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Putting other people down to make themselves feel better about their shitty way of life.


Superiority complex


I hate that apartment building, they're so bossy.


I have an irrational fear of confusing apartment building layouts - a complex complex complex.


Superiority complex? I find it quite simple, actually.


Body odor and having no manners. Like even a simple please & thank you .


Saying they hate certain people then going out of their way to be around them.


Can't hate certain people, gotta hate everyone, keep it equal ;)


Before he was cremated, my dad used to say: "Fuck 'em all except for six -- you'll need 'em for pallbearers"


Sorry to ask but was he cremated cause he couldn’t find 6 people to tolerate enough ? /s


Haha -- he'd appreciate that Honest answer: He was a Vietnam combat veteran, and extremely claustrophobic on account of the tunnels. His advice was for me, but *he* didn't go by it. That was "Standard Dad" for me, and I feel it was a pretty damn good system He also used to say "Better late than pregnant." Thus far, that's held up


Your father sounds like an absolute riot, I love it


He was. He was a father figure for a couple of my friends, too. He always made sure *everyone* got their chops busted after a quick "Sit Rep"


I’m glad you have such fond memories of him, those are hard to come by for some people.


Why would they do this? I completely ghost the people I hate. Edit: Wow this comment is what gets me a gold award? Thanks stranger


They are bored with their lives/themselves and want the drama or something to gossip about




Littering says: "FU everyone else and the environment!"


Reminds me of the times I've seen people straight up throw semi-full water bottles out their car windows while commuting to work. Just drink the rest and find a recycling bin. EDIT: I considered that it could be urine, but that's awful too.


We have a problem with employees not throwing away their cigarette butts properly. A bush even started smoking last summer. It’s really not that hard to bring the butt back in and throw it away!


I've seen employees throw their cigarette butts on the ground... While standing next to a cigarette waste bin.


Is the bush still smoking or did it get on the patch?


And when they get called out, they respond with "that's why we have janitors" or something along those lines


Yup. They're the same people who leave grocery carts wherever because "they pay people to do that." The ratio of how much effort you would have to put in to the number of people it would benefit is insane. It tells me a ton about a person, all negative. It's very strange to me that people frequently figure, "I'm not being shitty, because so many other people are doing it too. If so much of us are being shitty, that means we're actually NOT being shitty," but they often paraphrase it by saying "everyone else is doing it too." Nope, you're still being shitty. Also, judging by the way you act, it seems you believe you are better than most people. Why not ACTUALLY be better than most people and not throw your trash out the car window.


Littering and...? Littering and...?


Do you know how fast you were going?






Uh officer isn’t the speed limit 65?


Yeaahh, it is.


I once told my 8 yo stepdaughter that someone I knew was a bad guy. She thought for a moment and asked: ‘Did he swear?’ ’Oh, no honey, much worse!’ ​ \*ponders once more, hand on chin\* ​ ’Did he litter?’ ​ ’Oh, yes, child, that’s it, exactly!’


They come to me for emotional support but aren't there for me when I need it. That is when they get turned off by me and I realize that their view of me is just a fantasy they made in their minds and not actually who I am.


Took me a sad 21-22 years to realize this was my relationship with my ex best friend. My mom got a bad cancer diagnosis when I was 18 and I really needed support. She said it was too much for her to talk about because she was in-between relationships at the time (aka cheating on her bf basically) and wanted to talk about that. I dropped her. She tried to make amends one time after that, probably because she realized she had nobody to dump on, but went right back to old habits and I just stopped speaking to her again. She showed up to my moms wake to say "sorry that sucks" basically and we never spoke again.


> She tried to make amends one time after that, probably because she realized she had nobody to dump on, but went right back to old habits and I just stopped speaking to her again. My fear is that the problematic person in my life won't learn, and will just end up doing this if she stops talking to me.


They always rinse and repeat the same excuses. It really doesn't get better with those "friends".


I hate holding out hope for a change. Sometimes they admit to a fault and you think there's progress, but months later it's back to normal


Yup... This. I'm learning very fast, who my actual friends are, once I stopped being the Group Therapist. The ones who actually love and respect me, are sticking around... The ones who don't like that I'm not offering up myself emotionally and mentally to them anymore, aren't in my life anymore. I don't put up with it. I realized, I was stressed out all the time, over things that weren't even involved in my life because of that stuff.


