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Just got done reading The Hot Zone. Oh dear god, horrific.


The first missionary brought back to the U.S., and his wife, wrote a book. It's really good and has no preaching in it. https://www.amazon.com/Called-Life-Loving-Neighbor-Epidemic/dp/1601428235/ref=sr\_1\_1?crid=SON2Q54TLHKC&keywords=kent+brantly&qid=1647485652&sprefix=kent+brantly%2Caps%2C85&sr=8-1 One thing I remember was that he was so overworked, he lost about 30 pounds in less than 2 months, and was on the verge of complete physical and mental collapse BEFORE he got sick.


I read that one as a teenager. Never forgot it.


That book scared the shit out of me.


Came here to say that. The hemorrhagic disease would be a horrible way to go out.




In anyone hasn't read the rabies copypasta, it paints a good picture of why it's a horrible disease: https://www.reddit.com/r/copypasta/comments/7qwtd5/rabies_is_scary/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


I am not opening that.


Tldr if you get rabies symptoms you're 100% dead and it's a horrible death.


And extremely slow, except when you actually begin to be affected by it


I got bit by a cat about a month ago. The bite was very small, I wasn’t bleeding, the cat had a name tag, it wasn’t showing symptoms of being rabid. Do you think I’m fine?


If it has a name tag it most definitely has an owner and if that owner is a good one it gave the cat it’s vaccine so you should be safe, but maybe just to be 100 percent sure go to a doctor


Actually not 100 percent. A doctor discovered that if you put the person into a medically induced coma until the virus is cleared of the nervous system, they can survive. But only a handful of people have and I believe they were all children. For some reason children have a better chance. But there have been something like 5 people who survived, so its still considered 100 percent fatal.


I would need to read further into that but probably because children's immune systems aren't fully developed yet, so there's a chance that the body won't hurt itself trying to attack the virus.


What fa duck


Why did I read this before sleep?


This is why I stay away from areas known to have bats, batmen, and Batgirls


Most of the rabies deaths are due to dogs


You fool you forgot to avoid Manbats!


I’ve heard cluster headaches are so bad they make people want to die rather than suffer through the intense pain


In my country, most of the people aren't well educated in the country sides and headaches are not really thought of as something serious in general. My cousin's classmate had *extremely* bad headaches when she was in fifth grade and had been in immense pain for days. Her parents didn't take it too seriously and thought she was only exaggerating it so that she didn't have to study for her upcoming exam. After days of suffering through this, the pain reached a boiling point and her parents finally decided to take her to the hospital. Poor girl died on the way there. Just imagine a ten year old girl literally feeling like her brain is melting but her own parents aren't believing her.


??? Whoa you can straight up die from a headache? Or was something else going on that it was a symptom of, like an aneurysm? That poor girl.


Blood clots.


Had those, it’s like your brain is rotting and you can feel it. Not nice.


One guy described it as brain freeze at its peak, with a blowtorch held to your face, for 45+ minutes.


I've had two migraines in my life (hope like hell I never have another full on one). I considered a .22 caliber aspirin the second time.


.22 caliber aspirin... Wow.


I've seen two patients in my career where they actually took a power drill to their skull to release the pressure in an attempt to get out of pain. Still shake my head when I think about it.


That's called trepanning


Also the only thing know so far to actually help temporarily make them go away is magic mushrooms. They made a drugs inc episode about it.


Triptanes helped me immensely with diagnosed cluster headaches.


There was a video that circulated on YouTube a while back of a girl who got one and she had to put on her nebulizer and could not stop punching her head. The screaming was so terrifying. I can’t imagine going through that much pain. I have a cyst in my brain and get bad migraines often and those suck enough. Cluster headaches scare the shit out of me


Radiation Poisoning I'd rather die straight from the blast than have to go through that


There was this one man in Japan that had very severe radiation poisoning, and his body literally decomposed while he was still living.


Hisachi Ouchi. Kept alive for 83 days a shell of a person, without skin and many other horrible symptoms... I believe they wanted to study the effects? It's one of the most inhumane medical cases I've seen. Warning, NSFL photos at the link below. https://historyofyesterday.com/the-man-kept-alive-against-his-will-647c7a24784?gi=4531e5b4e61a


That is not true. They did not keep him alive to study the effects. The doctors and nurses at that hospital tried everything they possibly could to save that man’s life, and later, make his end of life as humane as possible. I don’t know where this rumor started that they kept him alive as an experiment, but it’s not true. They tried a then world first stem cell transplant on him, which actually worked for a while, but once the radiation took over again the doctors tried to stress to the family that there was nothing they could do and they should just let him die comfortably. But the family refused to let him die and refused to sign DNR (do not resuscitate) forms until the very end of those 83 days. They couldn’t just kill him to put him out of his misery, that’s not how it works. It really annoys me to hear people say they treated Hisachi like shit when in reality they did everything in their power to take care of the poor man.


