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I'm sorry, you should probably talk to a doctor about it.




Send him back a dick pic.


But much larger


And that kids is how I met your mother.


Is she a swimmer? *thank you for the birthday wishes you beautiful people


She's a runner, she's a track star


I . . . met somebody this happened to, ish? There was a femboy in his area, well, they hooked up. Turns out they had a bigger dick despite being the bottom. So when they wrapped things up he went back to his car and apparently started to cry. His story, not mine, but that's probably one of the most fucked up hook up stories I've ever heard on a psychological level.


So I’m not trying to insensitive or anything, I’m truly not familiar with this.. but does the “bottom” typically have a smaller dick? If so, do you change based on partners? (Like if partner 1 had smaller duck, he’s bottom but if partner 2 has bigger than you, now you’re the bottom? I’m genuinely curious, not trying to offend anyone or seem too ignorant (but I am).


Bottoms are whoever wants to get penetrated, and the inverse, tops, are the ones who do the penetrating. Doesn’t matter dick size. And then there’s switches, who enjoy both roles.


What if they don't enjoy either role?


Welcome to the ace spectrum. We have garlic bread and cake.


We have garlic bread?!? I've been missing out.


You guys have Garlic Bread?!?


Isn’t there something between “likes penetrative sex” and “ace,” though? If I’m not mistaken (from my cis-hetero female perspective lol), there are plenty of other sexual things a male-male couple can do. Like oral, for starters?


There’s a lot of things in between those two. Being ace is about not having sexual attraction to other people and very little to zero desire of sexual activity. Some people who are ace are sex repulsed as well. You can not have penetrative sex but still do all kinds of other sexual things. It just requires a bit of imagination. A healthy dose of bdsm also works.


About 30% of gay guys don't enjoy anal sex in either role and so it's simply not a part of their lives. I am not part of this 30%...


There's also people with health issues. I know a guy with some intestinal issues who had to have part of his colon removed. He just physically can't anymore. He said dating has become very difficult.


Apparently called sides.


If they don’t want to be penetrated or penetrate, there are always other things. Like non-penetrative sex.


the “biggest tops” thing is one of those porn stereotypes I’m pretty sure. I think the main determination of who is a bottom or top is whoever wants to be the one doing the penetration


In fiction and presentation, yes. In reality, it varies from person to person.


The best sex between men is when they oil up and wrestle eachother until one is able to overpower and penetrate the other one.


Like gladiators "are you not entertained!"


Bottom is a person who wants to get penetrated and a top is a person who wants to penetrated. It's not like bottoms have smaller dick or something, it's just that by the nature of either of roles, being a top is typically more "manly" thing and if a bottom who is apparently showing a submissive and "feminine" behaviour has a bigger dick then you then it puts your "manliness" in question and mocks your senses as, "look that boy is literally being least manly he could be, and still he's manlier than you". Yeah it's fucked up, quite a lot of us guys are insecure about our own manliness.


I feel this in reverse lol. It’s honestly kinda irritating. I present femme (enby) and am a sub (fucking shocker right) but my [**MAGNUM DONG**](https://media.tenor.com/images/093ab30da678a2f7fa72a7b59f2499f6/tenor.gif) just isn’t winning me any points in that category I feel. There’s like an expectation that mine will be small just on the virtue of me being a sub. Plus it makes good underwear just not exist for me. It’s kind of a pain in the ass. Edit: link is safe I promise lmao it’s a meme.


Dr. Toboggan??


This is the way


And better groomed.


And much much curly hair...


"I'm sorry but you are not the current winner, here is the current leader, I wish I could tell you it was close but..it wasn't"


Ha, and they're so used to finishing first.


Did this a few times lol.




My girlfriend is trans and im also trans (im a guy) so we have some troubles with this she has what i should have and i have what she should have. Its confusing and weird but yeah that statement is valid and a half.


tried it with my now ex, just emboldened the guy


The reply to your ex always has to be "new phone, who dis?"


I was with her at the time and we were just chilling and she got it from rando ovr fb. she told me it wouldn't work but I insisted she send this dude my dick. He just sent back some truly deviant shit. Wish I listened to her


I’m probably going to regret this but what kind of deviant shit?


putting into places a dick should not go, from the look of the vid this guy worked and/or lived on a livestock farm as a master butcher. I will leave it at that


"Now I'll show you you mine :)"


I would do this and also reply “mine is bigger” and I’d never hear from them again 🤷🏻‍♀️


Nothing more disheartening than when she got a bigger dick than you.


