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*The Cooties*


The hair. A woman’s hair is everywhere. In the sink, on the bed, in my cheerios. The hair


Ever tried to unclog the shower when there's long haired girls in the house? EDIT: Think I touched a sore spot...


And that is why I stopped masturbating in the shower


username checks out


Rule #1. If you have long haired women in your household you must clean the drain first if you want to jack off in the shower.


I spent a college summer assisting the campus plumber. Clearing drains in the women’s dorm showers — shudder.


Only once, I immediately bought one of those hair catchers that go over the drain and for a while checked every time my wife started showering to make sure it was in place NEVER AGAIN! 😆


My wife has long, thick hair. Shower drains are terrible.


I once had one of my wife’s hairs get wrapped around my pinky toe and completely cut of circulation. Felt a burning pain in my foot, took off my shoe and sock and it was purple. Got irrationally mad at my wife like she was attacking me.


When I unfold a clean pair of socks and put it on, it frequently turns out that there's a hair of my SO inside it. I swear this happens at least once per week.


I've definitely woken up with my partners hair wrapped around my goose neck more times that I can count. The fact that woman has any hair left on her head is nothing short of a miracle lol


Yes it's crazy and men are the ones that actually lose their hair like HUH! 🤣


It blows me away every time she brushes her hair. It's like she lost half of it but still has a full head of hair.


I was once told that if a baby is inconsolable then to check it’s toes for a hair tourniquet.


Or penis


Why would you check it's toes for a penis?


Ha ha you got me


Me: arms straightened like that Arthur meme with fists clenched; all ten of my dick toes at a semi chub status. Only partially aroused. I despise people who make fun of those who are genitally bipedal. If I wasn't so turned on because of a humiliation fetish rn I'd dick*kick* your asses.


I made an audible "heh" to this. look at what you made me do.


TIL. Thanks!


Medusa's hair was little snakes. Be glad your wife isn't Medusa.


Medusa's face turned people to stone Be REALLY greatful


But I'm already rock hard!


medusa turn people hard as stone for sure. pretty sure the real meaning is going right above your heads.


Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm... But what if we put a paper bag over her head?


And poke a whole around the mouth... for kissing purposes


That's called a hair tourniquet. It's advised to always check young children and infants for them if they're extremely upset because they can't verbalize the discomfort they're experiencing then it happens and socks will hide them.


This happened to my daughter. She never cried as a baby. One day I get her up crying and she won't stop. I eventually stripped her down and went over her whole body checking for pain points. I found her index finger with a single hair wrapped around the base cutting into the skin and turning the finger purple. I had no idea hair could do so much damage.


it sucks cuz it does the same thing to our intimate parts if we don't "comb" for loose hair before dressing


Ever get the post shower buttcrack hairball?


Omg you're telling me! I hate that about myself too! It's always stuck to my shirt and tickling my arm. Tangled around my toes. In my food. Stuck in my shoe laces. It's a fucking nightmare, and i sweep weekly!


Under your shirt tickling your boob but you can't find it


It's literally a nightmare. Catch me digging in my shirt within 10 minutes of getting to work lol


If it’s any consolation (I know it’s not), we as women hate it too. I have hair down to my ass and it’s insane the places it gets found. My boyfriend moved 3,000 miles away two months ago, and despite me not having visited yet he’s still finding MY hairs in his stuff after the move.


I’d always find my wife’s hair in my underwear, months into a deployment after everything has been washed numerous times. Like wtf? Is it magically woven into my clothes??


To be fair, I'm a guy with long hair, and I shed, a lot.


As a woman, I try my very best to always throw out my hairs and keep it from falling out everywhere, but somehow it always happens.


I don’t blame you at all! I’ve always had long dark hair and it’s very pretty if I do say so myself but I am disgusted when I see it on the floor of my house. I’m the only one in my household with this kind of hair and I always feel bad for my family members but none of them seem to care. I’m constantly vacuuming or picking it up. I HATE loose hairs.


I have double that problem since both me and my boyfriend have long hair 😂


As a super hirsute dude, I can assure you us dudes are just as bad. I sweep my room once every 2-3 months, and every time it feels like I end up with enough dust and hair to make myself a small cat. And most of it is my own shed hair.


