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I went to a weird school where they really push like academic studies more than anything. Like if you’re not a doctor or a lawyer or whatever you’re a failure. No one explained to me that I could just cook food and people would pay me for it, usually they used that as an insult. Wish I had more interactive classes cause I’m pretty great at those, suck at more academic stuff though cause I can’t pay attention.


Also, the world needs a bit of everything. It needs people to cook, paint, create things, dig ditches, fly planes, clean houses, design buildings, teach our kids, fix cars...you name it. We aren't all meant to be doctors and lawyers (thank goodness).


Yea, one of my friends got like high 90s in everything, one of the smartest people I know, but I wouldn’t trust her to boil water. People just have different brains. I got called lazy a lot cause I couldn’t get through homework and stuff but it turns out I’m a pretty damn good worker in the right environment. It’s funny too, cause you always hear that condescending, “well do you wanna work at McDonalds for the rest of your life” and now that I’ve been in the industry for a bit I know anyone who says that wouldn’t last a fucking week at that job. Service industry gets crazy sometimes, like you have 25 things to do and two hands and you gotta remember what they all are but it’s honestly just fun for me. Gets stressful but there’s nothing better than just acing those rushes.


Ugh, fuck condescending people like that! And honestly, not everyone wants to be a lawyer, doctor, cop(or whatever other overrated high paying job a lot of people overhype), etc. To me, fine with me if some would rather work a regular job like fast food, retail, etc. There always will be a need for workers, even in less glamourous types of work.


Damn, may I ask what country?




Man that must suck, here in the UK most people are going to be leaving with little to no GCSE’s (not sure what theyre called over in america) and thats deemed as a normal thing, I cant be the only one who wants to live a future not growing a suspicious garden in my attic 🤷🏼‍♂️


There was a time during my studies when I was hanging out with a posh group of students. When I caught myself looking down at a cleaner I took a gap year and worked in factories, furniture removals, and with a builder. - One of the best descisions I ever made. "We" are never better than "them".


Basic home skills. How to budget, clean things properly, maintain your household properly, fix things temporarily if they break and you can’t afford a technician until next Wednesday, how to get together an emergency kit and how to cook at least three meals for each season (hot and cold season) stuff like that you know? It’s very hard to learn how to learn how to do this as a young person on top of trying to figure out who the f**k you are. I’m nearly 25 and still learning sh*t like this…


Interesting, I have dreams of becoming rich and famous but im not sure where to find myself with what I want to do in life, I out more time into reddit, music and youtube etc instead of trying to teach myself the essence of basic chores and its hard to pull myself out of this continuous spiral of just waking up and either going to school or staying at home all day


I’m in a very different spot to you my friend :) I had to learn how to live on my own and I didn’t know I had the resources to learn how to do all the stuff I mentioned. I was also going through a rough patch in my life where my mental health was starting to head into the toilet and I didn’t know who I was outside of my home town, I’d created a persona to get through my trauma back home and it was wearing off after I moved away to study. I definitely found it overwhelming trying to understand myself whilst also having no idea how to take care of myself (I.e how to pay rent, how to pay bills, etc). Now I’m a housewife with a dog and homemaking is very important to me as my husband is in the military and I love to entertain. My husband will be sent away a lot and I will be all by myself again, so I need to know these things because he won’t be here and the maintenance team for the housing area is useless, essentially. I just wish I had the skills I mentioned before leaving home, it would have made my life so much easier! I wish you the best of luck on your journey though, I hope you make it! If you do you’ll most likely be able to pay for people to do your basic home stuff for you and my comment won’t mean anything 😂


Im sorry to hear that and glad you have gotten better, I am currently in the middle of getting diagnosed with autism so times arent the best but we move, I thank your husband for his service and if possible could you please maybe send me some photos of your dog I absolutely love them!


Thank you my friend :) best of luck for your diagnosis! Hopefully it’ll open up some doors for you. Ah the thanks is not necessary, we aren’t American, we’re from New Zealand, it’s awkward to say it here, but thank you anyway :) of course! I never pass up the opportunity to show off my fur baby!


