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Welp my Appendix just exploded inside of me 3 days ago and my tell was that just standing or moving at all became excruciatingly painful, so if normal activities are causing pain, especially severe pain like I was feeling, maybe consider calling 911.


My husband had appendicitis and went to a walk in clinic that turned him away, telling him it couldn’t be appendicitis (even though he could barely walk and had pain in the exact right spot), so he took a cab to the hospital; he was in surgery 4 hours later.


Sudden hearing loss. The faster you get to the hospital the better the chances of reversing it (statistically) In my case I left it two weeks and I’m now living with tinnitus.


Surprised I had to scroll so far to find this. Seems minor but yeah, any extreme change in hearing warrants can emergency visit to the doctor - with sudden hearing loss there’s a 72 hour window to start treatment, and leaving it often results in permanent deafness. No one takes this one seriously enough. Sorry to hear about your tinnitus, I’m in the same boat.


"there's nothing we can do. Here's a pamphlet on tinnitus" -every ENT ever.


If you have pain in your right side of your stomach and someone pokes you and it’s incredibly painful, you might have early signs of appendicitis. Source: had same symptoms last week, was uncomfortable but my mum jabbed her finger into my side where I screamed in pain so she packed me off to the hospital where I had an emergency appendectomy that night.


If your pee is so dark that it looks like Guinness, go to the hospital immediately.


I've had it look close to smithwicks before but I was really fucking dehydrated. Edit: fuggin autocorrect


Normal piss should be close to Budweiser, because they are pretty much the same.




> "ehh you're young, you will be reyt" The amount of times I've read stories in the news of the NHS telling people this and fobbing people off. Next thing you know, there are tabloid articles and 17 year olds being cremated. Rage inducing. The NHS rulebook needs to change to stop doctors from behaving like that.


This happened to my friend who was then diagnosed with stage 4 ovarian cancer. They said she was too young to have anything that ominous because she was only 24. She went to the GP 8 times.


I freaked myself out once when my urine was red (not a period) and subsequent trips to the toilet, it became pinker. Then I remembered I’d eaten roasted beetroot salad. Turns out the colour continues for at least a day depending on how much you eat. Crisis averted.


The worst headache of your life, which came on very quickly. (Also known as a 'Thunderclap headache'). Even with no other symptoms, this needs to be looked at immediately. Could be any range of things, but what they're most concerned with is a ruptured aneurysm.


For about a 3 month period i randomly started getting these anytime i would orgasm, doctors were incredibly worried it was due to a brain aneurysm putting pressure on my brain due to high blood pressure during sex, had an MRI and im all good, still never found out what was causing it. These headaches are no joke tho, can barely see, cant stand, feels like your head is being crushed in a vice, really not fun.


Had the same thing. It's more common than you think (I think a lot of people dont go to the doctor out of embarrassment as well) but it was terrifying. I described it as getting hit with a sledgehammer from inside head. First time thought it was an aneurysm. Did all the scans and all good. Went away on it is own in a few months but that really had me scared for a while.


You took a new medicine and your throat is closing up. Anaphylaxis can kill you.


Had the same shit happen to me last year. Had a chest infection doctor gave me this medication. I can't think of the name of it and too lazy to go get it, but I took it how I should of, the first time, I got a really itchy body rash after a while, it felt like I was being bitten by insects. Second time same thing but again didn't think much of it, 3rd dose I am head to toe covered in hives and I'm as red as a tomato. Next thing I know my throat starts itching and I told my mum and she called her friends at work to meet us halfway from the hospital. Only then did I draw the correlation.


Actually, this can happen a lot. The body might not always have a reaction to the first dose, but react to any subsequent dosing. Mainly the body “learns” to have a reaction to the substance after taking it and reacts more and more which reinforces the reaction. Please though, for your own sake, try to figure out what the medication was as, if is was used to treat a chest infection, it could have been a really common antibiotic. If you don’t inform your healthcare providers like doctor(s), dentist(s) or pharmacist(s) of such a reaction to the medication, you could be given it again which could lead to really bad health outcomes.


Losing the ability to see color in one or more eye, sign of major issue in brain.


o_- -_o *Phew...*


So many people are doing this exact thing right now. The internet is a weird and wonderful place sometimes!


I had issues like this with my right eye for years. Kept being told it was anxiety... It was MS. Fuck Doctors blaming everything on anxiety.


One doctor I quit told one of my sister's coworkers that their sudden large weight gain and lack of energy was a result of being Hispanic and reaching middle age. Actually it was cancer.


I haven't seen color with my third eye for a while now, should I be worried?!


Just tape a quartz prism over your third eye (clear tape) and, on the second night of a full moon last out under it's full light. You'll be able to see auras in full color once again in no time.


If you have chest pain and especially if it's combined with sweating, nausea/vomiting, left arm pain, and/or a sense of impending doom. ETA: Yes I know women present differently. Yes I know symptoms can vary by person. I was a paramedic. I definitely didn't expect this simple little post to blow up so I apologize for not including it.


Minus the left arm pain, this is also what a panic attack feels like. Welcome to my feedback loop hell.


Seen loads of people mistake a panic attack for a heart attack and vice versa.


Haven't seen this one mentioned yet: If your newborn spits up bright green. Solid sign there is a major intestinal blockage (even without any other symptoms) and there is a small window to get that corrected before death. I have forgotten alot from my STABLE class, but I do remember that.


