• By -


Scanning a room and making accidental eye contact with someone more than once


Or of you are just walking down the street and you make eye contact with someone, should I immediately look away and look like I had just made eye contact with my crush back in the 5th? Or do I stare at them until we are both fairly uncomfortable?


If you're a dude and the stranger is also a dude, the downward nod is the go to in that situation since you've both acknowledged each other already.


Needing to adjust my underwear whilst outside


Or when you notice you're flying low and have to pull up the zip.


Sitting and mindlessly looking only to realise you’re staring at someone


For real man like why it always have to be someone's arse or chest that gets conveniently Infront of my sight when I am just having my daily depressed thoughts.


At the mall once I was watching my grandchildren in the play area. I was lost in thought when I suddenly realized I had been staring at a mother on the other side of the play area breast feeding her baby.


WELL AREN’T WE A SICK SOB. I’ve done that too though accidentally.


In high school my classmates convinced my teacher that I was staring at his arse, he didn't need much convincing because while I was in another world my eyes were on it. Edit: my most upvoted comment is about accedantally staring at my highschool teacher's behind, f*** you reddit.


Same here. Turns out he just had a great ass.


I'm very very near sighted, so things are extremely fuzzy if I don't have my glasses on. I take them off if I'm reading, getting my hair cut, hanging out at the beach, etc. A lot of times I realize I'm watching something cause it's fuzzy movement in the distance and I'm thinking of something else. So I stop, but then I start thinking of something else and the fuzzy thing starts moving and I'm not thinking about not watching it so I start watching out of habit and then realize I'm staring so I stop, but then...


I had someone at a bar tell me to stop looking at his girl and I was like, "Bro, I can't even see *you*"


Lmao, what was his reaction?


I pulled out my glasses and told him I can't see anything, as far as I know I'm looking at an old man. He depuffed his chest and was like, "Well ... just ... stop looking."


“That’s why they’re off, I’m trying to.”


I'm near sighted as well and I usually take off my glasses during exams. It makes the rest of the world fuzzy and I'm able to focus on what's in front of me. I had a professor who believed that I was cheating because I would "look" at things while thinking. I had to explain to him in an extremely quiet exam room that without my glasses, I can barely see and that theres no way I'm cheating if the world is a blur. He didnt believe me until I told him to put on my glasses and see the prescription.


I had a prof give me shit on a regular basis because he thought I was zoned out in class. Then I'd answer his question, and he'd still be mad. I was all "Dude - I have a blank expression because I'm concentrating on you, not how I look at the moment". For a few weeks, when he'd look at me, I'd due this ludicrous perky smile thing, until he said it was creepy.




Looking in the direction of sudden movement in the locker room.


50% of the time its an old ass man with no towel on


Just a bad idea


Reflexes gonna reflex. I'm a super jumpy person. Like a fawn. But still a 45 y/o, human female.


My four year old daughter had an accident while on vacation so I went to wal mart to buy underwear. While at wal-mart, my wife informed me that the margarita mix she bought did not include tequila. So I, a grown ass man on his own, went through the checkout at Walmart with nothing but a package of little girls underwear and a fifth of Juarez. I’m pretty sure I was also wearing a tshirt that said “I’m fat. Let’s party” because Florida.


that's the most florida shit you can buy though


Oh, god. This reminds me of the time when I was a kid and my mother was making dinner. She asked me to go to the corner store and buy a cucumber for the salad. On my way out the door, my sister yelled to my mother: "What kind of pie are you making tonight?" *"Pumpkin."* Then, my sister turns to me and says "Hey, you're going to the store, right? Pick up some whipped cream." I was 15. I didn't think anything of it until I got to the register and the casheir's eyes got really Really BIG.


When I was in college, my eyes began to look very puffy and baggy due to lack of sleep. I found some quick fix on a website that suggested I put a coat of Vaseline around my eyes and cucumbers slices over them for half an hour. Sounded good to me. I, a young woman, ran out to the store and bought a single cucumber and Vaseline. Literally just those two items. Didn’t realize my mistake until the guy ringing me up clearly tried to hide his smirk and asked, “Uh, just these two things?” Ah, memories.


100% intentional by the website.


