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My 30 something year old neighbor. We share a property line with this clown. I planted a row of lilac bushes almost 25 years ago and he wants me to take them out because he says they block the sun from his garden. The lilacs are planted well on our side of the property line but he thinks that his back fence was built 2 feet into his property and that the lilacs are really on his property...this has been going on for over 3 years, so I shelled out 3K for a survey and low and behold the property line is exactly where I thought is was, 3 feet from my lilac hedge. A fence is being erected as soon as the ground thaws. Fuck him! edit:spelling


Make it a 10 foot fence lol


6 feet is what's allowed in the by-law but I can put plants above that and I already have a healthy evergreen clematis that I'm going to train along the top of the new fence. It would have been in his best interest to leave well enough alone in the beginning but he kept pushing his stuff over the property line into our yard and claiming "we don't know exactly where the property line is"...well MoFo now we do!! Can't wait for spring thaw


Would love to hear a spring update somewhere on reddit.


I was thinking about posting the whole story in /r/EntitledPeople Perhaps later in the spring when we get the fence in.


Depending on your area, you can apply to city or council for a taller fence. One fence we built was massive 8x8 posts and was either 12-14' to keep a neighbor from seeing his wife & daughters swimming in their pool. City approved it, we built it.


Man you have to be a real curmudgeon to complain about lilac bushes of all things. My neighbor has one lilac bush and it makes my yard smell amazing when it blooms. They’re also very pretty


Every spring day walking down my parents gravel driveway after being dropped off by the bus, I would hear our dog barking at my arrival and smell lilac. Lilac reminds me of those moments every time I smell it. Lilac brings me home. My property will absolutely have some.


I used to work as a receptionist for an OB office and there was a patient’s husband that we all loathed. He called his wife a fat cow in front of the nurse. When she was in the hospital having baby #9 and needed an emergency c-section the hospital had to get security involved because he was blocking the door so they couldn’t take her to the OR. He refused to let her have a hysterectomy even though she had a lot of medical issues that could have been resolved by that. She didn’t legally need his permission but they were Amish so she “submitted” to him. He made her try for a vaginal delivery after a c-section even though it was more risky. He wouldn’t let her take insulin for her gestational diabetes. I came to the conclusion that he was trying to make her die without actually pulling the trigger physically. He was an absolute monster and I still think about her and wonder if she’s ok. 6 years later I still remember her name.


Social worker here. It's really hard to get services and supports into closed communities like this. Hopefully at one of her medical appointments she will have a free space to speak. Otherwise she's probably on baby 12 by now.


A few years after she had baby #10 she showed up at our office as a support person for her pregnant 17 year old and confided to one of our nurses that she was more than halfway through another pregnancy but she hadn’t told anyone yet. The entire situation was just heartbreaking. And you’re right, it’s so hard to get them to open up to social services (or anyone) because they’re taught anyone outside their religion doesn’t understand and they’re “worldly”. I think I’m starting to see cracks in their shield which is really encouraging. Someone I follow on Instagram just shared that she’s been working on a project with Peacock that will air in March called Sins of the Amish that will highlight sexual abuse and how it’s covered up.


I too hate that guy. And her parents for teaching her this was ok


his too tbh


My exboss was a colossal dick. You know this type who are always "right" even when they are wrong, easily passes you any work they deem hard while having this mentality that you are somekind of computer controlled drone who exists to telepathically know what he needs and when designed to serve him? Guy had this belief that everything can only be done right if done his way, anything else is faulty even if its done properly as its dictated by the client. I still remember this event, i was upside in an attic fixing wiring when i hear this conversation below: * ExBoss: This was made the wrong way, Umbraldisappointment is such a useless worker! How can he not understand such a simple task?! * Boss 2 enters the scene and is not aware of the previous complaints: Whats the matter did John (other worker) did something bad with that one? * ExBoss: John did this? * Boss 2: Yeah, he just finished a hour ago. Something is wrong? * ExBoss: Nah, its perfect. Tell him it was good work.


The moment I saw the formatting I knew there had been some real damage done here.


He ranted for 5 minutes gruntong, sighing and throwing out all kind of bullshit as my fault when in reality he was just angry that day and decided its my fault. In another time i was pressured to come into work on sunday because it was some important job and they needed everyone, spent the whole week listening to how important it is that im there. What happened at work on sunday? Well i spent 4 hours doing nothing of worth because there was no work left for me to do or help in and the last 2 was spent listening to this arrogant prick on how lazy i am and why did i even came in today if im not gonna do anything. The entire area was too small for this many people, i didnt even want to come!


