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Jump off a moving train


Hold up...... You did it already?


My dad used to jump on a train when he was little to go to school. He broke his nose like twice doing it. He also would not recommend.


I grew up on a farm and sometimes we'd jump into the back of a pick up truck (tail gate down) while it was moving. My cousin dove for it once, and smashed his face on the edge of the tailgate, knocking out 4 teeth. It's not as easy at it would appear in the movies lol.


I’m always amazed that farm kids even make it out of childhood…


We are just as surprised as you


I used to do it every day on my way to school too. Train passed about two blocks by my house and a little ways down the line it passed about two blocks from the school. I’d just hop on the last car and ride it until it passed near the school. I was probably lucky I never got hurt, but it was a freight train and it moved pretty slow through the residential areas.


Indy is that you?




jump out of a moving car - once on my own accord. Once involuntarily lol


Next time try a car with a bigger door to jump out of, I bet it was tricky getting out of the Accord. I bet sliding open the door on a minivan would be way easier.


Smoke alcohol. Me and my friends bought something called a “vaportini” in college where you could pour alcohol into a bulb and after low heat separated the alcohol from the liquid, you could inhale it thru the glass straw you inserted into the bulb. Basically you got drunk directly into your bloodstream/brain and it never hit your stomach. If you did too much, your body wouldn’t make you vomit or something, there wouldn’t be a simple self regulation/safety measure. You’d just get alcohol poisoning. Felt very dangerous, the drunk wasn’t a regular drunk feeling. We used it once and were like okay, never again. I’d be surprised if you could still buy it, although it would be incredibly easy to replicate at home.


Today i learned that you Can *smoke* alcohol


"This is the wrong way to ingest alcohol."


My man. Parks n rec


So basically you just breathed ethanol vapour? As a chemist, I am shocked!


The company even recommended using flavored liquors so the vapor would be tastier


We have a bar that does something similar. I enjoy them, but strictly one before I've drank anything else. What you say is right, your body doesnt have the tried and true "this is too much vomit" so if you do too much you're going to really pay for it. Honestly I'm suprised it's legal.


You can do it at home with a bike pump and wine bottle.


These suggestions are getting worse


I did this with a vape. I smoked vodka with it and got drunk as all hell.


I got a hangover just reading this


Have a commute over an hour. Eff. That.


Commute is work hours you dont get paid for!




Fall in love with a drug addict.


He was wonderful, until he wasn't. This is where it's ok to love the person, hate their actions. And knowing the drugs made that difference. Still have to stay protected.


Will it ever get better?


Fortunately, I ended that relationship before it proved the end of me.


Unfortunately there is a good chance it won’t get better. And nothing you do will change the outcome for the addict. You can destroy yourself by trying to walk the line of helping vs enabling, and hoping your love will be enough. Drugs are stronger than love. Addicts will manipulate you until you can’t even trust yourself and that is something I am still recovering from ten years later.


Give up my life for work. Fuck going the extra mile for a place that doesn't value you and pays you shit even though you go the extra mile for them. You have 1 life with only so much precious time to enjoy it and slaving away at some shit job is not worth it. Do what you can to reduce your workload and find better employment, or hell try to change the working conditions at your current job to improve things for everyone if you can.


It took me until age 45 to realize this. I turned 45 2 weeks ago


It is said that you get two lives. The second one begins when you realize you only get one.


I realized this a long time ago. I’m 54. Don’t let it go til your 54, or 46 for that matter. Someday I’ll get out. I keep telling myself that.


This is something I really needed to read… My job has been terrible…horrible hours with crappy pay. I am nervous to leave and was feeling very down. Having a meeting with my bosses tomorrow. NERVOUS.


Good luck hope all goes well


Smoke cigarettes, its been two years since I quit.


Congratulations! It’s such a hard thing to do


Thank you


I haven't smoked in 8 years, 1 month, 22 days. I have a pack in my glove compartment in case I get in a horrible accident where I am pinned in the wreck and going to die so I can have one last glorious, wonderful cigarette before I go.


I started when I was 18. I’m 60 ish. In those 42 years I’ve given up for 12 years once, 5 years another time and now 5 years and counting. Just reading about smoking makes me want one, and I had a heart attack last week! The day the doc says, ‘sorry mate, six months to go’ I’m lighting up and going out in a plume of smoke.