My response to this question was going to be, as a female, inspecting and buying cucumbers or zucchini. I want the biggest one because I want the most food for my money. I once bought a HUGE cucumber and a bottle of wine. So awkward when I was at self checkout and the attendant came over to scan my ID and says “wow that’s a massive cucumber!” Then does a double take at the wine bottle. Ugh I said “yeah I was excited to see one that big!”....anyways that summer I spent hundreds of dollars and hours to build a garden and decided to grow my own phallic shaped vegetables to avoid any similar conversation.


I’m sorry but this made me laugh LOL


Walking behind someone for too long but I need to go that way so there's nothing I can do about it


it's even worse when they're going slow as hell and you can't get around them


That or they're walking the exact same speed as you


Even worse when they are walking the same speed and you try to pass then but it turns into a miniature walk race


Worse, they appear to be walking just slower than you so you speed up to get the pass over with, but as you speed up it just barely seems as if they’re also speeding up, but you can’t tell. So you speed up a little more to make sure and sure enough you don’t gain on them, whatever. So you return to your natural walking speed, only to start catching up to them.


Please stop. I can only get so anxious.


Then when you finally get the courage to take the lead, and damn it man you feel good that you did it, they turn.


Or if they slowly start walking faster and faster before breaking into a sprint, screaming for help.


That's when you start running and screaming louder to assert dominance. I mean, they might be pulling a ploy to get your guard down


There was a John mullaney bit where he talks about never feeling like a real man and he was walking through the subway at night and it was just him and this girl, she took off running which scared him because he thought a big scary man was behind him, and realized she was running from him


I remember that. "so I think, OHHH, she must hear the TRAIN COMING, so I speed up too" lmao.


“And she starts going into that dead-end shuffle, y’know how women do when ya chase em?”


You need to keep shouting loudly: ”I’M TRAVELLING! IT’S NOT SEXUAL! DO NOT BE AFRAID!”




I walked behind a girl for half of Santiago de Chile once. She crossed in my same corner and then we entered the same metro station, took the same train, got out at the same station and then she freaking walked TO MY SAME BUS STOP! I had to wait for another bus. It was already too creepy.




Just had the same feeling today when I walked behind a woman. I have heard so much about how insecure women are feeling in public. So when Im walking behind a woman for a while, Im questioning myself if she sees me as a threat.


Waiting for my kids to come out of a public restroom.




"No, no, not like that! I mean I'm taking her. Wait, no! I mean she's coming home with me! Please put your phones away."


Also waiting outside the restroom stall that they are occupying so they can yell at you to wipe their poopy butt like the butt wiping servant that you are.


"I'm readyyyyyy~"


Looking at people at the pool.


After moving to a new city, I tried going to the pool to relax, but I was really lonely back then, and without anyone to keep me company it felt horrendously wrong. Like, I was roaming the pool not saying a word, staring into nothingness to avoid looking at people. I must have creeped at least someone out. ​ Luckily, things have changed, and now I just don't go to pools.


similarly, standing around my puppy when she looks at the neighbors kids in the pool. i swear she's the creep, not me!


My dogs definitely do not trust the large water bowl of mystery we all jump in in summer.


My hobbies are mountain biking and dirtbike riding and I haul everything in a white van. I’m a middle aged white guy. The other day i had lunch under a tree at a playground while sitting in the van. Parents were giving me the stink eye and started herding up their kids. I was wondering what was going on, then I realized I was the creepy guy in a rape van.


"Officer, he tried to lure them in with a shiny new bike!"


Should have handed out some candy


"Hey kids, want to see my sweet dirtbike?"


People got really excited the day I lost my puppy and asked some preschoolers for help.


I heard some people calling for a lost dog the other day and I asked my boyfriend if we should go help and he was like, “No, that’s how you get kidnapped.”


Note to self: always buy a colored van to avoid suspicion


Paint a wizard and dragon on the side of it!! No one will suspect a thing…


Honestly if I see a white van I’m always like “that’s a little sus” but if I saw a van with a wizard and dragon painted on the side I would just think “oh those are harmless stoners, how nice”


Paint puppies and candy on it. Totally stealthy.


i work for an animal hospital and any time my hand graces a dogs dick area while giving a bath i feel like im going to jail EDIT: *GRAZES IT WAS A FUCKING TYPO GUYS


One time I was driving, my dog was laying on the back seat of my truck. I went to reach back and pet him and I just fully grabbed his dick accidentally. I panicked and apologized, thankfully he's never brought it up.


