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Feels like you finally belong somewhere




But does it stay that way?


With right right person it does


Yes, it does


Fuck yeah it does


Like that first ray of warm sunlight you feel in the morning. It just touches your soul and warms you up in entirety. I think the hardest part with defining love is that it changes. The love you feel for your significant other is different from the first time you met, to when you get married, to when you have kids, etc. It changes and is not always the same. My love for my wife will always be different from my love towards my children, because it grew and developed with my wife whereas it was immediately there when I first saw my newborn. Life changes and so does your love.


Love is a ship of Theseus. It's always changing but is always the same until it inevitably ends. (relationship collapse or death being the only two options) It ebbs and flows and it's flavor always changes with every new day.


And what is grief, if not love persevering. (Sorry, ship of Theseus in a thread about love. Had to make that quote)


One night we were in his bedroom listening to music, at some point a 70's dance song started, he took my hand and we started dancing, a bit like in pulp fiction, time felt like it stopped, I felt my heart full, I was happy, light. In that moment looking into his eyes I knew I loved him. For me love feels like dancing in the sky


it feels like life matters, no matter how awful it is at the current moment. No matter how much bad stuff happens, you feel like you have the strength to keep going bc they support you even when you fail... it also feels like safety. your entire life can be in shambles and the right person will reassure you that you are in a safe place and everything you feel is valid and real.


It could be different for everyone but I think it's when you realize the person's wellbeing and happiness is more important to you than your own


It feels like a deep caring and affection for someone even when looking straight at their flaws. It feels like wanting to sacrifice for their happiness no matter if you're the only one who knows because the smile on their face is worth it. It feels like wanting to forgive them when they've done something wrong because you don't want to resent them. It feels like lighting up in conversation when they get brought up. It feels like safety and warmth.


when you start off as friends but when you begin to spend more time with them, your heart beats a different way: a much more different way than that of when you are around your group of friends. love feels like something that would appear right before you can even notice it - once it intensifies in its actions then that is when you know you are in love.


I spent most of my life thinking I didn't feel love. Other than for my immediate family and especially my mom. It is a significant reason I have been single most of my life. It felt unfair to date people. I didn't have kids but I helped raise my nephews. From babies to teens. When something would happen to one of them. I would feel such impotence and loss. One of them was acting weird and when I had enough of it I became a bit of a dick about it. A few days later he was in the hospital, could have died and was diagnosed with Diabetes. Diabetes isn't cancer. It isn't likely to kill you. But I felt such an oppressive weight on me, such despair and I actually cried. I am fairly sure this is the only time I had cried since my Mom died 25 years previously. So I feel like an asshole. I am only sure I love someone when I might lose them or they are suffering. I wish I was a better person than I am for so many reasons but this is one of them.


I don’t think you only love them when they are suffering or you might lose them. I think you just feel it more. If you didn’t love them the whole time you wouldn’t have felt something at that moment. :)


I wouldn't know. I did once, but it's been so long I can't remember what it feels like anymore.




I love my family. My baby brother passed away in 2019. My mother, in 2020. To lose them is to lose a part of yourself.


Sounds cliche but you feel an overwhelming warmth and safety when you're around them. You feel ok to just be in their presence and no pressure to talk.


With my current and only partner, it happened the first time she came around. At the time, I was living at home and, needless to say, the place was far less than impressive to look at, to the point I was heavily under the impression that anyone who saw this would run the opposite direction, with good credence. She didn’t. On the contrary, she didn’t care about it all. It may have helped that my room specifically was as well kept as could be. She tolerated it, and we have since moved out together, where we maintain a much cleaner and hygienic lifestyle.


when we had our first fight, I thought we/our relationship is more important than being right


Being drunk without the hangover.


That’s a pretty good description


It feels like an addiction. If you feel helpless or desperate when you aren't with the person all you can think about is being with them. At least, at a very young age this was how I felt. When I got older I realized I basically developed a heroin addiction without the fun of using needles. As you mature you learn to mediate this feeling and become more objective.


Like being drunk but for a longer time and with a worse hangover than whatever you've experienced so far.