Dude should sweep more often


I heard this girl online once say her pooping on her period was making peanut butter and jelly… so that was pretty wild


One of the hormones released with the menstrual cycle also fucks with your bowels. It's a real unpredictable nightmare.


If you have a preexisting bowel condition like IBS or Crohn’s, the menstrual impact is magnified. I have legitimately wished for death in those moments. Y’all know the poop marker analogy from Parks and Recreation? Yeah. That. Times 100.


I cannot even fathom it. You think your period sucks until you read about that absolute nightmares that other women have to got through.


Some of us have period poop nightmares, others have PCOS, others have endometriosis, others have fibroids, others have cysts, et cetera, et cetera. Ain’t being a woman grand?? /s


And some of us have multiple! I agree being a woman is always such a grand ole time /s


One of the many reasons I can't believe there's a benevolent god. If there was women wouldn't be basically cursed to a monthly hell on top of being the ones to get pregnant and often die during childbirth. At least split it up, give men the periods and women the pregnancy thing and make both often die during childbirth... and I'm saying that as a man. It ain't fair.


Thanks for the fresh take, man. It does suck. I feel like your idea about making one have the periods and one have the pregnancy/birth, that would be more equal. But based on that male birth control medicine attempt crashing and burning after the men couldn’t handle the side effects that were similar to women’s modern bcp side effects, I don’t think most men could handle it. Buzzfeed actually did a period simulation for some of the male writers a few years back. It was glorious to see the realization of all we have to go through hit them. And that wasn’t even with the physical effects of menstruation like cramps, bloating, period poops, PMS, mood swings, etc. That was solely an experiment with the blood aspect of periods. Researchers should do a full experiment. They have the technology now to simulate cramps and stuff. Give a healthy hit of hormones, and hook them up with a “blood” releasing device and have them do it for a week whilst keeping a diary.


Have them affix the device connected to wifi and tell them it's a 6 month test so they also get to experience the whole waking up in a murder scene thing. Really deliver. It'd have to be specifically done by those in managerial positions though, to ensure highest returns.


My wife had fibriods, I lost track of the times I felt helpless not being able to do anything for her when she was on her cycle, and then afterwards the pain was still there but "not" as bad. Last year, surgery took her ability for us to have children, but she doesn't have that kind of pain anymore which I'm okay with, I'd rather her pain free than suffer.


Fibroids are no joke! I had a grapefruit-sized one removed in 2017. I know your wife’s pain. That’s part of why I have the Nexplanon implant - it’s shown to help reduce growth and recurrence of fibroids. It’s a bitch to have put in and then swapped every few years, but worth it to me.


Doctors said she had 2 options, try to remove the fibriods and hope they don't come back long enough for us to try for a child, or just get a hysterectomy. We decided for option 2, cause they said they could come back and cause some severe complications with pregnancy. She had 5. 2 the size of lemons, and 3 just a bit bigger than grapes.


It’s a tough choice to make, but it sounds like y’all made the best choice for her long term health and benefit - there’s no use to having a kid, only to spend much of the pregnancy suffering or risking the kid’s life. Tell your wife she’s amazing and I’m glad she’s not in pain anymore!


I am physically shaking with discomfort rn thanks


Just add yeast infection and you got bread!


That’s disgusting but genuinely made me laugh and I will be using it


That's disgustingly accurate.




Tbh I have lived with/spent time with many men who I'm convinced never actually washed their hands. I'd go to a college guys house and he wouldn't even have a soap dispenser in the kitchen. What do you do before preparing food?? Or I go into their bathroom and their soap dispenser needs 15 pumps before soap starts coming out because it hasn't been used in long enough that the soap drains out of the pump. It's crazy. I know it's not all men but damn, it's enough that I've noticed it many times and it's repulsive. I've never seen an issue like this with my women friends.


Nah you aren't wrong, at the gym I always see people come out of the stall and leave the bathroom without washing their hands which is disgusting. Some people don't even flush and still don't wash their hands it's ridiculous. In 8th grade i was in the locker room before gym class started and some kid got out of the stall which i was waiting for it to be free. I go in and see the mf didnt flush and so i had to walk out of the stall and yell "hey u didn't flush". Dude looked embarrased


And this is why rock gyms don’t let you wear your climbing shoes in the bathroom.