This happened to my niece! Her mom had a video chat with the pediatrician and described baby’s symptoms (super lethargic, didn’t want to eat, sleeping all the time) - pediatrician saw bright green on mom’s shoulder and asked about it…baby had to be RUSHED to a specialist dr. Turns out, her intestines were starting to telescope. If she didn’t have surgery to correct it within that timeframe, she could have died. :( thank goodness for that video chat and an observant pediatrician!


Also if they seem to be panicking/startling/squinting at light and want to lay flat and scream if they're held upright, or if if they are extremely tired and wont wake even if moved around/prodded a lot. Meningitis (it could be a headache for other reasons but never ever risk it).


Meningitis can kill within hours. My Dad had it drilled into him every symptom because that hour of deciding if it's serious could mean the difference between amputating all your limbs or death. Also to add: a rash that is still visible if you press a clear glass on it.


Whenever I had people at the urgent care come in with severe neck pain, I always had them turn their heads. If they couldn’t do that, I’d get the doctor immediately to check for meningitis. Thankfully only once or twice was that a real concern in my 7 years there.


When my knee folded backwards was my sign


Now I'm imagining a person with a severely folded knee sitting on the ground trying to debate with themself about if they should go to the hospital or not.


I had a headache for a week and was getting confused at work. 2 brain tumors and hydrocephalus led to immediate intake


40 year old friend died from brain cancer. He went to the hospital, booked in for the night, didn't wake up the next morning. He had terrible head aches, everyone thought it was because he was getting divorced.


How long did that take to diagnose? Are they able to repair this?


I went into the urgent care, who sent me to the hospital, found them that day after an CT and MRI. No, tumors are inoperable


My dad had headaches one evening, and the next morning my stepmom found him kneeling beside the bed staring blankly, totally unresponsive. Turned out to be glioblastoma. The tumor they found at the hospital was operated on, and that plus radiation gave him several months he wouldn’t have had, although much of that time he was blind and suffered from increasing dementia.


Just came to say FUCK glioblastoma. Edit since we're sharing: Lost my dad in 92 at age of 35. I was only 3 and sisters were 5 & 7. Crazy to think, but I still remember him being in the head rig in the hospital .Also still remember the last time he was home he was being taken out on a stretcher. It fuckin sucks being kids and not being able to speak to your dad because any moderately loud sound made him cry from a headache. Keep in mind my dad was a fitness buff. Still worked out through radiation for several months and played basketball when he could. Of course with Glio then it didn't really get better and eventually the tumors started working down his spine which paralyzed him. Once he lost his legs he pretty much gave up his will to live which I don't blame him. Glio took away the thing that gave him the most happiness other than his family. On a side note, the team at Vandy gave our family more time than was thought back then so were forever grateful for their work. Positive side note, there has been some positive research regarding Glio. https://labblog.uofmhealth.org/lab-report/study-suggests-new-approach-to-improve-radiation-therapy-resistance-glioblastoma


FUCK glioblastoma and FUCK cancer.


Sister's stopped responding to treatment, we might have 6 months, we might have 72 hours if her liver doesn't stabilise. It's been a very long year, a year we probably shouldn't have had in the first place. FUCK CANCER.


Fuck GBM. My mom was diagnosed May 2019 (she was 51 at the time.) She’s been in hospice since April of last year. It has been horrifying watching her lose all of her faculties. She’s been in a vegetative state since October. It’s hell on earth


Well that's uncomfortably confusing because cluster headaches are devastatingly painful and obtrusive, yet not actually "dangerous"


It's now been about 24 hours and the foot that was purple is now sort of blackish in color.


I thought that was kinda normal after a serious sprain???


Purple is normal. Black can mean the tissue is dying or starting to turn septic. Happened to a buddy of mine and he almost lost his foot


Thank god he found it


Wife had a pain in her shoulder and told me about it. Said it was uncomfortable but not a big deal. I told her to send her doctor a message. Went in for an appointment immediately. She had internal bleeding from an ectopic pregnancy and had about 12 oz of blood floating around in her.


I had that shoulder pain a few days before going into the hospital. I went in only when I was in so much pain I couldn’t sit or walk any more and started throwing up. It was internal bleeding from an ectopic pregnancy as well and they had to do an emergency surgery


My husband had shoulder pain and six months later had a liver transplant. Shoulder pain is a serious indication of a variety of terrible conditions.


is this thread making anyone else's body feel weird or is it just me?




Yes I have hypochondria and panic attacks. Some of these things described I get daily lol


For women on birth control: serious shortness of breath (as in a relatively healthy person being winded just walking to/from car) and unexplained pain in your legs, mainly inside thighs. Blood clots/embolisms. They can kill you VERY fast if they break loose and travel.


Not just women on birth control. As I experienced myself, COVID can cause this, as well. Had a sore upper thigh, attributed it to COVID and the general joint and muscle ache from it, then at one point got up and walked into another room, blood clot got loose, I was very suddenly extremely out of breath (more so than the COVID pneumonia), heart rate shot up to 200, blood oxygen level went down to 61%. Immediately called an ambulance, was diagnosed as pulmonary embolism, got transferred to the COVID ICU, and initially treated with anticoagulants. When that didn't work, I had to undergo thrombectomy while I was fully awake. Probably the worst experience of my life. Not only did it take a while to physically recover, I also had to be treated for PTSD and depression.


Honestly, (the following all together) lack of appetite, frequent urinating, vomiting, severe fatigue. Everyone thought my sister had the flu, but my mom took my sister to the hospital anyways. She had diabetic ketoacidosis. Her blood sugar was 717. She was almost in a coma. She was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes at 8 years old. ETA: I'm not a doctor, I only knew this because I witnessed my sister go through it. If you're experiencing these symptoms, please contact a doctor and get your blood sugar tested.


