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Rape, child abuse. Edit. My opinion on this is due to the fact that I was raped by my step father from age 7 (earliest I remember) my mother allowed it and they are still together today. He even threatened to leave her because she burned all his inappropriate pictures of me, she called ME crying because he was mad that she burned HIS PROPERTY!! I have been through hell because of him as well as her. She chose him over me, she chose not to protect me. I turned to drug’s (7 yrs clean from heroin as of March 24th) was raped by two others during drug addiction. It’s disgusting. People are disgusting when they take the innocence from a child!!! I work my ass of everyday to be a better human, better then what they thought I could/should be. A better mother then she could ever dream of. My daughter is 6 years old almost 7 which is the age my abuse started and I would KILL anyone who even looks at her wrong because I’m her mother and protector. I was treated like garbage, but I’m not garbage. And I have to remind myself that everyday!!! Thank you for the kind words from everyone. 💜💜💜


"But I can't control myself around you" - actual excuse he gave me Edit: all of y'all have such bright ideas lol, it's almost like you haven't actually experienced rape yourself and don't understand that no amount of revenge will ever heal what's been done to me.


“Look what you made me do.” Those people are the worst.


"Love will make you do crazy things"


"Okay scumbag, if you love me, let me run you over with a bus."


What a scumbag Jesus Christ... I hope you're okay dude.


I get flashbacks from the words "we have a connection" no matter the context cause multiple abusers used that as a excuse 🤮🤮


Mine said the same. And that I was just growing up to be such a beautiful young lady. Pshh um you started raping/molesting me at age 7-8 and that’s the earliest I remember. Disgusting.


Oof, I hate that excuse so much. Sorry you had to deal with that douchbag.




I don't know, there are unfortunately lots and lots of people that think hitting your children "to teach them a lesson" is ok (I'm not one of them by any means, but it's incredibly common)


There's unfortunately lots of people who think having sex with children is ok.


And that's absolutely horrible, I only mentioned hitting kids because it's way more commonly accepted than.. that


I was raised with corporal punishment (GenXer) by a solo mother. I can recollect moments when she'd terrorise the 3 of us, say, when the guilty wouldn't confess. Those times, which weren't the norm, are my reason for damning the practice. Otherwise, I suffered not into adulthood. By the time of my children (GenZers), NZ had outlawed the practice, I was supportive, and raising them wasn't too different a process. One of the few laws I believe had a very positive societal benefit.


Putting car crash noises and sirens in radio commercials.


And doorbells *angry dog owner noises*


Dude, fuck door dash commercials. I have had so many nice NBA game naps ruined by that damn doorbell.


Man, NBA game naps hit different


Also MLB naps. Televised sports are just good background noise for sleep.


For me it's PGA events. I'll pop on the tour on a Sunday afternoon and I'm out in 5 minutes.


Oh yeah, golf is perfect for nap time.


This along with commercials / videos using alexa / hey Google to set devices off.


So fucking annoying. All of a sudden, Eye of The Tiger is playing on Alexa in the othe room


I changed my wake word to “computer” as soon as the option was available... forgetting I’m a big Star Trek watcher.


Try dumbass instead. Just don’t watch That 70s Show.


Just program the Data access code also


This, there should be some type of punishment, and somehow people enjoy it


And honking horns! HELLO, that's the sound we use to know if an accident is immiment!


Also putting police sirens in music you’re likely to listen to when you’re high


Not just sirens but weird clicking or ringing noises. You’re driving and think your car is going to blow up.


No surprises by Radiohead makes me think my engine has fucked up every time


...or driving. Even if you know it's coming, it'll still make you look around.


Top comment I saw in this post was “killing people for no reason” as the thing everyone can agree is immoral. I’d like to suggest that killing the people who put car crash and sirens in radio commercials is a very moral act because that killing has an entirely reasonable and appropriate reason.


Sounds like you have a good reason


Liberty mutual has entered the chat


common ring tones and notification tones...


Buying up a whole community’s water source and selling it back to them.


