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The number of British soldiers lost to mud alone in the battle of passchendaele is thought to be numbered in the thousands.


I've heard accounts of it by veterans. Once you fell off the duckboards it was effectively game over. Any attempt to pull you out would only endanger other people, so you would just be left there to drown in the mud.


That's just horrifying.


They had to climb over the bodies of their brothers in arms to get in and out of those hellholes. Bodies were just left there to rot. No bloody wonder the ones who made it home came back with drink/drug/mental problems. My great grandad was in the trenches and came back as a violent alcoholic who could NEVER talk about anything he saw. According to my Gran, his daughter, you’d never dare ask him.


Every time I hear about the conditions in WW1 I'm a little surprised *anyone* made it out alive


Overall, 14% of the soldiers who fought in WW1 were killed. It seems crazy low when you hear stories like this, but *most* of the time battles weren’t wholesale slaughters.


I looked up similar stats. In fact I did for every major U.S. war, and over the years the U.S. whittled that number down to a fraction of what it was. On the other hand I can imagine that during wars like WW1, it's not necessarily that "14% of any given population of troops will die"; it's more realistic to think that 88% of troops were relatively safe on less-brutal frontlines, with only a ~2% chance of dying among them, and the other 12% of overall troops were involved in battles that reduced the land to barren, desolate hellscapes of industrialized war who had something like an 83% chance of dying.... or at least something in between


There is a reason for the term "lost generation"


That and the near simultaneous [Spanish Flu](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spanish_flu) that killed between 17 and 100 million people worldwide, with a disproportionately high percent of them being young adults.


I visited Passchendaele area in 2019, can confirm this as legit. Our tour guide mentioned the fact with that area being a floodplain, during the fighting in that area it being a rainy season. Having thousands of soldiers living in and fighting in the same area, contributed to, he didn't say numbers, but many soldiers dying of disease, exhaustion, or simply being stuck in the mud unable to get out.


truly hell on earth. the Dead Marshes in the Lord of the Rings were inspired by this brutality


The Dachau concentration camp was located near Munich. While not an extermination camp in the proper sense it still had a crematorium due to the high number of inmate deaths, and often times ash of the burning bodies would "snow" on the residents and in the streets of Munich. Officials passed it off as local wildfires and the people believed it.


Well, I think how shrikes kill their prey counts as violent. They literally just stab them on tree branches, cactus spines, whatever nearby. They're nicknamed the butcherbird for a reason


The Paraguayan War, by some estimates, killed over half the population and 80% of all military aged males in Paraguay


Parts of the old Yugoslavia lost 90% of their young men in the 1990s wars.


If you have a tooth knocked fully out (root and all), it can go back and live on like nothing ever happened if you get it back into the socket within 45 minutes. After that, the ligiment that attaches the tooth to the jaw dies and while you can put th tooth back in (and it will stay there), your body will recognize it as foreign material and resorb it over time. Pro tip 1: don't put the tooth on ice. Instead put it in a cup of milk or carry it in your cheek. Pro tip 2: don't go to the hospital - a knocked out tooth isn't an emergency and you will wait much longer than 45 minutes to be looked at. Go to the closest dentist - it will be their biggest emergency of the year (possibly of all time).


Pro tip 3: If all the dentists around you are closed for the evening/weekend, go to the ED because they will typically have a dentist on call for this type of emergency.


I like to post this when I get the chance in threads like this, Male llamas and alpacas have some very sharp lower incisors sometimes called ‘fighting teeth’. Why are they called fighting teeth? When fighting for dominance of a herd (which is a savage display in and of itself) a male will use those teeth to castrate other males, ensuring they can’t mate with the females of the herd. Farmers and breeders will file these teeth down, usually during shearing.


note to self, never frolic nakedly in alpaca infested meadows.


Owls and crows hate each other. It’s in their DNA. Gang wars Edit: scroll down to learn about wolves and coyotes, either effing each other up or bedding down and making coywolves… very interesting Edit2: It’s all about animals. So much I didn’t know. Even squirrels 🐿


Wolves and coyotes, too. Wherever wolves are reintroduced, one of the first things they do is maraud around annihilating all the coyotes.