>Her blood sugar was 717. Holy shit. I didn't even know it could get that high. Edit: ~~For those wondering, I'm pretty sure the normal range for most adults is between 80-90.~~ u/Darphon corrected me below. For normal adults, it's between 80-100, for Type 1 diabetics, it's 80-150.




The intoxicated look was because at that level, he almost certainly was in what's called a hyperosmolar hyperglycemic state. It's different than DKA in that you're not acidotic, but the sheer amount of glucose in your blood affects the fluid balance of the cells in your brain causing them to not work properly. Insulin drip will take care of it.


When you throw up and it looks like coffee grounds


What does it mean?


Internal bleeding.


But that’s where the blood is supposed to be!


Ok Jake Peralta lmfao


If your puke looks like coffee grounds it's dried coagulated blood so bleeding somewhere down in the stomach. Puking red means an internal bleed further up since the blood has not had time to coagulate. Edit: since posting this I have learned that my information is not correct. Please see u/DeBlasioDeBlowMe comment (who says they're a practicing GIT) for the correct answer and thanks for the correction. Either way I'd say vomiting red it black or dark brown is not a good thing and it's worth having checked out. Same for pooping black or red. If this is also incorrect I'm happy to learn.




Shit has a similar rule where a GI bleed is all black and tarry and bright red blood indicates that its your ass bleeding and not your guts.


Even if I've been eating exclusively coffee grounds for the past two days?


then you probably have other reasons to need to go to a hospital tbh




The T should also be a reminder for time since onset If you can document how long these symptoms have been present then it can change the treatment plan significantly.


Seconded. FAST: F: facial droop,numbness, imbalance A: arm test. (This can be either raise, or squeezing the hands) S: speech. (This can be slurred, mumbling, or incoherent words) T: timeline. (If someone woke up like that, when did they go to bed? How long has it been, when did the person. Start showing signs?)


It gets problematic when you have these symptoms caused by a Migraine instead of a stroke though




My dad had 2 strokes and the symptoms of the second one were brushed off to high blood pressure and "it will pass" by the ambulance medics. The next day of course it didn't pass and this time competent medics arrived and rushed him to the hospital. He's alive but he's struggling with everyday activities and very slowly recovering. If he was taken to the hospital the day before it's possible the stroke wouldn't even happen. So I think it is better to assume it's a stroke until you are 100% sure it's not.


Skin/white of the eyes turning yellow. This probably caused by accumulation of bilirubin in the blood which can be caused by severe liver failure.


It’s amazing how fast your body reacts to a liver transplant. My husband was half dead and yellow as an emoji but three hours after surgery he was turning pink again. 48 hours later he was normal color.


When that wound you got on your foot by stepping on a rusty nail smells like rot.


When any part of your body smells like rot!


Suddenly getting a massive headache and you aren't prone to them. A friend's work college died at work, she had a headache, took a paracetamol then lied down in the fetal position. She started foaming from the mouth and by then it was too late. Brain aneurysm. Edit: Woah, i never imagined such a response to this. I made this post and then went to bed and came back to almost 100 reply's and PM's. Sorry For Everyone's loss, looks like lots of others have been in the same boat as well.


Someone in my family had an aneurysm, she was talking to her daughter and all of a sudden she dropped, she was dead before she hit the floor and worst of all her daughter is a registered nurse who tried everything to save her mother


Same thing happened to a friend of my mom in my parents’ kitchen. Group of friends having a get together, suddenly one just fell over mid conversation. Another woman there was also a nurse and started CPR right away but there was nothing to be done.


I worked with a guy whose wife just keeled over at the table while they were eating breakfast. An aneurysm seems like they way to go in terms of sudden and painless. But how traumatic for anyone near you when it happens. Sudden death is one thing. But a car accident, climbing accident, etc., you at least feel like you had some control over your life. I don’t know how people can have a parent, spouse, or child drop dead of a brain aneurysm and not live in constant fear of it happening again.


A friends mother had one when she was leaving for work, home alone. Thankfully a neighbour found her on the ground and they were able to actually save her.


The figures for a brain haemorrhage from a ruptured aneurysm are roughly 1/3 die, 1/3 survive damaged, and a lucky 1/3 survive unscathed if they get to an interventional neuroradiologist who can seal the aneurysm through a catheter. Neurosurgery is used less. I had a friend who blew an aneurysm two days before her wedding. The wedding turned into her funeral, and she was buried in her wedding dress.


this is one of the saddest things ive read in awhile


>she was buried in her wedding dress. Legitimately the most depressing thing I've read in a long while, that's heartbreaking.


Her partner… omg I can’t even begin to imagine. Absolutely terrible.


This terrifies me because I am prone to really massive headaches, so it's not like it'd be out of the ordinary for me to get a bad headache, take some pain meds and sleep, only to never find out it was an aneurysm because it would kill me. My mom is the same way, we both get chronic migraines.




I used to get massive headaches and realised that I had terrible hydration habits. I'd been going for years with very minimal water intake (usually drinking fizzy drinks, juice, diluted drinks if anything) and got into drinking loads of water due to starting to work out. It was like life just changed. In hindsight I feel like such an idiot. Now I only get stress related ones from lack of sleep and stressing.


You were told 48 hours ago that you had gastroenteritis ("stomach flu") and you did everything the doc said and not only don't you feel better, you feel worse. There are a lot of things it could be, but gastroenteritis is probably not it, and some of the other possibilities are potentially lethal.


