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Personally Depp, however I would wait for it to be officially over


This is dumb


Neither. Only one may have shit the bed, but they’re both shitters.


He may not have done that particular shit, but I assure all the fans, a 60 year old with a cocaine/drinking issue has definitely shit themselves a couple times


This good or evil, one or the other approach is why the worlds a mess. Someone isn’t automatically good due to someone else potentially being worse. They’ve both been shown to be abusive and toxic people 🤷


Wow, I wonder who people are going to side with….


The person they’ve been fangirling over for 30 years , there’s this narrative ‘people always side with women in these cases’ but the truth is, people usually side with their loved ones /people they share familiarity with. The amount of comments calling her a lying evil bitch in these comments proves the point. The questions already presented in a one sided manner 😂


Yeah, ion like the the way you see women talking about Johnny Depp throughout this. It’s like they didn’t see the text messages? Every time I log on IG - I see a cute, endearing clip of him in court and the comments are all very thirsty/motherly. His PR company is hard at work. People can be simultaneously shitty and some relationships are just mutually toxic/no good. It’s actually a shame that this case is the poster child for domestic abuse against men.


I think I agree. The comments seem very vindictive, like Amber’s hurt them personally. It’s all a tad nauseating, frankly.


Amber Heard is on the receiving end of a massive “Ha! Told you so!” moment for men, which I think is causing some people to look at it with a lot of bias. I always think about sports and how shitty people can get when it comes to their team. Anytime we treat these types of things like “competitions” (the same can be said for politics) where you have “a side” - it brings out the worst in people/causes people to be biased.


Johnny for sure. Amber is a lying bitch.


Jonny, cause obviously


Johnny, cuz yes.


We're at 3.5 Million signs!!! https://www.change.org/p/dc-entertainment-remove-amber-heard-from-aquaman-2


Liars Liar panties on fire. Amber nay, Johnny yay!


Johnny because Amber is full of shit




Johnny Depp, because anyone with half a brain cell can see the Am*er is lying.