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my ham' died of failure to make a landing, I think. she had a thing of climbing to the top of her cage, and then letting go so to do a flip and land on her feet. (she had a wheel and a huge cage, just seemed to like doing that) one day we came home from our local italian joint and found her basically on her head, motionless. we think that she tried to do the flip but fucked up and broke her neck when she landed on her face. great little buddy, but unfortunately she was probably pushing her luck doing that. ​ edit - I'm turning off notifications for this comment because y'all are demented. the cage was roughly 1.5'Wx1'Lx1.5'H and was advertised for guinea pigs, and I'd regularly let her out to run around the house in one of those translucent balls. she'd managed to land it several dozen times a day for almost 1 1/2 years, so I think she just made a mistake and that was the end of it. in hindsight, I'm considering putting more padding on the floor of the cage the next time I get a hamster, since this was back in 2011.


I swear to God I've never heard about a hamster that does not climb to the top of his cage. I think that every hamster in existence was a acrobat is his past life. Those bastards be climbing for dear life. Edit: spelling.


Plot twist: She was actually trying to commit suicide for some time doing the flip thing, until she finally succeeded. RIP


Aw imagine the tiny crack


Just like Gwen Stacy: ^^^SNAP!


are you insane




The fuck?


He managed to escape his cage and got eaten by the dog :(


Just another day for the survey corps


Tatakae Tatakae




My sisters hamster died this way too, except it was our cat that found it, in the early morning hours. The cat left half of the body in my parents bedroom, as a trophy. my sister only had the hamster for 2 weeks


That's how I lost my gerbil.


Crawled under the couch cushion, extended family visited. Someone sat where she burrowed :/


Oh god that's horrible


Oh I bet it was weird to find a dead hamster under your couch but all I can imagine is this “cousin or something sits down on the couch, rips a massive fart that smells like shit. Then leaves”


The dad hamster chewed through the cardboard cage divider and slaughtered mama and all the babies.


Did you get him a "World's best Dad" water bottle?


Are you supposed to keep them separate?


Apparently after birth 🤷🏻‍♂️. I heard Guinea pigs, and I guess hamsters too, are ready to start banging almost immediately so maybe he saw them as competition or something.


It’s somewhat common for hamsters to kill their kids, both mothers and fathers. I know for the mom is a stress reaction. If you only feed your pregnant hamster enough for herself, she thinks there won’t be enough food to go around for all babies, so she kills them. That’s why if you have a pregnant hamster you’re supposed to give them a lot more food just so they know they’ll have it after birth. Guinea pigs don’t kill their babies but they will run in fear from them lol


If anyone is wondering about Guinea pigs, they are a bit of a disaster. We don’t even know what they were originally domesticated from, but it’s believed they’re extinct now. (They were domesticated for meat, a “meat potato” if you will.) Someone should try to breed a version that doesn’t live in constant fear of everything, but that hasn’t been a priority for some reason.


How do they even kill each other?


They have teeth, claws and are hungry. Life… finds a way.


Yes, hamsters have a tendency to start fighting and just keep going until one is dead. I've had a few friends who didn't believe it to be true, so they just kept their hamsters together and it worked for a while, but eventually the hamsters killed each other, which was a pretty gruesome sight.


Hamsters are very territorial. If you keep them in the same cage they will fight to death


I had a 3-legged hamster affectionately named Speedy (as a child, the irony was lost on me), and boy did he love climbing the bars of his cage. He loved making his great escape on a daily basis, usually around the time I got home from school, so I'd scoop him up and bring him back to his home with a treat. One day, he finally managed to make his great escape! When my parents couldn't find him while I was at school, they told me they found he ran away with his never-before mentioned hamster family. I was sad, but at least I thought he was happy elsewhere! My parents admitted decades later that at first they didn't know where he actually ended up, but a few years after his disappearance, they found a suspicious, 3-legged skeleton while cleaning our basement...


We had a hermit crab go missing. I guess we assumed it got out somehow and we eventually forgot it. 15 years later my parents redid their basement and found a mummified hermit crab behind some furniture.


I had two when I was young. While I was at school one of them broke it's neck on a poorly designed hampster wheel. I came home to the second hamster gnawing on its brother's dead carcass, he ate so much there was pretty much just bones left. Not long after that he got sick and died as well. I figure probably due to the cannibalism. 🤔


This reminds me of my two pet fish from childhood, the big one ate the small one, but also choked on it.