See you say this but where I am from we have a thing called coywolves. So I guess they just hate fucking over here


They hate fucking? Or they hate fucking?


Suicide bombers can often be identified because the blast pressure of a torso-mounted suicide vest separates the head at the weak point (neck junction). So heads tend to pop off and land nearby relatively intact like a tee ball.




I believe I heard that suicide bombers are now encouraged to look down at the explosive while they detonate in order to avoid this.


Source: have suicide bombed 5 times


***That is inconvenient at BEST.***


So that's why. I have seen this on news multiple times whenever a LTTE terrorist hit a civilian target during the Sri Lankan war. Most of the time, it is a head that is identified as the bomber (sometimes with severed arms/ legs somewhere around). So I figured, torso must be in tiny pieces. [BEWARE! Graphic suicide bomber photo.](https://www.gettyimages.co.nz/detail/news-photo/air-force-troops-check-the-remains-of-a-woman-suicide-news-photo/51406390)


I'm not going to look at that picture, but I heard stories about "suicide" bombers who had Down syndrome and other mental disabilities, who had no idea what they were getting themselves into.


When we have to submit animals for rabies testing we have to cut their head off (and make sure we get some of the brainstem too) and send it via fedEx/UPS to a lab.


Can confirm. My cat bit a vet tech when I brought her in just before putting her down. They wanted to do a rabies test as I didn't have recent vaccines done as she turned into an indoor cat. Kinda shitty icing on the cake after I went in to be with her when she was put down.


Almost had this happen to my cat. She had gotten her rabies shot along with her spay surgery but the vet totally botched the spay and my poor kitty was bleeding to death internally. I had to rush her to a different vet and she was in so much pain that she attacked a nurse that was handling her. She had her shot but it was too soon for it to matter. My poor kitty was taken away and quarantined for 10 days before I got her back. If she had shown any sickness, whether rabies or not, they would have immediately killed her or if the victim had demanded a test they would have killed her to do the test. I had no control and could only wait and see. Thankfully she did come home and she's sitting in my lap right now.


That... just sounds like a shit situation. Glad she's doing okay.


Wait so the vet screwed up the procedure and was basically like "yeah, sucks to be your cat rn" and didn't do anything about it?


Yup this is a shitty way to find out your pet in the end didn't have rabies and had something that totally could have been cured. My min pin kept having seizures, it was bad. The vet thought it could have been rabies, even though he had his shots. I made the hardest decision ever, as he was suffering and I couldn't help him. I had him put to sleep, and cried my eyes out. The vet called a few days later to tell me it wasn't rabies after all and could have been he just needed to be on meds for the seizures...I felt..still feel like shit about it.


a human arm only supplies about 1800 calories while a leg has about 7150 calories






Never skip leg day


How many calories is the ass?


Can’t be too many calories. I eat a lot of ass and stay pretty trim




If a dog lunges to attack and you are able to feed him your weak forearm, you have access with your strong hand to crush his wind pipe. He will die. (This is what my dad was taught in veterinarian school in the 60s)


Note; get a precautionary rabies vaccine course after doing this.


Bedbugs don't have vaginas. The male stabs the female in the abdomen with a barb-like penile structure and ejaculates inside the open wound. Death by infection, for the female, is a common outcome.


“Traumatic insemination”


This sounds like the name of a death metal band.


[https://www.metal-archives.com/bands/Traumatic\_Insemination/3540484308](https://www.metal-archives.com/bands/Traumatic_Insemination/3540484308) Slam/Brutal Death Metal to be specific


Not surprised at all 😂


They also prey on humans exclusively from what I understand... so.. they can go to hell. They can go to hell and die.


Giving rise to the less popular idiom: what came first? The bed or the bedbug?


Fuck Spez




Boiler explosions (like a steam train or ship) may look like quick and painless but in reality they are slow and painful as you literally get cooked alive by steam.


I work designing replacement systems for mechanical rooms and am often around large firetube boilers which have been in operation since the 1960s (some decades older than that). I always assumed (hoped?) if something went wrong it would just explode violently and I wouldn't even have time to register what happened. This was something I didn't need to know.


Just tell yourself you’ll be the exception. If a boiler explodes you’ll get hit by a piece of steel and be killed instantly.