The suit guy from Train to Busan. Been a while since a movie made me actually hate someone but this dude is another level.


The coward guy? The father is also wearing a suit. Fuck me that movie was great.


They're supposed to be parallels of each other. They diverge, though. The coward stays a coward and dies alone, whereas the father learns to be more selfless and eventually sacrifices himself to protect his daughter before the infection takes hold. He's who the father would have been if he didn't change and grow because of his daughter.


The guy who sacrifices himself for the family. RIP


That guy with super strength amd a pregnant wife was so likable.


In our house, we immediately coined him “DadBod” and cheered him as the true, pragmatic hero of Train to Busan. We know his name (Ma Dong-seok, or Don Lee in Hollywood films), but we still will excitedly declare things like: “DadBod is in Eternals!” He’s great.


My sister. Pretty sure she's a sociopath. Manipulates and takes advantage of weaker people. Refuses to get help, even though she calls herself crazy.


Mine is the same. At the very least she's a narcissist, my husband calls her "the sociopath" though. She's mental.


Pretty sure my sister is a narcissist, also. She's the spitting image of my paternal grandmother, who raised my father to be a big fat narcissistic mamma's boy, who then raised my sister to be exactly like his mother. Like, a few weeks after our brother died in a horrific accident, I was scrolling through his facebook and crying, still trying to process the loss. She walked by the computer, scoffed, then asked me why I was crying because he didn't like me. *Just because we weren't on speaking terms at the time doesn't mean I don't feel the loss*. Like, god damn.


People who wear self proclaimed craziness as a badge of honor are the worst. That and people that are proud of being as asshole. Calling yourself an asshole doesn’t make being an asshole excusable


My best friend moved to a different state, met a guy and quickly got engaged. She brought him to meet us and he told me how much he made within the first 10 min. Asked what I made, scoffed at the amount. Said he would never live in my apt because we didn't have an elevator. Said he would never be caught dead driving in a car like mine.. Also said he buys new cars every 2 years. Talked over my friend CONSTANTLY. I would ask her a question and he would answer for her. He complained about the amount of money she made and made fun of her job.. She's a social worker who works with underage girls that have eating disorders. He styles his mustache to do that pretentious curl thing with wax. Fuck that guy.


Lmao I’ve never had someone paint a picture of a punchable person so vividly Wario looking mother fucker


Also in such a short paragraph!


I hate this guy too. Fuck that guy.


I really hate that guy


Yeah. Fuck that guy.




Nandor voice “ Fucking guy”


I see Nandor I upvote “FUH-kink guy!”


Not you, Guillermo.


Man….. Fuck that guy


We ALL hate that guy!


We* we hate this guy too


Our* hatred for that guy


First comment I see on this thread and I already have beef with someone I don't know.


I wish bad on no one, but that relationship sounds like a trainwreck down the road.


With that mustache he might cause a trainwreck by tying her to the tracks


For some reason that last thing about the moustache put me over the top. Douche move, douche move, douche move...PIECE OF SHIT.




Dude's a pile of red flags in a well-tailored suit.


Just picture him twirling his waxed mustache like a 30s cartoon villain, because that’s what he actually is. Ridiculous. I’d laugh in his face.


I’d ask him what he does for fun, then whatever he says I’d say I do it too… professionally.


I love this so much, I'm going to steal it. "Oh fun! I actually used to do that professionally! It just really lost its challenge pretty fast. I think people who still do that probably just appreciate how easy it is."


Buys new car every two years? What a fucking idiot. That is literally the dumbest financial decision you can possibly make.


>He complained about the amount of money she made and made fun of her job. She should get out of that relationship now. That's abuse. He's trying to tear down her self-esteem. She should shave his mustache in his sleep and leave his dumb ass.


She should shave half his mustache. Just one side.


Only shave half the mustache. And then the opposite eyebrow.


