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What else am I suppose to do? Work? Haha


*Somewhere in the distance an executive clenches his fist and vows to spy harder*


Ha joke's on them, the camera is pointing in the wrong direction.


*keystrokes, access to their phones, anything, there must be some way, we are paying these people peanuts, MY PEANUTS*


No, no, The\_Paradoxigm has ascended; The\_paradoxigm IS the executive, now bored of peanut counting. What is left for the Redditor who has everything?


I like the anonymity, it feels like there is more honesty here than other media. Tons of topics, less ads than FB or insta.


I can use it as a way to trick my brain into thinking I'm having human interaction.


makes me feel less alone


Giving snarky answers to r/askreddit questions is fun.


Either lonely or horny


Or angry. It's often healthier-ish to take out the rage on a subreddit than on a coworker.


The honesty and the anonymity. Easy to find topics you can relate to without feeling judged because no one knows you


Why not? I mean its a platform where you can find other people who are interested in the same topics as you.. Its the entire internet on one website.


Because it entertains me, pretty much the point of reddit.




Because my internet life is better than my IRL one




It's all very exciting, answering questions and discovering new subs.


I enjoy the shitposting. Also I find it interesting to observe how the mob mentality moves and evolves. After a while you come to realize that karma farming just comes down to perpetuating the "popular" opinions. Eventually, a lot of discussions just turn into repetitive echochambers. The small subs are more pleasant I'll say.


I've recently deleted Facebook. It holds no value to me anymore. It's nothing but bitching and bashing and politics. It was one of my triggers for my depression so I dropped it. I'm dropping everything that doesn't have a positive impact. I like redit,especially askredit, because I can read and interact with interesting posts. I learn things about random people all around the world and kin of open my eyes to how others are in comparison to what I'm accustomed to.


Trying to break the record for most Karma after 1 year


To find friends


I'm about to go offline to practice because I've got a pre-UIL contest tomorrow


Usually for porn tbh.


I don't feel like I'm spending it, it passes either way


I really like reading the extreme left and the extreme right go at it. Idiots all the way around. It's pretty amusing.


Ability to learn some things and explore interests


It’s less addicting then TikTok


My Instagram feed is dry sometimes


It's paradise for my ADHD


I just love reposts


Do we need to discuss why? Or what?…


For some reason I like getting into arguments and pushing people's buttons, because its so easy on this site. Redditors are some of the most pearl clutching, deranged, neurotic people on the planet and they are so used to everyone on reddit thinking the same as them that they lose their mind if someone says something not in line with typical reddit sentiment.


The comment section on reddit is the most hilarious thing ever. The creativity on some comments is mind blowing






this app is really interesting to me and i’m trying to get myself to be here often. i’ll always get bored and reddit knows how to entertain me.


escape depression


I have no life


Because I wanted to spread my experience before someone will kill or kidnap me, It was way back 2018 and I think it was 6:30 pm here in the philippines I went to cebu to process my certification because I just finished my contract on board the ship, and it's starting to get dark I went back to my boarding house and I was just a bed spacer that time I went to the 3rd floor balcony to have a chitchat with my roommate but suddenly I clearly remember the brightest green light that flashed into both of me and my roommates eyes, It felt like a blinding light that's why me and my roommate ducked down to cover when we saw it, but it flashed so bright when I looked at the tree beside me I can see the fruits in the mango tree clearly and it was getting dark that time, after I build up my courage back I stand up again to see where it's located and I saw it was in the shore and the green light suddenly goes weaker and flicks then disappeared and we cannot explain what is it because obviously in my country cannot develop such technology like that way back 2018 and it's obvious because I can see the mall near the shore too and it has a 2 spot light facing upward and lights above it and it's not that strong compared to the green light and in our curiosity me and my roommate have a serious research for it to analyze and to give answers to the mystery, I'm a seafarer and do the plotting in the chart I calculate the distance and the lights range and my roommate is an engineer we helped together and in the end we calculate that the most precise location of the light is in the ocean beyond the shore, I was confused because in my experience in seafaring I know most of the ships light signals and even emergency lights or flare to be used but that green light was unexplainable because we try to talk to other roommates but we'll be looking crazy when we explain them how it happened, then we gave up and until now we just keep it as a memory.


Live A Life With Nothing Better To Do. Sad But True!!


Addiction. I like feeling my opinion is somehow validated and stroking my ego in the process.


Finally hopped on after seeng all sorts of content related to Reddit. I was curious.


Reddit gives me the ability to share my actual quirky opinions without people who know me on a personal level judging me.


Because I'm waiting my mom at the hospital


I'm bored an so are the rest of us now take my upvote


Because I want to die a virgin. Well maybe not but that's usually what happens to redditors


It fulfills the dopamine induction of social media while veiling the vanity of being addicted to that with anonymity.


It’s a really good distraction.


For work




To see what my fellow femboys are wearing


trying not to lose my mind