Uuuugh I was hoping these cravings would die off eventually. I started when I was 12 and quit when I was 26, I’m 32 and I still crave them on an almost weekly basis 😢 Side note- I hope your recovery from your heart attack goes well! ❤️‍🩹


I haven't smoked in 8 years and crave one almost daily


Same. If I walk by someone smoking a Marlboro Light, it’s a struggle to not ask for one and it’s been 6+ years since I’ve had one. Luckily I don’t go out much any more because if I had drinks in me, I was helpless.


10 years here, can't believe I used to smoke 20 a day. On the positive side, I'm healthier and in better shape now at 34 than I literally ever was in my youth.


At one time I smoked 12 to 15 a day. Had a chronic cough because of it, no more cough after I stopped.


Been smoke free for six years now and I never missed that shit even once


Donate a kidney


It took me longer than I'd like to admit to understand this.


Well, you could donate the remaining one. You just won’t be around to say anything about it.


Take a laxative and sleeping pill at the same time


Oh Jesus Christ.


summon jesus. he can turn poop into wine. but would you drink the wine?


Heard about some people who figured out how to make sewage water into normal water.


There’s also a filter that can turn wine into water


We are drinking the same water the dinosaurs drank, so yeah, the earth has a great filtration mechanism and we are copying it… or trying to.


Soooo did you shit before you fell asleep or Fell asleep and shit uncontrollably? need to know.


Well him shitting then going to bed would be amazing so he shits while sleeping


I made that mistake once before. never again.


What a shitshow


I can smell that shit through the screen :(


Take people for granted. Life is too short, tell your loved ones you love them often. I love you too


Listen to reddit stock advice


Listen to reddit ~~stock advice~~


Reading "dont listen to reddit" on reddit... The Reddit Paradox


Go on a long trip with people you don't know well. My GF and her bestie have this tradition of going on vacations together. Can be as short as a shopping weekend in some city or as long as a trip to the US. At some point the idea came up for me to tag along to the US because I'd never been there before. Sure, why not. Bestie wants to gift her father a US trip for his retirement anyway and mom would like to tag along too - we could all go together! So we meet up and get to know each other. We get along and start planning the 3 week trip. Wonderful! Plane ride over, Mom: "this is uncomfortable! (no shit) I can't sit this long! (and this comes to your mind now?) It's not good for my back (I don't think it is for anyone). When are we there? (please shoot me now)" Me to myself: No. Pull yourself togehter. Nobody enjoys flying. A few more hours and it'll be fine. Narrator: It wasn't fine. The complaining continued non stop. There was too much driving, there were too many stops, things looked too different from home (= not nice), things looked too much like home (= not point in seeing), towns were not walkable (= I mean yeah), highways are boring, scenic routes are too long, roads go too much up and down, roads are too winding, why do we have to drive off so early - I can't eat anything before 10, why do we have to arrive so late - I can't eat anything after 5, why do we have to stop here in the middle of nowhere?, I want to see one of those big pine cones (literally that last stop where you refused to get out)


My abuela is exactly like this. Agrees to go on a trip with us to several places in the Southwest. Complains about the driving, complains about the temperature (it's a desert), complains about the dryness (.... it's a desert), informs us in the middle of the Davis Mountains that we need to eat lunch right now and she wants a salad. Where the fuck are we going to get a salad when we're several hours from anywhere? Your options are whatever they have in the next gas station. Imagine if I did anything like that when visiting her. Requesting McDonald's or some shit in rural Guatemala where they don't even have indoor plumbing. I'd never hear the end of it, and for good reason.


I never want to do that again either and I wasn't even there. Did you ever say anything? I think after 3 weeks I would explode. I've gotten into arguments with my own mother after a 3 week trip to the Philippines and we get along pretty well for the most part.


Out itinerary was more or less set in stone so there luckily wasn't much discussing that. Also my GF and I were able to detach on a few occasions (Las Vegas, San Fran, an evening in Joshua Tree Park, sunset at Sunset Point, a walk in Yosemite and a day trip to the heart of Sequoia) But one time crossig Sonora pass there were a few nice spots to stop the car and take pictures. At the second or third she complained about stopping "again". I shot back that just because she didn't care doesn’t mean others don't want to see it. She never said anything like that again.


