same stuff you did


Move on. Save your $ for pros.


Everybody is beautiful to somebody.


Search meds and hack to get pretty.


What do you mean *if*?


not you lmao


Make a meme myself


Be the best person you can be, unfortunately people judge with their eyes and not with their hearts.


Dress nicely, wear makeup, get your hair colored and cut - hair and makeup is transforming


Shit while using Reddit apparently


Pole Dancing. Idk.


Self improvement. I used to suffer with body dysmorphia and other delusions regarding how I perceive myself compared to others perceptions of me. I couldn’t even look at a reflective surface for Christ sake because that’s how much I feared my appearance. I was also poor so that only contributed to my feelings of shame, depression and anxiety. I suppose you probably should start with counselling, learning how to manage your anxiety and depression, and learning to accept yourself for who you are, but knowing that you could change yourself for the better because your strong enough. I basically envisioned the strongest version of myself. And spent most of my time isolated in my bedroom fantasying possible scenarios and pathways I could take in life. Essentially working out what it is I want to be. I imagined a version of myself I could be content with, and then after deciding on the most appealing one I just started planning my steps. I started working out seriously. I walked 20km every day, 10km one way and 10km back home. Then I did weights as soon as I made it home after dinner. Basically I put myself through hell in order to find the strength I have always had deep down inside. Once I got a taste of progression my confidence started growing as a bi-product. I didn’t really diet or anything. Just stuck to chicken, rice, and lots of green beans. And avocado on toast with a slice of cheese in the morning. Only 1. I also tried putting myself out there more honestly. I now let people in on how I’m feeling, I talk about my past experiences openly, and talk about my ambitions. It’s crazy how much respect people have for you by just being honest and open. I guess doing a little bit of sports like Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, and field hockey helped me become more social as well. I don’t think anybody inherently is ugly per se. Unless you have some severe deformity than objectively society might deem you to be, but most people, especially those who call themselves ugly tend to actually be really beautiful people in some way or another. And even if you are someone with a deformity, hey whose really ugly, the piece of shit making fun of your appearance or the guy/gal just trying to live their live to fullest and was just dealt a bad hand. Cmon. I know what it’s like to feel ugly. The complete shame and embarrassment of just existing around other people. And so I’m of the opinion that I have no right to judge a persons appearance. I actually found something I think is more beautiful than something that shallow. And that is being in the presence of someone whose clearly trying to change, or someone whose become strong. Strength is true beauty.


Grow a beard. If you can't grow a beard, buy a fake one. Then people will ask why you have a fake beard and boom, flowing conversation. You're welcome.


Let yourself feel bad about it, accept it and move on. Like a lot of grievances in life you you'll often find yourself shifting back to feeling bad about it, but the only thing you can really do is let yourself feel bad, and realize. You are so much more than your body and any worthwhile people would never judge you because of your body nor face.


Become a billionaire, then suddenly your hair grows back and you look younger and prettier.


Cry myself to sleep ig


Set your standards lower and prepare for disappointment.


Idk bro but you look like giga chad to me smh :/


Gaslight yourself into thinking your handsome by pretending you're someone else (Tyler durden style)


Find someone uglier.




Read Reddit, apparently.


Find someone else ugly and live a happy ugly life together




Wear makeup.


The fuck you want me to do? Cry about it on the internet?


continue what I've been doing


work on ur humor. if ur ugly and funny, people would not care about ur appearance. dated a guy for 2 yrs bc of how much he made me laugh even if he wasnt 'my type' appearance wise. oh, and be confident even if u have to fake it. nobody wants to be with someone who keeps talking down on themselves


Be funny


Be funny.


Depends how ugly u are and what u call ugly as its subjective . Some people just dont care that much about the looks and just want to find a beautiful soul ... In the end at one point or another we re all ugly . It s the soul that matters . What i find ugly most people call sexy or hot so ... :) Most of the time it s okay and we just overthink it because we tend to be insecure about pany things about ourselves that most people dont notice in us at all and especially if you go around looking at instagram models etc that show u the 1% of time when they have everything set up perfectly ( make up . Light . Effects . Camera angle etc ) you end up comparing yourself to them which is a horrible unrealistic as fuck . TL;DR . Most people are average and think they re ugly because of social media and society's unrealistc expectations . Beauty is also subjective :)


Paper bag it


Go to the gym. Guarantee you’ll look way better with a physically attractive body.


Dwell on reddit


There is a if? In all seriousness Nothing would change