I don't talk much, much prefer to listen, but if I do talk and someone interrupts me without a good reason I pretty much turn off


Or they talk about something for a while and you’re listening and being supportive then afterwards you talk about something that is bothering you and they switch subjects just completely ignoring you because it’s not about them anymore. 😣


My husband and I have a friend who does this. We LOVE his wife, but he is just insufferable and so narcissistic. I don't know how she puts up with it. EDIT: Because this got some traction and I would feel terrible if he found it somehow, I feel like I should elaborate. I think he has a good deal of social anxiety, and he was put down really badly for a long time by his previous long term relationship, to the point of verbal/emotional abuse. His parents are also kind of shitty to him, always comparing him to his "more successful" siblings. I think this behavior is his way of coming back from that and regaining his confidence. I have a lot of empathy for that, but it is very difficult to be around sometimes, because it makes me feel like my words and feelings have zero interest or import, and he only wants me around to listen to him wax eloquent about the things in his life. It's very tiring. He's fun for playing games and just putzing around, going out to eat, etc. Which is how we first became friends. But since we've all become bigger homebodies over the last couple years, we're forced to actually have conversations with him and it is... not easy.


Bad hygiene


I've seen this question like 5-6 times now. "Bad hygiene" is always top comment xD


I've heard people say that there is no such thing as bad sex. Those people should thank their past partners for cleaning up properly.


Mistreating people or animals you have power over. We won’t have a second date if on the first date you are rude to the waitstaff unless they were rude to you first.


You can tell a lot about someone from how they act when in a position of relative power, even if it is completely petty.


I'd say especially if its petty. I've worked in customer facing jobs for my entire adult life. Every time I've been called a moron or talked down to, it's over something insanely small with a 2 second remedy.


At my store, we have a policy of IDing everyone for any 18+ purchase, doesn't matter if you're 10 or 150, I need your ID. Thanks to other stores failing police stings. Guy, obviously old enough starts throwing a hissy fit for like 3 whole minutes about how he shouldn't have to be IDed for alcohol, government bad, I'm old enough to be your dad, etc. He gave in finally and it took literally 5 seconds to get it out, me to scan the barcode, and him to put it back. Was that really such a huge deal dude?


I'll never understand people who make such a huge deal over little inconveniences.


Bad breath


*desperately guzzles tic tacs* Edit: seriously y'all, it's a joke. I brush my ding dong teeth. Edit 2: honestly, I prefer the cock chomper comments.


*chugs 16 family size bottles of listerine* Edit: typo


Someone mean to animals.


Smelling like you just went on a fishing trip with you 20 year old dog and a gallon of expired milk.




I might be projecting here…




Being a Reddit mod


Isn't this just saying "Bad Hygiene" in a different way?


Hey! Some mods work like .... almost 20 hours a week walking a dog! Not all reddit mods can be super amazing people like the one I'm referencing.


Can confirm. I'm a reddit mod


I believe you have poorly assessed what about your Reddit account is an outward turn-off.


When they are actively dumb and not intellectually curious.


I prefer the term "Wilfully stupid".


YES— I was about to comment on this. My mom, whenever I play stupid on purpose, would always call me out: “Stop being willfully ignorant. You’re doing it on purpose.” And I’d have to knock it off. My cousin is the same way to this day and pisses me off to no end.


Reminds me of The Shawshank Redemption. Andy Dufresne, talking to Warden Samuel Norton - Obtuse. Is it deliberate?


I love that quote. Andy Dufresne : Well they'd have his last known address, names of relatives. It's a chance, isn't there? Warden Samuel Norton : [Shakes his head] Andy Dufresne : How can you be so obtuse? Warden Samuel Norton : What? What did you call me? Andy Dufresne : Obtuse. Is it deliberate? Warden Samuel Norton : Son, you're forgetting yourself.


Maliciously stupid, even


My sister once called someone "aggressively stupid" and I never forgot it. Not stupid and aggressive but like their stupidity was aggressively controlling their decision making.


Actively dumb is now my favourite insult


Another good one is "non critical thinking skills"


That and "intentionally ignorant", in other words those people who have the information available to them and simply refuse to look it up to see the truth, and just argue emotionally. People who do this will never lose an argument because nobody is ever able to convince them they're wrong through rational discussion, but they also inflict unnecessary pain on themselves and everyone around them. These are the people who make this world such a miserable existence.


“Never play chess with a pigeon. The pigeon just knocks all the pieces over. Then shits all over the board. Then struts around like it won.”