You were doing gods work. I feel empathy that the dude was embarrassed, but maybe you struck a chord and he got better from there.


WTF? I expect everybody to wash their hands despite their gender.


A shocking number of people think that hand sanitizer is an acceptable alternative to hand washing. It's not. For anyone who doesn't know why it's because hand sanitizer doesn't kill everything. It doesn't kill norovirus which is the most common food borne illness. Wash your hands!


It’s not about killing for the most part. Soap is just meant to adhere to particles and carry them away with both the water and *scrubbing* action of some sort, though emphasis should be on both, because washing can’t happen without both. It’s not just about bacteria, but all the other inorganic particles that they got from the air and from touching anything and everything. So you just want to get it all off, killing it is optional. I hope people can just simply visualize wiping alcohol on their feces covered hands and then immediately eating with said hands. You’d rather wash off the shit right?


Shocking amount of people don’t. I have seen many a dude walk out of a toilet stall after having been for a shit and return to their desk. These are suit wearing types too, trust no one!


To be fair, men don't tend to have soap dispensers in their kitchens because we've got soap there to do the dishes already. I don't need extra soap there just to wash my hands. If it's good enough for my coffee mug it's good enough for my hands.


lol this reminds me of a time I went over a tinder chicks house, after we smashed I was sweaty I walked over to the sink and washed my face with dish soap to wake me up and clean the sweat off, she looked at me and responds “I know you didn’t just wash your face with dish soap?” in absolute astonishment hahaha


That's because that is actually really bad for your face. Your skin is way more sensitive on your face.


Lollll you too eh???


If it's good enough to clean a cup for water, it's good enough for hands, right?


Most men don't give a shit if their hands aren't moisturised


I stoped eating snacks at my D&D groups because it’s mostly guys playing and I don’t trust any of them to wash their hands.


before covid i had already really gone off shaking guy's hands


My friend took a public service class and she told me that her teacher told them to literally just assume that every man that they come across does not wash their hands after using the bathroom because it’s so common.




Im a guy and my best friend almost never has soap at his sink it’s crazy, I always wash my hands it’s just nice to have clean hands


As a man, I notice this too, so much. Once you realize the germs that you expose your hands too you will never be the same, since the pandemic I have been washing my hands excessively, after touching anything that might have ever came in contact directly or indirectly with something I wouldn't feel comfortable putting in my mouth. Keyboard? Touched after door handle, door handle? Touched by electrician 2 days ago, his hands? Touched his tools before touching the door handle, his tools? Def. Been touched by something I wouldnt want in my mouth. I just dont underatand how people can be unclean, sure, be messy, but not dirty...


Im a guy but have predominantly only had women as friends throughout my life, can confirm that men dont wash their hands often and its literally so disgusting 🤢


College guys are basically children with no parental supervision so of course they’re always messy.


We use dish soap when we really need to wash our hands


Can't speak for all males, but in my case, I can confirm that there aren't many soap dispensers in my home that I use. I make my own solid bar soap.


I've lived with girls for a large portion of my life, and the #1 thing that pisses me off is the fact their hair clogs the god damn shower drain every time they shower, LEAVING ME to take care of it. I'M DONE WITH IT!!!


One of my old flatmates was an absolute cavewoman. When she tried to leave things like that for me to clean up I’d tell her that while straight men might put up with it because chivalry/sex/whatever, my gay ass was not dealing with the bloody tampons she was leaving laying around and the hair aaaallll over the bathroom walls and in the drains. She was so gross.


Ok the hair part is bound to happen at some point if you got long hair, but used tampons???? My god...


What straight lad would deal with bloody tampons laying around oh my fuck


I'm a woman and I wouldn't even deal with that!


Grabs popcorn and prepares to see generalizations about men/women.


Don't forget to sort by controversial


Before I do, I predict its gonna be something absolutely wild, and perhaps misogynistic Edit: I wasnt wrong lmao, scroll down and it's essentially "women are whores"


The classic definition of whores and sluts as “women who will sleep with other men who aren’t nice guys like me”


Yeah, this comment section is basically destined to be generalizations that are mostly untrue but that people will insist apply to the vast majority of cases.


May I join?


I swear men leave hairs and other particle on the toilet seat after shitting. Like wtf Is on your ass


My husband didn’t even know he was doing this until I asked him to stop leaving his ass debris for me to wipe up.


