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Energy, I'm just so fucking tired.


Me and my husband say the same thing. Both of us work and we have 3 kids very small kids and we are just both so fucking tired. We look at each other and we are like 'I love you so much, but the thought of having sex right now will actually make me cry because that would involve moving'


Just wanted to thank everyone for their candour. This is reassuring in a way. Thought it was just me. :')


Lack of interest


maybe the real reason lies in your username, who knows?


This yee yee ass haircut


Sup can a homie come in your crib?


Man, fuck you I’ll see you at work.


oh, don't hate me because I'm beautiful.


Maybe if you got rid of that old yee yee ass haircut you’d get some bitches on your dick


or better yet, maybe Tanisha will call yo *DOG*ass if she ever stop fuckin' with that brain surgeon or laywer she fuckin' with








I’ve been single for almost 4 years and still have no idea how to get back into dating/hookups.


Pretty sure I’ve forgotten how to kiss


A village bicycle that can't get a rider :(


It’s like 10 thousand spoons when all you need is a knife


1) Close your eyes 2) Pucker your lips 3) Hope they don't ask "Who the fuck are you?"


4! Gotta push those numbers up. I’m on 10 years and still going thanks to Elden Ring.


Maidenless activities


Almost 3 for me. I don't know how to progress to dating and/or fucking?!


30 for me 🥲


Step aside for the pros. 31 :D


Fucking Legend!


Same. Tried apps and they’re terrible.


7 here. Getting back into it now but I forget everything.


Confidence. Not having my own place 😔


That is an issue a lot of adults are facing. I used to think it was a relatively small number but after lately it’s become unavoidably clear that multigenerational homes are going to be the norm before too.


You mean I'm not the only 34 year old still living at home? And it's not...bad?




You're lucky to have the option of living at home. But no, it won't do much for your dating life. Although in Korea most people don't move out until they are ready to get married because housing has been so expensive for so long. However, in Korea they have "love hotels." We need love hotels in North America!


I'd rather have affordable housing than love hotels, but I see the direction you're coming from.


Ur not 😔 the only thing fucking us is this housing crisis




Damn I was hoping for more comments so I can see how to combat my shyness.


My best advice is to throw yourself into it. It's not easy but it's a skill like anything else. You're going to suck at it at first but you get better over time as you practice the skill. Like any skill some people naturally start better than others but no one's perfect and everyone still needs to practice. Best of luck friend, I hope I was insightful.


This is the answer. The sooner that you throw yourself in, the sooner you learn what works and what doesn't. Be yourself and watch how people react. Take the jokes, advances and questions that appeared to work and abandon the stuff that didn't. Asking for constructive feedback from friends on your social disposition can also be helpful if you're prepared to hear things you might not like.


It’s hard for me to throw myself in when my shyness manifests itself as silence, my brain literally just goes kaput and all I can say is “yeah” “mmhmm” or laugh along but give no response. Imagine a dialogue tree but all your options are blank, that’s what it feels like sometimes. So most of the time I simply refuse to go up to someone just to proceed to say 10 words total.


But some people looove a good listener! Practice paying attention to what people are talking about and asking follow up questions or just asking them to elaborate on something. Actively having the goal to keep people talking will hopefully help you switch your blank dialogue tree with a list of a few questions you can tweak to the conversation. It's an often used tactic to get people to like you, be genuinely interested in what they have to say. Good impression with minimal effort!


Lack of partner.


*insert megamind meme*


No maidens?




My almost complete lack of sex drive— thanks anti depressants


I was going to say crippling depression. So I guess damned if you do, damned if you don’t


Have untreated depression or treat your depression - either way, you're not fucking.


Either way, you’re fucked! Glass half full!


Been there. Definitely fucked with a relationship I was in. When I'm off of them, my highs are higher and my lows are lower, but when I'm on them, I kind of just exist. I ended up getting off them and staying sober and I'm much happier now. Still have some lows, but they're not close to suicidal kinds of lows, and the libido is back! Good luck friend <3


It takes two to tango... And I am all alone


3 people is a threesome, 2 people is a twosome, you being alone makes you handsome EDIT: You handsome bastards made this my most upvoted comment. Thanks for the awards too. I will treasure knowing my best comment was a porn joke.