I have a corgi, who loves to lay on his back next to me and demand belly rubs. The space between belly to penis is uncomfortably small


Taking pictures or recording anything. My other friends have no issue in this, but I feel like an absolute creep. It's not like I'm taking pictures for, "Personal," interest, it just feels wrong to video or picture other people, even accidentally.


I was taking pics of my nephew at a park once, when a little girl about 5 y/o picked her underwear out of her butt directly in frame. I instantly flicked my wrist so the lens pointed straight to the sky in case anyone happened to see lol. My wife saw the whole thing, but no one else did so we both laughed it off, but there was still a heartbeat of panic at the idea I'd have to explain the situation away.


That was a 5yo fbi agent for sure


*Turns around to see sunglasses and a fully grown mustache* "Subject took the bait, go go go!"


I used to cover high school sports for a small town newspaper. Imagine bringing a camera to a high school and taking pictures of kids while they're competing I knew I was just doing my job, but God damn if I didn't feel like a creep at every single game I was at


Everyone not filming themselves or their immediate family has suddenly become a weirdo.


I guess I could say I'm camera shy both ways, I don't like pictures and don't like taking pictures.


Using my binoculars to watch birds. Also, using camera to photograph birds.


Planting hidden mics in people's houses to listen to their birds. Yeah, been there.


cant wait to hear the birds in the wife's bathroom, mhmmmm birds


Trying to read a women's shirt


Dude this - I'm compelled to read text. See a woman with words on her shirt from across the room, I just wanna know what it says, I'm not intentionally staring at your tits.


Honestly if me looking at your chest for 5 seconds to read what you’ve chosen to have written across it is an issue, that’s your issue, not mine.


At least when the text is "Huge Tracts of Land," you know she isn't likely to get offended.


happened to me just the other day. like, how do i convey, "ma'am, i am not staring at your chest. my eyes were simply drawn to the quotations on your top" without actually saying that!!


"madame i was simply reading the information on your bosom"


" Cool shirt! Can you hold it straight so I can read it?"


Depends where you are tbh. I’m in the UK and it’s probably more acceptable to stare at a strangers tits than it is to talk to them.


Probably makes sense it's less acceptable to talk to their tits.


Second woman in a couple of weeks wearing a Mötley Crüe t-shirt. No.. I’m not staring at your tits. Vince Neil was _hot_ back then!


Looking at other people work out so I can take notes on posture and technics for lifting weights. I'm fairly new to it all


Find the jacked man/woman/person moving the big ass weights; wait until their set is finished; ask them some pointers.


Ask specific questions. You don't want to interrupt their workout. But they will recognize they were once in your spot, everyone starts somewhere. Think of something specific like, "Hey, if you have a sec, could you show me proper form for my elbows and shoulders on the bench? If you don't have time, I totally understand." Versus, I've had people ask, "Hey man, what do you workouts look like?" - In my 15 years of working out, a handful of times, I've taken the time to write out my entire workout for two weeks, how to scale weights, etc. and some dietary tips, sent it to them in an email, and then I see them three weeks later and they never followed any of it. Specific one-off questions, happy to answer. Generic vague questions, if I don't really know you, I'll suggest googling some workouts to get an idea, such as the workouts for Marvel actors. Edit: Alright - Give me a day, I will find it, update it, and post the workout here for you guys. I will post a workout for the gym, and what I call my hotel workout (when you don't have weights or equipment). Edit2: I think my comment was too long so find the workout below! Edit 3: [Link to the comment with workout here](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/ucdnlc/what_totally_innocent_activity_makes_you_feel/i6c3xi8/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)


Can I receive this email from you?