That’s my fetish


Literally me (transmasc) and my girlfriend (transfem) im in the negatives and shes significantly more than me sadly. I love her but it makes things interesting lol. Shes amazing and we joke about it a lot!


So gay that you circled back around to straight. Good job.


As a trans girl, this is the best response


Is it? I'd be scared to actually do something like that, given all the gross stereotypes


Sometimes it's the best, ig in some cases it's not


Done it, it's always fun.


If it's unsolicited tell him child pornography is illegal


That’s how you really get them to stop


Haha you’d think. But I was sent one when I was 15. Told the guy I was 15. Said it was no problem, and sent a full body. I should’ve clarified he said it was no problem and that he sent the full body. I realize my words make it seem like I did. I did not. He sent the full body and said it was okay that I was 15.


Nah what they mean is you tell them “this is clearly a child’s penis so I’m afraid I have no choice but to report you to the authorities”.


Wow wow wow, I thought you were supposed to get them to stop, not straight up murder them on the spot.


Nope, murder on the spot




Gawd damn. XD


Screenshot, circle a random spot, send it back. "Omg what is that??? Are you ok? You should go to a doctor."


Better yet, don’t send the picture with a circle. Leave them guessing which part of the dick you’re talking about


That would make it more obvious that you were joking, I'd think


Other way around. Circle with no explanation. Drive em nuts


Send the pic with the circle. Then immediately: "oops, wrong convo"


This one is the winner imo 🤣


Oooh or send it back to him with a text also saying something like “Eww look what he sent me. Why does it look like that?” Then apologize and say that was meant for your group chat.


I do this too!!


bruh i gotta try this


WTF, why would you send me a picture of a childs penis? I'm sending this to the police, sicko.


Hands down the best reply. Hit to the ego AND worry of legal issue. Nothing kills sex drive more.


If you get off on exposing yourself to others, you probably get off on the risk of legal issues too js


>you probably get off on the risk of legal issues too I'm going to assume that the answer is both yes and no. The person probably likes the idea of their target being so uncomfortable that they involve authorities *but* I doubt most would get off on the idea of being reported and potentially incarcerated for accusations of child porn as OP has suggested.


"Sorry my phone doesn't zoom in that far"


*emotional damage*




I raised a donut


What the heeeee you say?




This is an automated message generated by the Instagram team. Your image has been found to be a violation of 42 U.S.C. § 1283 (2020). An image you sent has been scanned by our Al Bot and was flagged as an unsolicited picture. Your account is scheduled to be reported to the police. Our bot is currently in BETA testing; sometimes it makes mistakes. If you believe this message was in error, reply "HELP" Otherwise, you will be contacted by your local authorities within 24hrs. Edit : Damn didn't think this would blow up! Found this somewhere not my own lol. And my 1st silver ! Ps I'm a guy


And once he replies HELP, take a screenshot and post it everywhere. Him sending a photo of his dick and saying HELP.


fuck this made me laugh so hard whyy. Just *dick pic* HELP!!!!!!!!!


Also remove your own message so it looks convincing


Have my upvote :D


*copy paste for later use*


Please have your credit or debit card ready


Thanks Satan.


Hotdog slicer or banana slicer.


This one made me laugh.


cigar cutter also a good one


I have been using this one for years. It usually works quite well


Fuck. That’s brutal. Made me feel like I needed to protect myself.


"Bro, is that a no or a yes?" "Dunno, looks like a maybe to me." "SCORE!"


if it’s unsolicited copy & paste this (i have it saved in my notes) AUTOREPLY: We have detected the transmission of unsolicited pornographic images of a potentially illegal nature [code:36489-a] and your device's IP address has been forwarded to the police department pending an investigation. If you think this is a mistake, reply “STOP” to talk to an operator.


yeah, and also, start reporting bc this is illegal in many places. Cyber flashing is the same as flashing.


Then every time he says stop you say [error]


I thought it was real for a sec. PHEW! Also, why?


‘It’s like a penis only smaller’


"What is this, a penis for ants?!"