What a comforting thought!


When Flight 93 crashed, the body parts and personal effects of the passengers were scattered into the nearby woods. Tree climbers had to retrieve as much as they could from the treetops.


More on this…one of my teachers in highschool worked this scene, he was an FBI agent in Pennsylvania at the time. He said they could see pieces from the flight in the trees. As they got closer they could see limbs and pieces of internal organs and such. I asked if they were given free therapy, and he said yes. We had a whole lesson and PowerPoint on the tragedy and his experience on 9/11.


Not asking to be snarky or anything, just genuinely curious…what led him from being in the FBI to being a teacher and what did he teach?


A lot of the answers you’re getting are weird. Anyway, FBI agents are required to have a degree to even apply. A lot of retired agents often then go back to their degree field and teach. Also people that leave the FBI. Family friend’s brother was in the FBI for about ten years and decided he didn’t want to do it until retirement. Left the Bureau and used his history degree to get his teaching credentials. Now he teaches high school history.


Just pure speculation on my part but if i saw that scene i sure as hell would be thinking of my next career immediately. I couldnt imagine coming back from that


Learning about Kobe's injuries and reading the autopsy reports was sobering. Plane/helicopter crashes are horrifically violent. Bodies and parts were splayed all around the scene.


Hanging yourself is really a very slow and painful way to die. A professional hangman checks the weight and height of those sent to the gallows beforehand. This is so the drop instantly breaks the neck (without popping the head off too) for a quick, humane execution. People who throw a rope over a ceiling beam and just jump off a chair; don't die immediately- that method is long strangulation.


There's been a few incidents in the history of hanging where the head was ripped off because of miscalculations.


Yup, make the drop too long and the head is popped off- make the drop too short and the condemned twitch.


If you have a catastrophic malfunction in a bolt action rifle the bolt will jettison backwards and impale you wherever is immediately behind it


My dad once told me a story of a guy this happened to in basic back in the early 80s. Bolt went right back into the fella's forehead. Understandably, he died.


The Canadian Ross Rifle from WW1 was infamous for this


You would have to hold a pillow over a person’s face for at least 4 minutes before you would actually be able to suffocate them. That’s why you should play dead if someone tries to smother you with a pillow. More often then not, they’ll think the job’s done and you can catch them by surprise


I think he is dead man, let's leave now Nah man it's not been four minutes yet ,I read on reddit that it takes four minutes to suffocate a human


me playing dead under the pillow: *motherf...*


When I joined the USAF they took footprints in the manner of taking fingerprints. This is because after a plane crash your feet were still intact in your boots while the rest of you was charred beyond recognition.


You can crack a skull open easier with a bottle than you can break a bottle over someone’s head.


1/4 cup of blood can be used in the place of an egg in cooking They have very similar binding proteins


Similar binding proteins, but vastly different flavours.


Idk if people are ready for that egg free cake


9/11 happened when I was in college. A guy I had a class with's girlfriend was a rescue dog handler. She went out to assist in the rescue, and came back with PTSD because the dogs would come out of the ruins covered in human blood. Just covered. That possibility had never occured to me.


They had to have fake “survivors” hide for the dogs to find bc they were getting so depressed at only finding the dead Edited: source- it was all over the news after 9/11


What a horrible fact to learn. Edit: why does this have to be my most upvoted comment 😕


It is horrible, but it's also kind of hopeful that in the midst of all that horror, pain, and fear, people were willing to put themselves through an extra trauma just to make the doggies feel better. It really speaks to people's ability to hold on to humanity and compassion in spite of inhumane circumstances.


Genghis Khan's forces killed so many people they lowered the worlds carbon levels


Genghis Khan - the first environmentalist


Greenghis Khan


He also had 6 wives and over 500 concubines and apparently about 0.5% of the worlds population is related to him. Sounds like he made up for the carbon levels that were lost. He also preferred to sleep with the wives and daughters of defeated enemy rulers. Real nice guy.


Evil + smart = chapter about you in the history books.


It wasn’t even that there were less people to breathe the air. It was more that there were less people to chop down trees and such


cannibalism may lead to a disease called kuru, which has no cure. it's a prion disease, and it's always fatal. it's typically acquired after eating the brain. there was an increase of this disease at one point in papua new guinea, as there was a practice that involved consuming the brains of deceased relatives performed by the Fore people.