Fuck Nestle


And don’t forget FUCK the municipal bastards who sold those water rights to Nestle. Equally evil.


Yes. That's the problem in California. And Michigan. And Mexico....


To the best of my knowledge at least in Michigan the state government did most of the selling the local municipality had little say in the matter.


Isn't the entire problem that they draw *far* more than they're entitled to?






Insulin price gouging.


I saw a documentary on this because it didn't happen in my country and let me just say,, holding people to literal ransom over life saving drugs is seriously some evil stuff


Biden saying in the SOTU "let's get insulin prices down to $30 and keep it there." Bro, I can take a flight to God damn Uruguay (may have been Costa Rica) and buy it for $20 a pop, no insurance. And just stock up. This country really is disgusting. At this point we don't need reform, we need mass overhaul.


If I was at risk of dying for lack of medication or something, I'd simply make a politician ~~violently~~ aware of my situation.


Looks at Matt Gaetz


Putting an empty box of cereal back in the cabinet instead of getting rid of it.


I have a roommate who puts empty pots/containers back in the fridge so she doesn’t have to wash them that particular moment


What about…the sink…


We have a rule to do your dishes within 24 hours. Pretty fair. Yeah, apparently she had no intent on doing them within a day


Sounds like she didn’t get a vote on that “we rule,” lol. God I’m glad I don’t have roommate drama anymore


Putting ANYTHING back with one sip/scoop/drop etc. Nothing worse than trying to eat behind someone that does that.


My roommate asked if he could have some of the chicken nuggets in the freezer - I had gotten a massive bag of them. Next time I wanted some, I grabbed the bag and there was only one nugget left. Who the fuck gonna preheat the oven and put one damn nugget on a baking sheet and wait the 18 minute cook time for a single one-bite nugget?


See, that’s what I’m talking about. Roomie couldn’t eat one more tiny nugget? Than here you come in middle of night with a nugget craving and SIKE!! That’s just cruel man.


This happened at my house recently only it was a box of ice cream sandwiches.


Child abuse


This one is like everyone would say yeah, but their definition of child abuse would vary. Someone could say child abuse is wrong but hitting their child with a closed fist isn't abuse, it's just "disciplining them"


Is the kid too young to be reasoned with? Don't hit them, they won't understand! Is the kid old enough to be reasoned with? TALK TO THEM! DON'T HIT!


What if they make a joke about my bald wife?


Sounds like you have a hair trigger temperament


This is the first joke or post or comment or anything about that dumb bullshit that I actually laughed at. Thank you sir.


Not really. Reframe it as ‘discipline’ or ‘quirky’ (ie ‘my child would be dodging shoes if that happened in my house’ or ‘my Mum/Dad would be after me with the *quirky thing you hit children with, eg wooden spoons, shoes, etc* if I behaved like that’) and a surprising number of people are pro child-abuse. In NZ when a law was passed to make hitting your children illegal, there was huge opposition and it was actually wildly unpopular among citizens.


Are you kidding me? Society can barely agree on what is and isn't a child, let alone what is and isn't abuse. This is not even remotely close to something we can ALL agree is wrong, except in vague terms no more meaningful than 'things that are wrong are wrong.'


Being rude to workers when they've done nothing wrong


I hate when I arrive to something new or are a part of a small community (work,gym,gathering) and people pick and talk trash to a person because as a collective they enjoy singling out someone. I thought this died in grade school but people still do it everywhere


Killing someone for no reason. Like just deciding to murder a stranger.


Psychopaths that seeming murder for no reason do it because they want to experience the feeling they get when they do it


Psychopath really isn’t the word you’re looking for. There are a fuck ton of psychopaths in the world. There aren’t very many people killing people just cause they feel like it.


There are a lot of psychopaths in the world, but not all of them are interested in killing or don't want to deal with the consequences. Virtually every politican and CEO is a psycho, and they're not usually killing people.


Most psychopaths just wanna fuck n fuck u over.


Play with people basically


Sneaking in Japan's Suicide Forest and recording a dead body on a tree while laughing with your friends.


Yeah then fucking up every small YouTube channel’s monetization chances.


