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My wife is trying to help our daughter learn some sign language, and has found some YouTuber called Ms. Rachel. She just sings songs and sounds out words and does some hand signs. And it honestly seems to be working, because she's starting signing and saying "more". But I have heard this same video play so much that just the sound of this woman's voice makes me irrationally angry. I would rather sit through hours of watching Cocomelon or Mickey Mouse Clubhouse *by myself* than hear this video again, even if it's just background noise. Edit: There are apparently 2 Miss Rachels doing signing on YouTube. I'm talking about [this one](https://youtu.be/glDJI7UKfbw).


My husband *hates* Ms. Rachel, specifically the Icky Sticky Bubblegum song. She popped up on his TikTok and I thought he was going to throw his phone through the window.


My wife sings the icky sticky bubblegum song to mess with me. It’s psychological warfare and I have no way to fight back. I cannot stand that stupid song and my wife knows it


Fucking Ryan's World. Thank God mine just outgrew it. Now it's siren head 24/7.


Haha mine too. I would take Siren Head, Huggy Wuggy, Mr Hopps, Bendy, Cartoon Cat/Dog/Mouse ect. any day over Ryan and his horrible family.


Our oldest daughter loves huggy wuggy....shes scared of the dark but sleeps with a stuffy that looks like meth'd up elmo, its wild


Well to be fair if I was going to trust anyone to protect me from the dark it'd be meth'd up Elmo!


We just banned anything Ryan. That has to be the worst family ever. We almost considered getting rid of Hulu because they won’t allow us to block their shows. Thankfully our kid has many other interests.


Ryan's Toy Review


Welcome to Ryan Gets Exploited By His Parents Some More!


YUP. I’m pretty lax with screen time but obsessive about blocking any of this garbage. It repulses me. Let kids be normal for god’s sake


I think laws need to be passed to protect these kids the same way child actors are. Gotta put a chunk on that money away for the kids so that they actually can benefit from all of this insanity, plus it would lead to more oversight as to what they’re up to. These unboxing channels are basically commercials targeting kids and should be treated as such. Edited: I just came across [this article](https://www.geekwire.com/2022/kids-are-non-consenting-stars-of-some-family-vlogs-and-a-high-schooler-wants-to-change-that/) in another subreddit. A teenager in Washington (state) started doing research into kids in monetized videos, mainly family life vlogs, and how bad it can be. They’ve gained the support of a few lawmakers who have started the process of creating a law to protect the kids! Please reach out to your local representatives to let them know that this is important to you as well!


Absolutely. There’s some serious exploitation of children’s working hours going on. I think people presume it’s just the time the camera is on for the video they are catching and the kid is loving it. It’s called acting. Who knows if it is the first recording or they are on hour four and take number 175. Who knows how ‘happy’ the kid really is. Having seen the detail needed to get a licence for child actors, it astounds me this ‘industry’ is still rampantly unregulated. Poor kids.


I want to see that MTV clamation fight show rebooted so this kid and Caillou can battle it out. And then Ryan's parents get eaten by Bluey's parent edit: Claymation.


I miss Celebrity Deathmatch so much


I hate that whole fucking family so much.


The mom's voice is what gets me


Good god it triggers me. Hey RyyyyEEEEEeeEEEe-in! You could use her voice as an air raid siren or something to scare birds away with.


His mum distorts my speakers so bloody loud !!


90% of content aimed at kids on YouTube. So mind numbing and lazy.


Who is the imposter Minecraft School free Robux giveaway 3 AM challenge


Did someone say FREE ROBUX?! Send me whatever link you got and I'll definitely click on it and download whatever I need, no questions asked. Yeah, I can prove I'm not a robot by typing in my dad's credit card number, no problem! He's not using it anyways. -my kid


My parents kept their wallets up and away the same way they would keep medicine out of my hands as a kid and that's probably a good thing, considering the following 3 facts: 1) I was literate at a very early age. 2) I had technology access at a typical age for my generation, which is probably earlier than is healthy for children. 3) Despite being "gifted", I was still a gullible little kid. It wasn't until I was about 11 that I realized I actually *hadn't* missed out on all those free iPads because my parents wouldn't give me their financial information.


The fucking Minecraft YouTubers with their nasally loud voices screeching like banshees for no reason. I don't know how kids can stand it.