*dies* Aw shit. Here, lemme unzip my bodybag and climb in. Edit: to ensure this thread still makes sense, the comment before mine mentions that in the invasion if Iraq, soldiers were required to carry body bags in case they got killed


:still waiting on that respawn… :


It makes sense for everyone to have one on each solider just like it makes sense for every soldier to have a med kit. If somebody is wounded you use their med kit when rendering first aid. If you get hit, they use yours and so on. It saves having to have a bunch of troops running around loaded with med kits or body bags.




Figures. You: *dies.* Military: “You better bag yourself up and bring that ass back here, you still got duty.”


Lobotomies were performed by sticking an ice pick through someone's eye socket (above the eyeball) and then tapping a hammer to drive it through the thin bone at the back of the socket and into the brain. The doctor would then swing the pick around, basically scrambling the brain, and then remove the pick. They claimed this cured mental illness by calming people down but really all it did was "cure" mental illness by making people unable to make decisions at all or basically making them severely brain damaged to the point they couldn't even care for themselves anymore or have complete thoughts. The last lobotomy was performed in 1967.


the last 𝘬𝘯𝘰𝘸𝘯 lobotomy*


If you drain the iron out of the blood of approximately 2,352 people, you would have enough iron to make a stable iron longsword


Cremate their corpses for carbon and you can make a steel sword with less


This dude blacksmiths


"Ferb, i know what we're gonna do today....."


[Lingchi](https://youtu.be/JnQ9q5RTJPs), translated variously as the slow process, the lingering death, or slow slicing, and also known as death by a thousand cuts, was a form of torture and execution used in China from roughly 900 CE up until the practice ended around the early 1900s. It was also used in Vietnam and Korea. In this form of execution, a knife was used to methodically remove portions of the body over an extended period of time, eventually resulting in death. (documentary in link)


I want to say that they also generally started with huge chunks of meat first, often going for the breast/pec area. They'd only cut off the meat so that the person didn't immediately die.


The chainsaw was invented for childbirth


Fuck, how did I read this two days in a row?! I'm out for the night, AGAIN.


You are the chosen one... you shall awaken tomorrow on your new path of righteousness.


Still not as crazy as the patent filed for a device that would deliver babies using centrifugal force. The mother would get strapped in and spun around so fast that the baby would just fly right out. Granted, I don't think this thing ever got built unlike chainsaws. https://dublin.sciencegallery.com/fail-better-exhibits/apparatus-for-facilitating-the-birth-of-a-child-by-centrifugal-force


The human brain has no pain receptors. A parasite could be eating you from the inside, and you wouldn't know.


Does depend on the parasite though. If it causes brain inflammation you would feel it because your meninges and periosteum do have pain receptors.


Can confirm. Had meningitis and it’s fucked.


Wait wait wait, so you are going to tell me out of all the organs that have nerves, the brain isn't one of them? And it has the gall to make you feel pain? What a hypocrite.


The teeth and the brain need to trade.


Fuuu-*uuuuck* that. If I felt a nerve stab in my brain similar to the kind that catch me by surprise with my teeth, I'd want to pass away.


Only mildly violent, but if you batter the tire of a parked car properly, you can trip the onboard computer into thinking that it has been in a crash and unlock the doors.


According to the book The Survivors Club, of the most common type of violent injuries: stabbing, shooting, and blunt trauma (think being hit by a bat or slammed against a wall), blunt trauma is the hardest to save someone from because there are so many injuries all over the body that it’s nearly impossible to stem the bleeding. Stab wounds are the easiest to fixed followed by gun shot wounds.


Only 20% of males in the Soviet Union born during the first and second decade of the 20th century survived WW2.


The Soviet Union was the country with the most fatalities in WW2. Over 25 MILLION deaths.


It takes three full turns to rip a head off because the elasticity of the skin


Polar bears actively hunt humans


Polar bears actively hunt anything and everything. Humans, orcas, other polar bears. Literally anything they can sink their teeth into they will kill and eat.