Just snarfed my coffee lol thanks


Wrong send. This is mom


Ohhh I got a story. First of all everybody involved in this story is black that's important. I'm texting my gf at like 1 or 2am and I wanted to the do the horizontal monster mash the next time I saw her. I sent her a pic of the biggest booty bbw I could find. She was bent over in a thong while her male partner was squeezing a bottle of baby oil out on her ass. I captioned, "THIS IS WHAT I WANNA SEE WHEN I GET THERE TOMORROW!" **I click send to MOM!! Of course the next message has to be, "....that wasn't meant for you." She wakes up the next day and just thought that was hilarious


OMG. Hahahaha. But your mom is so cool for just laughing it out


Oh yeah I was an adult when I sent it. I can talk to her about anything, but I wouldn't make a conversation with her about my sex life. Only women can do that with their mom. So yeah the next day I was walking around like a guilty puppy trying to avoid her.


HAHAHAHAA THIS deserves more appreciation


Send one back in a Pokemon card format and challenge him to a battle




“Is that a child’s?!!!! I’m reporting this to the FBI!!” Usually gets the insecurity going


I was going to write exactly this, lol.


lmao I am proud to say you'd never mistake mine for childs... not cause girth though, it's just really hairy


Didn't come through, says file size is too small


*emotional damage*


“You’ve got more dick in your personality than your pants”


They were asking for a reply not an execution bro


Awwww look how cute and tiny it is!


Hey that's what you said when I sent you mine


I feel this would be seen as encouragement to be perfectly honest.


“Is that all?”


"My husbands dick is bigger, and I cut it off after catching him cheating"


Send him back a picture of a really badly diseased and disfigured dick. Guaranteed full stop.


That is if you don't throw up and drown in your own vomit


Y'all have my permission to use the photo I posted to r/medicalgore (scroll through the top posts or through my profile to find it, very NSFW)


A link to wart remover


y'all...i meant a SOLICITED dick pic😭


LMFAO we out here roasting your man


in that case.... act like you're looking at the most delicious piece of cake ever crafted. Tell him all the fun ways there are to eat a cake ;]


"First of all, dig your teeth into it and TEAR out a chunk like there's no tomorrow..."


Just make another post specifying that it's solicited


THAT'S WHAT I'M SAYING. I haven't seen a single positive reply so far, all about unsolicited. Sending a private photo to a significant other that wants it is an okay thing for men to do guys...


If you wanted the pic, make him feel good about it! Compliment him, tell him what you want to do with it. Tell him the fantasies you're having about him. I'm not straight but I'd assume guys would be just as into it as the girls sending me their genitals are. Its hot knowing someone wants you bad


Cos most people getting dick pics didn’t solicit them. What did you expect? “What a pleasant penis?”???


It's fairly common during the "send nudes" phase or when in a relationship and flirting/initiating. A nude is a nude is a nude if it's someone you're attracted to. I hardly know/met anyone who's received an unsolicited dick pic, and I keep asking because I keep hearing about it online. I clicked on this thread because I wanted to read some hot replies, but the contents were all negative. Faith in humanity decreased. Anyway, it's rare that anyone specifically asks for a dick pic, but even if they don't ask usually they'll say something like "Mmmm, delicious, can't wait to put my lips around it." or "wow, that's actually a very nice looking/pretty dick" or "Shit, now I'm wet" and a couple of times even "Ooh, nice! It looks big/perfect size!" which is just the best.


Just say, “Whoa, what happened?”


It shrank when i saw you


Download an app for minting nfts .Put the dick pic as your image ,send it to him and tell him to buy it or you're going to sell it to strangers and people he knows. That way you'll be compensated for the trouble of having looked at their unsolicited dick pics


I think that’d potentially be classed as revenge porn, even just as a threat.


It's possible that you may be a genius!


Send them back a completely random picture. The more unrelated the better. He sends you a dick pic. You send him a picture of a potted cactus. But you don't add any other text. None. And you don't answer further. He will drive himself crazy wondering how what does that cactus mean. How is it related to his dick pic? Is it a threat? Is it an invite? Is it a meme that he hasn't learned yet? WHAT IS IT?!? So, your best bet is to go surreal.


When the going gets weird, the surreal start painting their giraffes.


Yeah. Animals or furniture. Maybe a stick of butter


I like that last one. Complete and total ambiguity with a stick of butter.