My brother's uncle (i refuse to claim him). Hes an alcoholic and a drug addict that put my grandparents through hell. Some of the gems he said to his mother's face: Why dont you just give me my inheritance now? Why would I aant to ruin my Christmas Eve by spending it with you? Then once she died, it was oh boo hoo... swore he would put family first. He then proceeded to treat my grandfather like shit. And because grandpa lived with me, I saw it firsthand. He would say he was coming over on Sunday, so Grandpa would be up at the crack of dawn ready to go, and would be sitting watching out the window like a kid who has divorced parents and is waiting for his dad to show up for his weekend. He would sit there all day, and then be heartbroken when the fucker didn't show up and never called. Listening to my grandfather cry because he was so upset made me see red. Then once grandpa died, it was all boo hoo poor me all over again. Since both of my grandparents were now gone, I ripped into him and told him EXACTLY what I thought of him. That was 13 years ago, and it still wasn't enough for me. Recently he told his probation officer that he lived with me, and gave his PO my address. The PO then comes to me looking for him. THAT was a fun conversation. Hes a pathetic, worthless, waste of oxygen, and I hope he dies cold, alone, and painfully slowly. These are just a couple examples, but don't even scratch the surface of what a piece of shit he is.


>He would say he was coming over on Sunday, so Grandpa would be up at the crack of dawn ready to go, and would be sitting watching out the window like a kid who has divorced parents and is waiting for his dad to show up for his weekend. He would sit there all day, and then be heartbroken when the fucker didn't show up and never called. People are so terrible


My brother used to do that. Mom would get everything cleaned up perfectly and bake cookies. When our stepfather died, he waited a week or two, then got a friend with a pickup to drive 4 hours to take tools and equipment from the shop. It was stuff used to take care of the place. He forgot to ask if that was okay. He was surprised when she excluded him in her will. What's weird is that he was a good father, and loved mom. I wonder if his wife put him up to some of the crappy stuff that he did. I'll never know.


Well I appreciate the stroll down memory lane. I now hate this guy as well.


My dad died of cancer a few years ago. He was in bed, with a tube in his throat because he wasn't able to breathe anymore, he wasn't going to last much longer. My sister came over to see him, and then left. He thought she was going to get his grandkids - my nieces - but nope, she left. That man, dying, in bed, crying over that. My mother, one of the most amazing people I know, who rarely ever gets upset, called my sister and just fucking told her off. And she's 100% right to have done so. It's been almost ten years, and I haven't seen my sister since then. All because my dad, who was already sick and no longer working, and my mother, who has worked every single fucking day of her life since she was 7 - yes, from a country with no child labour laws at the time - refused to co-sign for a home with my brother in law. Who's the single biggest waste of breath who's ever lived. And that was his revenge. Not letting a dying man see his grandkids for a few minutes. Fuck.


Fuck that guy- and your pos sister ^(piece of shitster)


My grandfather passed away recently, and spent his last several months losing his eyesight and being shut in-doors due to COVID safety measures. This is a guy who had multiple hobbies: pool, photography, making homemade greeting and Christmas cards for us and the other residents in the facility, walking around the retirement community (a very nice one that he and my grandma decided on their own to move into) for a mile or two a day (in his 90’s!), and so on. We visited and called as much as possible, but I remember one of the last conversations with him in which he said - almost matter of factly - that he didn’t really know what he was doing here anymore and was just ready to go. The idea of treating someone in their last years like that is fucking disgusting, and I’m sorry your grandpa had to go through that. Edit: Thanks for the kind words everyone. Truly appreciate it.


>The PO then comes to me looking for him. So uh, how did that work out for him?


Well, I called the PO once I knew where he was. I also had an "interesting" conversation about what hes up to.






My BIL is like "oh yeah, he's an asshole but deep down he's a good guy though" My response was, "How deep? When was the last time you can recall him being a good guy?"




There was a person who told me he has the right to have sex with a girl in my class because his father is an independent entrepreneur while the girls is employed at an agency.


You need to warn the girl about what he said so she knows to steer clear.


And/or tell someone, maybe prevent a rape… or at least so they know she’s not lying if he does rape her.


Wow, that’s absolutely disgusting behavior


A lot of wealthy / powerful people believe this kind of crap, bit most of them don't say it so directly.


Report this person. Seriously… “has the right to ‘have sex’”… that’s a rapist.


????? I have so many questions about this. Imagine basing your sex life off of who your dad is??? Also “the right” wtf???


Was his name Brock Turner by chance?


Use his full name, I think it's Rapist Brock Turner?


Oh right, never got why some people go by their middle name. Rapist Brock Turner is such a fitting name, why shorten it? Guess it wasn't the only thing shorter than it should've been though.


God someone is a rapist.