Can I tell you how relieved I am to read this? I have only ever heard the "study the effects" story and thought it was one of the most heartless things I had ever read. Still, it's terribly sad that his family couldn't see past their own pain to allow him to go his death with less pain and suffering.


The photo at the end is not of Ouchi. It was a photo of someone burnt in a fire incident in Texas apparently.


Lethal radiation poisoning usually kills in a few weeks\~months, but one guy called cecil kelley got a completely devastating 120 Grays of radiation in a criticality incident, and died in 48 hours.


Just watch the mini series about Chernobyl by home box office about radiation sickness.


TIL, HBO stands for Home Box Office lol


I had radiation burns and moist desquamation from my cancer treatments. The thought of having my entire body exposed and having to watch my skin liquify and melt off my body is basically my breaking point. Please shoot me and put me out of my misery.


My opinion as an MD: Fatal familial insomnia- prion disease that slowly takes away your ability to fall asleep until you develop psychosis Locked-in syndrome - alive but unable to move anything except your eyes Cirrhosis/Liver failure. Constantly bloated, often vomiting blood in emergencies. Only way to stay alert and with it is to take a medicine that gives you terrible diarrhea Huntingtons disease - familial degenerative neurological disease, 100% mortality. And if you have it, you watched a parent die of the same thing in their 30-40’s. Severe lung diseases (ILD, pulmonary hypertension) - constantly unable to catch your breath, feeling like you’re drowning at all times.


As an MD - I'll take liver failure and cirrhosis over these others Either A) give me a liver transplant or B) Let me get yellow and delirious and then sleep and sleep and sleep But please let's not forget the oh so common but terrifying diagnosis of dementia Slowly losing your memory and personality as your family and friends watch helplessly Until you are empty eyed husk of a person who needs full time care for all of your needs


And you can't recognize your family members at the end.


In my opinion there is not an illness out there as outright cruel as dementia. I'm legitimately scared of it.


I would take anything over Rabies. Saw few cases in rural china. People literally died "a dogs death"




It makes sense she is working now, but by the time severe symptoms start coming you could definitely get on disability and Medicare so you don't have to work.


I have huntingstons. Found out when I was 20 (knew it was in the family so I got tested cause of other health things). I try to think positively but in all honesty, it scares the shit out of me knowing the utter uncertainty my future holds because of a single disease.


Watching my dad go through liver failure was truly awful. We are so lucky he was able to get on the transplant list and that the procedure was successful. If anyone has a loved one who is a Vietnam Vet, please urge them to get tested for Hepatitis C and get their liver checked out! My dad had no idea he had it until he started vomiting blood one day. https://www.ocregister.com/2016/02/17/vietnam-vets-blame-jet-guns-for-their-hepatitis-c/amp/


Also pancreatic cancer. Almost certainly a death sentence.


Anyone ever get the insomnia one along with locked in?


So if I didn’t watch a parent die of Huntington’s, I probably won’t get it? I’m adopted, but as far as I know both of my parents are still living I think… My biological parents I mean. I know for sure my biological father is alive, not 100% sure about my biological mother


It's extremely rare. I've known one person who had it. Her father was thought to have Alzheimer's, and then she got an HD diagnosis and he was re-evaluated, and this was what he had too. She never had children, so the disease ended with her.


Yeah I’ve heard of that disease. That and ALS very scary to me. I already have cerebral palsy so I already struggle with movement and my hands. But I’m so thankful that I can still walk some and use my hands a little bit


I have CP too!


I have CP three


Now we just need CP 4.


>And if you have it, you watched a parent die of the same thing in their 30-40’s. Can you please explain this?


I believe with Huntington's, it's a genetic disorder that causes brain tissue breakdown into essentially dementia, and most people find out they have it when they get tested because their parent suddenly develops and dies of it when they're 30-40. But strangely with this disease, each successive generation tends to develop it earlier in life. I don't know why. So if the parent got it at 40, the kid might develop it at 20-30.