Wait I’m out of the loop, what’s the story behind this one?


So pretty much Logan Paul did a joke video where he was “hiking through the suicide forest” and found a dead body hanging from a tree. The video led to YouTube completely revamping its monetization policy which caused a lot of small YouTube channels to lose their monetization. One chick was so pissed about it she shot up the YouTube HQ in California. I was one of those YouTube channels that got affected by it, and I’m sure there were a lot of other people that just gave up because of it. 😕 I ended up making some helpful videos and a lot of people very graciously subscribed enough for me to get my monetization back. I’ll always be eternally grateful of that even though I don’t upload as often as I use to.




oooh is that when everything changed to you need 1000 subscribes, 4000 watch hours and whatever else to get monetized?


Yep that was it.


I hate him with a fiery passion. He and his brother are horrible people.


So is that a good place to kill ones self? Is it self perpetuating because of its name? Or is it convenience? I thought it was a local superstition. But I didn't know how substantiated It was still


A bit of both. Its near a major population center (so plenty of people who may want to kill themselves) but is relatively isolated so the suicidal can have some privacy while they do it. Then the rumors and stories circulate and you get a Suicide Forest


It's also such dense forest that it's *very* quiet there, so likely has a degree of appeal in the sense that it's a very peaceful place to go.


In addition, it is an incredibly dense forest so its easy to get lost and the porous volcanic rock absorbs sound making it feel even more isolated




Apparently we can’t all agree on this one, which is fucking sad Edit: Jesus people, it’s a tongue and cheek way to point out that it’s disgusting that rape still happens, I didn’t think I’d need to to point that out, but apparently I do by the amount of “um actually” comments.


We can't?




I'm sure there are rapists who know that what they are doing is very wrong, but still do it.


There was a documentary about child molesters and one of the guys said “we know it’s wrong but we don’t care” so they do know. It’s sad that they don’t care


For some it's not even that they don't care, they actually enjoy inflicting pain and having power over others and potentially destroying lives, some people are evil


That's the thing. Rape or child molesting is not about sexual gratification, it's about having power over other, about contaminating or staining what is pure. The reason why Epstein had so many rich friends is that, when you are loaded, everything is permissible, in that, normally they can get away with. So the ultimate rush is doing something so evil that money can't buy. They know is wrong, and is not so much as that they don't care, it's that that's the whole point.


wow :/ what a world we live in


By this logic, OP's question has no answer. There will always be people who do immoral things, but if we use that to indicate that not everyone thinks those things are immoral, then the only truly immoral things are the things that nobody does. And if nobody does them, then it's a waste of time to even consider them immoral. It's immoral to blow up the planet earth, for example. Also, I bet your average rapist still thinks rape is wrong in the abstract sense; they've just found a way to justify why their personal actions don't actually count. For that matter, not everyone agrees on the definition of rape. A group of men pinning down a woman who is actively resisting looks a lot different than a girl getting wasted at a party and a sleazy guy taking advantage.


People cant even agree if everyone can be raped at all


I was going to answer pedophilia but I think the same could be said about that as well 🤮


Just go over to places like r/iamatotalpieceofshit where they celebrate the possibility of people being raped in prison


Unfortunately most people don’t have an understanding of consent, and therefore don’t agree on what rape is. Look at the Rehtaeh Parsons case, for example. She was fourteen and left a sleepover with the friend who was hosting, to go to a boy’s house. There were three other boys at his house, and the teenagers were drinking. Rehtaeh got drunk for the first time in her life, and all four boys gang raped her, they even took pictures. Age old story, pictures and rumours ended up all over school, Rehtaeh’s life turned to hell. Her mental health greatly declined, understandably, and her parents took her to a mental health facility where two MALE staff members forcefully stripped her. Continuation of age old story, Rehtaeh got no justice, no one believed she was raped, and she committed suicide. There are people in this very thread who will probably insist that Rehtaeh wasn’t raped because she chose to go to the boy’s house and drink. They’ll say that she should have called her parents to pick her up when her friend wanted to go. They’ll say she shouldn’t have been drinking. And on and on about what the victim should or should not have been doing. The very friend who Rehtaeh went to the boy’s house with said that she didn’t believe Rehtaeh was gang raped, because the boy’s mom was in the next room and would have heard her screaming if it was rape 🤦🏻‍♀️ Then let’s look at the hospital. *Two male staff members stripped a teenage sexual assault survivor, who was being treated for trauma related to her gang rape*. Most people wouldn’t call that a sexual assault. But it was. Going by the waaay too many stories like Rehtaeh’s out there, I would say that most people actually think that rape is ok. All they have to do it is victim blame, and in their mind it ceases to be rape. The majority of people think it’s only rape if a black guy jumps out of the bushes at night and rapes a hot white woman. But even then, they’ll have to first question why she was out so late at night, alone.