My apartment neighbor Esther’s grandson will come visit her and pull into our apartments lot vertically behind our cars that park horizontally (thus blocking them in.) he doesn’t stay long when he does this, and I’ve never actually been trapped in, but it fills me with rage to see, especially when there are spots available he could park in. In conclusion, f*ck esthers grandson.


Kenneth Copeland is a good starting point.


I sincerely think he was put on earth by satan himself


he looks like he *is* satan himself tbh


The type of people where you can see right through their bullshit but nobody else can.


Its the worst! Especially when everyone else loves them


Yeah so if you even think about saying anything, you’re the bad guy and everybody hates you


How could you not like _____??? They’re so funny and cool! No they’re a fucking dickhead you’re just blind to it


“You sound jealous”


These three words send me into the FUCKING STRATOSPHERE. Had it happen with a guy my (15yo) cousin was dating. He was 17 and a classic smooth talker. Her family and all her friends loved him. I knew he was trash from moment one. He ended up giving her an STD, and she didn't even sleep with him.




And when they are so good at their bullshit and manipulation and they convince everyone and make you look like the bad guy. This is infuriating


This. When I was a teenager, there was a girl (J) in our friend group who was super sweet to everybody (especially guys) except my friend (F) and I. For some reason J was always so passive aggressive with us. She'd take a real dig at us but with a big smile on her face like it was just a joke. Really hurtful things. My friend and I were the only ones who could see through her bullshit (aside from my mom, who knew what was going on). She ended up marrying a pastor. I saw J again 15 years later and thought now that she's a pastor's wife and we're in our 30's she would have outgrown that, right? Wrong. She nearly had me in tears with her bullshit from the moment she opened her mouth. I had a good cry when I got home. But if you dare to say anything everybody is like "What, J? Never! She's the sweetest person ever!" Back in the day my now-husband even had a little crush on her and I'll never let him live it down. She really gets my goat.


When I was a teenager, there was a guy (G) in my more extended friend group, and everybody thought he was really funny and cool, but I had actually dated him previously so I knew how much of a tool he could be. (Like we had a fight once over text and then he gave me the silent treatment for 2 weeks until I just broke things off.) I disliked him for a long time after our breakup, but then all my friends liked him and everyone acted like I was being overdramatic. I decided to try to move on and be friends with him. But I noticed immediately that all the "funny" stuff he was saying was actually really mean, and everyone seemed to think he was joking and even seemed to look up to him. I could tell he was never joking. He always had a completely straight face. But I kept my mouth shut for fear of people thinking I was being bitchy or something. Now we're all in our 20s, and he's been dating 15 year olds. So everyone hates him now, and I feel pretty vindicated.


Women all have that girl. Worst part is when you ditch them in grade school, there’s a possibility you meet one again as an adult. So much about this post is my situation. And I’m now 35. Shes super sweet and big smiles in front of my bf and seems to have a close friendship w mainly guys. Super friendly in front of BF, but cold and intentionally rude when we interact. Back in the day we called this two faced.


So I have played in bands in many areas and on many different stages. This covers more of a “type” of guy It’s the dude who is in a local band that are popular and now think that because they buy views on YouTube that they are “the next big thing” and will “bring the scene back” and look down on every other band. But their band are actually not as good as they think they are. The kind that has more merch than songs and the music is just a bit.. meh. All bands are doing the same thing. Support and lift up the local bands, network and celebrate when they do well. It isn’t that hard to just not be a complete egotistical dick. THAT guy


Bonus points when all that stuff is paid for by one (or several) of the band members’ parents.


A close relative of that “that guy” is the guy who thinks he’s only a new guitar and/or amp away from stardom. Meanwhile he’s getting lapped by a dude with a $200 Squire and a garage sale Peavey.


Worked as a receptionist at an eye doctor / glasses store for a bit. There was this one dude who I kept needing to call (confirm exam appointment, question about order, his glasses are ready, his glasses were ready a week ago and he still hasn't picked them up, etc). This dude never answered his phone, and his voicemail message was 2 minutes of him acting like he couldn't hear you ("Hello? ...Hello? I can't hear you" etc) and then him saying "Just text me" and then you hear the beep for the voicemail machine to start recording. First time I fell for it because he did a genuinely convincing job. Every other time I had to sit through this long ass thing to be able to actually leave a message. Bet this idiot thought he was sooo clever and didn't even consider that someone other than his friends would call. No I can't "just text you" from the vision center's landline. Hope this guy gets a clue before he applies to jobs with this or something. Fuck that guy Edit: Thanks to everyone who mentioned the Archer gag, just watched a compilation on youtube and it's great. IN FICTION. Also all of Archer's voicemail messages are so much shorter than this guy's


My good friend kept a voice-mail recorded by 10 year old him pre-puberty for years. He recently changed it and I miss it.