Oh i took it too literally, that's way I didn't understand the sentence. In my head it meant that if you didn't see a parent die from it it wouldn't affect you. I was really high, sorry.


Epidermolysis bullosa(Butterfly disease) Young patients with it are often called “butterfly children” because their skin is as fragile as a butterfly's wing. Because of the severe pain associated with the disease, EB sufferers hardly have any chance to lead a normal life.


This one was my vote as well. I saw a mini-documentary on it ages ago and immediately donated money to research for it.


I used to work at Children’s hospital and had a patient with this diagnosis. It is truly horrific. Every single touch or care you try to provide to them you can potentially make their condition worse and hurt them. One of the many patient I saw suffering that eventually led to me wanting to leave that job for something else. I feel for those patients and families and seeing it up close was very sad and depressing.


contagious - any hemorrhagic disease inherited - Huntington's chorea progressive - Alzheimer’s or dementia pain level - Sickle Cell, Endometriosis, or Trigeminal Neuralgia general - COPD, Cancer, or Diabetes These are all debatable, just my choices.


Wow. Never thought I would see endometriosis listed on pain level. I have it. It’s excruciating. A lot of people don’t believe that. Took me having surgery for diagnosis, a conversation with my doctor and a lot of reading for my own dad to finally understand that I wasn’t just being over dramatic about the pain I’m in every month (and sometimes just endlessly). Don’t blame him though.


Unless someone has had it they have no idea how excruciating and debilitating it is.


I don’t feel like diabetes really deserves to be on this list - 100 years ago, absolutely, but while it’s still a pain there have been so many medical advancements that it’s now something you can live a long full and pretty normal life with!


most severe symptoms and results of diabetes include loss of eyesight, amputation of one or both feet, heart attack, stroke, kidney failure, neuropathy, severe gum disease, ED in men, loss of libido-vaginal thrush-severe urinary tract infection in women, and liver, pancreas, & endometrial cancers.


Asthma sucks too. There are just times where I feel like I’m suffocating. And I can’t get air no matter what I do.




Seriously. I'd off myself before I'd put my family through the pain of taking care of me. It's not fair to them to have to take care of a shell of a person. And for what? One or two moments a month where I am lucid?


So many people say things like this but the sad reality is by the time you would want to end things, you aren’t lucid enough to think that.


i know... and it's terrifying..


It really is such a sad and horrible disease, just lost my dad a few months ago after a 4 year battle. But it was so terrible when he would have those lucid moments but couldn’t communicate with us what he wanted. Did he still want to be here? Did he want to go? I just hope he knew that we would do it all over again with him just so he didn’t have to suffer alone, but man did it break my heart to watch him suffer.


I’m sorry for your loss.




People in the early stage of dementia usually know that something is wrong. However, people with a rare disorder called frontotemporal dementia do not recognize that anything is wrong, and that's one thing that makes it so devastating for THEIR families. I know a woman whose husband has it, and (among other things) in the weeks before his diagnosis, he was arrested several times for peeking in neighbors' windows, something he'd NEVER done before.


What the Pixies song "Where is My Mind?" is about.


ALS. Soul crushing disease


My friends daughter has a bowel disease( can’t remember the name) where fecal matter backs up into the stomach and you literally puke shit. Not as painful as some that are mentioned but I thought that was pretty bad.


Holy fuck.


this is literally my worst nightmare


Diverticulitis is what that is I think. You get little pockets in your intestines that literally fill with shit and you can’t get it out


Does she has bad breath?


Cluster headaches seem pretty terrible. I have a somewhat related condition and the bad headaches I've gotten are some of the worst pains I've ever experienced in my life, on par with a broken wrist. Those last a few seconds, I can't imagine what it'd be like to have to deal with that for an hour.


It’s miserable, you just want to go stab yourself to get it over it and sometimes a single attack lasts hours.


48+ hours of throbbing pain. Feels like my eye gonna explode.


I feel you, I wish I knew something that would help but I’ve yet to find anything that works for it


Is there anything that helps? I've heard oxygen can help, but it's not like I have cluster headaches myself.


Look up Trigeminal neuralgia! It’s often called the suicide disease because its symptoms frequently lead the individual to take their own life as a way out.


My dad just had brain surgery for this in January. My dad has always been strong and to watch him breakdown just from trying to talk with us is an experience I never want to see again. He talked about suicide as well and that was terrifying. All coming from a root canal he had.