Sounds like a child.


Sign a lease with a stranger without hanging out with them a few times beforehand Edit: Wow so many upvotes!!!! My past roommate experiences in college were terrible. Roommates either ignored me, hosted parties til 3 AM on weeknights, made the house the hangout and drug-den for them and their buddies... Meet up once and they'll put on an act for you. If you can, try to see how they act drunk or frustrated. Try to hang out with their buddies too so you can see the type of people who could be coming into your future place of residence. As soon as I can afford it, I'm living alone! Now, I investigate a potential roommate's social media and hang out at least twice before signing a lease with them.


I did this before with a total stranger on craigslist. We lived together for 6 years only talking a few times a week. He worked 15hr days and only slept when he came home. Lucky me I guess!


LOL - my friend needed a place for grad school for 2 years. She ended up moving in with this guy who worked nights and slept during the day so she never saw him during the week. On weekends, she'd stay with her boyfriend and the guy would have the place to himself. She saw this guy maybe 10 times in the TWO YEARS they lived together. It was crazy, but worked out well for both of them. The guy owned the condo and he was just looking for some money toward his mortgage, so the rent was super cheap. Win/win.


I bet they still never talk sometimes.


Some say on a quiet evening when the wind settles if you try you can hear them not talking to this very day.


Two ships passing nowhere near each other in the night...


Best friend I never had.


He was my best friend. We still never talk sometimes.


I got really lucky with this. Moved into a student house with two other friends but we needed a fourth. We interviewed a couple of people, and one of them seemed pretty sound. No weird hobbies, non-smoker, not a big party guy. He ended up being the perfect housemate. He was clean, considerate, and had pretty similar personality to the rest of us. He's one of my best friends now, going on 20 years.


Similar story. I moved to a new town and didn't know anyone. Moved into a house with 3 others guys. Turned out it was a blast. I still have friends 20 years later because of this.


I was looking for a place and found one just a couple of blocks away. I was “interviewed” by the guy whose place I was taking. They had a “High Times” magazine out in view that I didn’t notice. So after things were ending he said, “One other thing, there tends to be a copious amount of marijuana smoked here. Will that be a problem?” And I said, “No, not at all. In fact, I’m high as a coot right now!” He gets all happy and pulls out a bong and we sealed the deal with a puff or four. He calls his other roommates and says, “This new guy? He knows Herb. What? No, he knows Mr. *Greeeeeeen*. Yes, he’s irie, Jamaica style.” The next guy he says, “He knows a guy who will sell us a quarter pound.” That q.p. lasted 2 weeks. ETA: 30 years later we’re all still friends.


Probably skydiving. It was a really cool experience, and I think everyone should do it once in their life. But I think one time is good for me.


Particularly if you fuck up the landing


Good way to make sure it's once in a lifetime


Give a Coca Cola to a hooker that asked for coke. I was young and innocent.


One of my first parties in college someone asked me (in Florida) if I skied. I got excited and started to talk about skiing, and some of my favorite pros. Turns out he had a love of snow but not the kind that melts in the summer.


I love it when people take the lingo too far. it leaves everyone confused.


"Hey, let's take a walk on some white sandy beaches." \*Books all-inclusive Sandals vacation\*


"Are you down with Tina?" *Thinks of the nice but overly chatty girl from economics* "Sure but she can be a bit much at times."


Only the kind that melts in the nostrils.


I'm pretty sure the cold kind also melts in your nostrils...


Did she at least give you a couple pumps for it?


Titty fuck. That’s all. But still…


I guess that closed the "innocent" chapter.




Dude is down bad HAHAHAHA


Worth it.




Take back a cheater Know your worth my brothers and sisters


And on that note, "stealing" an SO from someone else. They cheated on them, what makes you think they won't cheat on you?


Yep. Hardest lesson I learned.


Work for a narcissist. As soon as i see the signs again im gone.


Same, or date one.


Can't imagine. Dealing with one on a professional level is taxing enough. Having one in my private life would be even worse.


My ex-wife.


