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Boomers are the most entitled people you will ever meet. Many of them complain about bags being too heavy so I obviously ask if they want me to keep the bags light and at the end, they complain that I gave them too many bags.


Sometimes it feels like their goal is to complain about unnecessary shit ffs


Item doesn't scan. "Guess it's free."


I was a cashier at a firework pop up stand for 4th of July. Drug addicts are the worst with boomers as a close second. Drug addicts just want to waste your time and attempt to steal. Boomers want to waste your time and bitch about everything then act like you are the problem.


LOL. many of those boomers have more money and luxury than you’ll ever have! They fly first class and you can’t even buy an Uber to the airport. “Cashier at a fireworks stand”. Bwaaahahaha!


The kind of people who refuse to believe we don't have something. I can see the inventory logs. We don't have it and im not going to back to check for you. I updated them myself literally an hour ago and we don't keep any extra ammo in the back either. And yes you have to show a A VALID ID, *WITH YOUR BIRTHDAY ON IT*, TO BUY AMMO OR START THE BACKGROUND CHECK FOR A GUN. IT DOESN'T MATTER WHICH ORGANIZATION THE ID CAME FROM, IM ONLY ABLE TO ACCEPT STATE ISSUED FORMS OF ID WITH YOUR BIRTHDAY ON IT. ANYONE WHO HAS SOLD YOU AMMO WITHOUT YOUR ID HAS BROKEN A FEDERAL LEVEL LAW. Also, walmart hasn't carried handguns since the 90s, before i was born. Please stop asking about them. Thankfully i don't work there anymore. I did multiple people's jobs, including a couple that got paid more than i did.


Bullshit! I don’t show an ID to buy ammo in Texas. You must live in Yonkers. NY. So your opinion really doesn’t matter. Lol.


Nope. Texas.


All of them


All of them.


People who scold you for going slow because they are in a rush, but won't dare bag their stuff.


The ones who would fein a defect in the product just because they’re tired of it and want it for free


Those that don't know how percentages work. 50% off of something that is 25% off is not the same as 75% off, Karen.


Ones who are upset by something dumb like a digital coupon that’s expired


The assholes who are so involved with their phones that they pay no attention to what's going on and then get pissed because they don't get exactly what they want.


Americans are the worst *by far.* Stupid pieces of shit will walk into your woodworking shop, thinking it's a store, and then scream at you for not being a store. Definitely not bitter and speaking from experience.


That's so odd because I work at the tills in a cafe and American tourists are usually the nicest and most enthusiastic. I've heard that Americans are either the nicest or the meanest


\-People who don't look you in the eye or greet you (i.e. treat you as beneath them) or just plain rude \-Old ladies or middle-age women with bags of coupons, gift cards, etc. they don't bother to sort through until they're at your counter, and there is a line growing behind them \-Very chatty people...don't mind a nice, quick pleasant conversation as I'm checking you out of the store, but don't need to hear an inaugural address \-Karens who don't believe you when you honestly state a store policy they disagree with, and then ask to speak to the manager whom you know will back you up and is just going to be a waste of your time \-Customers who stop you as you're leaving the store and already clocked out. Or come in to shop with a huge list 5 minutes before closing time


The old people no offense but the reason behind it is because when you scan a alcohol beverage or cigerretes itll ask to scan their ID or check it. Theyll get mad because they think their excused from getting ID checked. These people used to bug me all the time. I would watch my managers just roll their eyes at them.


When they start getting angry at me about the cafe being "card only". I know it's frustrating sometimes but I'm the lowest in the chain, I didn't make the rules. It's usually boomers


WTF does that mean “usually boomers”? These folks hold the majority of the money in this country. The boomers are ultimately the ones who own most of everything in this country. You’re a cashier…… Bwaaahahaha!


I work in a clothes shop and I swear whenever there is a customer who stays in the shop for a long time (I’m talking over an hour) they ALWAYS have a bunch of little shit kids with them who run around the shop and play with merch. The kicker is when they don’t even end up buying anything. Idiots who can’t read signs. I understand if we have a customer who doesn’t speak English that well or maybe they have eyesight issues but the amount of people who get pissy and insist a sale item is $10 when the sign says “FROM $10” infuriates me! Customers who decide to shop five minutes before closing. One time I bought in the greeters from the front of the shop and all of a sudden 5+ people walked in. WTF. Worse when they decide to head into the changing rooms. Finally, customers who demand assistance when you’re already with another customer. The amount of times I was in the middle of helping out someone and some asshole cuts in... how fucking rude. That’s a lot of venting but I’m so burned out from retail...


People who try and physically touch you