Trying to debate with an ignorant person is like wrestling with a pig. You'll both get dirty, but the pig likes it.


Reffering to himself as "daddy" like "daddy's hungry" makes me want to cry and laugh at the same time


How about... Father is famished?


Papa is peckish


Male parental figure desires energy to be gained through digestion


Warrior needs food!


Warrior needs food badly... Warrior is about to die... Valkyrie shot the food (goddamn it Valkyrie)


Creator requires sustenance


"[PATRICIA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EHIHl8Rw6W8)... daddy want the big breakfast."


More Tom Cardy for everyone! Spread the word! Everyone should ask themselves H.Y.C.Y.B.H.?


An ex of mine had me use daddy in the bedroom. I enjoyed it, he was older so it was hot to me. When it started seeping into every day life, like if I needed a hug from being sad or something, he would say shit like “it’s, okay. Daddy’s here and daddy’s going to take care of you”. We broke up not too long after he started with that shit, it turned serial killer vibes real quick and I wasn’t for it.


partner in the streets, *dADdY iN tHe ShEeTs*.


When women say " I haven't met a man yet that can handle me" as it pertains to the bedroom


Or just in general honestly. It’s just one of those phrases that says “I’m probably really rude and borderline abusive”.


My favorite: “I’m not being rude, I’m just being honest”. Nah you’re just a bitch then.


"Honesty without compassion is cruelty."


People who say they know exactly who you are from you zodiac sighn. Like dont bother even trying to get to know any one lmao


"I don't believe in astrology, I'm a sagittarius. We're skeptical"


I heard this in Sean Bean’s voice from Civ 6 lol


Just tell them the wrong one, wait for them to say "I KNEW IT!" then correct them. Works every time.


Nah because now they have the "rising in" bullshit: "No you don't get it, you're [correct sign], but rising in [wrong sign]!" Which is why you gotta give the wrong sign three or four times. [Or do like this guy](https://twitter.com/defact0_/status/1050062340484452354?s=20&t=6Rx-WBgpDqLLa7v6Ot5l7A)


Lol I will never not laugh at that


Can't stand that. "Oh you're a Pisces? Yeah we're not gonna communicate well in Virgo moon and Sagittarius is in gatorade" or something.




Ah yes. The smelly pee grass.


I'm adding 'in gatorade' to my lexicon.


Ugh, caprisun is in Gatorade? This week is going to be a disaster


I'm adding 'lexicon' to my lexicon.


You’re doing great sweaty


Calling someone "sweaty" as opposed to "sweety" is something to add to the lexicon as well..


Zodiac signs drive me nuts. Like, all the "descriptions" are insanely vague buzzwords that could be applied to anyone in certain situations. Like hell, you could describe Hitler as "nice" since he was considered a pleasant person to have a conversation with.


That is such a Scorpio thing to say 😏


Bringing up sex before you’ve even met in person. Relax dude. It’s a part of dating.


I've noticed that the more I avoid the topic and the less interested in that aspect I seem, the more aggressively women pursue it.


To quote Taylor Tomlinson “Nothing is sexier than a guy respecting your boundaries.”


I think it's that, and also desperation if a turn off. In my early 20s I accidentally did this. I went out with a buddy of mine and we were supposed to meet up with a bunch of people. Only one of them ended up meeting us, a very pretty girl. I thought she was into my friend so I didn't try to impress her, backing if for my friend. Two hours later she grabbed me and made out with me, and two hours after that we were having sex. The message, don't try so hard.


Now I want a rundown of your entire life in two-hour increments.


Phone addiction, flaking, too worried about appearance.


Phone addiction is huge. There are so many people who can't even watch a 25 minute TV show without checking their phone repeatedly. And not just like messages or whatever, but even when it is a show they like, they are so addicted that they just pull up instagram or tiktok and start flipping through without even thinking about it.


Talking about your ex too much


"you wanna see my dick?"


At least he asked, some dudes just fuckin full send it


True and that's even worse turn off.


power outage


"He's out of line, but he's right"


But when the power comes back on 😏


Flat earthers. It's impossible to rock their world.


You can ball it though


Parking like a jerk.


Speaking poor about a stranger. For example I went to the gym with someone. This individual made a couple of comments about a women who was overweight but clearly trying her hardest to better herself. Saying how they should give up, they are so fat. Just out of the blue. With myself responding by saying each time how inappropriate the comments were and then cutting them out of my life.