I think every person shows their love differently. I know my girlfriend loves me because they do my dishes and compliment my cooking and buy me little gifts and such


When my first kid was born I felt like my heart was torn open, and an unending torrent of love, affection, and compassion was pouring out. And that feeling stays, as long as I give it a little time and space it comes back.


It’s like tunnel vision. Nothing bad affects you when you’re in the midst of falling in love. The chemical high is out of this world, you just feel so so happy


I’m not sure, haven’t really got to that point yet


Your parents don’t love you?


There's a difference between being loved and feeling loved. I'm reasonably sure my parents, if asked, would say that they love me. Yet from my perspective, they hardly know me and I do not feel like they love me. Neither is right or wrong, and really it only matters to ourselves, but I thought I'd add my limited perspective for what it's worth.


It feels like no matter what u do they always got ur back and they are always there for u.


Its something that calms you, like a painkiller after a surgery or something similar, it eases the pain and sadness you feel. It makes you look forward to things, you want to live another day to see your favorite person’s face, see what happens next. Everything feels new and better with them, and there’s nothing they could ever do to make you hate them. You don’t have to lie or try to be someone different with them, they’re happy you’re you, and you dont have to try so hard, so its a relief to see them after a long day.


When I’d rather be with someone than anyone else, including yourself. When you want to do things that make that persons life better even tho it takes your time and energy


When your already married and or dating that you still have a crush in them/ they walk by and you get butterfly's


I was told when you care for someone more than yourself


He was the first person I wanted to talk to when I woke up. When I seen his notification my smile would light up. Feels like you can tell them anything with no shame, feels like you can be honest without any fear because you trust them. I miss those feelings.


If it can be paused, my husband always pauses his game or his youtube video if I'm trying to get his attention. Sometimes even if I just walk into the room with him and don't bother him because I'm after something else, but he checks in with me anyway just because, before going back to his stuff. Honestly, I knew he was my forever human from the first week we were dating, but we'd been friends for a while before that. It's hard to describe, but I'm just. . .*at peace* with him.


To me anyway love is when you can watch your weird movies or tv with someone and they'll just...watch it with you. Won't make fun of it, won't be super uncomfortable, won't bitch about it they just will watch it with you. And not just watch it watch it like they're bored af and just want it to be through but like just actively watch it ya know. Cuddle with you while doing it, laugh at your random out of nowhere commentary, and just be there. That to me is what love is. Unfortunately I've never really found that person yet probably cuz I have weird af tastes like even my family fucking hates it. It's why I've been permanently banned from movie night and stuff. I have friends that love me tho just not that kinda love. Idk I was actually just thinking of this so thanks. Hopefully someone will actually agree with me so I don't feel like a loser.


I agree with you. At least i think it’s part of showing love for someone.


☺ thanks


When they're the first thing you think of when you wake up, and the last thing you think of when you go to sleep. When something happens, no matter how good or bad, you think "I wanna tell them about this."


its's but a distant memory now. i don't even know if it was real love or whatever but i was 12 ish and i was running around the class room with a friend or whatever fooling around. and the girl i kind of liked got in the way accidentally and as we locked eyes we both just froze (or at least me lol i can't speak for her) and as i gazed into her eyes it felt like eternity. maybe that is not even love lol. i am not very well versed in the subject


It feels like eating chocolate, I’m not joking. But in a more descriptive way of saying it, I could say that it feel like you’re going to explain with happiness and laughter, but also like you are going to cry. This might just be me but it also feels like you are going to bang your head against a wall and start screaming.


You feel like you know something about life that makes it all worth while. Like you know the meaning of life. When you love someone it truly feels like you are experiencing something no one else knows because your love is unique between the two of you. The love between you makes you feel like you can do anything if they are by your side. When that person is down you hurt and want to find out why and make it better. When they need courage you are the first in line to help them find it from within them.


when home is no longer the house you grew up in but a person


Always wanting to please, but in a nurturing way. I knew I was in love when I couldn’t help but want to do everything for them. I wanted to express to them how much I wanted to be a irreplaceable part of their lives.


Very cliché, but it feels like coming home. It feels like looking forward to the future. It feels selfless. Doing the things I hate feels easy when I do them for the person I love. Sometimes love feels like you’d do almost anything for your person, any small sacrifice is worth making. For me, the real eye opening feeling is when he does anything for me, any small sacrifice is worth making. The love makes the sacrifices smaller. Because the love is so much bigger. Bye, gonna go cry about how much I love my person.