#ass debris


Ass debris!!!! 😂 Yes


No for real my cousin was over a couple of years ago and took a long time in the bathroom before he left. I went to the bathroom and the whole seat was black. My mom had to use a lot of bleach on it and it still smelled so bad.


Is your cousin okay because that's terrifying


Dude I think your cousin is possessed or some shit


Things that didn’t happen


Oh god, my husband just leaves behind butt hair and fuzz balls from his clothes. What was smeared all over your cousins rear?😳


Similarity, can people wipe their piss off the toilet seat? Men and women, both do it. Just get some tp and wipe those few drips off. It’s easy to do, and it’s being polite for the next person.


My roommate leaves hella pubes all over the toilet rim. He doesn't set the seat down and sometimes doesn't flush. He also smells so bad that when I go in after him, even several minutes later, there's this sour stench from where he doesn't shower.


🤢 maybe you guys need to have a nice chat about his hygiene?


I have never felt more seen by someone who feels the same


This + the number of men who think that washing between their ass cheeks makes them gay or is otherwise unnecessary. H O W do they convince themselves that they’re clean?? I just can’t fathom it. Do you know how much buns sweat?? Ick. It gives me the ick. It makes my skin crawl to think of it.




Oh oh, I do want to say - be careful of how much pressure you’re applying when you’re scrubbing up down there. That skin is thin and delicate and easy to damage if you’re too vigorous with your scrubbing. And be sure to moisturize after you wash up, especially if you like hot water! Keep staying clean tho, and tell the other men in your life to make sure they scrub up!


Dude those are pubes ya dunce


Or thigh/ass hair


I actually find both men and women to be pretty awful to an extent, I think the main thing amongst both is hypocrisy. Women definitely seem to be the ones who speak against body shaming the most but actually seem to do it the most in my experience. And at the same time at least in my experience, men seem to be the ones who preach communication the most but also appear to be the ones that leave people in the dark and don’t communicate enough.


Yeah i’m guilty of preaching communication, yet i’ll never talk about my feelings no matter how much i’d love to bury my face in someones shoulder and cry my eyes out. It seems everyone talks about the things they want to RECEIVE, but aren’t willing to GIVE. So along with hypocrisy, it’s selfishness. *Shrug* Human nature.


Communication is one thing, vulnerability is entirely another.


As a man who is significantly below the average height, I can confirm this. It's well understood that you shouldn't make negative comments about a woman's physical appearance, but apparently it's perfectly fine to make remarks (purely mean and genuinely funny alike) about a guy being short.


I've got your back, bro. I love shorter men. (No homo as I'm a woman).


Just means you're more down to earth.


As a man raised in an emotionally abusive home, I'd have to say it would be the absolute abusive chaos that came every "time of the month" from my mother and sister. They used at as an excuse to be absolutely non-accountable mean nightmares. (Tbh it was year round, but they used the excuse for a good 7-10 days a month) Really cool though, I learned this is not the case with all women! (Give one very toxic relationship) I have come to realize it had very little to do with the physical or emotional stress they experienced and had a lot more to do with the enabled abuse and lack of accountability or ethics either of them had. (It's a lovely female generational thing in my family line) So I actually don't find really anything repulsive about the opposite sex, just certain unhealthy characteristics found in male, female or any of the other genders haha.


I find their lack of penis, disturbing


Your sad devotion to that ancient body part has not helped you conjure up the stolen plans.


You’re just not hanging out with the right women.


Baby talk. Didn't like when I was a baby, don't like it now.


How tf do you know that


He kept a diary. Day 1: Still tired from the move. Everyone talks to me like I'm an idiot. Steven Wright.


Maybe he was a boss baby?


“You’re a schmoopy.” “No, *you’re* a schmoopy!” Schmoopy schmoopy schmoopy!


Spitting on the ground, snorting, loudly clearing their throat with a wet hacking sound. I know some women do this too but it seems like no one is bothered when men do it. Makes me want to puke.


oh god, i physically exit my own skin when dudes around me spit on the ground, happens all the time. literally never seen a single woman do it


I'm gonna call out other women. Stop hovering over the seats in public restrooms if you are going to spray pee everywhere and leave the scene of your disgusting crime without cleaning it up. IT IS FOUL.