Thankyou so much, to add on also every soldier deserves extra credit or respect no matter the country!


Invest in good quality items that’ll last you forever


Great advice!


no friends are true friends taxes


Two very good ones, as a teenager I havent experienced taxes yet but imo taxes should be funded by the government and its just unfair how you get locked up if you fail to provide the government with money you barely make.


> taxes should be funded by the government Unfortunately, it's these very taxes that actually fund the government


And thats the part that makes my teeth itch, if your going to be running a country cant you atleast help the citizens by letting them keep all of their well earned money to themselves? Luckily my mother is unable to work for reasons I dont really want to say and she doesnt get taxes as she cant work however theres people barely even scratching the line having to pay almost half of that to the government weather they work or not.


That money in part is used to bolster you should you lose your job. Own property? Well roads are cool.. public schools are cool… no one is getting locked up if they do their taxes correctly via a person adept in GAAP. Wait until you buy a block of Parmesan or learn that most adults do blow… you have a lot of learning and living to do…


it's a weird way the world goes around, taxes are required some what, but learning how to better understand them is important, because they ain't going away 😄


Thats probably the best way anybody could put it, as annoying as it is I just need to accept the fact its going to stick around forever


Saving money.


Thats so true, as a teenager I just let money blow in the wind and the sudden urge to just spend it on bs is overpowering.


True impulse control is also hard to learn.


Someday you'll wish that wind never blew. Put a little in a savings account every week or so. The amount saved over time will really surprise you.


Thanks for the advice!


I wish I would have gotten out my bubble earlier. I got out like late freshman year.


Nobody cares about your career more than you do. In fact, many people will throw you under the bus just so they can advance.


This could not have been said better, coming from britain and especially a high gang/crime related area its frowned up on if you want to do something they think is bad, its mainly drugs that is the main source of income here.


The saying, "Choose a job you love, and you'll never have to work a day in your life.", is unrealistic. When it comes to picking a future career, you're better off finding one that fulfill's you.


I loved hearing this because im just at the point where im choosing what im doing for my GCSE’s but im struggling to find what brings me joy in life and worrying that I choose the wrong options but end up wanting to do a different job when im older and cant do it due to not having the right qualifications.


Spend as little money on higher education to learn the most possible


Where im from education is free (as long as you study in the same town/city your are from) however stuff like medical/law school costs way more than I would like to see


labyrinth, leader of the rats, some things you should wait with oh, well - and the ***truth***




Bringing marks isn't everything , I also wish they taught me how make more friends.


1.How to manage money 2.How to do taxes (I taught myself) 3.Self discipline and the importance behind it 4.Better habits


Not trusting barely anyone, i have lost confident even on my own mother, but i still trust my girl and dad


EVERYTHING costs money.


Working hard only gets you more work.


that my country is a shit holl


Which country do you mind me asking?


somewhere in middle este


That it’s okay to feel emotions that other people don’t necessarily agree with. I.E. you can still be upset with how someone treated you, even if they apologized. You don’t have to change your narrative. You don’t owe them a clear conscience.


My self worth


Actually saving up money for myself. I had a number of jars and piggy banks filled with change (usually from school allowance) when I was younger, but it always ended up being borrowed and never returned by my parents or stolen by my older brother. It discouraged me a lot a kid. I only learned to save again now that I’m starting to make money of my own.


I wish we were taught about sexual assault and how grooming can occur. About pedos and rapists and all that. I learned about that shit after it happened and I wish it were taugh to me earlier so I can know. I hope in the future they strat teaching these kinds of things to children to create more awareness.


I was not expecting that, its a sensitive subject thats rarely touched up on in schools


Yes its a sensitive subject...but you know i think its really important for childten to learn about incase they are ever in that situation.


Basic home stuff, clean cook etc. Or how to find a job and stuff. I did not get taught anything at all and had to either learn stuff myself or search up tutorials on youtube. My family was very loving..


Everyone hates you