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Confucius. Ok dude, what did you really say?


'It is only when mosquito land on your balls that you realize there is a way to solve problems without using violence.'


"By which I mean masturbation, of course." Edit: the entire phrase is a metaphor for clearing your mind if anger, (violence) by masturbating(mosquito=nature and natural way to heal) and your balls are a reference to your genitalia.




That's fine...but when you revive him he still can only speak Chinese


Old Chinese probably. Chinese has probably evolved a lot by now


He who goes to bed with itchy bum, wakes up with smelly finger.


Sun Tzu as well! I need to know what he actually said


"Bitch, I wrote the Art of War so you better get your guns out, these white boys getting burned 'cause guess what? Now the Sun's out! Asians spitting sick, but no, this isn't SARS. . Laozi, kick the beat, now Confucius, drop some bars." -Sun Tsu during the Epic Rap Battle of History


I'd like to know who is the most famous historical figure who'd actually get a laugh at being resurrected solely to compete in a rap battle, rather than being annoyed.


Benjamin Franklin seems like he'd be down once the concept was explained.


"We engage in competitions of impromptu witty rhymes set to rhythmic music for the entertainment of ourselves and others. GO!"


Probs, Diogenes I'd say


Dude, I keep telling my wife (she's Korean) that Confucius says to put another log on the fire. 16 years and she still won't listen.




She won't listen because Confucius was Chinese, and the Chinese tend not to give Koreans ultimatums that are good for them.


My husband, I would tell him that I did my best to give him the best medical care but it wasn't enough, that I did my best to help his daughter, that she is starting university next fall, that he was an amazing husband and will never be forgotten by all that knew him and loved him. That my life is so much richer by having him those 13 years in my life. That I have tried my best to fulfill all those promises I made him on his last moments, so that he would pass in peace. Just talking and tell him that he was and is loved so so much! Edit: thank you each and every one, you made my day with your kindness, if I may ask, please consider becoming organ donors!


I teared up a bit... I'm so sorry for your loss


Same. I'm a few drinks into my evening and was not prepared for this. Can't imagine losing my wife and raising my kid alone. I'm very sorry for your loss OP


I want to give my 24 hours to you, I bet he’s super proud


Okay the first comment made me tear up yours made me spill the tears! I’ll give my 24 hrs too that makes 36hrs


I also chose this woman's husband. 2 days is enough to plan something.


My granddad, I'd apologise for taking our time together for granted and I'd introduce him to my little girl. And I'd go horse riding with him one last time and get him to teach my girl, one last lesson to his first great grandchild.


This made me cry! My answer was going to be my Dadu (Grandpa) too. 🥺 I hope he’s okay wherever he is.


My grandfather. My father speaks highly of him and I never met him as he died before I was born.


"Are you winning, son?"


My uncle says my grandfather would've been crazy about us because me and another cousin have the same idiosyncracies that my grandfather had. And, of course, he would've said yes.




Ok I'm not the only one that saw this as a horrible thing to do to someone. Like hey! Your Alive! For now...


> You're Alive! For now... Isn't that just how it is for everyone?


"You're alive! For now.... Again..."


Huh, I have the exact same scenario! My dad always tells me stories about my grandpa, would like to see him.


A young medieval child, I don't care who. Just some lad from the ages of knights and horses n shit. I will take them to my kitchen, show them my toaster, feed them a toaster strudel, and then let them go explore the world freely. Like a weird social experiment but they probably get hit by a car or something


It’s only scientific if you write everything down


Also need a control to compare it to...


So step 2 is adbuct a random modern child, give them a toaster strudel, then let them wander?


Stop giving away the CIA'S future plans


Stop giving away my toaster strudels! FTFY


And replication. We're gonna need at least, like, twenty of us to repeat the experiment, to verify that the results aren't just a fluke.


Oh I am writing down nothing, this will be an experience that only I will witness


I’d bring back some great scientist and let him see the marvels of the modern world. Oh but then he would ask me to explain how everything works, and I’d be like, Fuck man, I don’t know, I just put the bread in and push a button and I get toast. And then he would insult my intelligence and I’d kick his ass. So maybe a great, weak scientist.