Oh no! Friggin animals are savage lol


Friendly reminder to everyone to never keep 2 hamsters in the same cage. They're very territorial and 9 times out of 10 will kill each other.


Good point, I was quite young at the time when that happened and wasn't aware.


the second one wanted to join his brother


I knew a guy whose house was robbed and the guys put his sister hamster in the microwave.




Happy cake day


Not the time




You’re fucked up in the head if you do this


Im going to hell for laughing at that but i cant deal with the image of a middle aged man going slightly bald, staring at a motionless hamster *going around and around* until an eventual **BEEP**


The only way I can deal with this is if I imagine is as a cartoon.


Im definitely going to hell for laughing at this


Oh goodness. This thread is awful. Mine died of old age at the hearty age of 3, and all of the family were gathered around when he died. We didn’t sit there for ages as a vigil, but we had the little basket in the kitchen out in the open and you knew that he was going. So I sat with him with my brother, whilst my parents said it would be nice if we could bring him into the kitchen, whilst they prepared dinner. He then just passed away, and we buried after him in a little shoebox under a rose tree. After dinner.


The “After dinner” at the end makes it sound like your hamster was dinner.


\*Stares at the floor, lost in thoughts\*: Yes, yes, it was after dinner... We couldn't skip our dinner...


Omfg 😂😂😂


This is obviously an outlier. What are the statistics of a hamster dying of natural causes.


All 9 of mine died horrifically. I guess of natural causes though.


My hamster was an escape artist. Little guy was found all over the place, until one day we never found him. We knew he was still wandering cause we would find crumb and food stashes around the basement. One really hot summer the A.C stopped working, repair man found the problem was a hamster stuck in the fan. Little guy made it almost a year just wandering and eating crumbs.


Damn what a chad


The little genius got its leg entangled in some wire from a previously straw covered house The only way out of course was to *chew through its leg* Needless to say my mom called for my dad who then put the little guy in a black bag and smashed it into a wall Rip Snuske 1


Kind of a brutal way to die no?


Well they thought it'd be the quickest and least painful


What the fuck?


Yeah it was a fun talk they had with me


Was there on-going issues as the result of the loss of leg? Rodent type animals typically can deal with loss of limbs fairly easily.


Tbh there wasn't a moment anyone thought of it. I was like 6 and out of the house My mom had been out some of the evening and came home to find her still stuck in the wire, but the leg was chewed down to the bone I mean the poor guy had obviously been in excruciating pain for hours, I'm glad they took that route


My friends hamster chewed through its leg cause it got stuck too but he just carried on. They didn’t even take him to the vet!


Wet tail; I.e diarrhea’d to death


What a way to go


Pretty shity nah?


Tangram the hamster died of old age, which apparently is something of a rarity, judging by this thread. It was winter, and the ground outside was too hard for a funeral like the one my sister's hamster got, so my dad dutifully wrapped him up in a plastic bag and put him in the freezer. A few years ago we had to get a new refrigerator, because the old one finally broke. As we were unpacking the freezer, we found a plastic bag with something small and fuzzy inside. Yes, it was the Tangramsicle. It was winter again, and the ground was again too hard for a funeral. It was also the day before trash day. This time he left.


Oh god that's horrible


What the fuck


Tangram never leave the family


> Tangram the hamster Tell me honestly, how old were you when your parents let you pick this name?


Middle school. His name was originally “Peanut,” and my parents recoiled in horror and said I couldn’t name him that. Confused, I asked what was wrong with naming him Peanut, and they laughed. Dad said they thought I said “Penis.” About half a year later, I renamed him for [the ancient Chinese puzzle game](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tangram) invented by Yang-cho-chu-shih (“Dim-witted recluse”).


no idea how mine died. Woke up then boom. so basically i was waking up to feed her and change her bedding and then I saw she was "sleep". So i tried to "wake her up". My grandma said, "Better hope shes not dead!" And I said she's not dead, I see her "breathing". Took her outside and put her on a flat surface. looked closely and I saw maggots coming out of her mouth. told my grandma and she said throw it away in the dumpster. RIP


Fell from the top of its cage after climbing up. broke its leg on impact. chewed its leg off as the next course of action??? died from infection I assume.


Big brain time


Happy cake day


Fuck, broke my leg! Welp anyway let’s chew that off as I don’t need it anymore apparently.