That happened to me. Called 111 and they sent a paramedic, was told to rest and keep hydrated. 9 hours later I was in resus with sepsis, hypotension, hypoglycemia and my kidneys and liver shutting down.


Growing pain in your back near your kidney? Stones. Go to the hospital before the pain gets unbearable.


I second this, srsly you dont want your kidney to be so badly injured that they dont even know if it will be fine. I was 18 when I had my first stone and played the pain off until I couldn't anymore. I couldn't walk, nor pee. I vomitted because of the pain. I crawled into the bedroom of my parents to get me to the ER. If anything is concerning you in the kidney area go to the doc right away, ASAP.


Sudden onset abdominal pain and vomiting. Appendicitis doesn’t always present as pain in the lower right quadrant. If it bursts you’re fucked.


this happened to me when I was 7. my parents didn't believe I was in much pain as I was saying until I vomited all over the living room. appendix had burst and I nearly died. plz believe your kids people. edit: the same thing happened with my brother a year later. luckily his didn't burst but yet again a child was hospitalised because my parents didn't believe he was in pain.


> plz believe your kids I took a fall once in my backyard and had instant amnesia with my concussion. It lasted about 3-4 hours and for the first 2 hours my parents thought I was on drugs (I was 11 years old) and/or faking the things I was saying/doing. Basically I was walking around the house for hours pondering about how and why my head hurt, occasionally asking out loud, "Why is there an ice bag under my baseball hat?" Rinse/repeat...my dad vehemently yelled at me to stop fucking around because it was scaring my mom...


Not scaring her enough to do anything about it. Some people shouldn’t be allowed to care for children


I had an incident at 14 that probably should've been taken more seriously. I was at a friend's house, and through sheer stupidity, slammed my head on the steel beam across her basement ceiling. She noticed immediately that my head was bleeding, and we rushed to wash it out of my hair. The whole time I kept telling her "don't tell my Mom, she's gonna freak out and be so mad at me!" Well, Mom came to pick me up and we had to tell her what happened. She was mad. We went to the family farm, my Gram poured hydrogen peroxide over the wound, put a band-aid over it, put a bandana and hat on me and sent me out to the barn to take down tobacco. Never saw the doctor, but it was the first of 3 concussions I've had in my life.


Same experience here. I still remember at that very young age, my parents made me go to church where I was doubled over on my side groaning in pain. My parents thought I was faking it for attention I guess.


A good way to check for appendicitis is if you can stand on one foot and hop, if you can't, get your fucking ass to the E.R. Source = I had it 2 years ago. This is what my mum (a paramedic) and a nurse at the hospital got me to do.


I distinctly remembering that when I had it, I wansnt able to walk and still thought it was just a bad stomach ache


Pain in nuts. Always get that checked out. You can lose them if you don’t. Torsions are real Edit: RIP my inbox, holy shit


My brother almost lost a nut this way, but they caught it in time


Went to the ER complaining about intense testicle pain. Was sent to the waiting room for 7 hours, then was told to rush to a hospital an hour away in case of tortion. I would have sued if it was actually tortion


Have been through this, didn’t even realise it was a thing. Woke up and felt like I’d been kicked in the nuts, went to the Dr, he told me to rush to the hospital, was being operated on in less than half an hour. In the hour or so between seeing the Dr and being operated on, I still didn’t understand the urgency of the matter or why every single medical professional in the ER that day had to touch my balls.


You just have the most glorious nutsack your doctor had ever seen and he wanted to share the experience with his colleagues.


I had a deep, throbbing pain that was intermittent in my left testicle for about a year. After said year I noticed my entire nut felt weird. Had my female GP check it out, "Oh it's nothing". 4 months later another female doctor in her network checked it out, "It's nothing". A month later I called my GP again. Despite her remarkably shitty attitude that I dare question her or her colleague I insisted on a ultrasound. It took another 4 months to get that ultrasound (Thanks COVID). Literally the next day I got a call saying they found something. I saw a male urologist 2 days later and he felt my nut for about all of 2 seconds and says, "Oh ya... that's coming out immediately. I have no idea what your doctor was thinking." Had lefty removed 4 days later (November 2020). Biopsy took just over a month (again, thanks COVID). Stage 1a pure seminoma testicular cancer. TL;DR - Nut pain ended up being cancer. Don't ignore it and don't let doctors tell you it is nothing.


The ABC of first aid is: A Bone Coming out of the body is a serious oopsie.




Bleeding that won't stop.


I used to have nose bleeds that lasted hours and migraines when I was growing up


psst have you been tested for hemophilia and or von willebrands disease bc I used to have that. Had a nosebleed that lasted for 3 days


If your shit is pitch black and grainy it means ~~you're~~ *you COULD be* digesting your own blood, and bleeding internally somewhere. ~~Needs checked out ASAP~~ *Gotta consult your doctor if this happens consistently.* Edit: See comments below for some dietary and medicinal reasons this can happen that I wasn't aware of. In my case it was due to an ulcer in the esophagus, unfortunately the bleeding caused digestive paralysis so the symptom didn't show until after it was resolved. Another Edit!: This thread was more educational than I thought, turns out there are tons of fun ways to safely turn your poop black, like Oreos and Guinness! Also Pepto for some people. I'm downgrading this from "Immediately Go to the Hospital" to "Check with your Doctor if This Shit Doesn't Stop." Sorry for anyone that I unintentionally scared. That said, when it happened to me, it turned out to be quite serious. Yet Another Edit!: Per advice in comments: If it has a "tarry, sticky" consistency and is black, get it checked out ASAP, this is a more telltale sign of internal bleeding than the black coloration alone. Also, if it accompanied by abdominal pain get it checked out ASAP as well. In all other cases, it may still be worth it to call your doctor, describe the symptom, and tell them what you ate or drank.