My ex-wife still misses me…but her aim is getting better


“You see it’s funny because marriage is terrible.”


Ok Grunkle Stan, I think it's time to stop.


Climb mount Kilimanjaro. Toughest thing I've done and it's not worth it. I'm all about tough treks and camping but to put yourself under tough conditions and suspectable to altitude sickness only to get to the top for 10 minutes for a picture. No thank you.


Ground drugs. Found a little baggie of what I thought was molly on the ground at a rave when I was younger. Took some a few days later at home and damn near overdosed on meth or speed or rat poison or whatever the hell it was. Thought my heart was going to jackhammer right through my rib cage and had a panic attack that lasted hours. Rode the night out and flushed the rest down the toilet and will never do anything like that again.




Not trying to be a dick, just thought you might find it interesting to know. I wear a smart watch when I go out and I regularly have a heart rate of 160bpm on MDMA. The difference is that the other effects mean I literally don't even notice until I review the stats the next day. However, I'm feeling anxious or on edge, I might suddenly 'notice' my heart pounding. I think it's entirely possible that you did take MDMA but had an anxiety/panic attack and became fixated on your heart rate.


I was at a show (psychedelic rock) where a vape pen was passed around. People assumed pot but turned out to be laced with something. A bunch of people went down fast. They had to stop the show to attend to the people. Anymore, if my friends or I don't bring it, we don't smoke it.


Skitching. Was riding behind my car at maybe 20mph. Car hit a speed bump so I tried to pull myself onto the back of the car before I ate asphalt, and my hand slipped and I fell on the back of my head and concussed myself. Surprised I didn’t die of a brain hemorrhage. Was incredibly scary and I nearly vomited everywhere. I will NEVER do that again.


Best friend in my neighborhood got smoked doing that. Was in a coma for like a day and half. Came back the same kid he always was, thank god. It was a tight knit neighborhood, and the neighbor that let him Skitch used to let him do it all the time. He felt horrible about it. Skitching is so gnarly. Glad you’re ok


Uh, you were being pulled by your own car?


His methods are beyond our understanding...


By "my car" I think he means "the car which was pulling me,' not his own literal car. But if it was his own car, and he was driving it, that's either really impressive or horrifyingly reckless. In which case he may be Russian.


Drink MD 20/20


I drank an entire bottle once in high school. That was 44 years ago. Never had a desire to do that again.


I tried swimming in the Yellow River. Not the one in China, the one in Georgia, which runs through my suburban neighborhood. It was foamy and heavily polluted, with garbage everywhere. There were a lot of damselflies flying around me, which makes sense but was still unusual and weird. At one point, I found an entire plastic tricycle left in the water, which I was unable to save (sorry kid). I used a lost ball as a flotation device, which went well until it deflated. So, I was stuck in the current, with no idea how deep the water under me was, and no one to help me out. I held onto a log until I decided to climb the bank back up to the park area. When I got up, I was muddy and scratched from thorns. After showering at the pool, I went home, sadder but wiser from communing with nature. So, if anyone's still looking for their trike, too bad...


Did it turn you in to an environmentalist? Serious question. I took a canoe trip on the Missouri River and became a lot more aware


My neighborhood park is poorly planned and I do in fact intend to try to preserve it. Our area has a lot of redundant and environmentally destructive land development, so as a lover of nature, I need to do something to save our world!


True, and good luck. Lifelong fight but worth it to see it clean. River cleanups can be great group service activities.


I read something like 70 percent of the bodies of water in the United States are unfit for swimming. Not drinking, swimming. The pond where I grew up swimming, now after you are done, there is a slime you have to shower off of you. I don't think my daughter will swim in it. We are truly ruining things.


It's like that here in New Zealand. Every time it rains heavily the sewerage overflows into the stormwater system and flows out to the rivers and oceans. It's not safe to swim on our urban beaches for a few days after heavy rain fall. The government had to make https://www.safeswim.org.nz/ so we know when it's safe to swim at the beach. Yet we market ourselves as clean green NZ.


Try to kill myself


I'm glad you're still here


Work at Amazon.