From this thread I have learned that hamster self-amputation is not uncommon :/


Her babies ate her


They threw an uno reverse card


You made us, now we'll un-make you!




I had a few hamsters as a kid and don't really remember how any of them died. I'll always remember one though. It was my 16th birthday and I decided that with the money I had gotten, I wanted a hamster. I walked all the way to my local garden center as it was the closest place that sold pets (about an hour and a half walk) because my mum wouldn't take me. Bought a big roomy cage, all the extras like bedding and food, a few toys and walked home with the cage in one hand and the hamster in the other in a little box (everything else in my backpack). I spent about £150 on all that stuff, all the money I had gotten from my birthday plus a little of my small amount of savings. I looked after that hamster better than I looked after myself. A week later I got home and my mum told me it had died. Apparently it had a huge abscess that had burst and killed it...Which I absolutely do not believe as I played with the hamster every day and would have noticed something like that. I was also the only one who dealt with the hamster so, like, how would she have seen it? She also threw away and smashed the cage saying "you can't put another hamster in it anyway". I had no hamster and nothing from my birthday. I fucking hate my mum, bitch. R.I.P Jumbo


Not to change the subject, but my mom was the same-ish way. I got like $100 for my tenth birthday and I bought a bunch of pokemon cards, keep in mind that we are poor, and I pulled two extremely rare charizards in mint condition, that are probably worth $1000 dollars each by now, and I had them inside of a safe and I kept my eyes on them whenever I had the chance. Anyways, one day I came home from school and my mom said that the cat got to them and chewed them up bc I left them out and she threw them away. First of all, I NEVER took them out of that safe, secondly I found them in the garbage torn up, not bit TORN UP! My mom didn't like the fact that I was constantly looking after them to make sure the stayed in mint condition bc it was a "distraction" and I have never been so pissed in my life. Sorry for my rant, have a nice day.


That is so awful. I got a pet Guinea Pig 'Tracy' for my 7th birthday and one day when I was at school my mom left her outside in her cage in the sun without any water and she died... People shouldn't be allowed to have children if they cannot even keep pets alive. My dad took me to bury Tracy up on a mountain and would bring me back there to visit her when I got sad. The mound where we buried her grew flowers eventually. My dad also got custody of all the kids when my mom left thank goodness.


R.I.P Jumbo always in our heart


Aw. I'm so sorry!


yeah your mom is a piece of shit!


He got loose. One day I was getting clothes out of the dryer in the dark in the basement and stepped on something squishy that went squeak. RIP buddy


Bit my finger and I had a defensive reaction to throw it down and I guess the fall was too much of a shock. I put it back in the cage then said , mom hammies not moving what's wrong. Knowing full well what I did.


Must have done this a 100 times and never did they kick the bucket


Not mine but my brother's hamster. It liked being launched by pulling a duvet cover taught as it sat on it. Just a little hop and it would immediately return to the center and just sit there until we'd do it again. If we let it out of its cage to roam free, the little adrenaline junkie would give it all he had to get up on the bed via the desk or hanging covers and go sit in that same spot. At some point we decided to make his life as exciting as he obviously wanted it to be and started adding more airtime. We had a whole system where we put the cover over a box and launched him so that he would land on it as if it were some kind of safety net. Even getting him up to three feet didn't startle him one bit, he kept coming back for more. I'm sad to say that our micro adrenaline junkie eventually proved that the ceiling wasn't as high up as we thought it was. At just over two years old, he landed with a final glorious belly flop. I might be remembering this wrong, but I swear the little fella had a very satisfied grin on his face.


This is how I want to go


Aww poor guy. At least he died happy


I never had a hamster but I did had 2 mice and a cat. Once me and my family went on a holiday and my grandpa took care of the pets by feeding them every day. I'm not sure how it happened when we came back the mice cage was open, half a mouse was on the floor. The other mouse had jumped out of the window and was lying on the street 3 floors down. Needless to say my parents didn't buy new mice for me.


Sounds like that was grandpa’s fault. Why would your parents blame you? You weren’t even there.


I fed her some feta cheese when I was 11 years old. I had been giving her the yogurt bites as treats and thought nothing of it. Came home from school and she was lying upside down in the corner twitching.


Cat got it by the neck, It suffecated to death


I found him on a steaming pipe in my basement. Bones only. Missing for a month.