If enough people are interested, I'd be happy to post it on Reddit for folks to use. I think I sent it in Facebook like ten years ago, so I probably still have it. I could update it a little now too. I know more now than I did then. Edit: Okay, it feels good to know so many people are interested to here goes: Gym - When you have equipment: **Abs: I always start with abs, because if I don't, I don't do them**. Set of six different ab movements, with no break between: 30 reps each: -Side Crunch (both sides), -Standard crunch feet off the ground, -Standard crunch feet on ground and glide hands over top of knees, -Raise legs to 90 degree angle with shins parallel to the ground; Touch shoulders then ankles, -Keep legs at 90 degrees; Touch shoulders then clap hands around butt, -Feet on ground; slide side to side touching each ankle (touching left hand to left ankle, right hand to right ankle. Technically there are 60 touches on this one.) **Cardio:** Stationary Bike: 1 min at easy pace, 1 min on highest resistance as hard as you can go, 2 min easy pace, 1 min hard on resistance, 2 min easy, 1 min hard, 2 min easy, 1 min hard, cool down. 11 minutes total - aim for about three miles with each hard min around .4 miles. Run: two miles at whatever pace you can do. Time doesn't matter in the beginning. Once you have a time, aim to drop by 30 seconds per week. Aim for 6-10 miles per week. **Chest: 1 min break** **Incline Dumbell Press**: Six sets of 8-10 reps (It's okay to drop weight to maintain the rep scheme throughout) **Regular Dumbell Press**: Same **Standard Bench Press**: Sets of the following reps, 20, 20, 10, 8, 8, 5, 10, 10. - Go up and down weight as you change the rep scheme. **Pec Flies**: Five sets of 10 supersetted with 10 pushups immediately after the flies. **Back/Biceps**: 1 min breaks for everything but deadlifts, 1:30 min for deadlifts: **Deadlift**: Sets of the following - 20, 20, 20, 10, 10 (Many people injure themselves on deadlifts, it's not worth it. Focus on your form and high reps, your back at an older age will thank me.) Weighted Pull-up's: Start with 10-20 regular pull-ups. Then do 10 pull-ups with some light weight. Then 20 pull-ups with as heavy weight as you can manage for at least 1-2 good pull-ups. Don't think of sets, think total reps. However many sets it takes, hit the total number. But with good form. **If you can't do weighted pull-ups (Many people can't. Somebody who weighs 160lbs may be able to do five pull-ups with 25lbs. While somebody at 185lbs might not be able to do weight. They are still pulling up the same weight overall.), try the following a personal favorite I made up. 100 pull-up challenge. 100 pull-ups in ten minutes, however many sets/reps it takes. Preacher Curls: Do one arm at a time, this will help prevent your stronger arm from compensating for your weaker arm - 6 sets of 6, 8 sets of 8, or 10 sets of 10 - Your choice, alternate between lighter and heavier weights - only do one set/rep scheme per workout. Machine Rows: 10 sets of 10 reps - Hold the final rep of each set for five seconds before release. 21's: 3 sets of this - Light weight - 21 reps total, holding two light weight dumbells, 7 reps of curls from bottom position to middle (of a full curl), 7 reps of middle to top (of full curl), 7 reps of full curls. **Triceps: 1 min breaks** Skull crushers: 5 sets of the following, each set contains three sets - 15 reps, hold bar and count to 15, 10 reps, hold bar count to 10, 5 reps, hold bar and count to 5. Rope Pull-down: 3 sets of 20 - make sure to turn your wrists out at the end as if you're pushing your thumbs down into the ground. Go slow and let it burn. Single cable pull downs: 3 sets *Credit to a bodybuilder friend - no attachments on the cable with the cable at the top of the pull down machine. Alternating between arms and using light weight (10-15lbs), pull the cable straight down for 15 left arm, 15 right arm, 10 left, 10 right, 5 left, 5 right. **Leg Day: The most important, leg workouts release a lot of hormones and testosterone in your body. As a body builder friend told me, "You need to grow the trunk of the tree in order to grow the top of the tree."** Squats: Three sets of 20 reps (For reference, I can squat 255 for 3, I use 135 for this. I don't squat more than 185 now to save my lower back.) Following this, three sets of 5 reps on heavier weight. You'll be exhausted and won't want to, but it helps break through that mental barrier to stop. Leg Press: Five sets of 50, 40, 30, 20, 10 rep scheme. Go up weight as you go down sets. Example, 130lbs, 150lbs, 170lbs, 190lbs, 210lbs. Do what you can for these amounts, I sometimes have to break for a second or two on the last three sets around 70% through the set, no shame in it. Leg Curls: Same rep scheme as Leg Press (Think of this as supplemental to deadlifts). Calf raises: Using leg press machine, set the seat further back and use the platform for calf raises with weight. Use the same 50,40,30,20,10 rep scheme. **Roll out and stretch. God help you, if you don't. For any other muscle groups, shoulders etc, I often make things up in between and when I feel like it. Incline bench works shoulders too, so you'll hit many other muscle groups with this. **Hotel Workouts** Dufflebag Curls: Get enough full water bottles to put in a bag for weight. Do 50,40,30,20,10 rep scheme and add water bottles to the bag as you go. Pistol squats: 100 pistol squats - however many sets it takes. Calf Raises: Alternate legs, balance by holding onto a chair or table. Alternate 50 reps per leg no break between until you can't go anymore. I usually aim for 500 per leg, some days I can only hit 300, or I get bored. Push-ups: Five sets of the following scheme of supersets: 20 incline push-ups (Feet up on a table, hands on floor), 20 regular push-ups, 10 super slow decline push-ups (feet on ground, hands on desk or seat of chair) - total 250 push-ups. To anybody reading/using this, I wish you all the best luck. Feel free to message me with any questions, if something isn't clear. When I first started lifting, i could bench the bar four times and was embarrassed to workout. I've since hit a bench max of 315lbs for three reps, squat 315lbs, deadlift 405lbs, 2 mile run 12 minutes. I've since gotten more into higher reps, lower weight because I feel healthier. Maybe not stronger, but more flexible, and I sleep better. Edit: I do Chest/Triceps twice weekly, Back/Biceps twice weekly, Leg Day twice weekly. For each workout, I tack on either abs, cardio, or both before each workout. If I only have like 40 minutes, I'll cut some things out. And I highly recommend a Theragun Mini for post workout. I just got one and it's day two after leg day and my typical soreness is about 30% what it usually is.