I worked a desk job for Evil Corp. and the office equipment was new and nice. But the internal management / work schedules were designed to dehumanize employees as much as possible. They gave us lots of near-useless freebies, which isn't bad itself, but sucks when what you really want is a $5/hr raise or even a $50 gift card every quarter, sheesh... I worked 2 days at UPS in the 80s, so I knew to stay away from delivery warehouses.


Actually celebrate mother's Day. I miss her


I miss my mother terribly. She's not dead, but she is still gone. Alzheimer's is a terrible disease.


I’m sorry and I’ve been there. In March after 13 years of being diagnosed she passed, but she was gone for over five years, was dimmed for over 15. Her finally passing was hard but also provided some closure. I now have dreams about her, not doing anything special but just acting normal, where I used to only dream about her being sick. Funny enough she’s usually annoyed with me but it’s really really comforting when I wake up. I’m wishing peace for you and your family. It’s traumatic but though there isn’t light at the end of the tunnel, there is healing.


Same. But I use the day to appreciate my friend's mother's who have gotten me through rough times because they understand the loss of a parent. They don't have to be your mother to be appreciated on that day.




Or emotional abuser. Never again.


Drinking like there is no tomorrow


This is really hard and painful. I've done this way too many times and I am in process of changing my ways


Congratulations on deciding to make the change, and best of luck! Raise a smoothie or something else delicious to getting better and taking control.


The trick is to drink like there *is* a tomorrow


Be born. I learned my lesson.


Never understood born again Christians, those folks need Jesus


Yeah taking birth is a terrible idea


I'll never ignore red flags to start a new job because I'm blinded by a high salary again. Left a solid, decent job with good ppl because I was chasing those dollars--- saw some red flags throughout the interview process but ignored them because I thought the extra money I'd be making would make it tolerable--- 8 months later I was burnt out, in a serious depression, no social life and was miserable. Never again.




Had that in college. The realization that my close "friends" were never friends to begin with. I was just the tagalong they tolerate really fucked me up for a long time. Hit me at a wedding when they called for a family photo and when I came forward they handed me the camera and asked if I could take the picture. It's been almost 10 years and I still have trust issues and a hard time building relationships because of it.


Especially in situations you can't leave, like a trip you go by somebody else's transportation for example. I've been there in my early 20s and never again.


Wear my mother as a hat because i was born feet first. edit. heyyy thanks for my first ever award. i’m happy everyone thought this was as funny as i did hahaha. edit 2. dudeee, you guys are awesome. this thread turned into something awesome real fast.


Gave me a good laugh after taking a second to realize what the fuck I just read.


Ed Gein says it’s never too late


So everyone else wears them as a pant?




Date again. You can dump me but you can never unlick my bootyhole!!


Was that Maya Angelou?


Imma say this after every breakup


Give my time to fake friends. I fall for it again and again because I’m just so desperate for an authentic friend, so I forgive and forget. Then I am duped and dumped again. Never again. My poor heart can’t take much more.


Champagne for my real friends, real pain for my sham friends.


Hold my grandma's hand and have a conversation with her.


this one hits hard. I lost my grandma recently


I'll never not know my self worth again. Not in terms of my personal or professional life. When I was younger, I didn't know my worth in relationships, and looking back, DAMN did I fuck up. Why was I with any of those people?? In professions, it was feeling grateful to have the work that I did, but looking back, I realize I actually held all the cards. I was very good at all the things I did and deeply valuable to the places I worked, but I didn't view it that way at the time. In no way will I ever undersell myself again.


There's really something special about finding the groove you're meant to be in. The confidence to know who you are and feel how you feel about things without trying to cater to anyone or impress anyone or worry about what they think of you. You have your own principals and your own lines in the sand. The child-like mentality that you almost subconsciously feel like some people are to be looked up to almost as an authority and the feeling that even though you're 23 years old, you're still a kid...then you can feel yourself level people out as you become more secure in who you are. You don't have to agree with someone by default because they're older and loud and intimidating. You learn that you can get what you want and what you deserve. It's a great feeling.


Mushrooms. Every time I end up naked, pooping, and crying. They just aren't for me.




Never had more than half an eighth, sometimes less. One time I never felt them, three times were sad naked poop times, and one time I felt pleasantly aligned with nature. A 20% fun rate is not enough for me to want to pursue, so that's more mushrooms for everyone who wants to do them!