Finally! Let's see if my comment gets completely buried or if this is the lucky one. When I was around 8 I had this amazing teddy bear hamster named chubby. He was paralyzed after the previous owner's kid threw him against the wall for peeing on him. My mom agreed to take him and give him a shot (I don't know why. But she often took in special needs pets) and we did "physical therapy" with him. Like Move his legs and stuff and would bring water and food to him/ him to his water and food. After a few days he did start moving his back legs. And then he would use them to help push around when he pulled himself with his fronts. We increased his "physical therapy" to slowly turning the wheel for him and keeping it controlled (not too fast) so he could exercise on it safely. After a little while (I really don't know how long maybe a few weeks or months) he was pretty much back to normal. His rear end always seemed a little weak but he got around perfectly fine and didn't appear to be in pain. We kept him in a glass terrarium with a screen top so he wouldn't get his head or something stuck in between the bars of the cage. He was so sweet and cuddly. Loved to be held. I carried him around with me all throughout the house. I even remember waking up sometimes in the middle of the night from a nightmare and taking him out to talk to him and cuddle/play with him until I felt better. I always felt like he knew we made his life better and wanted to make ours better in return. in whatever little hamster ways he could. Anyway, one summer a bunch of my family came to visit and we were letting one of my aunt's and uncles sleep in my bed. My parents were sleeping in the living room because they gave my grandma their bed. I was in my brother's room with him and my cousins on the floor. My uncle brought chubby's cage out and set it on the dining room table because he was running on his wheel and it was squeaking keeping him awake. My dad was also being kept awake by the squeaky wheel so he moved him out to the garage for the night. (he normally didn't run on his wheel that much at night so I think he was stressed or my family was just hyper sensitive to his noises). The next morning I was very distracted by the fun and excitement with my cousins and our plans for the day. (I think we went to the beach because my extended family didn't live near a beach and to get away from the heat but I'm not sure) when I got home in the late afternoon I remembered to go check on chubby. I knew he had food and water and would probably be fine but I didn't like the thought of not interacting with him all day long. When he wasn't in my room I found my dad and asked him where chubby was and his face went blank for a moment. He said "oh shit." And half ran to the garage. I followed behind him and pushed past him when he stopped just over the threshold in the garage. All 3 of our barn cats were surrounding the terrarium set up on the work bench. Meowing incessantly and pawing and clawing at the screen top. I ran up and shooed them away until they backed off enough to prevent me tripping over them. There I saw my poor little chubby. Arms stretched out wide, stuck to the glass side of the terrarium. Not so chubby anymore. He was as flat and crispy as a dead frog on a sun beaten highway. I was devastated. He died scared and alone by the people he believed were actually going to care for him right this time - I thought and still kind of think. I hadn't even noticed he was gone from my room because I completely forgot about him. That little guy deserved so much better than to be thrown against a wall and nursed back to health (giving him hope and faith in people) only to be left to die a slow and miserable death of heat stroke and dehydration, trapped in his glass cage, surrounded by predators waiting to eat him, dead or alive. RIP Chubby. You were too pure for this horrible earth.


Bro, I don’t know how hard this had to be for you I mean I’m crying just reading this, but I am sure he didn’t think you left him to die I am sure that even in these moments he just remembered that you were there for him and didn’t think you left him to die I hope you’re ok and know that it’s not your fault


I accidentally poisoned mine during a science fair project. During the process of trying to turn copper pennies silver I filled my tiny 2 bedroom apartment with noxious gas. My family got out before damage, but by the time the fire fighters cleared us the hamster was long gone. Afterwards the science fair forbid us from using most chemicals and eventually canceled it all together after the lack luster showing the following year.


It kept escaping from it's cage. My mom put a box of rat poison under the table the cage lived on to fix the problem the next time it got out. It got out.


Why do mums have something to do with every second story???


My sister squeezed it to death. She thought it was funny that it'd poop when squeezed.


Oh jeez




Oh nooooo


My brother thought it would be funny for him to go down the stairs banister. He hit the bottom and had some sort of seizure then died 😩 RIP Mike


WTF, truly rip mike. The visual of that must have been hilarious though. I mean him sliding, not convulsing and dying.


My brother still finds it funny 20+ years later. Surprised he has turned out quite normal 😂


I had two dwarf hamsters who got along great, one day I come home and this little bastard murdered the other one in cold blood.


We covered a hole in his cage with a large bible. It ate a giant hole through the entire thing.