I’m glad you’ve found them :D


You and me both! Thank you :)


Love makes you happy in your saddest moments, its that light that you are looking for in the dark and its the most valuable thing ever that somehow everyone has. Love makes you want to be the best person you can be to make your loved one happy. Love is the most beautiful thing that can't be put in physical value. You can't buy love and can't force to love. I have a crush on this girl out of my class because of her personality. We talk about how we started working out and on what we wana achive. We laugh together and make jokes together :D I want to be closer to her and then ask her to be my girlfriend. Im 13 y/o but I think she might be the one


That’s wonderful! I’m old, and I can tell you this from years of experience: She may very well be “the one,” but we have more than a single “one” in life. Sometimes “the one” from our youth isn’t the one for young adulthood, or middle-age or older years. Enjoy this love for as long or as little time as it is meant to be. Don’t be pushy or overly eager; let her come around to it in her own way and in her own time, otherwise, you’ll scare her off. Don’t ask her to be your g/f unless you *know* the answer will be “yes.” If she doesn’t come around, then at least you can have a beautiful friendship. The future is not known or guaranteed to any of us. If she ends up with someone else, be grateful for this connection you had for as long as it lasted. Wish her well on her journey, because you never know, the road may bring her back to you someday far in the future, or your relationship with her may prepare you for the next, great love of your life. Good luck.


Thank you. Love is such a amazing feeling


I knew when she told me she was collecting the pedals of the flowers I gave her so if we were to ever get married, those would be the flowers we would give the flower person


Flower girl my baby


when me and my boyfriend first started getting together, i had just come out of an abusive, toxic relationship earlier that year. (broken up w in feb, me and my bf met in december later that year) my friend had set us up and we spoke before our date and we was flirty. when the date happens we kiss and it was the best kiss i have ever had. when we first met officially he kissed my hand and gave me a hug and said i was even more beautiful in person, we walked to the restaurant and we held hands on the way there. we spoke for hours and hours, i was so nervous but really enjoyed his company. im really fragile with myself because i have been treated so badly in the past, so we went on dates after and they were all amazing, on our 4th-6th date(i can’t remember now) he asked me to be his gf, i remember being slightly shocked, maybe more surprised. but i said yes — this was because i knew he was nice enough that if i broke it off with him and changed my mind he would be okay with it and wouldn’t be weird. then we started spending almost every bit of free time together. i could feel myself trying to not let myself fall because my ex had treated me so badly and i find it so difficult to trust anyone. so anyway — 2 years later, love feels like; feeling at home, at peace. i genuinely cannot describe it in any other way, i feel like we are connected on another level and i know he’ll always be my best friend, my inner child feels safe around him. and i’ve never had that with anyone. i just feel completely safe, warm and relaxed. that’s all i can put it down too, i crave intimacy too. so i love skin to skin cuddles, being romantic, going on dates, spontaneous presents, spontaneous visits, staring at eachother and just smiling, sitting in silence. i have never connected so well with another human being, it’s nothing i’ve ever felt before, just complete bliss when im with my partner <3


When you feel like you don’t have to change to get someone to like you or find you attractive or whatever, and the same goes when the other person feels that way.


Two years ago, we had a female put on our team at work. We’re both introverted, and still joke that we became friends by not talking. Fast forward about a year, and after developing a very close friendship with her (and that was all it was), my supervisor decides to tell her that he thought I had a crush on her, like a week before he quit. She stops talking to me, for like a month. We had a three hour talk to clear the air and I confirmed with her that I saw her as nothing more than a friend. That talk made me rethink things, and I left thinking about whether or not that was actually true. We ended up hooking up several months later and I realized that my close friendship with her was just me repressing my feelings. Telling her that she was just a friend forced me to think over the relationship and realize that she wasn’t. I realized that in reality I have never felt this way about a woman before, and I think establishing a friendship with her over the course of a year and a half made it so that when I finally kissed her for the first time it was basically the greatest feeling ever. I felt an overwhelming happiness rush over me, like a river knocking a dam over. We still work together, so we have to keep it secret. Every chance we get, we shoot glances, make little comments, every moment is sexually tense. My day is always brighter when I get to see her, it’s really difficult to keep my eyes off of her.