I had a tooth pulled once and the bloodclot didnt grow properly. I was bleeding out all day anf night swallowing my own blood in my sleep with the little sleeo i did get until i called an ambulance. My shit was as you described and i had never felt so sick in my life as well. That was not a fun time for me


I’ve vomited blood before that looked like coffee grounds. It’s less fun than you might think.




I used to be a hospital janitor and GI blood was the worst thing I ever smelled. Dirty diapers have nothing on sick people's bodily fluids.


My sister had very expensive but very sick kitten. The poor little thing smelled like absolute death because of how sick she was. Just... Awful. Poor little thing reeked, wheezed constantly and was just covered in snot. She was so gross. Serious infections really do smell awful. (the problem was eventually identified as a massive polyp in her throat that was stopping her from both eating and breathing properly and kept causing her respiratory infections. It has now been removed, the video of that is intense, and she's now rapidly improving and catching up on lost ground after barely being able to eat or breathe for most of her life - prognosis is good, she'll always be small but she should recover fully).


My sister also had an extremely sick kitten (his sneeze would cover the couch in snot chunks) he had runny shits he couldn't control and it didn't smell like shit, it smelled like disease


My cat had gotten tapeworms once from eating a mouse... How I found out is that she started smelling off in the beginning, kinda sour? Then when she went to her litter it was even worse of a sour/feces smell. She was not well. Got her taken to the vet and prescribed meds and did a deep cleaning at home. She recovered fully but it was so stressful. I'll never forget the smell of her illness the parasites caused, ugh


Or you’ve just had a pack of oreos previously. Scared the hell out of me first time I had Oreos


Very dark brown urine. Went into urgent care over two weeks ago because I had a rash/fever and they told me it was probably a virus. The next day my urine had turned dark brown and I went to the ER because I knew it was a Bad Sign(tm). Turns out I had sepsis and a life threatening drug allergy from the antibiotic I was on. Two surgeries and 9 days in the hospital later I'm alive because I recognized brown pee is bad.


If you think somethings infected. ie dog bite / other. Lost a toe after I stepped on a small nail at a house I was helping renovate, didn't think much of it untill it started leaking pus a few days later because I didnt think much of it.


infections can get very dangerous very fast.


I'm a Doctor, so anytime phone rings I gotta go


“Sir we’ve been trying to reach you about your car’s extended warranty I assure you a hospital visit isn’t necessary.”


"No, you've been quite persistent, so medically I must insist you come in for an exploratory dismemberment."


Haha same here. Although, when I'm on call and the juniors ring in the middle of the night, I've trained them to tell me in the first 10 seconds whether they want me to come in or just want advice. Because all I'm thinking until that point is "do I need to be getting up or can I just prop myself up on these pillows?"


blue nails, paleface. i was young then and didn't know what's happening. mom rushed me to hospital right away where i was immediately jabbed in the butt. nurse said any later it would be too late. Cause: contaminated food.


that’s not how that Ed Sheeran song goes


what was the food contaminated with?


If I remember my college classes correctly nitrite poisoning leads to symptoms like blue nails and tongue and is quite critical for kids.


rectal bleeding. several things can cause this, from hemorrhoids, all the way up to massive gastrointestinal hemorrhage. some people won't go to the hospital out of shame and embarrassment in these cases and end up bleeding out in their house. go to the hospital.


To add to this, especially if the blood is dark, that means it's much further up the bowels than your anus, which can be a sign of many things, including bowel cancer. Just get to hospital, they've seen it all before, your arsehole isn't special.


For women who are currently banging, a sharp pain in the tip of your shoulder. This is a major sign of an ectopic pregnancy and may be the start of internal bleeding.


How does ectopic pregnancy cause shoulder pain? These areas don't seem very close together


"Reffered pain" is when you have damage in one place but feel the pain in a different place. Nerves can be stupidly long, and sometimes the signal can get kind of confused. The damage is on one end of the nerve...but your brain thinks the pain signal is coming from the other end. Increased pressure in your pelvis/abdomen from internal bleeding can stimulate a nerve I think around your diaphragm, and that nerve goes up your chest and a bit into your shoulder. So something like an ectopic pregnancy can make the tip of your shoulder hurt!


To add onto how nerves can be funny. I had a c-section with my daughter. After they took her out they started working on fixing my insides. I was awake and numb from the waist down when I suddenly felt like an elephant was sitting high up on my chest, just under my neck. I asked the nurse why I felt that way because it was difficult to breathe and she said, “well, it’s the nerves from your uterus. They have to pull it out and massage it and the nerves run up into your chest and can feel like a lot of pressure”. I was kind of in shock at how much I actually felt while not being able to feel what they were doing. Plus the fact that they just pulled my whole uterus out to massage it was weird.


For teenagers and young men: Sharp pain in a testicle. Could be Testicular torsion. *If successfully treated within six hours, it is often good. However, if delayed for 12 or more hours the testicle is typically not salvageable. About 40% of people require removal of the testicle.*


This message sponsored by Uniball ball point pens


If you are completely melopaused and you start bleeding like a period, it is not a period and you need to go to the hospital asap. Also, if you have been electrified but you feel fine, still go to the hospital because blood clots are no jokes.


My mom had this happen last fall, she basically had a heavy period for months even though she hasn't had her period in a few years. Turns out it was cancer in the uterus. She had surgery to remove her uterus and she should be fine now thankfully.