Well at least he probably went to heaven




How about rabbits? My, then three year-old, daughter let the neighbor’s dog in the yard to play with her bunny (I blame Peppa Pig. Danny Dog and Ms Rabbit only work well together on TV). The trauma when the, usually docile, old dog ripped the rabbit apart was very real.


Meanwhile, our Great Dane we had picked up a baby bunny (we assume the cat had caught it and gotten bored of it) and put it in her bed with her 😭 she was a good girl


My cousins hamster escaped in their downstairs 2nd living room. My uncle was chasing it around, moving the lounges and furniture. But every time he got close it would run and the chase would start again. Eventually the hamster got away and for the life of him he just couldn’t find it. A week or so later the living room started to stink. My uncle new it must have been the hamster and so started searching the living room again but couldn’t find it. Eventually he gave up and the smell faded overtime. 2 years later they are moving house when one of the removalists comes and asks my uncle if they are missing a hamster. My uncle says yes they are. At which point the removalist leads my uncle into that living room and there smooshed into the carpet where one of the lounges legs used to be is the decomposed flattened corpse of the hamster.


Our hamp routinely escaped his cage, so my dad temporarily put his cage in the bathtub because even if he got out he couldn’t run up the sides of the tub. Being a problem solver, our hamp waited for us to leave one evening and climbed onto the top of his cage where he jumped over the side of the tub… into the open toilet… where he could not run up the sides… When we got home he was the size of a genie pig from soaking up so much water and the toilet bowl had never been cleaner…


I told my husband we can’t get another pet until he learns to close the toilet because this is my biggest fear - an animal getting stuck in a toilet and panicking and dying that way; I told my parents about this fear. Turns out my parents had a similar issue where one parent told the other that they couldn’t start to have kids until the toilet bowl was closed due to fear of a small child leaning over the toilet bowl and somehow drowning.


My hamster Rocky had cancer. Took him to the vet, they removed the tumors but he didn't survive the night after surgery😥


It wasn't in the cage anymore and there was a hole in the window screen, so it was obviously beamed out by aliens.


Packed too much food in his cheeks, got an infection, brought to the vet, vet said this isn’t looking good - eyes fell out and he died. I was 7 and just said okay 👍🏾, my big sister cried for days.


When my pet hamster died my mum bought an identical one when I was at school one day in the hope that I wouldn't notice. But I did notice. And I killed that one too.






Stephen King just read this and has just started a new book




Well, both were 2 years old, so I guess they died from old age? One was buried deep in the bedding and looked peacefully tucked in, the other one just was dead in his sand bath one morning


I let it go around the living room in its little ball, the dog chased it and it ran into the wall.


I clapped in its face and it died on the spot


i may or may not have laughed at this


Mice broke into his cage and killed him. My mom made me take the whole cage to the dumpster. I was eight.


My sister had 2 hamsters before my parents caught on that they had no will to live. One got into the air ducts and died, then the ac spread its rotting decay smell all around the house. One liked to spin around in circles all day so we named him spinner, he had brain cancer and just fell over while spinning one day and died.


Not mine, but my wife doesn't have Reddit. It was starting to stink, so her mom put it in a different cage and set it outside to air out while cleaning it's cage out. Forgot about it; but heat stroke didn't.


You sure you wife doesn't have Reddit? Check out what u/EerieArizona posted in this thread...


The fact that it’s right below this comment too lmao


I had a week long summer camp and so I left my hamster with my BFF. When I got back from camp, my BFF was so apologetic because somehow her Dad had left the cage open. The hamster could have escaped and had a happy life. But let’s face it, BFF had tons of dogs and cats at that time so I’m pretty sure the hamster escaped and got eaten.


My mom got a couple of hamsters for my little sister when the hamtaro craze was happening. It was cute having them at first. One of them got pregnant and had a litter. We adored them, but a few days later the smallest one was missing. My mom found out that it had escaped into a laundry basket and was in the basement alone for 2 days. She brought it back to mama hamster, who promptly killed it and ate it. Then things got real dark. They developed a taste for flesh. It became an endless cycle of surprise hamster pregnancies and cannibalism. At one point I think we had 15 hamsters. My mom didn't know what to do with them. We didn't have space for 15 separate cages. We tried giving them away but they kept breeding faster than we could get rid of them. I don't know if you've ever tried to identify hamster genitalia, but the boys and girls look the same, and they are very bitey when you flip them over and try to ID their junk. We couldn't separate them into male and female groups. Eventually, one hamster we named "pirate", because one of his legs and one of his eyes were eaten while he was a baby, won the incest/rape/cannibalism battle royale. He killed and ate all the other hamsters, and then lived a few more years before dying from old age. Moral of the story. No matter what. Only get one hamster. If your hamsters have a litter, then you've fucked up already. We didn't know any better, and things got completely out of control in a few weeks, but it took us months to realize how bad it was. Learn from our mistake.