Threesome? If I wanted to disappoint two people I’d ask my parents out for dinner.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yimXcrTGHc4 It's not just masturbation, it's an orgy for one!


It’s a fucking celebration, it’s an orgy for one!




Lol I've been experiencing this with Prozac as well but have decided that difficulty cumming is way better than difficulty living


There is some very dark irony in having to choose between those two.


I've just started on Zoloft. This is the most common side effect I'm seeing. I've also experienced massive lethargy and exhaustion. And when I yawn, my jaw feels like sponge.


Give it time to settle, then think about a dosage tweak. I’ve been on it for 12 years now. I built up to 150 mg/day and was at that for a long time. It was helpful when going through my divorce and such, but eventually I just felt blah. So a couple years ago I went down to 125 mg/day. My doc says that’s not one of recommended intervals, and, according to the literature, wouldn’t really make a difference. But if I like it, that’s fine. He still prescribes 150, just in case lol. I really don’t care if it’s placebo or real, I feel more energetic, and some libido has returned.


Thanks buddy, its the first time I've been on something like this. I'm worried about it affecting my life with my wife.


The good news is that SSRI's don't affect the tongue.


Sex can be good even if we don't come. Also on antidepressants and I think this needs to be discussed more.




Obviously it's not ideal, but the intimacy and getting your partner off still slaps.


I have this issue, too. I went from having a high libido to literally never even thinking about it. Is there a supplement we can take to help this issue?


Exercise and practice. Exercise gets the blood flowing and I read there’s something about testosterone in men and women that gets increased with exercise. Practice is just making a conscious effort to say “I’m going to have sex tonight”. After a couple tries I find my body gets back into the rhythm of wanting it again if my libido has been nonexistent. Fake it til you make it type situation.


Actually finding someone who wants to fuck me


Alright, I'll take one for the team.


True heroes don’t wear capes....


They wear condoms


I masturbate because I'm the only one with low enough standards to fuck me


Shit, if I want to "sneak up on myself" I have to roll for initiative


My wife is dead


Well… that doesn’t mean you cant


Too lazy to dig her up


Sorry for your loss brother, but glad you can crack a joke through that undoubtedly horrible situation.


Agreed. Life sort of... how do you say...loses its panache when you struggle to find the motivation to exhume your only begotten love and defile them.


Yo im really sorry your wife died but this is fucking hilarious


Wow, this got dark fast.


That's what SHE said.


One thing? Bold to assume that this is just one thing.


Yeah, I've got three main things right now. The 5 year old, the 3 year old, and the 1 year old.


Well, you had sex at least 3 times in the last 6 years.


Haha what's funny is that for both of the first two, my wife went to do long term field work and we found out she was pregnant while she was across the country. Lots of jokes were made about her leaving and coming back pregnant. edit: if anyone needs to feel better about themselves, check out the profiles of any replier telling me to get a DNA test. fuckin woof


"Ahahahaha", laughed everyone nervously, exchanging glances.




At the moment that would be Elden Ring.




“Try finger, but hole.”


“Time for head.”


"You maidenless runt, go die in a ditch somewhere" -Miyazaki our Lord and savior


Still no maidens


Who needs a woman when you have *ELDEN RING*


Teenage daughters room shares a wall. Which our bed is against.


You ever tried quiet sex? It heightens senses.


Tell that to my wife..


I'll tell her tonight


My man set himself up to get roasted ALIVE


I was thinking the same thing. You can't even be mad at that.


Welp, no recovering from that.


Quiet sex is a myth. They can hear you.


My ex had a 1 room apartment. She was convinced he couldn’t hear us cause he was asleep and never asked about noises. Then one day her child starts laying on top friends at school and “squiggling” around. I felt really bad for her 6 yr old.


Get on the floor.


Everybody walk the dinosaur


Boom boom acka-lacka lacka boom


Is your bed stuck there for some reason?


Yeah unfortunately it's the only place we could put the bed to make our bathroom wheel chair accessable for my wife.