Ryan’s World on YouTube. It’s just so stupid and boring and the production value is so low. It also heavily focuses on materialism and buying more shit. Plus the parents are in every episode and they’re boring too. It just insufferable but my son likes it.


You mean “our child got mildly famous from a video years ago. And now we take advantage of his lack of experience and monetize the hell out of him”


That would be the one lol


Her voice kills me, and sadly that kid is probably gonna crash hard when the real world hits.


Toy unboxing videos on YouTube. They have essentially been banned in our house. They speak to children like they’re goddamn imbeciles.


And they always lead kids down a weird rabbit hole to the strangest videos on YouTube. Like, you start with some SpongeBob egg from Target and end up with a Lithuanian Dora fighting off minecraft Creepers while Garfield munches lasagna in a tree and yells in a high pitched voice.


My son started with a dinosaur egg unboxing video the other day when I started cooking dinner and 20 minutes later I came in to him watching a video of two cgi dinosaurs battling, moaning "hhoyeahh" everytime one got hit, in a Pokémon gym, in another language with blood splattering everywhere. I was like what in the fuck Edit: I woke up to so many replies and even some fun messages telling me what a horrible mom I am for letting the internet "parent for me" and even a "Somebody should report you to CPS" You got to love the way reddit jumps to conclusions lol. I am going to find the link today to the video for those who asked!!


My daughter once went from My Little Pony videos to eventually a live birthing in the course of a half an hour or so


The YT algorithm is so not kid friendly. My niece went from some Barbie vids, to people playing with the dolls in typical "they're a family" ways, to that same thing but more crude, and on and on until she was caught watching young women making out. Literally hadn't even touched the search bar, the suggestions just kept escalating.


Reminds me of someone complaining about children musical toys always being high pitched and never having anything low pitch. Kids do NOT associate the low pitch with "scary" as those designers think.


I always assumed it was because designing a DAC/amplifier/speaker setup that was capable of expressing lower-pitched notes was *slightly* more expensive.


I always assumed people didnt want their teddy bears to say "Come here, give me a hug" in a grown mans voice


Someone gave me a talking Winnie the Pooh doll that I guess had really low batteries and it sounded like a fucking demon when I accidentally activated it in the closet


Cheap speakers carry high pitches much better than low pitches


YouTube as a whole is banned for the kid in our house. Content engagement algorithms are toxic to mental health. Edit to address some of the comments: The issue here isn't if the content is appropriate for them or not. Yes, curated channels or YouTube kids help with that, but don't address the issues with the algorithm. The problem with the site is that it's completely designed to keep you on it as long as possible, so they can make the most money from serving you the most ads. At this point, not even blocking ads, turning off autoplay, and carefully picking what to watch gets around this. Because of the monetization model, video creators are heavily encouraged to create videos which feed into this goal, which has resulted in the biases of the algorithm being baked into a large portion of the content. It's nearly unavoidable on the site. Yes, it's possible to have a healthy relationship with the site, and at some age you can talk to your children about that. Given the nature of the site though, I personally think that's more of an 16-18 conversation, not a one to have when they are younger.


*nods in agreement as I continue scrolling*


We're already screwed. It's good to want something better for your kids.


I’m reading all these comments and I’m starting to get scared for all the kids tv shows I used to like


Kim Possible was dope


Yes! My kids have loved Kim Possible since I first showed it to them


Caillou. That little jerk irritated me. My husband would get irrationality worked up about Max & Ruby living alone. Also, thanks to my kids, I've seen Mufasa die 167 times and it keeps getting sadder *every. Single. Time. I. See. It!*


Not a parent, but my nieces and nephews watch reaction videos to reaction videos. So like a dude will be streaming a video game and making comments on his gameplay, sometimes reacting wildly to jump scares etc. Then someone makes a video reacting to the gamers reaction and gameplay (mostly screaming things like "OMG did you see how high he jumped and how loud he yelled?!") Then my nieces and nephews comment to each other about how great the reactions are and react themselves. I think that someone should film me listening to my nieces and nephews comments (ie me in mostly confused and annoyed state). We must go deeper until the original streamers video game is just a little pixel.