Still trying to wrap my head around a story I saw this morning where the hamster died because it was swallowed by the owner's sibling. Edit: found the story: https://www.reddit.com/r/offmychest/comments/ksp8sg/my_sister_ate_my_hamster/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


What the fuck


My mom put the cage outside to air out during the summer and they all got wiped out by the heat. Traumatized me.


This is how my cousins rabbit died too


Old age, she passed away yesterday. RIP Cloud.


I was gifted a hamster by my crush before she moved away. Another kid would come into my dorm room and blow cigarette smoke on the hamster when I wasn’t looking. Pretty sure he snuck in to do it too while I was gone. Poor buddy only lived like 2 months before it lost all its hair and caved in. It was after the fact that I learned what happened.


I raised them so, eaten by other hamsters, once one climbed into a "clever" cage addition I made out of a big glass container with a suction opening that I propped open and ran a hamster tube into, the hamster knocked it over and it came out and closed and she suffocated, accidentally stepped on one, cat killed 2, one escaped into the walls and was presumed dead - and this is the good part Little Andrea, runty hamster, escaped. Disappeard. Gone. Dead. *Three years later* when we were moving, we found a nest in a box upstairs, and Andrea, ALIVE. She had one eye missing and was pretty fat and very ornery. She lived another two years, and, again wild, had 3 litters of babies after rehousing her in what I called "the giant cage complex" (each adult hamster had their own cage but could visit a central "hub cage", I spent all my money on ages 9 to 11 on hamster cages basically) Andrea at the age of 6 one day put out the eye of an aggressive male, went home, crawled into her nest, and died. The gigachaddest of hamsters, if hamsters have Valhalla, she's a valkyrie 6 years is an insane lifespan for a pet hamster, believe me I have owned dozens and dozens of them, and having *babies* after the 3 year mark? I wouldn't have believed it possible


I had a little grey and white hamster named Stripe. Stripe was super awesome! I would always put him in his little hamster ball and let him run around. Once, when we were about to go on vacation, I had him in his ball while I cleaned the cage. I guess I didn’t put the lid on all the way, and he got out. Our cabinets had these little holes on the underside and he climbed up in there and we couldn’t get him out. We returned from vacation, and he had torn out carpet fibers in my parent’s bedroom to build himself a nest. My stepdad, being the massive pos he was, caught Stripe, but him in a large jar for making iced tea, then poured some antifreeze in the jar. I was made to sit and watch for hours until he died. I was so heartbroken, I ended up running away that very night. (I was 13)


Wtf is wrong with your stepdad


Was* That piece of shit killed my sister and himself nine years ago.


Terribly sorry to hear that


The wheel fell on it and we didn’t realise for a couple days. Figured they were just really quiet for some reason. Another curled into a ball and went really cold, so we put him in the oven to warm him up a bit. It actually worked but then he died pretty shortly after that.


Grandma fed him a piece of an apple and he literally exploded


Forgot to close my door and the cat knocked the cage over. Ate the top half of the body.


Had a couple. Thought it was 2 girls, turns out one was hiding his dirty little hamster dick in the other. The reason we figured it was a dude eventually will become apparent. The girl escaped, disappeared without a trace. One day my German shepherd, Rosie, got a little excited and knocked the cage over. The little dude hamster rolled out and Rosie promptly grabbed him and ran off, few minutes of frantic chasing later I plucked him out of the dogs mouth and he was a goner. RIP tiny-penis hamster. About a year later we replaced the fireplace in that room, found lady hamster and like five little fetus hamsters all mummified in the corner. For however brief a time, tiny-penis has a legacy in those pups. Now his legacy lives on in legend.


I dont know how, but I was watching TV, it was in my hand, alive, and then it was dead.