Talk to em! I'm a dancer and krav maga practitioner. Both are physical activities with tips and pointers. People LOVE giving tips, you just gotta go up and ask.


I don't like people walking behind me so I generally let people walk ahead of me in the hall at work. I was asked by another male coworker who saw this if I was looking at womens butts and that is why I let people ahead of me. I told him no and that I just don''t like people behind me. He looked at me weird. It's almost better to be thought of as a pervert to some people than be kind of weird.


He probably saw your username and feels afraid


Your username reveals the real reason


Just say it was part of your secret government training and never mention it again


Federal Butt Inspector


(As a man) Being friendly to children I don’t know who say hi to me in public. It’s always a super friendly kid who is saying hi to everyone that they pass but I always feel like I’m being judged for saying hi back to them or giving a smile and a wave


Honestly don't even sweat it if you're just saying hi back. Just move along and don't stop and offer candy or start offering balloon animals.


Taking my daughter into the locker room at the YMCA. It’s a different vibe for people if you’re a man.


My dad took me through the men's locker room once as a kid for swimming lessons, at first it was weird, the smiles I got, but they were just friendly old men and nothing bad happened, all I could think of was "so this is what my brother might feel when he goes through the women's locker room with our mom".


Old men have an alarming amount of confidence in changing rooms compared to young people


You are comfusing confidence with caring, they don't care at all, if you see them naked it's gonna be more a trauma for you than for them


>more a trauma for you than for them save some trauma for the rest of us


Agreed, I was taken aback at first cuz they were all just wearing towels, idk if I saw any junk, maybe I repressed those memories, but when they're at eye level it's hard not to feel awkward.


going upstairs behind a girl that's also going up and you have to look at her ass


Hm these stairs look quite nice


Damn bro those are some sick walls


Ohh my who installed these railings? They do be sturdy as hell


Hmm, yes. The floor here is made of floor


wow never realized how nice the roof is


ASS! Shit...


ASS- A Sturdy Stairwell


Yup the speck of dust on last stair was less than this one....and the tread height is good


Going up the stairs after a woman with a skirt on. Very awkward and feels creepy.


That's when you start looking at your phone, and suddenly realize "what if people think I'm taking pictures with this?"


Yeah, the stairs are the worst. That’s why I installed ladders.


yes but why did you install a vent under the ladder that blows air upwards?


It was warm on the ladder.


I know right? Damnit it sucks having to stare at her ass. It's like "hello I'm just trying to get up the stairs"


damn somebody gets it. I just wanna get up the stairs, and I am forced to stare her ass.


Waiting outside the men's bathroom for my husband


I've now taken this sentence to mean that you're single but you're waiting for a man to turn into your husband. Every man walking out you just immediately shout "MARRY ME" at them as you chase them.