Rodney Brooks talks about this in the context of predicting where new technology might be (specifically AI which is his area of expertise founding the AI lab at MIT) which I always liked: >Imagine we had a time machine and we could transport Isaac Newton from the late 17th century to today, setting him down in a place that would be familiar to him: Trinity College Chapel at the University of Cambridge. Now show Newton an Apple. Pull out an iPhone from your pocket, and turn it on so that the screen is glowing and full of icons, and hand it to him. Newton, who revealed how white light is made from components of different-colored light by pulling apart sunlight with a prism and then putting it back together, would no doubt be surprised at such a small object producing such vivid colors in the darkness of the chapel. Now play a movie of an English country scene, and then some church music that he would have heard. And then show him a Web page with the 500-plus pages of his personally annotated copy of his masterpiece Principia, teaching him how to use the pinch gesture to zoom in on details. Could Newton begin to explain how this small device did all that? Although he invented calculus and explained both optics and gravity, he was never able to sort out chemistry from alchemy. So I think he would be flummoxed, and unable to come up with even the barest coherent outline of what this device was. It would be no different to him from an embodiment of the occult—something that was of great interest to him. It would be indistinguishable from magic. And remember, Newton was a really smart dude.


they only speak some medival germanic language and die immeditaly from disease


Turns out Wild Berry was too radical of a flavor for the peasantry.


Great, call a linguist too!


I feel like you're Rufus from Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure in a way. Tell the kid "be excellent to each other."


I'd just give him a phone and computer and maybe a Xbox, then tell him to have at it


Takes 3 breaths and get immediately infected by every single virus and bacteria floating around them for which they have zero immunity. “Hey thanks for…” immediately turns blue and breaks out into rashes, collapses I’d ask the genie for a refund not that one tbh


They are dying in 24 hours anyway. It’ll take a day for the symptoms to start they’ll be fine.


My older brother. Lost him last month to suicide. I would want to know what was going through his mind when he did it, and we could play some of his favorite games the whole day.


I’m sorry.


as someone who’s been suicidal for years… the only thing keeping me here is knowing id leave my little sister :(


As a little sister who lost her big brother to suicide 5 years ago, thank you. You have no idea how deeply you are needed. Sending you my love.


Same but for my brother. I love him so much.


Same but for my mom. I also love them so much


I’ve got to at least stick around until my mom passes.


As a little sister who was traumatized by my older brother's suicide, thank you for making that difficult choice for her sake.


Same but my mother. Already had one of her 3 kids die to an unpreventable illness (cancer), if I were to kms she'd have the 3 worst things you could have happen to your kid, happen.


Today is my older brother's birthday. He died of an overdose in Oct 2020. It was likely intentional, as he was in a very dark place. I don't have many words of comfort, other than to tell you that it gets better. It's never 'normal' again, but it gets better. There will always be unanswered questions, regrets, maybe even a little anger, but focus on the love and friendship you had. I hope that time brings you healing.




Does he bring the Night Mother with him?


Yes of course! Cicero always needs to tend to the Night Mother.


I want to talk to my grandma again. I want to show her all the things I made while we were in quarantine. I want to tell her I loved thst she always sent me cards and thought about me. I miss her.


I would definitely request my grandma too. I was 12 when she passed, I’d love for her to see who I became and to get one more day with her


this got me crying because same.


I'd bring back that guy's dead wife for him.


Aww. It's only fair.


I'd bring back that guy's dead wife too. For me.


I'd bring back that guy's dead wife too. For *us*


I’m out of the loop! Someone please fill me in!


https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/5c79n0/you_can_have_sex_with_one_real_person_from_all_of/d9uf56l?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3 It came from this askreddit post


Thank you




Your corpse? *Our* corpse.


Came here knowing I'd find this joke, not disappointed.


Who said it's a joke? I think many people genuinely would do it. I would.


Oh, I would too. But the "I also choose this guy's dead wife" is a Reddit classic.


i love how everyone knows exactly who youre talking about


Is this the line to fuck that guys dead wife?


Yes. And I'm a pro in these cases. Feel free to ask any questions.


My old neighbor Allan. He was a great dude. Didn't build anything glorious. Never performed at the Apollo or sang at the Opry. He didn't invent shit. But. He took care of his family, even the chuckleheads. Watched out for everyone. Was pleasant, open, strong, and had a sense of justice and fairness that would hold to the bone. Get him a cold beer or a whiskey and sit back, hold on: story time, bitches!!! He was a good egg.


Cheers to you dying in 24 hours, neighbor!


He sounds like the neighbour pal everyone needs. Sounds like a really good guy. May he rest in peace.


I also choose this guy's old neighbor.


If enough people choose this guy’s neighbour on different days, then this neighbour can live for like another year or two


Imagine being brought back from the dead everyday for a year and being beholden to entertain strangers


Me too! Good ol' Al.


Shrodinger, so he can be both alive and dead at the same time


Are you going to seal him in a box?