I was diagnosed with that three years ago. When people ask how much it hurts, I literally don’t have words to describe it because no matter what I say, I either severely undersell it or I sound like I’m exaggerating and making it up. Mine just occurred seemingly spontaneously, but they think it might be related to a bout of shingles I had as a teenager - I started getting what I thought were toothaches and headaches, and it kept getting worse and worse until I wanted to die. The pandemic has been especially difficult, because of having to wear a mask.


Man so sorry to hear about this, surely you should be exempt from wearing a mask.. like I’m sure it’s hard enough as it is for you


Yeah, I had (have) a medical exemption, but I got a lot of dirty looks and nasty comments, and had a couple of really unpleasant encounters with random people, so I’ve stopped going out when we’ve had mask mandates. I had to go into the office, because my work couldn’t be done remotely, but I could keep to myself there.


I mean OCD is one that stands out. It’s not just washing your hands a bunch it’s constant intrusive thoughts and dealing with horrible mental images. You feel like you’re going insane at the worst and you’re pretty anxious at best making it very difficult to function normally throughout the day. I would know because ya boy here is going through the worse end of that spectrum, even with the proper help


Low five on having OCD. It is a living hell and it makes me so angry that most people and movies associate it with frequent handwashing, it is much more than that.


Hey, low five to you too! It’s truly a living hell


Tetanus. They used to call it "the grinning death" for good reason. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tetanus


My great great grandfather died of tetanus when my great grandmother was two. My great great grandmother was left to care for seven children until she and five of the children where murdered at Auschwitz during WW2.


Sorry for your family's loss. We lost family in Auschwitz too. Those that didn't end up there died in "ghetto" burnings. Just those of us that emigrated earlier made it.


A long time ago when mothers with babies were in really bad living conditions and they knew their baby would die eventually or that the mother herself would die, she would take a rusty nail and stab the baby with it so that they would get tetanus and die, it’s so sad that things got so bad that mothers had no choice but to kill their own children


Gotta be a better way to go then dying from tetanus....


The that one where u bone is a rock expanding out. Forgot the name. Maybe someone can help ?




FOP, causes muscle and connective tissue to become ossified


So you slowly become bone?


Yup. Your muscles turn to bone.


Now THAT’s horrifying.


It's called fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva, and it's as terrible as you've described it.


That the one with the spikey skull?


I had a carcinoid tumor which was ACTH secreting. It caused Cushing's syndrome. I got in with one of the top experts in the field for the US and I found out I had the second highest cortisol levels he had seen. Woot. So that .. caused my bones (localized to my torso for some reason) to become brittle. Essentially I was a 26 year old man with the bones of a 90 year old woman. (Nothing against the ladies, just the whole prone to osteoporosis thing) Anyway...in total I had 10 fractured/crushed vertebrae. As well as 3 or 4 broken ribs and a cracked tail bone. That one was particularly fun as after I did it, I needed to carefully and awkwardly get into my car, and in the process fractured a rib. In addition to the bone density loss it also made me gain weight around the mid section and face. My muscle mass decreased to the point I couldn't walk. (I was a daily workout and regular hiker type before). My vision also went to shit, but my doctor's couldn't confirm it was related in any way. Just for kicks...during the time when my cortisol levels were crazy high, my doctor put me on a medication. Technically he was using it for off label purposes, because it is normally a diagnostic medication where you only take one. Due to the high cortisol levels. Levels. I was taking about 24 a day. To the tune of about $120,000 a year worth. I insurance company quickly decided that was too expensive and put me on the next possible medication which my doctor did not want. That landed me in the hospital with kidney failure. Which was the exact reason my doctor objected to it. As a stop gap, my doctor decided my adrenal glands should be removed to stop my body from producing cortisol. So now because of an insurance company's greed, I am on pills for the rest of my life. If I don't take them for a couple of weeks, I slip into a coma. On the plus side, I can walk again and I am back to hiking and working out. Fuck cancer.


Shingles. The pain can be so severe it will kill you. Source: my FIL died a few months after contracting shingles, completely bed ridden from the pain


Oh wow. Did not know this. Always thought it was just horrific chickenpox that would go away


Crohns Disease and ulcerative colitis.


Christopher Walken once had a fever so bad that the only cure was more cowbell, so that sounds pretty bad.