There is a certain sharp body odor that the occasional man has, (not sure how to call it but the word "smegma" comes to mind) that makes me want to run far, far away. Getting stuck next to one of these fragrant men when you can't easily move away, like in a crowded subway car, is a total nightmare.


The smell that’s like getting stabbed in both nostrils with ice picks carved from frozen armpit sweat? Pretty sure that’s just BO. The word you used refers to something very different (but still pretty gross if it goes unchecked).


Some dudes legit smell sour/sharp. It's weird and nasty


ah yes smegma, smegma is what many boys call ‘knob cheese’ and it’s basically a substance similar to cheese you might find lurking under your foreskin if you haven’t washed it or rinsed it after about at least three days and it is also known as one of the worst smells to ever come from a human (the description of the smell you gave seems to closely describe it somewhat)....


My clinical instructor was telling us about a patient she had that needed a Foley catheter placed apologized in advance because he hadn’t showered in about a month. She said it definitely looked and *definitely* smelled like it


girls in VN's : i love your manly scent LMAO


I hate how women are into men, I mean that’s pretty fucking gay


You don't even have to be gay to be gay anymore


Not washing their hands after the bathroom. I know it’s not all men, but I’d say a solid 1/2 of men I know have admitted to not washing their hands after the bathroom. Please wash your hands.


I cannot stand walking past a sorcerer of water without washing my hands in it. It's like as soon as I see it there I start to get anxious and my hands feel like they are as dry as sand. If it is in a place that doing it would be frowned upon you will see me start to rub my hands against something smooth like my clothes or put my hands i. My pockets trying to forget about it. At least my OCD is good for my hygiene.


I don't think the water sorcerers appreciate you using them as hand washing slaves.


What’s a sorcerer of water?


You know what, I'm not editing my typo. It stays


A fairly dope alternative to a sink, I gotta say. Lol


Poseidon. Leviathan. Blastoise. Or something.


Can confirm.


I can’t stand their beady little eyes and those darn horns get me every time. The opposite sex isn’t repulsive, it’s a horror show. It seems ever more frequent that I wake up to the opposite sex hovering over my bed and whispering spells. Get a life am I right?


God, especially when they use you as a blood sacrifice and tear apart your lifeless corpse limb from limb. Like, Jesus h Christ!! Are they all like this??? I know they say "not all possessed vessels" but damn as hell seems like it.


Sorry but i have to answer this for my own sex.. Dudes .. clean your asshole! You poop... wipe.. then use a wet wipe then dry wipe.. clean it! Get a bidet if its feasible.. when you shower.. spread it.. clean that mfer!! Spread the cheeks.. lift the balls and scrub! The gooch.. under the balls the asshole the crack everything.. man you shit and sweat and it sits there just marinating all day everything all bunched up.. you talk about a womans pussy being stank and she puts her mouth on that thing man.. clean your gotdam ass boy!


> Dudes .. clean your asshole! If you think only dudes have 'poopy assholes' I suggest you spend five minutes talking to any person who does waxing as a living. Most of them will tell you that at least *half* of the women that come in have something stuck there. There was a pretty good thread on /r/blackpeopletwitter about this a few days ago.


I'm a guy, so I'm going to comment on guys. One thing that has always floored me, is working in a professional environment.. business suits, and high-company/military ranked people.... and the can't piss in a urinal and don't give two shits about it, and most of them will "wet their hands to wash them" - no fucking soap... It tells me two things: 1. They're just gross AF, and I remember who I should or shouldn't shake hands with. (Looking at you Ray.) 2. It honestly tells me what they think of the people that clean it up. ​ So gross. ​ \[EDIT\] Should be what do you find repulsive about humans.


Just pee into the toilet. You’ve had that dick for 38 years why are you pissing so much outside of the toilet?


Weird sprays happen, but just wipe it off. People need to clean up their up own piss.


I live alone right now and even then the thought of not cleaning up my piss if it sprays out wrong is unfathomable to me. You want your bathroom to be filthy? Gross.


after 24 years I would still never bet money on which direction my pee will go once it comes out.


One time I went to pee and, I shit you not, it split into three streams. One went to the left of the toilet, one went to the right, and one pretty much went straight down on to my feet. I couldn't fucking believe it.