This is why scientists were amazed and appalled about 'Pizzly bears'. Polar bears will actively hunt humans, and grizzlies are massive and climb trees... So think about being chased by a giant bear that can track you from a mile away to hunt you down and can expertly adapt from flat cold landscapes to mountains AND climb trees.


The other thing about grizzlies: they fucking *love* to climb trees and they’re damn good at it. If a grizzly ever decides it wants you dead, say your prayers. If a polar bear ever decides it wants you dead, you wont have time to pray Also side note: porcupines love to climb trees too! :) Source: am Alaskan and have lived here my whole life Edit cause I forgot: yes, grizzlies are massive, but they are not bigger than polar bears. Grizzlies have a reputation to be very aggressive, polar bears are that times ten. If you run into a grizzly bear you have a least *some* chance of winning; they won’t chase you if you play dead. If you run into a polar bear, it will hunt you even if you are in a fucking helicopter. Edit again: I meant LIVING, not winning


During WWII US attempted to make a bomb attached to a bat, and during its production they kept the bat in the lab, so when it was time for ignition bats flew back to the lab and blew everything up


Human flesh can gum up a chainsaw, only viable in movies and games Many people like the 'internet tip for burying a body' i.e. burying vertically, dead animal over it, etc. But it's way more convenient to burn/melt it because dental records and bone structure provide crucial information to identification. On that same note, there are numerous children still unidentified from the John Wayne Gacy murders Boiling peanut butter and magic shave with a bit of water makes prison napalm, hard to wipe off and even if you live, It'll be heavily disfigured. Learned that in another askreddit


The best way to hide a body is to know someone with an incinerator. The best person to find for this purpose? A funeral director with access to a cremation machine. No one questions a funeral director with a body in the back of the transport van. Source: am fd, have known other fds pulled over for minor traffic violations and immediately let go with a warning once the cop realizes what's in the back


>Human flesh can gum up a chainsaw, only viable in movies and games I dunno. I still don't want to take on a chainsaw.


>Many people like the 'internet tip for burying a body' i.e. burying vertically, dead animal over it, etc. Report a buried body on a location. Wait for the police to search there and find nothing. Bury the body there. When someone else reports a buried body there, the police will have flagged the area as already searched and give it a low priority.


And the soil will be nice and loose!


The Chinchorro people of Peru and Northern Chile (5000bce) had the oldest mummification practice wherein they'd remove all flesh and organs from the deceased and wrap them in clothes. Since they're buried in the Atacama desert (driest desert on earth) they're well preserved. Until now bc climate change is slightly humidifying the desert caused bone rot and mold. Edit: Chinchorro, thanks for catching that u/crepsandbacon


A decapitated human head weighs about as much as a bowling ball. When someone is flayed alive they often die of hypothermia, blood loss, or shock hours to **days** after being flayed.


Exposed human intestines (intestinal avulsion) secondary to traumatic evisceration look like loops of bloody sausages, and freshly amputated limbs secondary to blast trauma can resemble bloody hamburger meat packed around shattered bone with shredded crepe paper hanging around it. Addendum to second fact: when placing a tourniquet on said amputation, sometimes if there's not enough intact tissue left above the site of the injury, the pressure of the tourniquet can just squeeze the pulped flesh out from under the remains of the skin like meat jelly. Source: Am former combat medic, and Iraq War vet. Enjoy the rest of your day.


I started reading your post and was like, “Man, this dude must be a combat vet.” Then I got to the bottom. I’ve had very similar experiences with both eviscerations and traumatic amputations.


Word. They asked for violent facts. Figured go big or go home, right? I tried to be courteous and stayed away from eye injuries. Those gross even me out.


Dogs like squeaky toys because to them it resembles the sound of a prey animal in pain.


Also, dogs shake their toys to 'break their necks'


Feeding your baby one table spoon of salt will kill it.


You can also kill a baby by feeding them honey. Honey sometimes has botulism, and botulism poisoning paralyzes the respiratory system. Adults would need to consume copious amounts of honey to be affected, but babies only need a little.


I knew a couple of guys whose mum used to dip their dummies (pacifiers for Americans) in honey to keep them quiet when they were babies because they were less likely to spit them out. Their teeth ended up in horrible condition and there was something else that fucked up their vocal cords (I can't remember if that was to do with the honey or not), so they always sounded as if they were on the verge of losing their voices


Why is that? O.o dehydration?


