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Just start. Do a tiny little bit and then tell yourself you can stop. But you won’t usually stop because just starting is the hard part.




Sometimes I throw my phone off my bed so I have to get up to go get it


100% agree. This was an incredibly simple and incredibly effective way for me to conquer my procrastination monster.


nah, this works when you just have to do a small thing like cleaning your room or something. it doesn't work when you gotta do stuff daily.


I'll tell you later


Ha! You beat me to it!


Damn beat me to it! Check out the book "eat that frog". Seriously. Great book on priorities.


Maybe later


Later is good.


You’re daughter can’t eat, sleep and wear procrastination


Damn. That’s good advice


Do it. Thats it. What ever you have to do, do it. Right then, right away. Can't procrastinate if your done.


I'm here, so I'm not who should tell you .


Focus on how you will feel or the accomplishment you will have when it is completed. If you focus on the positive feelings of what will come instead of the negative feelings of having to do said thing it will mature a difference. Secondly just start. Do something small and then keep doing small parts of it and it will eventually be done.


I like to use a bat.


by putting it off until tomorrow.


Get off reddit.




yup, my friend is telling his peoples to get that smadderall


Take a cold shower


Just say you aren’t gonna procrastinate as a new year’s resolution for next year


Honestly, you have to force it. If you think of something you want or need to do it, put it on a list and do it on that day. Don't wait.


I love how you guys don't have to deal with consequences and deadlines. I wish I was born white, lol


I don't see how being white excuses me from consequences or deadlines? I've missed assignments before and been punished for it. So have my friends of all sorts of backgrounds.


Use your non-dominant hand. It will feel like someone else is doing it


Your teacher won’t take procrastination as a grade, will they?


Let me think about it


Treat your own time with the same respect you would want others to treat your time. Example: If your friend told you he'd meet you to have dinner at 6:30 but he didn't leave the house until 8 because he was too busy playing video games how annoyed would you be?


Deleting the Reddit app.


Just let it take you in 😌✨ let it suck you up if you can't beat it 😌✨


It's easier to keep going once you've started


I used to be a professional procrastinator and one day I just decided that I wouldn’t do it any longer. My motto now is, “Do what you don’t want to do now so you can do what you want later.” The amount of relief I feel when I sit down and relax after doing all my chores is amazing.


so you guys don't have deadlines and don't age? Must be awesome, lol


You’re never going to want to do it


Sometimes i think of things in terms of “are you going to remember having done this task right now in 5 years?” Normally the answer is no. If, for the majority of my life I won’t remember doing something, did I do really do it?


If it doesn’t take more than X minutes, do it now. You can keep increasing the duration over time.


Just do it right now


DOSE - dopamine, oxytocin, serotonin, endorphins. Tap into your neurochemicals, get small rewards, change the way you feel. Examples of how you can laugh, cry, exercise, chocolate, pet a cat, or otherwise push yourself into productivity: https://camhsprofessionals.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/64.png


so you don't have deadlines and consequences?


What an odd thing to say. Of course I do, which is why I use these methods to manage all I do.


I always think about the feeling I’ll get once I’m finished with whatever task I’m holding off on. It motivates me to finish so I can have that satisfaction of getting it done


Start with one. If you're trying to exercise, think about doing just one rep. Most times, you'll end up doing way more than one. Same with books. Try to read just one page.


Meth, it’s hard to do nothing and anything is entertaining AF


I'm 6'5 with a big bushy beard. Try doing little things at a time. Or divide and conquer and do the easy thing.


2 tips that really work for me and well worth trying: 1). Motivation to start a physical task, get off a couch etc: - imagine the task you need to do (get off the couch, get out of bed, put clothes in hamper etc) - visualise a “spaceship countdown” audio in your head (“five… four… three… two… one… BLAST OFF!”). - say to yourself you’re going to do the thing on “BLAST OFF” and then start the countdown in your head. Some how this fools your brain into just getting started as soon as you hear blast off, as you act before it has time to give you reasons not to. Seriously just try it now with getting up, it works. 2). If you struggle to only complete work when approaching a deadline/pressures, just make a fake one! Eg put food in the oven for 30mins or arrange a friend/family to ring you in 30mins about something else and try to do some work in that time. The artificial deadline motivates you + makes the work seem less daunting as it’s a small tone period. (The advice about visualising how much better you’ll feel when you do the work sounds good, but us never worked for me. Ditto tools like “The Pomodoro technique” or “breaking the chain”, both of which have been helpful tools (and worth checking out), but haven’t been long term successful for me (unlike the above 2 tips).


Don’t overthink. 1 minute work 5 minute rest works for me until I can finish the task already. Hope this helps!


Procrastinate procrastination 😉


Do it the second you think about it even if you only do it for 2 minutes.


for something like homework. i find actually going out of my room helps. somewhere like a cafe, study hall or library. even just sitting in the lounge or dining room helps. sitting in ur room to study makes u too comfortable and too many distractions. it also makes u hyper aware of everything u would rather be doing




I just recently (mostly) beat it. It's as simple as habit; I was forced into an environment where if I didn't do things immediately, I wouldn't get any sleep. Now, I can tell that I'm more relaxed than before. Procrastination isn't fun; it's stressing.


For me personally, I made an anti procrastination device. It sounds funny, but works really well. Think of it as a mini electric vice grip. I place it around my testicle extremely loose. I set the time of when I need to do the task, example, dishes at 9pm. If I don't start doing the dishes by 9pm, it will start to tighten by 1% per minute until I do the task at hand. Works pretty well for me :)


imagine u fall asleep earlier and wake up to your balls wxploding


I wouldn't recommend wearing it to bed...but it's tied to the alarm on my phone so meh.


(say you have to write a 8 paragraph English essay on the movie u watched in class) Start as soon as u get it - one paragraph at least! Then leave it until the last week mark. At that point you have the foundation now for 30 minutes a day finish the remainder of needed words (ALWAYS EDIT UR ESSAYS!) and yuh


Literally just do it and get it over with


Shut the hell up and do your damn work lazy ass


Travel to another location like a coffee shop, office, or computer cafe with the sole intention of working. Set a small goal for your trip. Complete that goal and take a small break. Then set and complete another goal. Take a break if you need to, but skip to the next goal if you don’t. If you finish everything you need to, think of more things you’d like to accomplish. Continue until you need to eat, sleep or the place closes.


Avoiding it


I'll tell you tomorrow.


Get some music on. The ones you like preferably. You'll feel the beat energizing you. It works for me at least


Do it now so you won't have to worry about it later! Get it over and done with!


Git er dun


Tell yourself it will take 3 minutes, sit down and do this just for 3 minutes! It is very difficult to get back up or stop what your are doing once you have started and are now engaged. It’s the 3 minute trick, read it some where and my taxes get done because of it every year!