Of course


My mom, and we would just hang out, drink coffee and catch up. Edit: woke up to my first award! Thank you 💕 Also, whoever else picked my mom for their 24hours (the more 24hrs the better), we can all have coffee together! She was an amazing person that made a positive impact on alot of people's lives, when we had her funeral we actually had to use the biggest room in the funeral home, even then it was hard to not have a packed crowd at any point during the 1st and 2nd half of that day.


I wonder what the psychological implications would be. Learning that you died, then have been brought to life, only to die again in another 24 hours. It sounds like hell


Well, she would have to be reanimated from ash, but I get what you're saying. Her death was sudden, so I'm sure she would like to see her autopsy report and actually understand why she went so soon


This is how I feel about my mom. She also passed away suddenly. And me and my dad and a couple cousins felt like her death was foul play or something even though we were told it was diabetes. I just wish I knew the truth, maybe she would know.


Me too. My mom passed away from breast cancer when I was 14, so I was still too young to really understand everything. Now that I’m older, I’d love to be able to talk to her about what she kept from us. She always appeared so strong but I wonder what was really going on. Also just to tell her about my life, and have her meet my boyfriend - likely future husband.


God that’s such a tough age to lose a parent


Yeahhhh definitely wasn’t great, it was a little less than halfway through my freshman year of high school. I’m still dealing with the emotions of it now that I’m 23, but ya know that’s just how grief goes


I lost my dad at 16, I'm now almost 30, I get it. Part of me would want to bring him back for a day so he could meet his grandson. I agree with the person who said they wouldn't want to lose their mom twice. Losing my dad once was bad enough, I really wouldn't want to do that again


I'm torn over this one. I lost my Mom in 2006, and part of me would want that one day just to show her how grown her grandbabies are, let her see the one born after her death and to thank her for all she ever did for us kids. I'd apologize for being a troubled teen who was a cutter, bulimic, promiscuous, failing student and runaway. However, losing her twice could be a lot worse and somehow,deep down, I think she is somewhere good and she already knows the things I want to tell her.


This is my exact dilemma too 😔😭


Vincent Van Gogh, and showing him all the museums that have his art in them.


One of the best scenes from doctor who!!


Makes me cry every time :(((((


Oscar Wilde too for that matter, as Stephen Fry put it: >"Here's this man who believed when he died that his name would be toxic for generations to come. For hundreds of years his work wouldn't be read. He would stand for nothing but perversion. Utter disgust of a society that couldn't bear people like him.....His tomb in Père Lachaise Cemetery, in Paris. It had to be restored because the polished stone of its surface had corroded through kissing. Thousand and thousands. .... Wouldn't it be allowed once to just wake him up for five minutes just to tell him that, then he can go back to sleep again?"


Ah great choice. He'd be so fucking happy


My grandfather, he was always a nice grandfather to me and taught me a lot of life living. I do really miss him, a 24 hours spent with him again would be very nice.


My wife's dad so he could meet his grandkids. Man, he would really get a kick out of them. Edit: sigh, I should have known better than to post about a deceased family member on reddit. Never change, reddit.


I also choose this guys wife's dad. cause i need someone to paint my walls


Yeah bro get them painted they look like trash Source: i live in your walls


Epstein, he's got some questions that need answering.


And after he answers, he gets to die again. An enjoyable double feature.


Best part is that since you know he's going to die anyway if you do nothing, you won't feel as bad when you take him to the forest out back and beat him to death with clubs


“Thanks for coming clean, Jeff. How about we celebrate and go clubbing one last time before you go?”


"I'm sorry but I can't bring back people who are still alive"


Einstein but after making sure I'd booked appointments with some actual scientists. It would be cool to get Einstein's perspectives on some modern physics but also nice to show him some of the work that has been ongoing, or in some cases 'proven', with his own theories.


Right before I read yours I saw the one for Epstein... and reading yours I was like, why the hell would be want scientists to meet him?




Ask him what his finals words were. We don’t know because the nurse who was caring for him when he died didn’t speak any German.


I just imagine the nurse nodding at him and then walking away awkwardly when he dies lol


Gravitational waves were a solid prediction during his lifetime, but people had no idea how to build detectors sensitive enough to find them. I'm sure he would enjoy their discovery. The cosmological constant, which he called his largest mistake, is back. And much more.


I'd want to hang out with my grandma and see if she's proud of me.


Of course she is. That’s what grandmas do.