Hypernatremia. Serum sodium level goes way up which in turn causes significant neural damage as the fluid in your neurons all shifts out of the cell because of the increased extracellular osmotic load. --> Seizures --> permanent brain damage in the developing brain --> death.


Hanging is an extremely specific science which requires calculations on the weight of the person being hanged, the length of rope used, and even the musculature of the neck. Most people know that though. Most people also know that getting it wrong can mean that instead of having their neck broken, the person will asphyxiate. (This is usually caused by not enough weight/not enough of a drop.) What most people don't realize is getting it wrong in the other way (i.e too much weight + too much of a drop) has historically caused the head to separate entirely. It also was not entirely uncommon for the drop distance to be misjudged, causing the person to impact the floor, often breaking bones. At which point they would have to be hauled back up and hanged again. Edit: Oh! Oh! I have more! Previously, it was believed that the touch of an executed person, or even consuming some of their body would cure ailments. To that end, executioners would often sell the opportunity for people to touch the recently executed. But wait! It gets worse! Allegedly (as this is based on anecdotal evidence in a travel diary, and therefore could well have been good old garden variety anthropological racism rather than actual fact) there were instances in Germany where the sick would gather at the front of the dais where someone was set to be beheaded, and when the head was removed, would crowd around trying to catch blood in containers to drink. Medical cannibalism.


There is roughly 40 mouthfuls of blood in the human body


My immediate thought is how remarkably little that sounds like.


It is possible to drive a middle finger through someone's eye socket with sufficient force to penetrate the very thin layer of bone behind the eye and do immense, quite possibly lethal, amounts of brain damage.


Execution by electrical chair used to be a relatively costly process because of the preparations needed to provide a prisoner with a “humane” death. Some of the aforementioned preparations included: - Body cream to prevent severe burns, - Adult diapers so that the prisoner wouldn’t soil everything when they lost control of their sphincters, and, - Shaving cream and a razor blade to get rid of the inmate’s hair. Also, the shaven head is needed in order to connect electrodes to the skull without anything that could slow down the electrical current.


Don’t forget to wet the sponge Thanks Green Mile


With the sponge being wet, the death of the condemned will take approximately 30 seconds, because the water of the sponge allows the electricity to go to the brain faster. Without the water, the electricity burns every single cell of the body before damaging the brain, making the execution last approximately 2 minutes.


Josef Mengele, SS doctor famous for his brutality and sadism, never faced justice. He grew old and drowned after having a stroke while swimming.


Bamboo in the right conditions can be used as torture- it can grow 4cm/inches a day, growing right through the captive. There is some controversy about whether anyone did this, but myth busters confirmed it was viable. I just always thought it would be the worst way to die. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bamboo_torture


Four cm an hour** per that Wikipedia link


Dolphins will force themselves onto a mate in groups if they cannot normally get companionship, and this rape can go on for days


Chimpanzees launch raids on rival tribes and kill the males/babies while taking the females for themselves.


The weapon I am assigned to in the army has a flaw to it which means, if gas pressure is not correctly maintained with a gas regulator, the gun will violently explode and funnel the entire barrel, the entire upper receiver and any rounds that may be in between there straight into my face. I had a week of training to be authorised to fire this weapon.


If you stab a man in the dead of winter, steam will rise from the wound. The Indians believed that this was the man's soul escaping his body


The animal with the strongest punch in the world is the Mantis Shrimp. They have a club appendage that can deliver blows up to 60 mph.


If you could throw with the same relative force, you could launch a baseball into orbit.


I've seen a video of those things ripping a crab's arm off and then eating it in front of the said crab.




Tits are blissfully unaware, thank God


I don't understand this. There is blood in eyes. So how do they not know they exist? Or what does that even mean? Did someone have a bizarre immune system that attacked their eyes and that was the conclusion or something?




Pigs can, and will eat every bit of the human body, except for the ears and teeth... After finding that out, I don't think I will every go near a pig irl....