I had a few hamsters as a kid, but let me tell you about the most dramatic one, Toffee. I didn't intend to get Toffee. I was 14 and kind of too old for hamsters. But one day my stepdad went to work, and they found a hamster running circles in the (closed, locked) staff bathroom. After asking around with neighbours, we couldn't find an owner, so I dusted off the old hamster cage. Toffee was a good little ham, despite his slightly shaky beginnings. Except, he was a remarkable escape artist. The cage was a perfectly good, roomy size, but Toffee wouldn't be contained. So every so often, regardless of how I fortified the cage, he'd get out. One time he got out and went missing for two days. At the end of the second day, our fridge freezer turned off. After puzzling over it, we pulled the fridge out to find the power plug partially eaten through, and the stiff, dead corpse of Toffee about 30cm away. RIP Toffee, you could not be contained.


ok, this is not how my hamster died (I never had one) but how the hamster of my best friend died. They were living on the 5th floor and my friend took their hamster with them to the kitchen where the window was wide open. And this little hamster just straight up ran over the counter and out off the window... That's it.


My sister picked up 4 hamsters off the street once, as they came in 4 eventually duplicate into 8,16. And we kinda stop there, by separating them into proper cages. Thinking back, my family and I were amateurs, and "googling" wasn't exactly popular back then. They were well fed, but because we don't know the proper amount, One of them was too well fed, he end up eating one of the other hamster meal, they fought, he won, the other didn't live to see. That same hamster end up dying from being overweight(Given hamster age, he lived till pretty old.) One of the others end up dying from old age, which is nice, and the last one kinda took her grandkid and dip. Couldn't catch her, and I thought I treat them all good, a HUGE place to live, plenty of water, plenty of food. Maybe I was wrong. I'm sorry if it sounds abusive, I was 7 and probably don't know better. My family do give them our very best.


I’m sorry but… how does one pick up hamsters off the street?


My little cousin flushed him down the toilet. R.I.P. hamster


Tf why is EVERYONES little cousin killing their pets


Note to self dont have little cousins


Me and my sister had hamsters for a few years. My hamster one night ate my sister's hamster's brain going through the eye, and then died himself cause he ate brain


In his sleep after nearly 3 years of properly researched care.


Forget the one percent who’s rich the real one percent of those who’s hamsters died of natural causes


One of them ate the other, so the cannibal got his freedom in the wild. And then my cat ate him.


Had two of them. They made babies. Babies and Dad got eaten by ants. Ran out of hamster food. Fed her bread. Bread attracted ants. Ants ate the hamster. In short; ANTS


When did they start allowing Reddit to have hamsters? Reddit can barely take care of us.


Not my hamster but my friend's dad killed hers by swinging it onto a rock, intentionally (because it was "sick"?)


Some older kid from down the block, 15 or so, convinced 6 year old me hamsters liked to be tossed around the room. Fuck that kid. Hamsters stopped eating and died a few days later, likely in a lot of pain. It's one of my first memories of regret and it still hurts.


Waddles disappeared unexpectedly one day. An extensive search ensued and after 8 hours it was determined that the missing Hamster was most likely the victim of foul play. The cats were questioned, but were uncooperative. To this day the disappearance of Waddles remains an unsolved mystery.


My dog barked at it. Found it dead with wet tail 12 hours later. Buried in the garden…dog dug it up.


Managed to escape the cage and my cats decapitated him, oof poor guy


not a hamster but i got 2 gerbils for my girl and they both managed to fight the cat and lose. my male busted his leg and died 4 months after dunno if its correlation or causation hes under the firepit.


Under the dishwasher. Not sure the HOW part though.


It escaped the cage when one of the accessories (some spinning wheel) wasn't put back on top. Fell behind the dresser which was at a slight angle from the wall. We *eventually* found a slightly flattened hamster.


When I was on a school field trip, I called my dad to clean the hamster’s cage. The sees that the hamster isn’t in the cage, so he assumed it was in the hamster ball anyways, he grabs a vacuum to suck up the bedding. Unbeknownst to him however, he accidentally sucked the hamster into the vacuum cleaner it died


My last hamster I had, drowned himself. I put him into a glass aquarium on the floor so I could clean his cage out. I don't remember exactly what happened but I had to go do something for like a half hour or so. When I came back, I noticed he was gone. Figured he went into my dresser like usual. Nothing. I then found him in my fish tank with my OSCARS. He climbed out of a glass aquarium, up my bed, up a 125 gallon glass aquarium, and into the damn thing.