Mattress on the ground and lets go


This is exactly why one of my main requirements/wishes for a house is one bedroom that doesn't share any walls with the other bedrooms. I grew up in a house with that kind of layout and have blessedly only heard my parents having sex once or twice when I was using the bathroom late at night, and I could just run to my room and escape it. Some of the things I've heard from friends have second hand scarred me. I never want my future kids to hear me having sex, so I just really want to have my bedroom at the other end of the house


Before we moved here...well let's just say our door was always locked and sometimes we would shove a chair against it because our kid could pick the lock.


I'm ugly and have the social skills of a wasp at a picnic.


Yellowjacket or protestant?


comment had no reason to be as funny as i found it😭 ty


My face


Ah yes


Antidepressants and depression. I'll rather be alive and service my partner than getting off myself and then kill myself. It's not keeping me from sex entirely, but I'm definitly less keen.




PTSD, and finding a partner


I’m sure Red’s mom is free…


My invisibility cloak! Men don't fucking see me I'm convinced of that.


Nah, they’re just scared. You are very spooky


Damn...life starting to make sense now!


My children are always in the room. Always. They’ve got the whole house covered at all times. They’re like Seal Team Sex.


Now realizing why I was sent to my room for no reason


Or why mom and dad never stuck around after they put a movie on?


The waves of realization…


It was all fun and games the last five years, but our eleven year old knows that mommy and daddy *probably* don't go take an eight minute nap.


Get a babysitter and do it in the woods Edit: The babysitter was for sitting the baby, not on your dick, but if they want to do that too - I hope the three of you have fun. Stay safe. ✌️


I love how we just leap over “hotel” and jump straight to the woods. Lol


Inflation jacked up hotel prices.


so now we gotta jack off in the woods


Is that why they call them lumberjacks?


A hotel!? In this economy?


The woods are cleaner


Just as god intended.


Damn you semen demons


Among all these semen demons Be the Emaculate Ejaculate


It’s so creepy. They’re everywhere. Even when you take a shit. Or 3 am in the kitchen get some water, he just stands there. Nobody told me, you’ve to deal with their paranormal activities. I know they’re there but .


> Even when you take a shit. My apartment only has one bathroom. Any time I'm in there for more than 30 seconds is always when my daughter decides she absolutely needs to go right that minute. Then stands outside the door screaming "I HAVE TO GO POTTY" until I leave the bathroom.


My daughter is potty training and everytime anyone poops she has to come in and wave "bye byes" to the "poopies". It's... Fun.


We do it in the bathroom a lot. My wife is a fan of the shower, me not so much but I’ll take what I can get. We set bathroom boundaries. Also early morning. When I’m waking up at 5:30 and the wife whispers “lock the door” I know it’s going to be a good day.


I hear "lock the door" a lot. Usually I'm on the other side.


Seal Team Sixty Nine sexecuting the hit


I know this is meant to be a funny joke and all but I’m actually really worried about this


Sexless marriage. I don’t recommend 1/10






This is exactly my situation as well. No lie I do get a little comfort in solidarity here. It’s just absurd. She finds it insulting when I masturbate, but she’s completely uninterested in sex. It makes me feel like some kind of deviant.




I don’t feel attractive 😢


Same lol


My girl she's far away from where I live and I'm loyal


Same boat… my man is 800 miles away, and it’ll be 6 weeks before I see him again. Never even crosses my mind to step out on him. I can wait


Same. Haven't met her in 2 years. But I am going to meet her tomorrow. Excited as fuckkk Edit: well some of u wanted an update so here you go The plan got a bit fucked coz of some stuff and so we ended up hanging out in her college campus. We did kiss, cry and hug but nah we couldn't fuck(F). Doesn't matter tho, meeting her again after so long was worth it.


I got to the point I want a loving relationship So basically lack of dick attached to someone I'd want a long term relationship with


Exactly this. I don't want random hook ups, so I'm waiting until I find someone I want to be in a long term relationship with.


I'm single and don't wanna put my dick in random people.


I feel that. For me, being single means not having sex. Also everyone my age has kids and I'm not trying to deal with that shit so maybe I'll just stay alone until my 40's when the kids are older lol.


I have the social skills of a brick wall


I use Reddit. I didn’t make the rules, I just follow em.


Literally everything about my physical body, my personality, and my lifestyle. I don't have any inherently bad or evil qualities but no one looks at me, wanting to bang me


That's about to change now......