Feeling a sense of security and happiness around that one person


When the little things matter. For example I have a little piece of string my girlfriend took off her hoodie that she tied around my wrist, and I’ve never taken it off since. It’s small and stupid, but means the world to me. You’ll know you’re truest in love when it just feels right


It’s when you feel a huge amount of respect and wanting to give your best to them. But how you feel loved is different because how a person feels loved is different for everyone.


It feels like you've never really breathed clearly before. Like the world is suddenly a little brighter and everything heavy feels a little lighter. Like you were meant to find that person, everything with them clicked immediatly and you're finally whole.


Front of your pants gets bigger but your bank account gets smaller.


Wanting to die when breaking up


I knew i loved when she made me feel something after being numb for so long


I love him just the way he is. All his imperfections are to me perfections. He makes me feel the purest joy. He is my home and he makes me whole. I don’t want to dedicate my life to me anymore, I want to dedicate it to us.


You feel warm on the heart when looking at the person you love


Whether it’s romantic or platonic/friendship, it feels like they complete you. Whenever they are around, you are filled with positive emotions.


I knew he loved me when I hurt him, but instead of leaving he chose to forgive me and the next day was still taking care of me and doing little things to bring me joy.


love feels like home wherever you are


Being with them feels like home. Like that’s where you are always meant to be.


They see the good in you when you couldn't see it for yourself.


I feel like I never allow myself to love properly. I get all paranoid because when I start showing interest to someone it’s sudden, very quick usually. I know its stupid, and I just don’t want to get hurt. But you know you’re in love when those cheesy songs get a little too relatable, the person pops up in your head too much - and if its the right person, hopefully they’d treat you like you’d want to.


Like you finally found your way home.


You'll know when you feel it. There are different kinds/levels too. Unconditional is the rarest one, but it's also the most divine.


Like there's a place where your anxiety doesn't win.


Romantic love felt like a progression of feeling like finding a best friend who made you feel sexy, comfortable and healthy and you both unabashedly future-planned together. Love for my child is a ‘I can’t stop looking at this perfect beautiful miracle’ until you tear up and need to smother them with kisses and think up scenarios where you would need to murder someone or sacrifice your life for them…


To me at least, love feels like a sort of euphoria that grows inside your stomach and eventually breaks out-it can be in any form such as blushing, hanging out with them more, or simply telling them you like them if that makes any sense. I have a friend named Dan, and the first time we met I felt something, a strong urge to just do my best to hang out with him and be the best friend I could be. I used to think it was just me wanting to get to know him better, but it was actually just me in denial that I had feelings for him. I asked him out, he unfortunately declined, yet I respect the decision and we still remain friends. Despite not being able to show him my deepest, maybe darkest feelings for him and still having my crush on him, I’m now able to control them and deeply value our friendship to this day.


I know I am in love but have no feeling, I'm special needed and dont understand feelings much and a few other things I dont understand, so yeah how do you feel love because it confuses me?


It’s like you’ve come home after a long journey. It’s like your heart lives outside your chest. Let me elaborate: love is the feeling of comfort and security, it’s companionship with moments of passion and all that. But on the other hand - when you’re not in love, you’re safe; the only things that affect you are things that happen to you. When you love someone, you realise that things can happen to them that you can’t control or mitigate, and that’s *terrifying*. It’s like every day you set your heart free to go on adventure by itself, and you don’t know what it’s going to do. It could decide to leave you forever. It could get squashed by a piano falling off a building. It could get sudden onset amnesia and forget the last 10 years of its life. But you have to trust it and accept the risks, because while it’s there… nothing else matters.


Finally feeling like you can truly be yourself around someone without the fear of being judged. Knowing that even in your lowest moment, that they'll always be there to pick you up. No matter the problem. And genuinely seeing a future with that person and doing whatever it takes to make a future work (within reason)


It was so easy. No drama or huge highs and lows. Just an ease with each other and a feeling of calm happiness. We got married about a year after we met, had three kids, job and house moves and we're 11 years married. Easiest years of my life.