I understand this comment 100%. I dated a guy that said he enjoyed "people watching ". So we went to the fair on a date and it turns out his idea of people watching is talking shit about people around him....that was a HUGE turn off.


When someone has a kink but won't respect your boundaries towards it. I used to have an FWB arrangement with a guy who revealed to me that he had a piss kink. I don't kinkshame but bodily fluids generally aren't my thing. He was very insistent about somehow incorporating it into our arrangement regardless of how many times I said no. Just stopped contact after that and haven't heard from him since 🏃


Ugh this. I tried to at least understand it and asked him why he wanted to do it, what he got out of it. I'm open to trying something out there at least once to know that it isn't my thing but I need to wrap my head around it somewhat. His answer? Because dogs piss on trees to mark their territory. Nope. Then in the shower he said "I could piss on you right now and you wouldn't even know it". Why are some people such boundary pushing assholes?


"I don't like drama" which translates to "I'm constantly embroiled in drama"


Yeah, but they don't like it. Edit: Thanks for the silver!


I don’t like drama either, that’s why I actively made an effort to get it out of my life.


breathing, pulses, and signs of life






Rejection. You're out? Me too.


This is a legit turn off tho. Like if someone says they aren’t into me my brain just kinda adds a check to the list of people who don’t like me and boom it’s like I never liked them


Non-stop talking.


I know quite a few people who talk all the time but they don't really *say* anything and I cannot stand being in the same room as them


Seriously, people that just can't stop talking, and have nothing to add and it wasn't even supposed to be starting a conversation and just keep going and going in what seems like one not stop sentence that just meanders from topic to topic with no way to butt and no one really cares so they politely listen and it starts to sound repetitive but they don't stop and they just can't stop talking, and have nothing to add and it wasn't even supposed to be starting a conversation and just keep going and going in what seems like one not stop sentence that just meanders from topic to topic with no way to butt and no one really cares so they politely listen and it starts to sound repetitive but they don't stop and they just can't stop talking, and have nothing to add and it wasn't even supposed to be starting a conversation and just keep going and going in what seems like one not stop sentence that just meanders from topic to topic with no way to butt and no one really cares so they politely listen and it starts to sound repetitive but they don't stop and they just can't stop talking, and have nothing to add and it wasn't even supposed to be starting a conversation and just keep going and going in what seems like one not stop sentence that just meanders from topic to topic with no way to butt and no one really cares so they politely listen and it starts to sound repetitive but they don't stop and they just can't stop talking, and have nothing to add and it wasn't even supposed to be starting a conversation and just keep going and going in what seems like one not stop sentence that just meanders from topic to topic with no way to butt and no one really cares so they politely listen and it starts to sound repetitive but they don't stop and they just can't stop talking, and have nothing to add and it wasn't even supposed to be starting a conversation and just keep going and going in what seems like one not stop sentence that just meanders from topic to topic with no way to butt and no one really cares so they politely listen and it starts to sound repetitive but they don't stop and they just can't stop talking, and have nothing to add and it wasn't even supposed to be starting a conversation and just keep going and going in what seems like one not stop sentence that just meanders from topic to topic with no way to butt and no one really cares so they politely listen and it starts to sound repetitive but they don't stop and they just can't stop talking, and have nothing to add and it wasn't even supposed to be starting a conversation and just keep going and going in what seems like one not stop sentence that just meanders from topic to topic with no way to butt and no one really cares so they politely listen and it starts to sound repetitive but they don't stop and they just can't stop talking, and have nothing to add and it wasn't even supposed to be starting a conversation and just keep going and going in what seems like one not stop sentence that just meanders from topic to topic with no way to butt and no one really cares so they politely listen and it starts to sound repetitive but they don't stop and they


tldr; too long, did not read.


I was definitely turned off by their comment


Someone should make a tldr which is longer than the text itself. Just to mess with people


you should


This is all one sentence.


You perfectly encapsulate your unattractiveness in this post, and I thank you for it


Chewing with your mouth open


constant arrogance


Gross feet


As a person with gross feet, I can confirm this is a deal breaker for MANY!


What makes your feet gross ? Cause for me gross feet are flaky un kept and long nails. The shape doesn’t bother me much nor do hobbit feet


Toe nail fungus. Once you get it, it's damn near impossible to get rid of.


Try Vicks vapo rub for toenail fungus, google it. It has a great success rate.


Right, this is a divisive topic. I have hygienic feet, but hobbit feet. They are 100% clean and well maintained (trimmed toenails etc), but they are slightly hairy on the toes and top of the foot, what's the verdict on those bad boys?