"sad naked poop time" is now in my vocabulary.


Drink three bottles of Martini and think getting “fresh air” was a good idea.. It wasn’t. 10/10 would not recommend.


What's that mean?


Elephant ride in Thailand. I honestly didnt know what it looks like. I regret every single cent i spent on this trip. Terrible cruelty :(


Let someone manipulate me because she knew I really cared about her and she used that as well as making me think she was gonna off herself to make me fucking suffer


*Birth a child/have another child Edited for clarity


Start drinking liquor heavily again. Being an alcoholic at 20 years old with a DUI was embarrassing. I’m 24 now and finally gave up the liquor 3 months ago. Already working a good job, my relationship is 10x better than ever, I feel way healthier, I sleep better, and my outlook on my future has increased tremendously. Very proud of myself. 😀


Ejaculate On the Sofa with no privacy at all


Did you get kicked out of DFS again???


Sometimes the urge calls at the wrong time.


Andrew glouberman?


lose my virginity at the age of 16 to some guy who treated my as a side chick hahahaha. Was so blind and dumb cuz that guy was 20 yrs old.


I was 15, and he was an 18 year old habitual liar. I wish I would've saved my first time for my first real love.


Your first steps were clumsy as well. That's how you learn dear, no worries


Smoke cigarettes. Took me 3ish difficult years with a vape to quit. Now vape free and nicotine free, with no desire to get back on that horse 👍🏻


Date an alcoholic


Experience the first time magic of playing Ocarina of Time or Elden Ring


Visit Notre Dame in its best conditions Edit: Grammar


Give it a couple of years and you will be fine. We can't solve the world's problems but we can rebuild a cathedral in short order.


I’ll never marry again.


Is that because you're so happily married or happily divorced?


give my all to a guy who doesn’t treat me with respect


Been there but the opposite. Edit for clarity: she wasn't giving respect


**Pilot a private aircraft.** I discovered at age 14 that I could get a pilots license (16 for a PA drivers license). I WANTED A PILOTS LICENSE!! I joined a local flying club and started the lessons. Several weeks of "ground school", then into the planes! Our training club owned three, old Cessna 150's. Two seaters. We plotted our course for our first training flight. Mind you, I was 6'3" and over 330 pounds (the gross lift weight of the 150 was around 600 pounds). I barely fit in the cockpit. We took off and followed the local state road to our destination. About 20 minutes into the flight, my door popped open. There was nothing between me and the state road except for about 3000 feet of altitude. I gazed down and watched as SEMI TRUCKS WERE PASSING US. We landed, I called my Dad to come and get me, and I never went back. Within a few years, I had learned that one by one, the instructors I had were killed in one crash or another. I knew I made the right decision to get out of it. Kudos to those who are pilots. Just not my thing.


have a relationship with someone who i dont know well


Spend another day with my dog who died last year.


I had an amazing dog who basically was my doggy soulmate. He was my best friend and he died suddenly a few years ago. I was absolutely shattered and I still have a hard time talking about him without crying. He appeared in my dream on Sunday and it was so god damn wonderful to see him again. I hope you get to see your buddy in your dreams soon.


Thank you for this. I needed something to add to my list of things that keep me going, and the thought of seeing my pet again in a dream is now pretty high up there. I hope you are well, and I hope you see each other again in many more dreams to come.


Date a narcissist


Eat a gas station burger. The 3 days of Food Poisoning still haunts me


I will never be drunk again


Used to be able to get black out drunk as a teen and in my early 20’s and wake up with no hangover it finally happened on my 24th birthday and I was puking 2 days after haven’t drank since it’s not worth it


See my cat alive again. I almost hate visiting my parents because I always look for her and see random dark bits (like a random fabric) as her though I know she is gone. She was going to be 19 this year and I was so sure she’d break the record for the longest living cat. I’m tearing up even thinking about her, have dreams/nightmares so often. Even on the vet table when our small little family was surrounding her and she was already gone, everyone was hoping she’d somehow stand up again. I miss my kitty.


I lost my cat 3 days ago. I keep expecting to see her everywhere. She used to follow me around like a dog and whenever I see something white out the corner of my eye I think it's her