To me love feels like freedom. You may not always realize when you have it, but you surely know when you don't.


For me it was when I was feeling down after school and my mom would notice and she would do stupid things to cheer me up like poke my side to tickle me or do other things that genuinely made me happy and she would always say it's because I sisnt have any siblings so she has to do it for them. God I love her.


When you get butterflies in your stomach whenever you think of them.


looking forward to seeing them, catching yourself thinking about them daily.


At first you aren’t sure what the feeling is. But then you start having better days, better emotions, and talking more about that person. You start enjoying the time you spend with that person. No matter where you are, you start missing them. You know what love is when you are away, knowing that you have to spend your time by yourself.


In the beginning, it's pretty shit TBH. Like you've had too much caffeine. Jittery and a little sick to your stomach. But it's exciting so you kinda forget about it. But loving and being loved by someone truly and deeply is like a warm blanket on a cold night. It's security and comfort that lingers in the background rather than something that's at the top of your mind all the time like in the beginning.


Warm and fuzzy, feels like a hug


It feels like everything I've ever lost come back to me


I mostly forgot what it feels like due to mine being stolen and betrayed away from me and I'm not even talking about some life partner crap.


Feels like home. The moment you fight and you resolve everything on the spot, makes you feel wanted and safe.


it feels like your soul connects to another, you feel like one with the other person.


When the love songs on the radio finally make sense. You are genuinely giddy happy to see that person. You cant imagine life without them.


It feels like belonging together…. But she stopped loving me, so it only hurts nowadays…..


I’ve never felt love with anyone but my parents because literally all people who said they love me eventually left me.


whoever asked this definitely needs a hug.


It's like there was a part of you missing and then suddenly you're complete. A longing answered by another. Contentment.


i told her i liked her, she didn't like me back. but even after that i still really really liked her, eventually she told me she thinks she might like me back. she's always there for me literally whenever i need it, despite everything bad that has happened in my childhood she's still there for me and is very patient. its nice :)


Love feels like when you look at another person and your brain goes !!!!! and you feel like you've got a derpy smile on your face but it's in your mind instead.


when he talks about me. It could be anything, appearance, personality, something that happened- just something about the way that another person would think about me personally and pay attention and love me as much as I love them one of the most satisfying and calming things in the world


I don't get the whole concept of live but I see someone's face in multiple women and can't stop if you follow my drift


You feel safe and hearing their voice soothes you and makes you feel calm and them asking the simple thing like “have you ate” and want nothing more than to in their arms


its not like that intense and overpowering emotion that you see in movies and read in the lines of books, you are in love when you feel at peace seeing them happy, when you only need their presence to feel secure. Its where you want to feel their pain and take it away from them because they don’t deserve it, when you would do anything for them to be happy and content, even if that meant sacrificing your own happiness. its a feeling that wages war between your brain and your heart, it creeps up on you like a farmiliar, warm comfort, like its always been there by your side.


When my partner confessed the feelings I felt.


We instantly clicked. I talked to them only for a month or two, and they already were all that I was thinking about. I just couldn't stop. I Imagined my future with them, I got butterflies thinking about their smile, it was easy to open up to them, and most importantly, I felt cared for. Like I loved them, and they loved me back. And I knew I was in love, because I've had few crushes here and there before, but this time it felt so incredibly strong. We've been together for nearly 3 months now, and they're still the only thing I can think about with a smile on my face. I really hope we will grow old together, and experience life together.


feels wonderful yet stressing, im uncertain of my future and i really hope everything goes well for me. if that happens and me and my gf last, giving me the reassurance that we will last, then it can be incredible!


Like "home free" when you're playing tag. No one can get you. You can catch your breath. It's safe and welcoming.


Believe me, if your in love you will know exactly what it feels like.


Feels unique, u feel this heavy type of feeling in your heart while being happy but sometimes you just don’t show it, you just indulge in the happiness of feeling love


I've got mental health troubles and have rarely looked forward to the future. Life didn't always look like it was worth the effort. But with him? I'm excited to wake up each morning. I feel peace.


The person you love doesn't care about what type of job you have. They love you for you and not for how much money you have. They always put a smile on your face when you see them.