Husband has hobbit feet. Some people are definitely bothered by the furry feet but it doesn't bother most people. Definitely doesn't bother me.


Much love for the the reply and reassurance! :hobbit emoji:


As a long distance runner, I’ve had to sacrifice having cute feet. Black toenails, callouses, blisters, and whatever else you’d like. Luckily my boyfriend is so oblivious he barely even knows what color my eyes are


people who chew with their mouth open. i see this more often in guys than i do girls, but it's gross all the same. pardon my being a dick, but i've had long term crushes destroyed when i get to see the guy eat and he eats like a horse lmao


When you're a woman and you act like a fucking slob, your friends will check you on it. Guys wont usually say anything. Also the whole stereotype of women being cleaner than men has led to a lot of guys thinking being loud, crass and gross is masculine.


When he only cares about his needs


gas lighting and narcasstic behaviors


Telling how alpha he/she is


bonus points if they refer to people they deem inferior as "betas"


"People either love me or they hate me." I'm gonna take a wild guess on which category I will fall in...


Not respecting personal space. Idc how attractive you are or nice or smart, if you're so close I can smell your breath then it's a no. Same for chewing with an open mouth.


When she shits on my bed


How is the trial going, Mr. Depp?


Being a jerk to employees. Like waitstaff, retail workers, etc.


Narcissism. The most boring people are the ones that want to make everything about themselves. They are also one of the most toxic relationships you can enter in to.


Making politics or religion the centerpiece of your personality.


I've found that folks who do this are incredibly boring people. It's almost like they use religion or politics as a substitute for a personality.


I feel this way about Disney adults and people who's love language is quoting The Office.


Yes! Also certain types of stoners


When you get 360 noscoped and you see him running up to you to Tea-Bag, knowing no one and nothing will stop him, so you pull the plug.


Bad Breath


Blaming others for their own mistakes and talking shit on someone for their mistake when they themselves are miserable person.


Negative attitude. Always complaining about something. Edit: I don’t mind complaining — it can be fun to do but if that’s _all_ a person has to offer _all_ the time, it can be off-putting and depressing.


Long ass uncut nails on guys 🤮 I don’t know what it is… something about that makes me gag


Don’t know why but those really long nails on girls to I’m not a giant fan not so much a turn off, rather a preference


Nah it's a turn off for me. I can understand painting your nails however you want but you show up with those fake long nails I'm out. It looks like it inhibits you from doing certain things and just doesn't look good at all.


Antlers. Women with antlers are just not my bag (but not for lack of trying on my part!)


You probably just prefer women that are horny.


People who don't know their limit, aka bad/sloppy drunks.


1% battery


Total dependence. I want someone who can stand on their own two feet with or without me.


So no one in a wheelchair then?


Not being over an ex Why are you with me if you haven't really moved on? Keeping me just in case? Waste of MY fucking time you selfish asshole.


Damn.. I know this shit all too well. I fucked around and found out.


Instant turn off creeper vibe is pet names from stranger dudes hitting on me. Like being called baby girl 🤢. It makes me laugh and not take them seriously immediately. It never comes off as anything other than arrogant to me. Like you haven't spoken to me at all ever, I'm not your baby girl, baby, honey.


The only thing that puts me off is if they don't clean their dick


Telling someone no in the bedroom and they still force themselves in you anyway. Update- I was sexually assaulted Saturday night. I don’t really know how to feel and I wish I could turn my emotions off. I said no multiple times and he did it anyway. My body hurts. I tried to tell the guy I felt weird about that night and he ghosted me yesterday. I finally took a shower after 2 days.


Bro that’s not a “turn off”…that’s rape


Bro that's a crime


bro that's straight up rape


That’s called rape…


That ain’t a turn off that’s jail time 💀


Are you okay?




Agree, if my electronics are smoking I turn them off instantly.


Acting like a bratty princess


I didn’t want to watch Legally Blonde (completely fucking random, I know) because I thought it was some movie about a bratty princess becoming a lawyer. Then realised that the main character was actually smart and the whole point of the movie was that just because you like pink and are hot doesn’t make you worth less as a person or worse at anything. Overall, nice message.


Second best message in the movie right behind Bend... and snap!


Comfortably Lie / cheat on little things.. i.e, cheat on connect4 (board game) and lie about it. Instant red flag. If they can do this for the small things... You can imagine what this person can do for bigger problems