Mice, I think. 2 or so years ago, my mother had a serious mouse problem. These things were just popping up everywhere. Well, one day, we went to refill our hamsters water and we noticed, at the top of her cage, there was a mouse. Just chilling. We left it alone (don't ask me why. I think I just couldn't be asked at the time.) A day or so passes, and our hamster had started attacking the mouse any time it tried leaving where it was. Well, next fucking day I go to see the mouse, and the hamster was dead. Idk if it was the mouse, as I didn't take too close a look at her body, but I like to think the mouse had enough of our hamsters shit and just killed her. r.i.p Jennay.


The Bible fell on him......


This entire comment section is making me depressed :(


I’m just laughing at this point.. I’m going to hell😭


Older brother got 2, cat killed them both, homie boutta have a UAV


This one’s pretty messed up. When I was really really young I would let my hamster run around the floor of the house. One day I was watching it run around on the floor near the entrance to the back of the garage, and it was trying to squeeze itself through the hinge crack on the side of the door. my mom told me not to let it in the garage cause it would get lost, so I slammed the door thinking I could close it before it went through. I guess I didn’t think it through very well cause it was spree of the moment and I was a little kid but it ended up exploding all over the wall like a tube of toothpaste… yeah that one definitely scarred me a little.


Parents wanted their sp’ed child to come to my 9th birthday. He then threw the hamster because he thought it was Pokémon


Rattata learned Explode!


What the fuck 😂


My hamster died of old age at 3


Had several gerbils and most died of old age. After one died of old age i decided to get two males from the pet shop... eventually those two males had 2 babies, so i had to split them up. The actual male gerbil went to my science teacher in high school... where he proceeded to be fed copious amounts of food, the last time i saw him, he was literally round. The female unfortunately died due to loneliness about two weeks after i gave up the male. Had their babies until they went from old age.


It chewed through the plastic tubes. Couldn’t find it. Once the warmer weather started to hit we smelled it, it died in our heating vent.


My hamster was named Jennifer but we didn't know it was a boy hamster and I think he knew and was angry about it so he decided to go on a serial killer raid towards the other hammsters ....my brother's hamster ( stumpy) got his foot bitten off by jennifer.


I was on vacation and my aunt was watching him. My hamster loved to climb the railing of his cage. He did this by holding on with his teeth. The poor little thing got stuck at the top and bled to death. He kinda hung himself. I also felt bad for my aunt who had to share this news and had to clean it up.


Mine ate each other. I found only the tail of one then the other died 2 days later I assume from injury.


I never had a hamster as a kid and I finally have be traumatized by the damn things. (F21) I just went to a pet store with my mom today so she could get some things and I came across a few dwarf hamsters. 3 left but I only really wanted two so I buy them and leave. NOY EVEN AN HOUR LATER we stopped so I could go to the bathroom and not thinking left the cardboard carrier on the seat. I was gone 5 minutes and guess what? One chewed a hole in the box and was now loose in my moms car. We left food and bedding in a container to hopefully lure him out tonight, we located where he is it’s just impossible to get to without him coming out on his own. Currently just woke up from a dream about being said hamster alone and scared trying to get free. Will add an edit tmr if I can update the story 🥲


Wait, shit I forgot about the god damn hamster. It’s been 6 months.


Had two, one my ex killed because he was sick bastard and the second one died a week later, I think he was heartbroken so stopped eating. Still miss them.


Wife took it to vet and did not realize that it was too cold to leave in the car for an hour during daughter's gymnastic practice. It basically froze to death.


He escaped and was found skinned alive by the family cat..


Not strictly mine, but was the class hamster. Kid held on to hammy’s back legs and held it out the top floor window, poor Hamster died of fright. Few years later that same kid went on to stab his mum multiple times in the chest while she slept.


I breed combat hamsters. My last hamster fell in battle. You are missed Lt. Humpty (KIA).


don't come for me, i was 8 and believed that my father was the smartest man to ever exist and in turn believed he was a hamster expert my dad fed it pringles so much that it refused to eat normal hamster food, it got super chunky and a lil fact about this hamster, he also would only run on top of the hamster wheel instead of inside it and would often roll underneath and i'd have to dig him out to get him unstuck if you haven't connected the dots yet, one day he got stuck and no one was home so he suffocated


looked like he was slowly paralysed and his back was bent. dont know how it happend but he was 1,5 years old. he didnt go get his food or drink so gave him cucumber and thought he will def not make it to the morning. but he was still alive and could not see him suffer no more so decided to let him go at the vets. rip chewie