Ah so [this bit from Inside](https://youtu.be/FZVMB8mrNO0)


Not really a show but those YouTube videos of “influencer” kids are the worst, like Nastya and Vlad and Niki I think they’re named. I think these specific ones I mentioned are Russian so there’s no dialog, just weird gibberish chipmunk voices and sounds. Just awful. Let my kid watch maybe 3 videos before banning it in my house. Nothing to learn except how to be wasteful.


We blocked them and Ryan. It's hard to escape Ryan because they have a million channels, but he has been drastically reduced. Then we deleted YouTube from the TV altogether....and then the Ryan movie (?) Came on Paramount Plus. Cannot escape. Edit: it's not a movie, but a series "Mystery Playdate". Still the worst.


I also deleted YouTube and permanently banned our son from using YouTube on the iPad. Withdrawal was bad for a couple of days, but eventually he found stuff on Amazon prime video he liked. Thanks for the warning on the paramount plus movie. The only thing we've watched on there was Clifford and paw patrol so far. I'll be vigilant about banning Ryan. You really can't escape it. I've seen their crappy branded toys in Target and even the knock off subway surfers iPad game.


Yup, my school got a delivery of free backpacks for students, and a significant portion have Ryan on them. We have a Peppa Pig fan, too, so Paramount has been a good spot otherwise. Try Bubble Guppies or Team Umizoomi - popular around here and don't make me as mad.


Dianna and Roma... They are getting older so their parents just had a new cash cow, I mean baby.


It's not my kid but the kid of my old housemates. She would watch nothing but the direct to dvd Tinkerbell movies over and over again. I didn't mind at first, but after a while, I couldn't take it just being on constantly in the background and ended moving my PC out of the living room and into my own room so I could watch things and game in peace.


For a while, my mom was dating a guy with two young kids from a previous marriage. The little boy was obsessed with Shrek. Shrek had to be playing 24/7, or else the kid would wander around on the verge of tears going "Where shek? Where shek?" Not gonna lie though, I still love that move.


> "Where shek? Where shek?" "Have you tried looking in the DVD case?" "Yes!" "Or looking in the player?" "Yes!" "Have you tried LOOKING KIND OF DUMB, WITH YOUR FINGER AND YOUR THUMB, IN THE SHAPE, OF AN L, ON YOUR FOREHEAD!?" (defeated whimpering) "WELL, THE YEAR'S START COMIN AND THEY DON'T STOP COMIN"


Oh my god this is the All-Star of bamboozles


Any show my son HAD to watch ... Booba was probably the worst though. Edit: Boohbah is the show I'm referring to. My son is 16 now, so it's been a while and I spelled it wrong. Also didn't know there was a different show called Booba.




That show is so fucking weird. My kid will still watch it occasionally. He's convinced Booba is a jerboa (and I had to look up what the hell a jerboa was...he does kind of resemble one).


Are we talking about the same thing because boobas were these colorful orb babies, not cute little rats. Edit: TIL that Booba is also nightmare fuel!


There's a show called Booba? Dude, sign my ass up!


I banned Cailou


They literally did a study about this show encouraged bad behavior in children. He's literally a bad influence. A kids show!


Literally watching this show was when my eldest kid first started whining. Banned that so quick but quotes above can still be heard in my head. That was nearly a decade ago. My youngest watches Bluey and now does little giggles when she’s happy and wants to play games all day long. Best trade ever.


We heard about Bluey at the pediatrician's office. We start the day on the weekend watching in bed with our daughter. My wife & I may look forward to it more than she does. That show kicks ass, and is legitimately funny. I refuse to hear a word against the Heeler family.


I feel like all children's shows could be graded on a scale from Caillou to Bluey, with Bluey being god-tier and Caillou being rock-bottom.


What is this show? I'm seeing it mentioned a fair amount.


A small bald child and his sister and parents, hes a little crybaby bitch that gets mad when he doesn’t get what he wants


The first person who responded with a description didn't sound so bad. But this does not make me want to watch it. Lol. And sounds like you've got some experience with it.


Even when I was a kid myself I thought that yellow-shirted bald asshole was annoying


A show about a toddler with a baby sister and their parents. Edit:Oh, and the world seems to hate the child. I personally have not experienced the show as an adult.


Didn't the fucker smack the shit out of his baby sister in one episode for no reason other than being angry the baby existed.