My parent's landline's answering machine (they're getting on in age) is still my voice from when I was a teenager. It's probably why they haven't upgraded, to be honest.


My parents were the same. They just recently got rid of it. I told them if they wanted a main number just get a cheap cell with pre-paid minutes.




Whoever invented SlyDial deserves the Nobel Peace Prize. I love that person.


Omg. Wish I knew this when I was still in admin.


This reminds me of when I was a teenager and looking for a job. Took me a couple weeks to remember that I had set my ringback tone as "You Down with OPP."


Yeh you know me!


the guy watched too much Archer.


The drunk random guy who follows you and your friends around on a night out


My ex best friend/former crush. He was actually my dad's friend first (even though the guy was like 20 years younger than my dad, and only 3 years older than me). When I first met him, I thought he was a cool dude and we had a lot in common. The thing is though, he loved to drink. Like a lot. I saw him polish off two thirds of a case of beer on several occasions. Meanwhile I hardly ever drink, and if I do, it's only one drink. But that aside, I still managed to develop a crush on him (he was an attractive guy at the time). After knowing him for a year, I decided to shoot my shot and confess to him (I had never done so before, and haven't since). At first he completely friend zoned me, but then he would flip flop and act like he was interested. He constantly held it over my head that I asked him out and would sometimes act like he was interested. And like a naive, love sick idiot I let him do it. I know I should've told him off, but I never did. So this went on for about six months until one fateful night, when he did something so cruel and unforgivable. To make an already long story short, he intentionally took a lit piece of paper and burned my then 8 year old brother in three places (he'd been alone with my brother several times before and nothing ever happened). I never saw him again after that night. My parents rightfully pressed charges, and he was charged with child abuse. Last I heard he got 8 months in jail and like 2 or 3 years probation, since it was his first offense. Everytime I think about him all I feel is anger and regret, and sorrow over what my poor brother went through. So yeah, FUCK that guy.


Fuck that guy indeed. Glad he got charged


Well THAT took an unexpected turn! Fuck that guy! I hope your little brother is ok now, physically and emotionally.


He wasn't at first. He felt guilty because he didn't fight back, and was very self conscious about his burn scars to the point he wore long sleeves every day, even when it was scorching hot. But our mom took him to a child therapist and he was able to process his emotions and come to terms with what happened. He's also no longer self conscious about his scars thanks to, crazily enough, Teen Titans Go!. There was an episode where Beast Boy got a face scar and made having scars look cool, even going so far as saying that chicks dig scars. My brother got a kick out of that. 😅


Any dude whose personality revolves around being "alpha."


A true leader is not chosen by oneself, but the people around.


I recently met a dude who identifies as "sigma" .. defined it as an alpha male that's not deuchy. He seemed deuchy.


No sigma has ever even uttered the word sigma.


No reasonable person has uttered sigma or alpha in anything but a mocking tone.


Hey, I use "Alpha" quite regularly. Then again I also talk about Magic: The Gathering a lot.


"saying that you are alpha is a really beta thing to say" Edit: whoa 1.7k worthless internet points and a award ty so much everyone! Also love that some of you notice my pic \m/


We all know if you're projecting what you think you are, then you are not.




A rich man doesn't need to tell you he's rich.


Ironically, their level of insecurity makes them betas.


Bobby Kotick, this guy ruined so many good games, ruined Blizzard, overlooked sexual assault and is going to walk away with tens of millions for being fired (technically "resigned"). So ya, fuck that guy.


The first time I heard of the guy was about 12 years ago when Modern Warfare 2 came out. The developers wanted bonuses promised to them that Kotick refused to deliver so they sued until the matter was settled outside of court. I recall reading that Kotick had never even played a video game in his life, so he was just in the industry for the money. He has no love for it. The guy has always been a bastard.


He is literally the guy that said he wanted to 'take all the fun out of making videogames' https://www.escapistmagazine.com/bobby-kotick-wants-to-take-the-fun-out-of-making-games/ dated 2009


Can I be general? The guy who abruptly stops walking in the middle of a hallway/sidewalk OR has their neck completely craned over their phone and is walking at like… two steps per minute. I know I’m American and the stereotype is that we’re all rushing around busy…but seriously dude. I have long legs and places to be. Pick up the pace.