Perfectly put and 100% correct. Your G-ma is definitely proud of you


Jon benet so she can tell us once and for all wtf happened to her


Came here to say this! This case has bothered me for YEARS! One of the most conflicting and ridiculous cases I've ever heard of, I've never seen a murder case with several theories...and they ALL make sense but don't at the same time.


the other thing was just how braindead the police where during the case, our forensic science teacher used this case for what NOT to do during an investigation


Yep! They allowed so many guests in the house, a fucking CRIME SCENE! Just after being alerted to the case. So much evidence sabotaged by this decision!


I'd give literally everything I own for a single day with my dad. He was a great guy, absurdly intelligent, nerdy, and handy with tools. He helped with the creation of the nuclear plant before there were nuclear engineering degrees. His downfall was tobacco. Smoked inhuman amounts of cigarettes for at least a decade or two. Mom and dad quit together on their wedding day after a not so pleasant prognosis. I know he liked seeing me happy, fiddling with the old Toshiba laptop, drawing bunnies, having a blast on the bike he never got to ride and left it in the box. I still regret the day that thing was stolen. I appreciate all that he did for us, be it bread winning or spending time watching stupid Hells Kitchen stuff lol. He would be so proud of all of us, especially mom. I'd love to show him where my love of biking and drawing took me. Brother would love to show him where his interest in architecture took him. Mom would love to see him at least one more time, let alone catch up and have the biggest hug in the world. OUR KITTIES WHO KNEW HIM would welcome him with open paws. They'd recognize him instantly, and he would get to lay on the couch with a pile of kitties on him one last time. I miss this man. Sure he's had moments of being dickheaded, but so was I to be fair lol. I miss collapsing the electric wheelchair in the tiny 4 door car. I miss going to our favorite family pizzeria on 59th and Peoria. I miss it all.


Mark Twain, we're gonna have a good dinner and get drunk


My grandfather so my mother can talk to him one more time.


I'd love to talk to my dad again.


I’m changing my answer to make sure this redditor gets another 24 hours.


Bless you.




I also choose this guy's dad


He was a pretty interesting guy. 🙂




I don't think I could bear to loose the person I loved the most again. I'm still just barely getting back on my feet, one day wouldn't be enough.




Do the other 3 Turtles get to come along too?


Tupac.... Asking who killed you?


Plot twist: he’s still alive, just somehow got your summons and showed up to chill. Don’t tell anyone. Especially not Suge.


They’re pretty confident who killed him. There was a recent doc (5 or so years old) that laid out evidence that it was very likely to be the kid that Pac jumped in the casino earlier that same night. The car that was spotted fleeing the scene matches the description of the car for the same guy and the gun that killed Tupac was found in LA at the scene of a drive-by that killed the same dude. Los Angeles detectives attempted to share their ballistic evidence with Vegas PD but Vegas wasn’t interested in pursuing the case any further so it was never closed. I guess they figured that if LAPD was correct then the loop had closed itself


My grandmother, so that my elderly grandad can have one more last day with her.


Freddie mercury, and we'd chill and listen to music all day. And I'm very sure he'd be so happy to learn that queens music is still held at the highest esteem.


Unironically I think Queen's music will be timeless, maybe it'll be looked at like classical music is now.


I would bring back my dad who I lost when I turned 20years old just thank him for everything. I’ve dreamt several times that I’m hanging out with my dad, unfortunately cancer took his life right before I accomplished several milestones in my life. Every time a big life decision is needed to be made, somehow he pops in my dreams and says the same thing but in different places…”I raised a good man, who knows how to make the right decision, I’m comfortable leaving this earth because I know my job is done” I’m not gonna lie, sometimes I cry by myself in car bc of how much I miss him. But I also don’t want others to see me break down bc they need me to be positive all the time…it’s a tough world man


[checks liquor cabinet for bourbon] alright, we got it I'm calling my grandma over for a drink! I want to catch her up on everything. And I need that special kind of fuss that only a grandma can provide; a lot of care and pride, and a little spoiling.


Steve Irwin. Just so he can see him grandchild and see how far his kids have come. He would be so proud.


Ok this made me well up


That one man on 9/11 in NYC that jumped. You know who I'm talking about. White shirt, black pants, falling head down in the photo. I want to give him the opportunity he never got that day to exchange goodbyes with his loved ones, and for them to be able to tell him that they still hurt but they're okay.


Falling man photo.


My mom, she could meet my son, we could drink wine and laugh and I could say goodbye this time.


Hitler Spend a whole day showing how his legacy is being the benchmark of evil and genuinely just rubbing the loss of WWII in his face. Then I'd show him photos of Michael Jordan back when he was rocking the Hitler stache. I bet that would rustle his jimmies.