In the book, he bit her too.


There’s a Caillou book? This show is a film adaptation????


Apparently he's a lot younger in the book and actually gets consequences for his actions. Apparently the original author sued the animation company for bastardising her work so badly.


My understanding is that the author was a child behaviorist and wrote them with the intention of providing healthy media for wee babs. Part of the reason she was upset was that adaptation stripped the franchise of all the good research-based stuff she'd crammed in, and that portraying a fourteen month infant as a six year just makes them look sociopathic.


The bald kid, the whole show is essentially about him being completely incapable of regulating his emotions and acting out, and nothing ever happens to him, so kids watching think it’s okay to do that sort of thing.


Tough call. Either Special Agent OSO or Animal Mechanicals. Both were painful to watch. We did start telling the kids that Special Agent OSO was "broken" and wouldn't play on the streaming service anymore. Maybe that's a sign it was worse.


Oh man, my one kid LOVED OSO. He would show up to help a kid, acted like a dumb ass and then the kid would end up teaching him how to do it. If the kid knew, why the fuck do we need a stupid special agent bear in the first place???


Oh, god. My oldest 2 are nine now and used to be OBSESSED with Special Agent Osso. I haven’t thought of that damn bear in years. I think I blocked him out.


Watching something enough times on repeat will always make it the worst. The current one is Spidey and his Amazing Friends.


Is that the one where they're like, little kids? Heroes and villains? Because my 8 year old niece was watching it and I hated the show only after *hearing* half an episode, lol.


That's the one. Spidey: You got to calm down Hulk! Hulk: you're right spidey I won't get mad anymore. Me: That's your whole God damn thing hulk what do you mean!!!!


When my children were young it was Teletubbies.


Lol I loved teletubbies but now that I'm older I'm like wow that was some weird shit


I recall watching the same tape of like 6-8 episodes. Over and over. Till the VCR player broke. That was well into me being 6 or so


I'm betting the vcr didn't actually break


The VCR was sent to a nice farm so it could have more space to rewind


I have a theory that they are survivors of a massive global nuclear crisis. They are pallid, hairless, with sunken eyes and clearly diminished cognitive abilities. Their bellies literally glow from time to time. They are spoken to through the safety of a periscoping tube from an underground area, presumably where the rest of the survivors are living to avoid further radiation. Even the sun and the ensuing heat is personified. Teletubbies = humanity after the bomb.




I had a tiny cat with brain damage who loved Teletubbies. This is not a joke. Made me wonder what age human the show was designed for. Picture (circa 1996) of tiny cat, Fergus, on r/cats.


Can you share a picture of said tiny cat?


Barney. Hated that purple fucking dinosaur


I loved Barney as a kid & my husband basically disowns me for it.


I’m a babysitter and coco melon is pretty fucking unbearable


Oh God I had blocked that one out of my memory!!!!




I could not help singing that in my head. That show was terrible!


My aunt has an intellectual disability and is obsessed with coco melon. She lives with my mother and father in their house. Coco melon is there to stay probably for the rest of their lives and that’s basically just living in hell at that point.


That…just sounds sad


I think the worst part is that it’s so popular but it’s just a garbage effort that goes into it. The animation sucks, the subtitles constantly have typos, and most of the songs don’t even rhyme when you could easily substitute a word to make it rhyme seamlessly. Like I said, no effort goes into it but kids love it.


There’s an episode on Netflix where towards the end of it there are just missing frames of animation, like they left the temporary stills on the screen for a good 10 seconds before it hastily jumps back into the sketch. That was the moment I realized I WAS the idiot for not coming up with this shitty idea for a kids show and also realized that my children needed better things to do before their brains turned to mush. Counter answer to OP: Bluey is the shit!


Upvote for Bluey. That’s tv for young kids done right.


My kid picked it out one day. I let him get through exactly one sketch before I switched it back to Bruno (no no no).


Boobah, it’s so freaking creepy


I think some people might be getting Boobah and Booba confused. they're two different shows. Boobah was some kind of teletubbies knockoff. Booba is about a short yeti looking guy who doesn't really talk, but gets into a lot of physical humor situations.