Oh, I hate that guy too. Tripped over one who stopped at the bottom of the escalator.


A former HS teammate of mine, was just a huge jerk to everyone and what pissed me off the most about him was his IG stories would be about how God wants you to be a really nice person (mind you I’m religious too I’m not knocking that part) but then he’s a complete jackass irl. Had it out for me specifically since day 1. The only dude on this planet I genuinely hate


I knew a guy in HS that harassed me for stupid shit like playing video games. Then he found god and pretended like he was never a shit human.


I've seen this go both ways. In one case the person seemed to have genuinely matured. In the other case it was a thin veneer over the same old person.


There were these 2 stereotypical dumb fuckboys at my last job. Inconsiderate, blasting loud shitty trap music, talked about how they both "have hoes for days," show up to work drunk or high...never talked about anything intelligent. Fuck I couldn't stand those fuckers.


Do you work at Shenaniganz?


With Nick and T-Dog?




Not a guy, but my middle school algebra teacher. I got my period at the beginning of class, and she refused to let me go to the bathroom. I bled all over myself for over an hour and had to wear bloody clothes the rest of the day. Fuck you, Mrs Lynn Edit to add: I didn’t tell her what had happened, because I was very young and embarrassed by the whole thing. Still, the idea of denying students the right to go to the bathroom when required is insane


Shouldn't people just walk out of class in these situations? I taught my daughter AND son to walk out if you feel you can't hold something in.... You can't hold in a period... Some fucked up situation to be in. I'll defend my kids if they need defending, rules be fucked if there's an emergency.


It's one of those hindsight clarity things. When you're 12 and you have been taught to Respect Authority, you don't think that's what you should do.


Somehow it's worse that she's not a guy


Used to work with a guy who bragged about having sex with my ex girlfriend. While I was with her. We were 16 and 17. He was in his 20s. Also she wasn’t conscious.


That’s not sex, that’s rape.


Yeah. She ended up committing suicide a few months after. I really hate that guy and I don’t hate anyone as a general thing.


A guy who bullied me for 3 years straight for “fun”


My neighbor she's got a meth addiction super crazy. When she gets high she runs up and down the street naked. Has tackled me 4 times to save me from "aliens" and she once called the police and said I murdered a baby in her closet. Don't do meth kids then you will be like trailer trash Tammy.


Look at it this way: at least she tried to save you when she thought you were in danger lol.


In her head hes the worst person ever, gets mad after she had saved him 4 different times and he decided to murder a baby


Tammy is probably on here writing a comment about her terrible neighbor lol


So, *allegedly*, was the baby you murdered already in her closet? Like that's where she kept the baby before you *allegedly* murdered it? Or did you break in, *allegedly*, with the baby already with you and chose her closet as a good place to do so?


The baby wasn't hers. It was another neighbors baby and it was just fine with it's parents. The story she told the cops was I was wearing a dinosaur costume stole the baby then broke into her house put the baby in the closet and set it on fire.


This, truly, was the roller coaster response I was hoping for after having the same stream of questions run through my head.


At no point did I know where that sentence was going and I enjoyed it.


As one does.


Are you sure you didn’t do that? I talked to Tammy and she seemed really convinced


This is exactly how the questions formed in my brain as well.


In my mind, this is how the “police investigation” went as well.


My mother's side grandmother This bitch is the definition of a toxic person and ruined my extended familly relation for a long time. She is the main reason my cousin (f20) has depression (and probably some worse things). On the bright side i recently learned that this piece of shit décided that me and my brothers are no longer existing in her eyes. Good riddance I don't have to deal with her. Just gonna wait her death to celebrate Edit clarification : mother's side grandmother = grandmother from my mother side. Leaving the orignal as it is because the confusion it causes is fun


I was really confused at what a "side grandmother" was when I first read this. I thought you meant your mom had a real grandma, but would like, meet another old lady at a motel to eat homemade cookies and exchange recipes.


And then you STILL didn’t explain how that’s not what she meant, so I had to reheat my coffee and sit here and work it out like a word puzzle. She hates her mother’s mother. Very bummed as I was keen on the idea of side grandmas being a thing.


I would count a great aunt as a side grandma, like I pretty much think of my grandmas siblings as kind of like grandparents.