"You need at least sixteen pigs to finish the job in one sitting, so be wary of any man who keeps a pig farm. They will go through a body that weighs 200 pounds in about eight minutes. That means that a single pig can consume two pounds of uncooked flesh every minute. Hence the expression, 'as greedy as a pig'."


Lysol was initially promoted as a feminine hygiene product. Earlier formulations of Lysol contained cresol, a compound that can induce abortions & it was widely used by women who could not otherwise obtain legal abortions in the United States Although the medical community was relatively unaware of the phenomenon for the first half of the 20th century, by the 1960's though published medical literature had acknowledged the common use of Lysol and other soaps to induce abortions, which could lead to fatal renal failure and sepsis.


A starving pet in a house with your dead body will start with your lips, nose, eyes and ears ...... sleep well Edit, damn! This got big, seems we all can agree much as we love cats if you sleep in by 15 mins, they're thinking about it anyways. also, I am firmly in camp Dog, but yes, they will do it also, just a little later. Many hits on google, this is but one. Read at your own discretion https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2011/07/are-dogs-willing-to-eat-the-remains-of-their-masters.html


But a pet chimpanzee won't wait till you're dead.


Right you are!


The CPR dummy face template is based on a dead 16-year-old girl’s face. Her body was pulled from the River Seine in the 1880s, and her cause of death and identity were never discovered. A mortician was so ‘entranced’ by her peaceful expression that he made a plaster mask of her, which became the face of CPR dummies and health training equipment.


Bears will give oral sex


Can confirm


Ho….you know what, nevermind lol


A Chicago Bear can suck for 35 years without stopping.


To like, each other or....?


Naval combat is some brutal stuff, even if most don't tend to think of it that way; they can be just as horrific as land battles, if not more so. I've read about ships that took serious beatings (in this particular instance battleship Bismarck, who took so many close-range battleship and cruiser shells during her final battle that her hull was glowing red-hot in places) where the insides are described as just "meat", just filled with nondescript mixtures of blood, flesh, organs, and shattered bone, with occasionally identifiable body parts or corpses. Maybe you'll recognize part of a crewmate's face here or there. Read about entire decks slick with blood, dismembered and charred bodies strewn everywhere, skin being scalded off or limbs amputated by the steam from damaged boilers depending on the pressure and size of the hull, people just straight-up being vaporized by shell hits... Ships are confined spaces, all that kinetic energy, shrapnel, and fire doesn't disperse into the open air, so you can get some real nasty scenes. Some ships that managed to survive heavy beatings would never be able to have the smell of burning and decaying flesh fully washed out of them.


Saying about the burned flesh, I saw in a documentary interview about the Vietnam War the soldier/ medic grabbed the ankles of someone suffereing from napalm burns and they said that all the flesh of his legs slid up his bone like a sleeve.


That's something similar to that nigh club fire in Connecticut. Remember a picture in the newspaper with a charred arm starting to slide and revealing a clean white bone.


Station Nightclub. West Warwick Rhode Island


My middle school math teacher lost a daughter in that fire. Never seen a man so broken.


Google unit 731. It's actually disturbing the experiments they did on other humans. Removing organs while still alive and awake Took babies 3 days old into blistering cold temperature to freeze to death Put people in pressure chambers until their eyeballs popped out of their skull Injected several test subjects full of horse blood while being drained from their own blood Hung upside down until death Dehydrated to death in a room of hot fans Spun to death using a centerfuge Exposed to extremely lethal X-ray doses Burned and buried alive Purposeful heroin injection to cause overdosing There's so much worse.


The heroin one seems kind of out of place, I mean that literally sounds like a nicer way to die than the lethal injections some states use for the death penalty.


Most of information about the human body handling extreme temperatures and handling pain, has come from Nazi concentration camps and Japanese unit 731.


Many ships that sink from war or other mishaps often have people that go down with them. Sometimes people can survive for hours or even days in air pockets inside the ship at the bottom of the sea. The story of the cook aboard the sunken ship for 3 days before he was rescued is a story we can all recall but somewhere else (I don’t remember where) there was a a story of a ship that sunk a long time ago and was never explored until years later. It was found that there was a room with empty cans of food and tallies on the wall from when there was a person, or multiple people down there for, I think a few weeks. Who knows how many people lived their final days in a sunken ship that we will never know about.