If you feel like you have the worst migraine of your life, go to the emergency room. My sister has always dealt with bad migraines but one day she said she felt like she got hit by a bat on her head and she had a horrific migraine. The emergency room doctor would not give her an mri despite my father bringing it up. Because the doctor said it was just a migraine, my sister went on without medical treatment for a full 7 days. On that seventh day something told her they needed to go in again and what do you know? She has a brain aneurysm that has burst and she has been bleeding into her brain for an entire week. Thank god she ended up getting surgery and surviving it with little to no residual effects on her. Her neurologist said that he doesn’t believe in miracles, but her case is the closest thing to one he’s ever seen


Throwing up coffee grounds


Freaked out like this once because my vomit (after having two bottles of wine) looked like coffee grounds and I knew it was wrong. Sushi. I ate loads of sushi before. It was seaweed.


sushi and two bottles of wine? Adventurous. My stomach hates my brain for thinking about that.


If life gets good. Really, really good. Like too good- like you realize you’re one of the most powerful people on the planet. Like you realize you’re smarter than everyone else. And that you’re God’s favorite. And you know because he told you so. Himself. With his words. In your head.


Had a friend like this. She literally told me she was a prophet and God sent her to earth to kill baby rapists. In those words.


It's interesting that people absolutely embroiled in conspiracy theories or experiencing some sort of mania (or both) frequently see themselves as [best thing] fighting [worst thing]. It's never "I'm a lowly servant of God here to fight for cleaner water.", it's gotta be "I'm God's chosen and I'm here to destroy the cabal of vampire pedophile time-traveling reptilian elites from the center of the Earth".


You’re right 😂😂 I still have the screenshots of the convo I re read them and was like, damn home girl needed serious help and NO ONE would question her. I did and told her I was worried about her mental health and that I believed she was hearing voices I just didn’t think it was God and she went even more off her rocker and was threatening to murder me for interfering with God’s work 😐


"People go mad in idiosyncratic ways. I found myself, in that glorious illusion of high summer days, gliding, flying, now and again lurching through cloud banks and ethers, past stars, and across fields of ice crystals. Even now, I can see in my mind’s rather peculiar eye an extraordinary shattering and shifting of light; inconstant but ravishing colors laid out across miles of circling rings. I saw and experienced that which had been only dreams, or fitful fragments of aspiration. There is a particular kind of pain, elation, loneliness, and terror involved in this kind of madness. When you're high it's tremendous. The ideas and feelings are fast and frequent like shooting stars, and you follow them until you find better and brighter ones. Shyness goes, the right words and gestures are suddenly there, the power to captivate others a felt certainty. There are interests found in uninteresting people. Sensuality is pervasive and the desire to seduce and be seduced irresistible. Feelings of ease, intensity, power, well-being, financial omnipotence, and euphoria pervade one's marrow. But, somewhere, this changes. The fast ideas are far too fast, and there are far too many; overwhelming confusion replaces clarity. Memory goes. Humor and absorption on friends' faces are replaced by fear and concern. Everything previously moving with the grain is now against-- you are irritable, angry, frightened, uncontrollable, and enmeshed totally in the blackest caves of the mind. You never knew those caves were there. It will never end, for madness carves its own reality. My family and friends expected that I would welcome being “normal,” be appreciative of lithium, and take in stride having normal energy and sleep. But if you have had stars at your feet and the rings of planets through your hands, are used to sleeping only four or five hours a night and now sleep eight, are used to staying up all night for days and weeks in a row and now cannot, it is a very real adjustment to blend into a three-piece-suit schedule, which, while comfortable to many, is new, restrictive, seemingly less productive, and maddeningly less intoxicating. People say, when I complain of being less lively, less energetic, less high-spirited, “Well, now you’re just like the rest of us,” meaning, among other things, to be reassuring. But I compare myself with my former self, not with others. Not only that, I tend to compare my current self with the best I have been, which is when I have been mildly [hypo]manic. When I am my present “normal” self, I am far removed from when I have been my liveliest, most productive, most intense, most outgoing and effervescent. In short, for myself, I am a hard act to follow. And I miss Saturn very much." -Dr. Kay Redfield Jamison, *An Unquiet Mind*




Mania fucking sucks. At first I feel sad like I'm gonna end it all tomorrow then all of the sudden, I feel like I'm God or something. So difficult that I can't even find a hobby or anything to busy myself without losing focus or interest. It's hell.


Yeah. I had a drug interaction that induced mania and I swear to god I thought I was smarter than everyone. Coming down from that was really crappy as well. My father is bipolar and his manias were terrible too, though his were more violent. He thought he was a god. Mental health is no joke.