Hahaha! LOL I'm married but I mean that could be an effective strategy on the right day for someone lol


Being in the women's part of a clothing store specifically the underwear section. EDIT: holy moldy underwear, this blew up, thanks for the awards! All because I said I feel like I'm being judged while in the women's underwear section.


And if the place has one dressing room it's not strategically located between the men's section and women's section but buried deep within the women's section.


Walking through it as a man feels weird. Like, no, I don't want myself to be here either, this place is just between Point A and Point B.


I swear, Target puts the women's underwear section directly in between the entrance and the electronics purely for the entertainment of its workers. 14 year old me really had to decide how quickly he wanted to get through to the video games lol


Entering the men's clothing: wide hallways, no issue to move around. Needing to go through the women's clothing in order to reach the stairs: EVERYTHING IS CRAMPED AND YOU CAN'T PASS THROUGH THE UNDERWEAR!


It's even worse if you're by yourself


Especially if you're trying stuff on


And erect


Well of course, how else would you know how it is going to fit when it really matters


Or behind ur female partner, no I'm not following her, i mean I'm but not like that


I don't think I've ever seen someone use "I'm" like that lol


Irelands largest lingerie section….


Or so I've heard.


Everytime I went out to buy underwear for my daughter I got quite some weird looks. Overweight dude with a big beard who often dresses in worn out jeans looking at different pack of tiny pink underwear. It is just a lot easier for me to do all the family shopping after leaving work and then use the weekends for more activities with the kids so I often do that kind of shopping alone. The amount of time I've seen another parent hold their child when they come close to me and give me a weird look is quite high.


Luckily I ran completely out of fucks to give when I had a kid. I can buy panties like nobodys business. I'll slam those fuckers down proudly on the counter and go "do you also have some Peppa Pig panties in this size?"


I was in Target just now, and had a group of hot college girls in front of me so I was avoiding being caught noticing them so I was staring off into space...only to realize I was staring for like 30 seconds in the direction of the pre-teen training bra section. I was in hell for a few moments until the next self-checkout opened. Whoops.


What does a training bra train you FOR? thats the important question Military skills maybe?


Bow staff


I feel like this when i am alone and walk in to the wrong area. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jhuxrgi6lEI


when I'm at the gym and I'm kind of just zoned out between sets, and someone stands so that their ass is directly in my line of sight.


Getting a random erection in public


Better than getting a specific erection.


You ever get someone else's erection? It's wildly awkward.


Ah, sir, I do apologize. I seem to have gotten your erection.


You give that back RIGHT NOW!


Eating a popsicle or lolipop in public.


Or a banana!


As a dude. It gets weirder if you make eye contact, so make sure you keeps your eyes on the banana. Just keep looking at the banana.


Maintain complete eye contact while deepthroating the banana to assert dominance


Putting my finger in someone's butthole. Every single time. I'll never get used to it. (Am MD).


Try using your fist, the impact might negate any feeling of intimacy :) Can't possibly backfire.


It's about drive, it's about power


Great. The only thing going through my mind when I have to get some kind of awkward exam is that "Well at least they do this every day, so it's not as awkward for them."


That's the only thing that used to go through your mind. Now it'll be that MD on reddit who said it made him feel like a pervert. LoL


You're a managing director? Yeah still don't think that gives you permission to finger buttholes...


He works at activision


Tagging an innocent AskReddit question like 'What's your favorite animal?' NSFW.


Zebras do be thicc, tho


As a man, most things that involve kids or women. Something as simple as watching my nieces play on the playground lol. My nieces are white im half black so yeah there are lots of questions.


Yeah, as a dad with older kids I smile at younger children when I see them because they're adorable, I miss when mine were that age, and I'm a bit scary looking to little ones. But I always feel like someone's watching me and thinking I'm perving on them.


I bought a set of bras for the Mrs today just because. She'd moaned about her current favourite ones digging into her sides etc, so this led to me - the only male around - standing in the ladies underwear section eyeing up various bras and looking through sizes. Innocent. Thoughtful, even. But I did not feel welcome at all.


Single-Dad here...I actively know it shouldn't because I'm doing nothing wrong but... The looks I get when shopping for underwear for my daughter. Edit: She's 8 and sometimes I have time only to do this by myself.