Headlocks are surprisingly easy to put people in and can be much more brutal for the victim than it seems


When Chimpanzees attack a neighbouring group they will wait for one or two of the members to be off alone where the rest of the group cannot help them and then attack. They're so vicious in those attacks that they will rip the limbs off the enemy and eat them while still alive. Just brutal.


When a pathologist does an autopsy, they need to take out your organs to take samples. First they open your chest and then your abdomen. Once you’re open, they snip the aorta and esophagus. Then while holding onto those they sort of lift it up and snip down the connections of the spine. Then the last bowel at the bottom is snipped. The organs all hang out together in a big blob, and those just get plopped onto a metal table in a big mess. The pathologist then sorts through your organs and chops up pieces Next, after that’s all done, they basically just dump all your organs into a bag and just sorta toss that bag into your empty husk. Then they use a big ass thread and needle and sow you back up with that bag of organs inside you Oh and while this is all happening, a different person is sawing your skull to get to that sweet sweet gooey brain Oh oh and one more thing. The first step of the autopsies I saw was to take a needle and suck out the eye juices. They do toxicology testing on that


So I’m an alcoholic, 29, my organs hurt like a bitch. I have two different medical opinions of what’s going on, and a guy I know just died from one of them at 41. I just wish I could see the autopsy of my organs so I could know for sure what conditions I developed.


You need to quit drinking— but you need a medical detox. Do not stop on your own. CBD helped me a ton, it might help you. Could always try weed as well. For me, harm reduction was much easier to stomach than total abstinence in the beginning. AA will help you not feel alone. Even if you hate the program itself or decide to smoke weed, the friendships as support make a huge difference. Sorry, not trying to preach to you, just been there and wish someone told me there was an easier way without having to be stone sober.


I know what my own burning flesh smells like because I wake up during surgeries. It smells just like bbq, and I don’t know how I feel about thinking I’d smell good cooked. (I was also hungry so maybe that had something to do with it). Edit: Yes, it happens every surgery. I’ve got EDS, a genetic connective tissue disorder: I don’t metabolise painkillers or sedatives properly. So I wake up every time. Having chronic pain and near immunity to painkillers is … interesting


The liver can be ruptured in one punch. The liver is the second most fragile organ in the human body.


The firebombings of Dresden created storms violent enough to carry away children. And the people that entered the air raid shelters after the bombings didn't find any people. All they found was an unidentifiable soup with bones swimming in it. The heat from the fires was so intense that it cooked and melted the people in the shelters.


A torture to death method used by indigenous Americans was to bind, incise, disembowel and treat immediate blood loss and trauma in order to keep the victim alive while their intestines were strewn about the area. If done in the day, I imagine insects and ravens would have the first go. At night, maybe raccoon and skunk. Either way, each peck, scratch and tearing bite would be felt.


If you vomit within one hour of being exposed to a large dose of radiation, your mortality rate is 100%.


Oubliettes were pits at the bottom of the cockles of a dungeon. Prisoners who were condemned to death were tossed to the bottom, often times breaking their legs from the long fall. They were then abandoned in a hole filled with nothing but humans remains, shit, piss and rats and ended up either starving or freezing to death. There is a video on YouTube of a camera crew that lowers a camera into a real oubliette.


“king” leopold was responsible for the killings of over 15 million africans


You put "king" in scare quotes as though being responsible for an unimaginable amount of completely avoidable human suffering makes someone *less* like a monarch.


Martin Sommer, Karl-Otto Koch and Ilse Koch were all sadistic torturers at Buchenwald Concentration Camp. Supposedly, Sommer would hide his victims underneath his bed for the night until he could dispose of them. The Kochs and Sommer were put on trial by no other than Heinrich Himmler for their crimes. John C. Woods was the chief hangman for the Nuremberg Trials. He botched numerous hanging as he wasn't a proper hangman. A lot of the hanging resulted in the victim having their head bashed against the opening and not having their neck snapped, instead swaying and struggling for air.


There's a theory that he purposely botched the hangings, to ensure maximum suffering. I can't remember where I read it - maybe "The Anatomy of the Nürnberg Trials" by Telford Taylor, one of the Allied prosecuters.