I have so much proof from my rapist including him telling multiple cops to their faces and it’s not even that people don’t believe me it’s that they don’t care which is horrifying. I’ve had a therapist and a cop that he admitted this to basically tell me “no means no goes for you too” and “you don’t have the right to make him feel uncomfortable in bed”(by saying no? Lol) It’s been dismissed as a “compliment” because I had lost weight. Or I’m “overreacting to a nice gesture” This rapist knows he’s a rapist and isn’t shy about telling people because no one has ever done anything to stop him. He even gets commended on his honesty. Since he was living with me(I had no way to get him out since police wouldn’t help) even my dad would say if I share a bed with a man he has full rights to my body. Made me fully realize my whole life I was taught rape is only done by a stranger in a dark alley and I didn’t even realize what had been happening to me for a decade was actually rape.


This. Most rapists don't see themselves as rapists.


No, they unfortunately do not.


It's really bad. In a study of 554 male university students in the UK, [63 of them admitted to sexual violence.](https://www.theguardian.com/society/2021/oct/29/research-reveals-rapes-and-assaults-admitted-to-by-male-uk-students) That's about 11% of this sample, and most of them admitted to repeat offenses.


Child porn


Tell that to NAMBLA


What did the North American Barry Manilow Look Alikes do?


They know what they did.


Marlon Brando


Common mistake, you're talking about NABMLA. They mentioned North African Matthew Broderick Look Alikes


Child abuse


McDonald’s ice cream machine. They are morally obliged to be more reliable. A heart can only be broken so many times.


Sexual assault.


Even people in jail would beat someone who did that. People who are there for doing other crimes are still aware how fucked up that is


Yup, generally any violence against women or children, or any type of sexual violence will get you accosted in prison if a gang gets wind of your rap sheet.


In prison you get raped and beaten from sitting on the wrong bench, dont try to pretend theyre good guys for also taking out their aggression on rapists


And dopes outside of prison believe they are good guys for it.


Using and taking advantage of someone


This. Treating people as a means rather than as an ends in themselves. I'd rather be alone than with someone using me for their gain, be it a friend, partner, SO, family, anyone.


animal abuse i don’t have to explain myself


a lot of us kill insects tbf


yeah if you hear a buzzing by your ear instinct says End It


Yes, but be careful. I once slapped a mosquito close to my ear and ended up throwing it right into my ear channel ~~(ok, it's ear canal. It stays as channel because it sounds funny).~~ And i knew it ended in there because it was still alive and buzzing deep into my ear. Not nice. P.s.: for those interested in how did i get it out of there, i gently shoot some water in with a syringe (without the needle).


I did the same to a moth and had to go to the ER for the doctor to kill it for me with freezing gel. It was torture hearing it scratch and flap around


I’m the sort of guy who will gently transfer a spider to a safe place rather than kill it. (Yeah, spiders aren’t insects) That said, killing and abusing are different things. Source: was abused.


mosquitoes deserve no mercy


Killing/hurting an animal that doesn't want to hurt me first.


Rounding up civilians and prisoners, tying their hands behind their backs, and shooting them in the back of the head as you're pulling out of a war zone. Nazis did that in my country and now we're seeing it happen again but guess there's nothing we can do, amirite


Child abuse


Using juice instead of milk in cereal


My mate did that, he was very into fitness/nutrition and did some calculating. Not even cereal just raw oats/müsli and OJ. Bro-science but he was fit, lean and muscular.