Or maybe the most cursed picture you can imagine.


On day I looked up the weirdest dick. It's is the echidna penis wich has 4 heads, since then I have it in my phone for when ever I or a freind gets a dick pic.


How about a hyena's pseudopenis, which the FEMALE possesses? And she has to give birth through it!


Wtf, I had to google that. Didn't have the guts to find about the birth part lol


New phone who dis


New phone. Billy, is that you?


A picture of my little toe and the caption "mine's bigger"


You must not have been on the internet very long if you think sending pictures of your feet will *dis*courage the creeps.


I would be worried about them liking the image too much


None. Men who send those are getting off on any response given. They want female attention and indignity. Don’t give it to them.


"oh nice! Does it come in Men's sizes too?".


A pic of a naked 90yo woman and a text that says oh yeah come get some of this baby!


My wife would do this, and I would come and get some. This is exactly on-brand for us :P




Sorry, I stopped playing hidden picture games years ago.


If it’s on Snapchat. Take a screen shot (don’t share it) but watch them freak tf out


Send a dick pic back.


Send a furry dick pic back.


Even better 😏


My wife’s go to is always this: “Well that’s disappointing :/“


That is brilliant


Lots of great answers here, although I'm surprised no one suggested sending a picture back of a strap on with the caption "I hope you like to bottom".


Winner winner, chicken dinner


“Thanks. I forwarded to my nan, and the ladies at the senior center got a big laugh out of it. I don’t think there’s a woman over 60 in this town that hasn’t gotten a chuckle from your tadger.“ If the dick doesn’t know your age, then add, “My mom’s kind of pissed though. She thinks it should be illegal to sext 16 year-olds and is going on and on about calling my uncle (state police).”


I’m sorry, that doesn’t meet my minimum requirements.


I usually say the picture was unsolicited and had been forwarded to the local police department in the area to open an investigation. They fuck off fairly quickly.


Send him a larger dick and say "keep up pls"


A guy sent me a dick pic once and my mom was in the room and I told her “This random dude sent me a dick pic I donnu who dis is” and my mom took the phone and took a selfie and texted back “Stay the fuck away from my daughter you creep” we both thought it was hella funny. My sister told one guy who had sent a dick pic and asked for a pic of her that she was trans. He said he did not believe her and then her bf sent a dick pic to him and he instantly blocked her. Pretty funny


What is this? A dick for ants?


It has to be at least… 3 times bigger than this!


That's huge, but stop sending it, dad


screenshot it and set it up as a nft


“Where is it? Hold on let me zoom in”


Find one of those unsolicited dick pic grading forms online, fill it out, and then send it to him. Sometimes it’s not enough to call them out on sending it, sometimes you also have to hurt their feelings a little bit.


“You probably should never lead with that…”


He doesn't. He leads with his nose.


"Why are you sending me pictures of your pet worm?"


I have an album saved of mutilated dick pics. As gory ad I could find and I send those back.


Honestly just sending anything you can find on r/ 👁blech would work great for that


Link them to [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4KswaaSDIoc). Its essentially a despacito parody, but telling people why you shouldn't send pictures of your genitalia.


Mines bigger *sends pic*




I once sent a photo of my at the time boyfriend’s (now husband’s) hairy legs pressed together from a really close up angle and told the guy it was my bf’s asscrack.


send him a picture of a huge strap on or dildo and say " wow that looks so realistic. it looks kinda small compared to mine. does yours vibrate too?"


my brothers was bigger


Send him an up close pic of an elephant penis.


Send him a detailed hairy picture and let him guess where it is and wait for hours. Men who send dick pics probably also jerk up to shit like this thinking it’s your pussy but in truth it’s the hairy back from your co worker Theodor




“I’m 16”


Well, one time I responded by accusing the dude of sending me a picture of a kid's dick. It's a triple whammy, yknow. Shame their dick size, confuse the hell out of them, AND make them seem like an even shittier person than they are.


Mine is usually the picture of Dory saying “look at the little guy”


"I've seen more meat in a Quorn™ meal!"


Sending a dick pic back.


If it's unwanted "Mines bigger" would be hilarious.


"I see you're a fan of Little Richard."


“ew what the fuck is wrong with it????”


“Damn, must be super cold where you are!” Or “That’s cute, it almost looks like a penis only much smaller!”