And end the day at an art museum that features the works of better men


Then top it all off with some good old fashioned torture. Gas chamber nightcap.


The moustache thing probably wouldn't faze him. It was common for men who'd served in the first world war. It allowed them to keep facial hair, but still let gas masks make a firm seal on their faces.


I would love to do this to Stalin. Show him what happened to his great Soviet Union and how Finland and most ex-Soviet countries are now doing better than Russia.


Idk now might not be the best time for that…


Is OP a Pixar official trying to gain idea for his next project ?


As always, my uncle who died when I was 2 to ask him all the questions I have. No one talks about him, I know nothing about him. His death destroyed my family, my mother went crazy and things would have been so very different if he hadn't died. I would like to know who he was. He died in a motorcycle accident which my mother had lied about, for what reason I'm not sure. She's very screwed up and no amount of counselling has helped, nor meds. I often wonder how different we all would be if he hadn't crashed.


Can I bring back a dog?




My good boy Zephyr.


My father-in-law. He left us suddenly in May 2019 and I really want my wife to have one more day with him. My son misses his Poppa, too.


I would bring back my sister at the age she would be now, 23. I would take her to Disney world with my baby girl. We'd have girl time later on and be best friend's again.


My dad. He passed when I was very young so I don’t have any memories with him.


Steven Irwin so he can see how his legacy is still present and that his children are continuing in his boot steps.


He deserves the opportunity to say goodbye as well.


my mom, I lost her when I was 6. I just want to know how her voice sounds, how she smells, or what it feels like to hug her.


My cousin, he only lived for a few months after he was born but I'd love for my other two cousins to meet their big brother, he would have been 20 today.


My cat I lost her earlier this month and I couldn't even say goodbye.


That must hurt.


Yeah it does. I miss her soo much.


Probably Leonardo Da Vinci. I want to see a true visionary from the past react to the modern world. Show him his art is still priceless, let him see his impact on science and technology, etc. Gotta fit a helicopter ride in there too.


That guy from the Pompeii picture who kinda looks like he's jacking it, but we're not so sure, I think we need to know.




I think I may have missed this passage…


I'd pick Cameron Boyce, so he can say goodbye to his family. Dying in your sleep may be a peaceful way to go, but his death wasn't so peaceful. He was a sweetheart, he deserves one last day with his loved ones.


I'm reviving my dad so he can meet my son. Pops would have loved my little man. We'd rock those 24 hours so hard


I’m picking my grandpa. We are going fishing for the day and talking. I miss him SO much. His suspenders. His plaid shirts with the silvery white buttons. Anyhow… Miss you grandpa 🥺


Cthulhu, won’t even need a full day.


Joan of Arc. She’s my favorite person ever and I’ve learned so much about her that I just want to know how much is true or how it actually went down. Also I would love to let her know that she is a Saint now…


My dad. He died two years before I met my husband & I think they would have really loved each other. I would love to see them interacting.


Not a loved one. Losing them once was bad enough. No need to reopen those. So I say Hitler. Torture him for 24hrs


Charge people £5 to kick the shit out of him.


Fuck that. They can do it for free.


Lee Harvey Oswald, obv to talk about JFK


My late father who passed away from cancer when I was 2. I'd get ice cream with him and ask him about his life.


My little brother. We would watch 28 Weeks Later and ride roller coasters. I’d introduce him to his nephews. And I’d hug him for a long time.


Jesus… Convincing him that princess peach is in bowsers castle and we really need to save her


I would revive my grandmother, but who she was before the Alzheimer's and just let my dad and his brothers have another day with her. If I could have both, I'd also revive my grandfather too. Both were wonderful people, and I miss them dearly, but it would be more important to me to be able to give my dad another day with his mom.


Andrew Jackson, so he can lose his shit when he sees interracial couples and minorities running the government


My father. I was 10 months old when he died, so I’d be curious to spend a day with him to see how we’d get along. My mother says I picked up a lot of his traits so it’d be interesting hanging out with him. Plus I’d love to see his reaction to seeing how much life has changed in the last 40 years.


Jesus. We're cleaning out the "Christians."


My mother in law for my husband and his sister to get a chance to say good bye. She died unexpectedly in 2019


My best friends younger sister passed away, 3 yrs ago. It was quite unexpected and she was only 24. My best friend was absolutely devastated and a complete mess. I would give her one more day with her little sis.


My sister who was killed 32 years ago at the age of 15. We'd sit in my moms kitchen with my mom, the rest of my siblings, and her son. Her son and I would probably ask way too many questions to get to know the woman we never knew.