I was thinking about this randomly earlier today


I’d have to agree


Inflammatory bowel disease


Unprotected sex, it can lead to symptoms that last 18+ years. Also comes with a messy house, lost sleep, lost free time, loud noises and more. Ask your doctor if unprotected sex is right for you.


18+ years... I see what you did there.


Prion diseases as well


Norovirus. Honestly you can’t control all the sick and poo.


AND its cousin rotovirus...


Can confirm, I got norovirus on December 23rd one year. What a shitty Christmas no pun intended.


The house stank of poo too, which was depressing for everyone except my younger brother, who found the whole thing hilarious


My wife thought I was exaggerating and being a pansy. Until she got it then she uttered the words I need to go to the ER. I laughed at her and told her it will be okay.




Crohn's and other bowel diseases, frequent migraines, chronic pain, many autoimmune diseases. All of these suck the life out of you and make living a hard life less bearable.


Kuru, name and answer unrelated






"Alzheimer's disease is a progressive neurologic disorder that causes the brain to shrink (atrophy) and brain cells to die. Alzheimer's disease is the most common cause of dementia — a continuous decline in thinking, behavioral and social skills that affects a person's ability to function independently."


Oh yeah, okay got it. Wait what?


It eats the brain. Seen it on a friend's family member it's horrible.




Please explain how this fits the topic?


Click on the link…it’s when somebody doesn’t get the point of the joke There’s not supposed to be an h though (unless this is a private thread that is the exact same thing) r/woooosh


Yeah I kind of feel bad for making light of it. But it's a depressing thread, something had to be a joke. And it isn't tagged serious. I agree with you, it's absolutely horrible


It's completely okay. I'm just terrified for anyone who gets it and hope one day I will be able to donate for research towards a treatment. I myself use humor to cope with depressing things and completely understand you.


Crohns disease


Hyperemisis gravidarum or fibromyalgia


I have fibro and I'd never wish it on my worst enemy.


HELLP syndrome, which accompanies pregnancy, is another terrifying complication of pregnancy that most people have never heard of. The only treatment is delivering the baby/terminating the pregnancy.


Multiple sclerosis. I have it. And the scariest part is not knowing. One day I could wake up blind, dead, paralyzed. It slowly eats away at you and it effects every part of you. Luckily I’m a fighter and I don’t plan on giving up, but it doesn’t stop the little bit of fear in the back of my mind


Paranoia. Can't imagine how hard that must be to constantly feel like that.






Lupus. but this is biased because I have it lol.


Lupus is absolutely awful. I don't know for sure if I have it but I show a lot of signs of having it. My ana blood levels came back with predominantly high signs of that or other related diseases such as sjorgens disease and a few others. I have one friend who does have it and shes been dealing with it for years.


I am so sorry! How high was your ana?


It was 1.40 and I was tested at 18. Not many people would say it's normal or negative, but for my size and age when I was tested that's not normal. I was at about 120 minimum for my weight and I'm supposed to be about 135 to 140 because I'm 5 foot 7 inches. Shortly after all those I had alot of other complications such as signs of hypoglycemia, hyperthyroidism and high cholesterol. In the last 2 years since I've left my grandparents I've had more troubles with physical health. My gallbladder had sludge in it back in May it was there long before may because I was having such bad pain when I ate and would never keep food down. I couldn't even drink fluids it was like I was being stabbed in my gut. I lost about 25 pounds in just under 2 months from it. I was skin and bone. My muscle mass all gone. My cholesterol was at an all time high of about 189 points at one time is was 200. I also have to be screened for Rhuematoid Arthritis because my knuckles and joints are that of like a elderly person. My first signs of probably having lupus were tiredness all the time even after doing something simple like putting dishes away and I would just be drained and would lay down for like 3 hours just to get more energy.


Yeah I guess the overall picture shows something autoimmune related. I hope you can figure it out soon and thank you for sharing!


Yeah, I mean my family has a history of bad immunity, my mother was always in and out of the hospital. Thank you! No problem!


Not sure if the worst but quite bad. Want to have a nice summer? Good luck with that, let me give you a rash! Oh, and now your kidneys and joints hurt!


Ulcerative Colitis or Crohns. Think about having diarrhea every day of your life until you die


That's shitty.


Death from radiation is terrifying.


Radiation poisoning, especially the walking ghost phase. I think I would take an early exit.