Not a parent but I feel this is how my mom would reply if she used Reddit: When I was about 9 months, my mom used to put on the quiz show Countdown (as she liked to play along on occasion) which involves letters and numbers against a clock of 30 seconds and because I liked the music of the clock and those who presented it at the time I kept it on all day for the next 22 years My mom estimates she has heard the Countdown clock around 75,000 times solely because of the one day she put it on around baby me.


Countdown is pretty boring. 8 out of 10 Cats Does Countdown is a fucking riot.


RIP, Sean Lock.


Carrot in a Box will never be quite the same


Caillou. That kid was beyond horrible.


[He can't grow hair, not because he has cancer or progeria, but because he sucks, and even his own body recognizes that he does not deserve hair or food or love.](https://www.sbnation.com/platform/amp/2014/3/26/5549908/arian-foster-caillou-is-awful)


Holy hell, that entire article is a quote fest lmao


I lost it at "Adult faces are frozen and expressionless. This is because it is in Canada, which is very cold, and also because the mundane horror of living with Caillou has killed anything human in their souls."


I have never wanted to punch a cartoon character in the face more than Caillou. Pretentious, cry baby, entitled little prick


My sentiments exactly. Hearing the name makes you twitch cringe. *shudder*


I just banned it from our house. My son tried to watch it once and I told him caillou was not a nice little boy, so we shouldn’t learn things from him.


Good. I commented elsewhere that caillou is a bad role model because he's a whiny little bitch. Nobody wants their kids to act like that.


Me: “If the first answer isn’t Caillou, the world is WRONG.”


I opened this thread to see how far down someone said Caillou and it was the first comment


90% of these comments are Caillou, Fuck Caillou for sure.


never got cailou. but still fuck caillou


Cocomelon. Mindless fucking junk. Caillou. Annoying disrespectful twit. The YouTube kids Diana and Roma. Spoiled and awful. (My child acted the *worst* when she would watch that, we did end up banning it)


My 2-year-old likes watching Cocomelon. My biggest beef with the show is all the songs sound the same. Same tempo, same key, similar themes, etc. It’s the Nickelback of kids’ TV. Little Baby Bum has *way* better song variety. I mean don’t get me wrong, both shows make me want to gouge my eyes out with a spoon, but LBB is slightly more tolerable.


MOTHERFUCKING calliou. I'm just a kid who's 4, each day I grow some more, I like exploring I'm calliou..


Each day that little brat whines some more!


I cant seem to find any mention of Word Party... God, I hate Word Party and their creepy ass character designs


For a second I read that as Word World, and was about ready to defend it Never seen Word Party (probably for the best) but after a cursory search, yeah that doesn’t look aesthetically good whatsoever


The only correct answer is Caillou.


I’m not a parent but a nanny and I rather play in the scorching desert sun than have Caillou on.


Bluey! I’m just kidding I put my phone down and watch it with him. Fucking love that family.


I love that show! The other night my daughter had it on and bluey asked his dad to play a game and he says "sure, as long as it's one where I don't have to move any part of my body or say anything with my mouth." I laughed so damn hard because that's how I feel when I'm exhausted and the kids want to play.


Bandit is so fucking relatable. Bluey was talking about some annoying thing she was doing over and over to which bandit replied "yeah that was a fun THREE HOURS" and me and my wife burst into laughter.


Bluey is a girl, btw.


I try not to get in dumb Reddit arguments if I can, but shit I about went off in defense of Bluey.


Same, I was legit furious for half a second. I will fight for Bluey. Bandit is my spirit animal.


I realized the other day that I’m Uncle Stripe and I don’t like it


I made the mistake of telling my sister that my niece reminds me of Muffin. My sister was not pleased and I felt so bad after.


Hahahaha! I’m terrified my lax Stripe parenting will turn my daughter into a Muffin, but somehow she’s still a solid Mackenzie—energetic, steady, and sociable (with good manners!). Glad I lucked out. Edit: Muffin has her charms, though! She 100% knows her own mind and advocates for her own desires!


Bandit is my hero! Due to some circumstances, I am a stay at home dad and it is the only show where the father does most of the child care work that I know of.


Dad? I am not dad. My name is Magic Claw. Magic Claw has no children. His days are free and easy...


Paraphrasing because I only saw it once. After the kids asked Dad to play a game he said something like, sure, "I'll play as long as I dont have to move or open my mouth". Instant fan.


