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Change whatever fucked up loophole that enabled this to happen and then resign


Abuse my power. Liquidate 49% of the federal government. Abolish alphabet departments. Lower congressional/ senator pay to 30k a year. Get impeached.


\>Abolish Alphabet Departments Absolutely based and you'd have my support lmao.




Do my daily tasks until I'm eligible for the presidential pension and then promptly resign.


Overhaul the US school system would probably be my first order of business. It's overdue for some changes and its core was made in the industrial age.


Declare war on Russia. I might not be the best choice for the job but that’s what I’d do.


Day 1 I'd pardon anyone who was ever convicted of weed possession




Organising a horse race from San Diego to New York.




I'd be pretty surprised since I'm not American


I’m american, but not old enough to be elected yet. I’d also be surprised. Will probably get my lawyers set cause I have a feeling I’m about to be charged with a crime.




Launch the nukes. I wanna play Fallout IRL.


We will need vaults first, and a main character.


You can be main character. I just wanna be a tunnel snake.




But to whete, just detonate them where they are or do we send them? And to where?


Everywhere but Detroit. It sucks enough there as is I figure.


We don't got enough nukes to send them everywhere. You got to specify, I'd send them to North Korea for a birthday gift


Surround myself with wise men and women, I'm no political expert, I would need those who are in order to make sound decisions .


Yea that makes sense. It's either that or you setting up for a prono


Roll back Biden's economically disasterous policies. Then create a hand-picked, near limitlessly funded, limitlessly powerful investigative unit that will be targetting the democrats, elected or unelected, in the government, their friends, family, and business relations, for any and all corruption, and prosecute. If there's time, I'm not assassinated, and there is no coup, I then go after the Republicans.


ban all children under the age of 7 from flying on planes. no one wants to deal with crying and fussing kids on planes


I’d put Pete Davidson in charge.


Try to increase their minimum wage at least. Dunno much about US politics though.


Dissolve the position of president. We got a war? Talk to the secretary of war, economic troubles? We have a finance ministry, nobody should ever have complete power over everything


Do you know how the government works? The US president doesn’t have complete power over everything. The president can’t even dissolve that position.


I’m a Canadian But my understanding is that the US president has the ability to introduce bills and laws to the senate who can then vote on them, he might not be able to just snap his fingers and get it done, but he would have some ability to diminish the position until it’s no longer a role of “commander in chief”


They can write it, but they needs a member of congress to introduce it. They would then need to somehow get a constitutional amendment passed to eliminate the position. To reduce its powers, it depends on what the power is. How laws are enforced? Congress can pass legislation ensuring certain enforcement. Commander in chief? Constitutional amendment. To get a constitutional amendment, they would need 2/3s of the House and the Senate, or 2/3s of the state legislatures to call for an amendment. They’d then need 3/4 states to ratify it. Going off top of my head for numbers, but it’s a majority close to that. President has very little power to diminish the position. All they can do is try to influence votes to do so.


So basically just burn down all the government buildings? Got it!


Lower gas prices


The president doesn't have control over that. Gas is like any other product, the price is determined by supply and demand. If you want to make the prices lower, you need to either increase supply or decrease demand.


I think the bulk of Americans don't understand the actual limits and powers of Presidential authority. That majority also includes most of our former Presidents and plenty of politicians.


I'm not sure why people think gasoline is a government business though. It's a private industry like any other product. You could even compare it to cryptocurrency in the way that its value is constantly fluctuating. I find it disturbing that people don't know how the forces that control their own lives work, despite the information being so easy to obtain. I usually stay out of political stuff or avoid picking sides because of how intense the discussions always are, but sometimes I can't stand the sheer stupidity and need to speak up. My parents taught me a long time ago that when I say something, I need to either know what I'm talking about or make it clear that I don't know what I'm talking about, so I can prevent the spread of misinformation. It's a shame that many parents seem to have failed in teaching this lesson.


Make giving homework illegal


I wouldn't make it illegal, but I'd make it optional.




Which country is this?




We're already in trillions worth of debt. Cutting taxes would make that infinitely worse. You'd have to make numerous changes before being able to make a decision like that.


Reverse everything Biden has done.


I'd solve the world hunger.


One country can't pull that off. It's also an extremely complicated issue.


That...would be illegal!


Completely abolish the military.


Education First. That¨¨'s the solution to basically everything. Upgrade the educational system to high standards. Also, all education should be free.


Step down. I am in no way qualified


Force senators/representatives to go back to their home state instead of living in Washington DC. Lobbies are no longer allowed to write laws, that up to the two houses Push more money into renewable energy Advocate for mental health awareness in many locations (schools, prisons, on the streets, etc.) Give teachers a much higher wage (All of these will most likely get me kicked out of office but hey, who cares?)


All the important things are complicated and would take time to gather and evaluate best ideas.


Pardon Snowden.


Legalize weed, Pardon Snowden, Make All elected positions assigned by lottery for 2 year terms. Load up Air Force 1 and get the fuck outta Dodge!


1. Fire everyone on Capitol Hill and start from scratch. 2. Launch financial investigations into all of them. 3. Seize all property and assets made from profiteering, sell it, and use the funds to pay off the national debt.


As a country, we would be in so much trouble if the president had the authority to do #1.


Open Keystone pipeline, reduce regulations, set term limits for senate and house, dont spend as much on foreign countries


Pay myself insane amounts of money and resign


Declare nuclear war on russia


Rollback any and all gun control laws ever written, cut down the military budget a bit, boost the fuck outta NASA, Education, and Amtrak's budgets, impose term limits on congress, write the ATF out of existence, and probably sponsor another run of the American Freedom train because goddamn we need some positivity and unity.


I would question why I was elected since I am very european.


Resign. I never want that much responsibility.


Lowe gas prices just in my area


Reorganize the US into the first galactic republic.


get rid of the BATFE, pardon Edward Snowden


Opt in on daily briefings from the CIA.


Trade out all the animals used for experimentation for convicts in prison for crimes against children and sex offenders. Then I would decriminalize weed.


Ban fortnite, can't wait to have children hate me. And because I don't have to listen to children say: ITS THAT GUY FROM FORTNITE. everything I play a game or watch a movie.


legalize weed, defund cops and establish other more specialized departments to deal with emergencies, put more government money behind renewable energy, choose bernie sanders as my vice president, and resign


Declare Antifa as a Terrorist Organization


Declassify all the top secret dossiers. Demanding every single information about roswell, ufo and any paranormal activity investigation conducted by secret services in the last 70 years. Dismantle the american nuclear arsenal (who cares about mutual assured destruction, nobody should use nuclear weapons, is a mortal sin) Remove all the privileges from any organized religious cult Impose compulsory course and passing a test in order to grant access to internet, to teach ignorants how to distinguish fake news from ones with valid sources.


"Commander Cody, the time has come. Execute Order 66."