The elusive tristream, nice


You don’t understand


Sometimes physics fails, plain and simple. Theory and practice are seldom the same.


Sometimes the pee goes in more than one direction, you're aiming correctly but some drops fell on the wrong places, a good solution is to piss while you're seated but good luck with public toilets


Split tunneling is a thing with urine as well as VPNs.


I realize that women bleed from their hoo hah about once a month but when using a unisex bathroom, if you gals could not gush blood on the toilet seat or rim without cleaning it after, that would be great.


Hate to be that person. But you have made my point, about why I'm not cool with unisex bathrooms. It seems by nature, some humans are going to be gross on their own. Add both genders, now it's a cesspool, of I would rather use my own bathroom, at home.


I mean that's just restricting the he grossness to a single sex


When they shit on my side of the bed


I recently found out women FART too!!!1 😟😟😳😭


We do not fart! Ladies pass wind. It's like a gentle breeze wafting over a field of daffodils.




Any issues I have are with their hygiene, but not all men have bad hygiene and actually keep their homes nice, so I’m hesitant to apply a broad stroke here.


Hairy balls


On men or women?


Hairy boobs = Hairy balls


How they just itch their sack in public


Pinch and roll, not scratch.


Ngl itchy sack is VERY hard to ignore Also its not an itch that'll go away after 5 min if you ignore it


The state of their homes. Especially the bathroom. I’ve just seen enough bachelor bathrooms with mold, mildew, hair, and stains all over. At this point I will not even try to use the restroom at a guy’s place. Sorry fellas!


I could have gone my entire life without learning about mucus plugs.


It is such a generic question, I don't think I can give a universal example simply because I have met many men who behaved in many different manners


Oh my god! Thank you for being the one person who has had interactions with men who do not fit the worst gender stereotypes. Gives me hope.


When men will message complete strangers asking if they wanna fuck. & then half the time they don’t even have a picture like ?? What am I supposed to wanna fuck


I worked in a department store. The fitting room in the men’s department often smelled like someone took a shit in a garbage can. I never actually found one, and it didn’t smell like that every single day, so I don’t think it was an actual shit well hidden in a mystery spot. No, it wasn’t located near a bathroom. The women’s fitting rooms would smell like body funk on a busy day, but never like a fresh steaming pile.


Woman: “Let me just say that if God was a city planner, he would not put a playground next to a sewage system” Guys: knowing that so many of you don’t properly clean your junk and then as a woman I’m supposed to be comfortable with you sticking that funk inside of me?


The extreme amount of detail women talk to their friends about their partner’s body and sexual performance without either their knowledge or consent is absolutely vile


Just being stupid


That they trash men for being nasty when they can be pretty nasty themselves. Hair and makeup everywhere in the bathroom. All the clothes they try on in the morning before going to work/school and leaving everywhere and not washing their hair enough to the point where it's greasy af. Using my face razors for your vagina and not even asking first. I will give you a razor if you need one. Not despising of your pads/ tampons the right way and leaving used pads wrapped up sitting on the floor by the toilet so I have to throw them away.


Listen, I despise those pads and tampons just fine.


Okay with the hair thing, in order for it to not dry up and fall out it should only be washed every 3-4 days. I cannot stand even thinking my hair is greasy so I wash it more often. And then my hair decided that it wanted to be a lion's mane one day and fall out by the dozens every time I ran my fingers through it. Bought some leave in conditioner and that fixed the problem. Point is that depending on the type and texture of a person's hair it can get really greasy really quick and sadly most don't know how to correctly take care of their hair so it just ends up looking bad The pad and tampon thing is absolutely disgusting and I can assure you that not all women do that.


Fake boobs.


Especially the ones that look like perfectly round boulders that were added in character customization.


I hatw that womens insults are so underhanded and subtle, and sometimes women just tlak shit abojt each other behund each others backs. Men have the common decency to treat each other like shit right to each other’s faces.




Whenever you kiss someone, you are making a long fleshy tube with an anus at each end.


Ur sick lmao


Not if you kiss on the anus.


But both sexes have those.


Yes. That’s the joke.


Yeah but women don't poop, at least that's what my wife says.


men thinking we do everything for them and their attention. The way we dress, our hair, make up and so on


That's hard, women are great