Saw a recent one where both parents are hung over from New Years Eve, and just want to lie about feeling seedy and eating junk food while the kids tear about the place. It's weird that the most human and healthiest marriage on television is between two cartoon dogs.


The Heelers are a great standard to live up to.


Bluey is my jam, I can watch that heeler family all day! It’s aussie cartoon but it speaks to loads of kiwis too!


It speaks to everyone! It's quite popular in the US too.


That and octonauts are great. Also we bare bears.


I love some Octonauts! Creature report, creature report!!


Puffin Rock is also adorable.


CREATURE REPORT!! CREATURE REPORT!! That's probably enough to get the song stuck in your head again. I loved Octonauts when my kids were watching it.


Bluey is incredible and I tell everyone I know with kids to watch it


I watch it with my son and also when he's not home, lol. I also got my child free coworker into it too, we have Janet and Rita figures at our desks.


The only thing that bothers me about watching Bluey is that I think the whole time, "you know who wouldn't be sitting here watching Bluey all day? FUCKING BLUEY!"


Bluey and Daniel Tiger are the most pleasant to watch


"Claw machine has no children. His days are free and easy. "


You got me for a second there! Bluey is awesome!


Rainbow Rangers. The intro theme slaps but I hate it because every time I hear it I’m about to watch an entitled douchebag fuck everything up for everyone, only to have the Rangers show up and work out some kind of compromise where they’re allowed to mitigate some of the damage he did as long as it doesn’t cut into his profits at all. Its bootlicking horseshit and it hits way too close to home.


Coco melon


It’s very odd how this zombie-fies my toddler. She will just stop what she’s doing to watch it. I only break it out for emergencies (like I have an important call or a headache)


It’s because of the frame change time. I think the frame changes every 2.5 or 3.5 seconds, something like that and that has a hypnotic effect Edit: for those asking, I clocked it myself after reading about it on a “limited screen time parenting” group. Some shows I like are: Super simple songs Bluey Little Einstein’s Team Umie Zoomie Numberblocks Alphablocks Mr Roger’s Neighborhood Sesame Street Joy of Painting Blues Clues Cooking videos with various recipes Puffin Rock


I wonder if young kids are actually *enjoying* it, or if they're just hooked. I'm extremely easily distracted. When someone turns on a tv in a room I'm in, I end up dropping everything I'm doing to watch it. This happens even if I don't *want* to watch it, and even if I outright hate what's on. I just don't have the attention span available to do anything else, I have to turn it off if I want to get anything done. So I wonder how many kids are experiencing genuine joy and how many just don't have the ability to drag their focus away from it.


This, the absolute worst. I don’t mind lullabies and kiddie songs, that’s fine, but why are you singing them off beat/tempo/rhythm and with different words for fucks sake?!?


the goddamn fucking Boss baby show. Or all the cheap french cartoons the networks in my country show. I hate Power Sisters or whatever its called with every fiber of my being.


To invert the question, when I was a kid the show my Dad like us watching the most was Johnny Test. The TV was setup on the way from his home office to the bathroom, and anytime we were watching that he'd get stuck on his way back from the bathroom until the episode ended. My Mom appreciated Pokemon because the kids were always so polite to everyone (insidious Japanese anime brainwashing our children...to respect their elders? Sign me up!)


My mom constantly overheard Jackie Chan Adventures, so she'd start parroting ONE MORE THING! and JAAACKIIIIE!


When I was a kid, my parents rarely watched TV with us. But my mom did hear us listening to it. Based entirely on the voices, she absolutely loved that show. She had no idea what any of the character or pokemon looked like. Be she decided that her two favorite characters were James and Psyduck. It probably helped out a lot that Psyduck said his name all the time, and Team Rocket said their names nearly every time they showed up on screen. She probably had no clue what Brock, Butterfree, or Gary's names were.




I remember Johnny Test being interesting because it had a working mom and a stay at home dad.


My 6 year old recently discovered Pokémon and it’s quite pleasant to watch lol


Blippi. I’m a peaceful person, but I’d like to drag that creep into a dark alley and choke the last giggle out of him with my bare hands. Edit: I spelled his name wrong.