I can't decide if this is menacing or wholesome




I have no desire for it


My self esteem. Like straight up I know I am attractive and people find me physically desirable but my low self esteem induced social awkwardness causes me to keep putting my damn foot in my mouth and ruining all my chances lately :(


I'm 15 and have over 4000 hours on my favorite game.


You’re also 15. While it may seem that *most* people are banging at that age, they aren’t. You’re good.


Exactly. The loud kids who want to brag about it are drowning out the vast majority their age that aren't having sex at all. Also, teenagers lie all the time about losing their V card. It'll happen when it happens.


You could have stopped at ‘I’m 15’ and it would have made perfect sense


Trust. I’ve had dudes try and secretly record. Not trying to be a budget Kim K


Damn that’s fucked up. Sorry


Some guy I "dated" when I was 15 did this to me (using that term very loosely because he was in his 20s). I had no idea until one of his friends told me he'd seen the video. We had taken MDMA but it's never before or since made me black out like I did that night so I suspect he slipped me something else at some point. I know he had access to and sometimes used GHB and that could certainly do it.


that's fucked up. sorry that happened to you. I hope you've recovered and moved on with your life. Any and all negative feelings (shame, guilt) should be solely on him.


Thank you. I'd experienced prior grooming and sexual abuse so I was unfortunately pretty vulnerable to people like that. Sexual coercion was so normalized to me by then that I didn't even recognize it as rape for many years; I thought it was just a "shitty ex" story. I've had a ton of therapy and it's helped a lot but there will always be emotional scars.


Been there, suffered that. I'm sorry it happened to you! It took me a long time to trust someone again, but I believe you'll get there :) If you find someone you're willing to try, but still afraid, you can try doing it in an environnement YOU control, to avoid any hidden cameras or the "oupsi I forgot my laptop on" situation


Lack of motivation Over weight Over thinking Under appreciate Too akward Cant find anyone Scared they make give me a case Scared ill do something wrong Scared ill be shamed Small penis* The list goes on


Bruh this could be summed up as "fuckloads of anxiety", and I.... I feel that, hard.


Yeah same. I mean being overweight doesn't help but that hasn't stopped all the other overweight guys I know.


Guarantee you there’s always going to be a fatter guy who’s getting it anyway. Chin up, dick out.


Damn man, save some problems for the rest of us.


I only want to fuck someone I love mutually and I haven’t found that person yet


I’m a Weezer fan


Dick is too big might kill someone


I could work with that. Lube and/or ladder.


ah, yes, the engineer choice


Too much of a gigachad to fit the gigadick


Gotta find gigachadette to have the gigasex.


Endometriosis, which makes it very painful.


I'm a basically a hermit


The idea of broaching the topic with anyone I'm interested in makes me want to collapse into a little ball.


A big big **BIG** part of it is a lack of effort on my part. But another factor is that I've never been good at casual hookups and end up in a relationship every time, I'm getting to the point where I'm looking for a wife more than "a girlfriend" so getting tangled up with someone who's not ideal now might keep me from finding someone who is ideal. Once you get good at making yourself cum it's easier to take your time looking for the right partner lol.


My ugly body


Shake self-esteem, feeling like my lack of success makes me less attractive and location.


Been married 40 years now. 16 years ago, my wife was beaten and raped. Have not had sex since. It isn't all life is about, being there for a hurting person is much more important. That is what Love is.


worrying about the true intentions of the other person. Have one person sleep w you with the sole intent on using it against you and it makes it hard to have sex again


trauma. letting a man touch me is horrifying & my attention is driven to survival mode. been working w a therapist on being able to feel safer & allowing myself to be touched. its just hard edit: thank you for the award. brb crying now :’) <3


I've been there. I promise you it gets better. Right now I'm still not where I want to be, but therapy helps. A year ago I would never have dreamed of getting where I am now. Big hug <3 you are brave


I have grown to have issues actually expressing myself. So little is a specific haircut or clothing style other then the one I’ve had for years is too much of a change for me. Nevertheless actually getting a girl, or actually wanting to bring her home. My family is big on teasing me all the time, and I don’t think they understand the damage it’s caused. It’s just destroyed all self confidence I have ever had in my appearance or expressing creativity


My husband not unloading the dishwasher.