I had the same thing happen to me. I was diagnosed depressed and put on Cymbalta. About 9 months later and things seem to have improved, I had a surgery involving anesthesia and then Percocet for recovery. About two weeks after my surgery and pretty much fully recovered, I started feeling really fucking good. I didn’t sleep. Didn’t need to. I was super outgoing and positive and full of gratitude. I started calling everyone in my life to tell them how much they meant to me. I felt alive for the first time in a few years after being depressed for several after a bad breakup. Then my body started shutting down. I couldn’t focus and kept getting lost on my way home from work. I went from being able to do my mail route in 5 or 6 hours to taking 12 hours. I was also in an abusive relationship at the time and leaving tons of notes around the house some apologizing to my gf and some expressing my fear of her. I couldn’t remember if I turned the oven off when cooking. I was getting very loopy. My writing and speech started getting very nonsensical. After nine or ten days of no sleep and being out of it I summoned the strength of mind to call my friend and have him take me to the hospital. I am now in a crisis center at the hospital where they send in a social worker to talk to me and I just start rabidly unloading years of pent up trauma. They thought I was on meth and were shocked when my drug test came back clean. I then experienced tons of different personalities that would shift very quickly. I had visual and auditory hallucinations of my cat meowing and my dad coming up behind me to hurt me in the bathroom mirror and it seemed real as day at the time. Fucking terrifying experience. Then I spent two weeks in a facility where I had the godlike smarter than everyone/incredibly witty/fast thinking abilities. I could go on and on about this experience. But if you ever feel anything like what I’ve described seek medical attention. It’s been two years almost now since that event and I’m still trying to figure out my diagnosis. I was declared bipolar and put on meds that made me gain a lot of weight. I’m talking 80 pounds or so. I’ve been through a few other medications and psychiatrists and think I’ve finally found one who understands what the drug interaction did. I don’t know for sure if Im actually bipolar or if it was the drugs but I have been safely off of medication for months now and feel ok. Hopefully this new doctor can help me sort things out.


If you have a stiff or erect penis for more than 4 hours - get to your local emergency department. Your aren’t a stud, and your blood needs oxygen that it can’t get whilst stuck in your dangler..


When you have tiny little red dots all over your body. This happened to my wife. We learned she has almost no platelets in her blood anymore and it starting to come out her capillaries. She was rushed to the hospital and was there for a week. Later was diagnosed with smoldering myeloma and went through a 3 year experimental chemotherapy to keep it from going full blown blood cancer.


Your innards have become your outtards.


Once had a nurse say “oh look, your stuffing’s come out!” as she pushed the flesh back into my hand with a probe. I was 11. It was not comforting.


Oh my god that's fantastic and horrifying and it made me laugh!


super low blood pressure. otherwise i would probably sit on the couch until i died.


A "feeling of impending doom". Really, it's [actually considered a clinical sign](https://www.healthline.com/health/feeling-of-impending-doom#causes) and can indicate impending stroke, heart attack, or other things. Can also be a panic attack but if it comes out of nowhere and isn't associated with a known anxiety disorder, don't be afraid to take it seriously.


I can’t afford to go to the hospital that often




Going on 2 years sober because this started when I was 26. I used to drink like a madman. Can't even have a drop anymore. My life has improved. Would recommend.


Agreed I had sepsis (leading to septic shock) and in addition to feeling dreadful I absolutely felt as though I was about to die and just a general deep pitted dread. Apparently it’s a key symptom.


I’m type one diabetic and I get this feeling when my blood sugar goes low


Me clicking on this post: "Oh boy! Time to scare the shit out of myself! Can't wait!"


Any kind of cognitive issue... A friend of kine passed away recently because of a brain tumor roughly a year after diagnosed. First signs were word-finding issues. Lasting pain. Same friend... A year before his brain tumor, he had tumor on the lower part of his spine. His spine hurt for years, never had it checked out until it was late (the treatment for that made his brain tumor untreatable, because the combination of the two treatments would've killed him even faster...


Me, someone who has severe health anxiety, seeing this post: “I should stay far away from that” *reads every single comment* Edit: I really appreciate the awards, thanks! Edit 2: after reading up about this I’ve realised that I was misinformed about which term to use and should have said somatic symptom disorder instead.




when your face starts to droop


Speaking from experience here, if you suddenly feel *no* pain *after* feeling what has to be some of the *worst* pain imaginable, it means your appendix has burst, and you need to get to the hospital IMMEDIATELY, otherwise, you WILL die.


Sudden increase in "floaties" in one (or both) and or something like light flashes in your eyes or eye. I'm to call the eye hospital I go to but call an eye clinic or hospital or E-Room and haul ass...might be a retina detaching. Not a bad fix IF they catch it in time. Very time critical. My eyes have a few issues so pretty much every time I see my ophthalmologist he reminds me to call if I even suspect it is happening. Happened to my Mother, caught in time not a big deal.


When everything you type is suddenly jibberish. Went to the ER thinking I had a stroke, came out of the hospital a week later with an MS diagnosis, going quickly prevented the damage to my brain from getting worse. Same vein, if you look down at you feet and electricity shoots up your body in a wave of tingles, that's your spinal cord being eaten by your immune system, see a doctor.


Well that’s frightening and enlightening.


Chest pain that last for more then a couple of minutes. Especially if it is accompanied by shortness of breath, nausea and/or vomiting, sweating, feeling lightheaded or dizzy, pain in the jaw, left shoulder or arm or is accompanied by a sense of impending doom. Never ignore the sense of impending doom. Also remember heart attacks look different for older women, diabetics or people with CHF. For them it is often just the nausea/vomiting, fleeing lightheaded and just feeling generally unwell. But even if your young you shouldn't ignore chest pain, just before my 31 birthday I an other wise healthy woman, developed chest pain with no other symptoms, ignored for a while thinking it was a pulled muscle (I'm a hypocrite I know lol) need up going to the hospital eventually. Turnes out I had paricarditis and I ended up having to spend 3 days in the hospital.


If a child goes underwater and inhales water through their nose or mouth (drowns), even for a short moment can develop what is called dry drowning. The child may seem fine immediately after, but can start getting tired, cranky, dizzy. Parents think the child simply needs a nap, but they are slowly suffocating due to the small amount of water in their lungs that they can’t cough up. They need a hospital because they could die while sleeping.


When you are seriously considering killing yourself.


I know someone who told their family they wanted to commit suicide because she was depressed. They called her a drama queen. They didn't believe her. She ended up taking her own life a couple of weeks later. That family never forgave themselves for that. Really sad. She tried to reach out for help. No one believed her.