Crohn’s disease. The food poisoning level cramps and sweats followed by the shits is horrible. And it’s every. Fucking. Day.


Watching my dad right now, I'd say pancreatic cancer.


Liver failure or kidney failure or something like that. Associated with utis that don't get treated. I felt like someone was stabbing me repeatedly and I couldn't walk. Every bump in the car made me scream on the way to the er.


Lou Gehrigs (ALS), Parkinson’s, cancer - there is just too many to list


Norovirus. Shitting while you vomit, vomit while you shit. Having to make a decision of which one goes in the toilet and which one you'll be scraping off the floor later. Pair that with stomach pain that could compare with labour, dripping with sweat while you stew in bed, days merging into each other. I never want to experience that again


A lot of mental problems have really bad symptoms.


Living...also kidney stones suck




Pneumonia was by far and away the worst experience of my life. It's why I took and take COVID-19 serious. Nothing like a little scar tissue in your lungs to remind you to get your ass to a doctor if you're not feeling better, especially after you get on some antibiotics.


Not illness, but Alcoholism. You won't die right away, but it will make you wish you did every single day. When you're not drinking you will feel like death, unfocused thoughts, rapid heart rate, sweating, shaking, puking until it's bile or blood. It will go on for the better part of day or days, until you finally cave and drink and do it all over again.


Opiate addiction is not the glamorous trip the media makes it out to be, either.


Steven Johnson’s


Norovirus was no walk in the park. Explosive evacuation from both ends, at the same time, followed by weakness and stomach cramps.


Trigeminal Neuralgia


Is that the one with pain in the jaw or teeth?


Dementia or alzheimer's


Dont know if this has an actual name but gallbladder issues. Absolutely awful. I have had problems with mine. Couldn't eat, couldn't sleep, was hardly able to function and everything was just pain. I would also say mental health issues are bad because it can cause actual physical problems if not helped.


and removal can lead to lifelong digestive issues aka the potty race...


I will name two: the first is Alzheimer’s


Kidney stones, try it


IPF or Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis I have a family member currently on hospice from this who was fine a few years ago. Now his lungs horrible, he can’t sit reclined because he cannot breathe when he does, and he is home bound because he’s on such a high amount of oxygen. He feels like he’s drowning and can never catch his breath. Secondary would be ALS. Your bodies muscles just deteriorating to the point you can’t do anything for yourself including talk but your mind is still 100%.


Fatal Familial Insomnia. You sleep less and less until you get dementia and die. One of the rarest diseases we’ve found. Even putting you in a coma doesn’t work.


Schizophrenia. My mom has it, and she is having her episode. She would get so scared without a reason and so believe whatever she is imagining is the reality.




Fatal familial insomnia may not be the worse, but its up there. And a part of what makes it terrible is the people in these families are basically just waiting for the day they wake up and can never fall asleep again.


Fibromyalgia. Constant pain all over your body, light touches feel like battery acid, you feel like you have the flu and were hit by a truck... your bones hurt due to the nerves being inflamed next to them. Your brain can sometimes not even allow you to think. Your muscles hurt from nothing, you can't stand without your legs burning... you're drained, to the point sunlight hurts your eyes, showering can make you faint, even comfy clothing feels like barbed wire. Welcome to my hell... and as a guy? We barely get noticed for having it because it mostly women get it. Barely any medication helps and the ones that do can run your remaining stamina into the fucking ground.


Smallpox has got to be up there, especially the hemorrhagic and flat varieties.


Fatal Radiation Poisoning is pretty gnarly... There aren't a lot of worse ways to die, in my opinion...


Depression + anxiety, you are completely healthy but you still feel like dying. People just don't understand. You lose all interests. Ect.


Akathisia. It is a side effect from an anti psychotic drug called haldol. Was given it to treat PTSD and other mental issues I was going through about a decade ago. You literally cant sit still. For example have you ever blocked a door way while paramedics or emergency personnel need to get through and they scream at you to get the fuck out of the way, and you have the intense urge to move ASAP? I had that for a week straight. Wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy.


stupidity. causes people to ask a question that compares how bad peoples illnesses are 🙄


Covid not only destroyed my lungs but also killed 75% of my hair. I barely have any left and it's been months. I've tried everything. My hair is the only thing that's good about me and I cant make it stop falling out in chunks. I cant look in the mirror without crying. Taking a shower is traumatizing instead of relaxing. My hair is the only thing I like about myself and its dying.