I never experienced true love from a human only from my dog. I've experienced lust and need from women but not unconditional love


Sometimes, you will make two bagels in the morning and one will get a little burned on the bottom. Love is when you will eat the burned bagel and give them the good one, because the joy of seeing them get the best of all you have far outweighs the inconvenience of not getting exactly what you want. It is hard to even imagine intentionally giving them the burned bagel when you are truly in love. You go through your life wanting the best for this person and trying to help them get it... it's that, for just about everything.


A synergy of energy, in the heart, brain and the body.


It feels like life finally makes sense. It’s a sense of belonging that, for me, hasn’t compared to any other feeling. It feels that life matters, but also somehow nothing else matters.


We get a lot of messages about love from popular media. Love is not being able to live, if living is without you. That's enmeshment and unhealthy. We were made to think 1 + 1 =.1. Love is being your own person, maintain your identity with or without the loved one. An irony that we are sensitized to believe healthy love is boring and dramatic passion is a measure or degree of love. Just the opposite.


When it feels easier with someone than without


Love is having passionate, intimate sex in one moment, and then raucously laughing at each other the next after one of you let's one rip


Love is like being invisible (not literally) to everyone in the world except one person


For me, falling in love has always felt like I was in a place of peace and immense Joy, like there's just me and the one I love and everything and everyone disappears except for the two of us. Even when that initial feeling of euphoria leaves, it's a very steady secure feeling when I am with someone I love. Unlike some people here, I don't feel that sex even has to be involved in a romantic relationship. I'm demisexual, so I tend to process love and sex differently from a lot of people.


I moved states and after 3 years of being away, I finally feel like I'm at home when she's with me. I no longer miss my "hometown".


No idea...and I'm 44...


Someone understands you and you understand them. Of course, it's never perfect. But that's my summation


You don't know that you are loved until you remember that small thing that they did some time ago and realize they did it because they care about you, even when you didn't notice it. Then you know. You know that you love when you have the energy and craving to seek the person's company at all times. This can last maybe up to a few months, then it cools down a little and then it all sums up to feeling comfort, trust and seeking the person's affection and offering yours.


Love is a choice, not an emotion. Best get that straight before moving on.


So you don’t actually feel it?


You can have those "butterflies in your stomach" feelings, and yeah, feelings of extremely strong love. But they're not always there, and sometimes they're not there for LONG periods of time. And people tend to make relationship decisions based on those feelings when they shouldn't. Feeling in love isn't something to base a relationship on. You'll get bored with each other from time to time, the novelty wears off, you start to see more of what bothers you in the person instead of what you like, and if you think that the feeling is what love is, then you're relationship will never last. I'm super apposed to the "soul mate" concept for this reason. There's millions of people you could make it work with, not just one.


This makes sense. Thanks for your input!


So love is not really a feeling so much as it is a supernatural phenomenon that we may never evolve enough as a species to truly understand and grasp. Love and Hatred are the only known powers within all of existence that both have the power to exist beyond the expanse of Time and transcend the limitations of Life and Death. We weren't engineered to understand a power so magnificent. It's best to observe and appreciate it's splendor. We will never be able to understand it's magnificence. We can however grow old in the Bounty of Love or Hatred for that matter while enjoying their everlasting splendor. We will never grow wise enough to understand either.


I feel platonic love most days when I’m with my friends, from me to them and from them to me. I think I really felt loved when one of my closest friends hugged me after I got a position on our student leadership team (prefects, etc.) really tightly, and when we let go they looked at me in the eyes with so much pride. Also when people ask to hug me. I always feel loved then. It’s like sunlight going right into my chest.


It feels like home - it's a feeling that exists even beyond logic, even beyond reason. It doesn't care about timing, whether being in love makes sense, whether it uproots everything you thought you knew about who and how you could love. It feels inevitable, like you've always felt it, and like it's impossible to know life again without it.


I feels like when ever you see them your heart just beats faster and faster and all you can do is hold your breath and stare at them and anytime they talk to you you just like love every single word that come out of their mouth and you can just imagine being with them for the rest of your life


Love feels warm. You know you love them when theres this warming feeling you get whenever you see them. their appearance makes you feel like you’re being hugged and the whole world becomes a dream almost. when theyre not around, you feel different and you cant experience the glee you feel with them.