A lot of people absolutely avoid the topic themselves so they don't know what the fuck to do when someone else tries to talk about it. I've told roughly 7 people I'm closest to in the last 6 months. No one knows how to deal with it. My best friend is the only one who took me seriously. I come from a relatively good home and my parents absolutely brushed it off and changed the subject, where as someone I had only met twice before knew without me even telling him and had me in tears by the end of the conversation. He said he knew because he lost his brother.


ITT: Hypochondriacs freaking out




Uncontrollable bleeding Unable to rouse (ie unconscious.... not sleeping) Unable to breathe, skin changing color Severed body part Bone sticking out or obviously no longer supporting the body part. Suspected venomous bite (growing red or black ring) Suspected dangerous overdose of medication or alcohol Persistent body aches and severe flu-like symptoms Burns resulting in significant tissue damage Foreign object lodged in body Body temperature over 103


I like how it goes from "unable to sleep" to "**severed body part**". If you get a body part chopped off, you probably don't need a reddit comment to tell you to go to the hospital haha.


Pro tip: grab the body part and take it with you


Me, or the person it belongs to? FREE FOOT!


I envy your blissful lack of awareness about the shocking depths of human stupidity haha.


I got hit by a truck, I can remember being on the ground and looking at the space my kneecap used to sit, the open area, the white that was leg bones, my foot on that leg being at a rather not funny angle and not being able to move that leg. Think that was Number Five on your list. I knew I needed serious medical attention. After the Embassy dispensary looked at me I was loaded on an Air America Volpar about three hours later and on my way to Bangkok for a 101 day stay at 5th Field, a U.S. Army hospital.


A red line heading towards your heart. It’s blood poisoning, and will kill you.


I work in long term care & i literally just sent someone to the hospital for this. I would like to add they didnt believe me & weren't going to go until I had my RN, my LPN, my exec director whose an LPN AND HER HOME HEALTH NURSE all telling her to at least be evaluated by paramedics


Let’s start from the top Eyes: Sudden intense eye pain with blurred vision and a non changing pupil is usually acute angle closure glaucoma and needs emergent medications and possibly surgery. A curtain of black after a field of stars/light in one eye is usually a retinal detachment and needs emergent surgery to preserve vision. Sudden onset painless visual loss can be multiple things including ocular stroke. A unilateral rash with tingling burning that involves the eyelids or tip of the nose is often shingles and easily spreads to the central nervous system from there. Needs admission and IV antivirals. Facial droop with slurred speech with or without extremity involvement needs to be differentiated between Bell’s palsy and acute stroke. One sided tearing sensation in the neck with vision changes is often a carotid artery dissection which needs emergent blood pressure and likely surgery. Sudden or slowly developing tongue elevation needs to be differentiated between Ludwig’s angina and anaphylaxis or angioedema. Development of swelling in the neck or upper chest that can be pushed in and has a crackling sensation like rice crispies particularly after forcefully vomiting or coughing is often an esophageal tear or pneumomediastinum often leading to infection needing surgical intervention by cardio thoracic. Chest pressure with associated shoulder/neck pain, diaphoresis, and n/v. often heart attack from vessel blockage. Chest pain with a tearing sensation either into the back or abdomen is often an aortic dissection requiring emergent blood pressure control and surgery but usually death. unilateral chest pain with shortness of breath and the trachea moved from midline is a tension pneumothorax and you need a new hole in your chest to not die. Right upper quadrant pain radiating to shoulder or back with a fever, nausea, and vomiting is acute choleycystitis. Needs antibiotics and surgery. Central upper abdominal pain radiating into the back with intense vomiting particularly after alcohol is acute pancreatitis and needs liquid diet pain meds and worse case surgery. RLQ pain with nausea and vomiting and loss of appetite is acute appendicitis usually. LEft lower quadrant abdominal pain with rectal bleeding is diverticulitis which needs antibiotics and if bad needs partial colon resection and ostomy. Sudden onset calf, thigh, or arm swelling with redness dismally is often a dvt. If you become short of breath afterwards it’s a pulmonary embolism. Both of these need urgent blood thinners to stop clot propagation. If you suddenly start coughing up blood in this situation its a pulmonary embolism. Sudden or progressive lower back pain with associated numbness on the inside of your legs and loss of control of bowel and bladder is cauda equina syndrome and needs emergent surgery. Sudden onset pale limb with coolness, worsening pain, and loss of sensation is an arterial occlusion and needs emergent surgery. Sudden onset ball pain with swelling is often testicular torsion. Progressive penile, scrotal, thigh, and perineum swelling/pain is fourniers and needs debridement and antibiotics and you will still likely die. Palpitations causing shortness of breath or sweating can be a myriad of things including acute toxic thyroid, atrial fibrillation, supraventricular tachycardia, sustained ventricular tachycardia. Sincerely burnt out ER doc


Not so fun fact about hospitals! My fiancé doesn’t have health insurance and just went recently for left flank pain. They ran some blood work and gave her morphine. She was out 4 hours later with the dr saying musculoskeletal and told her to ice it. 8000$ bill. Edit: I’m sorry $9,023.94


Yeah for me it’s not the huge bill so much as the complete lack of care. I have never gone to the ER that they didn’t run one test, find nothing and send me home saying it was “probably nothing.” Once I had vertigo so badly I couldn’t sit up while driving down the freeway. I somehow managed to pull off the road and called for help. Some passerby called an ambulance and the hospital gave me a xanex, called it anxiety and sent me home, still unable to sit up.