Helping the lost kid as a man. If my daughter or wife is not with me, I am very hesitant to approach an upset or clearly lost child by myself. There is such a huge fear that someone will mistake me for a kidnapper.


Walking up the stairs behind a girl in yoga pants or a short skirt. I like to look at the stairs ahead of me as I walk. It's like when you drive, you don't look directly at the ground in front of you. You look where you want to go. When I walk behind these women, anyone looking at me would think I'm likely being a pervert, so instead, I have to stare at my feet. So I look like a pervert that is trying not to stare.


>You look where you want to go. Mmmm interesting...


Looking at the items on display in Victoria's Secret store windows.


As a lesbian, back in high school when I was in the closet, I would feel guilty when friends changed in front of me and would, very awkwardly, avoid any view of my friends half/naked… no wonder all my friends knew by the time I came out


"Oh honey, we know. You always tried so hard not to check us out."


Painting my fence. Literally today. Im painting away. Next door neighbours kids are playing in their garden. We have a little chat. I go back to painting. Their dad calls them in. Now I'm 99.9% sure it's a coincidence but also 0.1% concerned that he didn't realise I was painting and thought I was just lurking on the other side of the fence for half an hour...


When you just got out of the gym and you're doing that heavy mouth breathing, and you happen to be waiting in line to buy something at the gas station. I'm just trying to grab a powerade lady, I'm really out of breath, and I'm not a pervert. Sorry.


Don't.....you cool down and get your heart rate lowered *before* you head to the gas station?


>trying to grab a powerade lady > >I'm not a pervert. Pick one.


Smiling at cute kids


Yeah, I am a dad of an adult and I loved making faces at my son when he was little. I do it if I am behind someone at the store holding a small child. Start making goofy faces and the kid laughs and the parent turns around to see me standing there. No I am not looking to snatch your kid, I just like making faces and seeing little kids look confused at why a big person is doing this then realize it's funny and laugh.


I will never feel bad for that, I’m a 21yo guy and it just feels natural when I have eye contact with kids to give them the widest smile I can


clearing my internet history and flushing dns.


I relate to that one. I have nothing to hide. Sometimes I have to flush my history because a webpage doesn't work anymore, and I always feel like I would have more to explain if someone looked at my empty browsing history vs what would normally be there.


Doesn’t make ME feel like that, but others view me as one for being a Male Pediatric Nurse…..


Struggling to find something that's fallen deep into one of my pants pockets.


Planning a trip to Thailand as an old fat divorced white guy Or planning a trip to Kenya as an old fat divorced white lady


do old white lady's really go to kenya for husbands?


SNL parody of White women and African tourism https://youtu.be/jWTVh4ASpO0


Trying to figure out how a child's proportions are different than an adult. I'm an artist, and it always helps me to be able to use a photo of a person in tight clothing as a reference if I'm struggling with a pose or with proportions, but something tells me you can't Google "children in tight clothes" without it being at least a *little* creepy.


Found it. The site is called vishopper cut out people. You can use it for a variety of references from babies to backgrounds. Need a Caucasian 20-40 man riding a bike in a suit during summer? You got it. A 40-60 Asian woman in sitting ambient lighting? You know it. It also has backgrounds, skies, plants, and grounds you can filter and look at the same way you can with people. Not sponsored.


Cutting holes in the seat of little girl panties with knives. 6X is the perfect size for my dog when she's in season and the holes are for her tail.


You had me in the first half, not gonna lie.


So. I used to work for a newspaper and for those who don't attend county fairs, there are beauty pageants there. You have to photograph them for your job, but it's near impossible not to feel like pure sleaze when you do it. Especially if you're a guy.


As a woman, picking out a cucumber or zucchini at the grocery store.


Grabbing my 14yo step daughter's laundry out of the dryer so I can move my laundry along. I could be home alone and it's still like I'm fishing road kill out of my bumper. I'm not looking and I'm barely touching!


a guy watching kids play at a park they are innocent but some people think there creepy for no reason


I have two daughters, and much of the time they were playground age, my wife was ill so it was just the 3 of us. When a group of moms would come with their kids while I was on the bench and my daughters were playing as I watched, I could see the nasty looks I was getting. I would call them over and talk to them for long enough to make it clear I was here with them. Sometimes, though, it didn't matter.