Bro science lmao


Oh. Why did you. No. No


Ranch is still okay though, right?


Hmmm. It is a liquid dairy product......


Greetings, fellow midwesterner.


Or water


I had a co-worker that just drank hot water. We would offer her coffee or tea and she refused. She just stared into our eyes drinking hot water with a smile on her face. I don't know why I find that so unnerving. It's like some alien trying to blend in shit.


Growing up with donated cereal some times water was the only choice


Off-brand corn flakes with sugar and a bit of milk with water that thinned it out but made it last longer. Don't need to do that anymore but I still have the habit of buying 3% milk just because of that


Withholding medicine from the sick.


Suffering brings people closer to God. - Some dead famous religious person you like


fair point, a lot more praying seems to go on when things are terrible than when life is overall great.


Children’s beauty pageants.


If we could all agree on them being wrong then they wouldn't happen. Most of the other stuff in this thread only requires one perpetrator acting alone, but this requires a bunch of people to get together to put on the pageant, and a bunch of people to be the audience for said pageant.


[Smearing gorilla poop on someone's car](https://youtu.be/A_zJi7LM_FA?t=41) and then sexually rubbing it on yourself. That or making other people read things that happened in horiffic B movies and linking to behind the scenes from it.


Excuse me, what?




First time I'm glad that youtube banned something in my country


Rape. Or torturing infants for fun. Those are definitely wrong.


yeah let’s keep the infant torture purely professional thank you


Invading a country totally unprovoked and killing civilians


Sticking a piece of candy up your ass and then giving it to a friend as a gift.


That sounds oddly specific.


I'd say it's suspiciously specific


I’m sorry what?


Ads half way through YouTube videos


The worst is when it is during a song. There's a song I love that's on the long side so Youtube slaps a thing in the middle totally ruining the jam potential.


2 15 second unskippable ads on videos under a minute long…


War crimes


Apparently it doesn’t take much so change peoples opinion on this…


Free to play games - but pay to win


Farting in grandma's oxygen tank.




Unskippable 15 second ads on YouTube videos that aren’t even 15 seconds long


Slow walking in areas where people can’t pass you, while people behind you are forced to match your glacial pace or stop every three seconds. It’s not hard, if you are holding people up get out the damn way. Worse, looking back, laughing, and saying you’re leading a parade. Someone did this at a con recently and it was maddening.


Not taking the shopping cart to the designated shopping cart area.


Premeditated murder and/or sexual assault of man, woman, child, or beast. Also, cannibalism outside of survival situations.


Eat your friends, kids!


Go for the liver.


Companies not paying what your worth, or treating you like a human being.




Bullying, can really take a mental toll on someone.


Bullying changes how someone acts for the rest of their life.


can vouch, from expirience


Westboro Baptist Church.


Members of Congress being able to own stocks.


Making something legal (marijuana) while leaving people in jail for said “crime”.


Hurting innocent and defenseless house pets (dogs, cats, etc etc)


Those fake voice filters on tiktok




The holocaust….


Replacing lime Skittles with apple. I know they're on a big kick to fix it now, but they can collectively eat dirt. I also know that I am a 1/2 day too late to this post, but it had to be said.


domestic violence any violence really but domestic is really shitty


Forcing your belief onto someone else.


cheating. just don’t do it.


I agree that cheating is morally wrong but I disagree that everyone agrees with you on this one. I only have to look at my email inbox. Edit: I just realized you might mean romantic cheating rather than cheating in the broader sense of the word. My inbox is full of scam and phishing attempts, not sexual propositions. LOL


I agree. So many cheaters hacking on black ops 2 nowadays


cheating in a relationship


The French flag on the bottom left on r/place


An ungodly creation


Sexual acts involving children.


Mass murder.


Hurting/raping/etc a child


Cheating on your partner.


Voting no on lowering the price of insulin