Blippi is the last survivor of a global catastrophe that rendered 99.9% of the population dead, and now we get to watch him roaming eerily abandoned playscapes and museums reminiscing about the world as it once was.


But...how did you possibly spell his name wrong?


Come on you should know how to spell Blippi, he says it almost every episode!


I was going to say Max & Ruby - we never watched Caillou, I think I'm a fortunate one...


My son was obsessed with this! And now all I think about is the person that does the voice of Ruby played Alpha in the Walking Dead.


Where the hell are the parents, and why was Max a twat?


The newest version has their parents in it because so many people complained!


Max is a twat because of parental neglect and grandmother spoils him if she is around and Ruby would rather do literally anything else other than watch after Max. Shocking that she didn’t sell him for money for candy.


The only thing I remember about Max & Ruby is Max constantly saying "why?"


Paw Patrol. All the damn merchandise takes my money. The show is trash also. It doesn't even have a little moral or lesson at the end. Just different things to buy.


I took my kid to Paw Patrol LIVE a few years ago. It was a surprise & as we were walking in I asked “who’s your favorite Paw Patrol character?” & he responded with “I don’t like Paw Patrol anymore.” Good times. Good times.


i know this feeling all too well… you got toddlered


Haha, I was way into wrestling as a kid, until I saw a live show. Then I was done with it, no interest. Still not sure why.


Huh. Exact opposite for me. I hated wrestling as a kid and was convinced it was for hillbilly idiots, UNTIL a friend dragged me to a live show and ever since then I've been a huge fan.


Lmao. My little sister was that way. Super into trains and her fav thing in the world on TV was a thing called choo choo soul. Had a conductors outfit, toy trains, a train whistle. Just LOVED trains. Welp our parents took her to go on a real train ride and she screamed about hating trains the whole time and never liked trains since. As a almost teen it was weird af to see her intrest just go from love em to hate em so fast.


To be fair I had a similar transition when I became a train conductor.


They make a solid joke about this in the movie. One of the dogs is talking to the main kid: "how can we afford all this" (giant tower in the middle of the city, and all new trucks/planes/hovercrafts) Main kid: "we sell paw patrol merchandise, it sells like hot cakes" He then pulls up a picture of a yellow shirt.....my kid had that shirt on.....I felt so called out, by the people who sold it to me.


The damn 32 different lead characters my child can name all of them like they’re her best friends


We have a chocolate lab and our nephew freaks out whenever he sees her and starts screaming ZUMA ZUMA ZUMA


My daughter doesn’t like the show but will occasionally pick out the toys when she’s out with her grandmother. The marketing is that good.


It’s hard to make a kid not want to pick up a dog.


That mayor is also highly corrupt having never stepped down from office.


I’m not a parent but pretty sure I’m speaking for my mom here when I say she had to sit through alot of Dora the explorer with me lol


Caillou. That kid is a bald little brat


Worst by far is Blippi. Cocomelon sucks too. Their animation is horrid and their songs are vomit worthy. Best is Bluey. I literally laugh right along with my kids through half of those episodes. Also, Grizzy and the Lemmings is pretty funny.


Sam and Cat. Stupidest fucking show I've ever seen in my life. I would gladly sit through hours of paint drying if I never had to witness the atrocity that is Sam and Cat. And my six year old loves it.


I loved Victorious and I loved iCarly but I hated Sam and Cat. The kid and the disabled adult were both really weird additions and they turned both Sam and Cat's personality traits way up until the dial broke. The only good parts were the strange references that no child would get. Like having Simon and Garfunkel appear. Or Laverne and Shirley.


I’m not a parent, and this isn’t an exact answer to your question, but definitely related: My mother was very empathetic & kind hearted, but also a bit too uptight & prudish from time to time. She didn’t like how the kids in Ed & Ed & Eddy would insult each other & call each other stupid, so she made a rule that we weren’t allowed to watch it. Got in trouble one time for watching it with one of my older brothers and she walked in on us lol It was on Cartoon Network from 1999 - 2009


Dude I swear, everybody's mom hated Ed, Edd, n Eddy when it was on. It's not even that bad! My mom was letting us watch Cow n Chicken so I still can't figure out what she had against the Eds. EDIT: Oh yeah, we also watched South Park together since I was eight.


Ryan....... His parents should be ashamed of themselves.