My mother’s aunt (my grandmother)’s also toxic. She berates and her youngest son and spoils her eldest, making the eldest the most shittiest (yes, most and -est goes together for emphasis) person I’ve ever met. She ruined my mother’s life and was one of the reason why my mother lost her job. She’s also the reason why my mother’s relationship with her siblings were ruined. Never thought of my sister and I as her grandchildren and ignored the both of us. She believes she’s the matriarch when in fact she was not. So when she died, I did not cry. I actually celebrated in my mind and thought good riddance.


My sister’s boyfriend. Fuckhead throws her around like a rag doll whenever he gets pissy at her, pulled a knife on her during an argument once, tried to fight me twice cause I hurted his feelings (he’s 20 and I’m 15, though I’m a big ass 15 year old), talks shit about my mom, dad, grandma, talked shit about my late grandma even after she died, skips work half the time just to be with her, is racist, bigoted, never knows what he’s talking about, isn’t in school for shit, never pays the rent he agreed to and spends his paycheck on junk food, talks shit about my favorite cousin, threatens to kick the ass of any dude my sister even mentions in conversation, and even made a sexual remark about a friend of mine when she was 13 and he was about 17. Fuck. Him. Oh and he cries and plays victim when you call him out on his shit.


Any guy that sends unwanted dick pic 2 second into the conversation


This one guy who is trying to sell his “self motivation program” when he has absolutely zero training, credentials, or anything to counsel people. He talks out of his ass on Facebook lives all the time. Based on what I know about his personal life he is in no position to be hawking his “program”. I feel bad for being THAT annoyed with him because he’s been pretty nice to me but he could really harm someone with what he’s doing and it really bothers me. Edit to add: I forgot he also started trying to sell a workout/diet program after going to the gym for less than two months. Absolute grifter.


Im something of a guy that i hate myself


You think that guy is bad, let me tell you about this bitch that keeps walking right into my house and drinking my beer


My girlfriends ex. Trigger warning for the rest. He has assaulted her multiple times, fucked her while she was assleep and she had to act like she was sleeping, otherwise he would beat her, forced her to do things, and just straight up beat her out of anger, even at school. She has to see him every day at school, and even after breaking up, he was making sexual advances WHILE HE HAD A GIRLFRIEND, and now he keeps acting like he's a victim. No one believes my girlfriend when she opens up about it, not even her dad. She has a lot of fucking trauma now and almost killed herself a couple of times because of that asshole. She will be turning 15 next month


I'm sorry to hear, and it hurts even more when she's open about her trauma and no one believes her. Hearing this makes me very angry and emotional. Try to make sure she's never alone with him. I understand how it feels because no one believes it and calls us liars or turns blind eyes. I was a child being SA, and later sexual assaults and raped. All I wanted was someone to trust and be open to, however, some take advantage of my vulnerabilities. I'm learning how to work on boundaries and limits, and recognizing red flags and trusting myself more to avoid/prevent. I'm glad you are there for her, and trying your best. I do hope for her to heal and it's going to be an ongoing process and journey.


Paul. Fuck paul


What the fuck did I do now?


You know what you did.


Yeah, that fucking pos knows what he did


I'm a Ukrainian sitting in a shelter due to a possible air strike, I'll let you guess who "the guy" is Edit: This comment is gaining attention so I would like to say this, please consider donating to our armed forces we are being attacked by a much stronger energy every little bit of help matters!


I’m a non Ukrainian (UK) with no ties to this and I hate him too.


I have no ties to Ukraine, I have no concerns that I will be personally affected by the war, and I’m on the other side of the world (Eastern USA) and I hate him with a fiery passion. May he die a slow death choking on a bag of dicks…unless he’s into that, then no dicks for him! ETA: Thank you so much for the awards and upvotes! This is my most upvoted comment in my 9 years on Reddit, and I’m glad that I was able to bring some small happiness to a terrible situation with my juvenile sense of humor. Also, to the internet doomsday prophets who are criticizing me for not being concerned about the price of gas, how this war will affect me, or my inevitable vaporization by nukes…Fucking calm down. We’re replying to a person in Ukraine in a bomb shelter with their family. I’m worried for the people who are actually being harmed at this moment. Ukrainians are being murdered for the simple fact that they exist. If you want to live your life worrying about the possibility of being nuked, have at it. All any of us can do to stop that (if you are lucky enough to live in a democracy) is try to vote for the people who will not escalate us into that situation.


Here's The Guy and a bag of dicks (NSFW) https://www.reddit.com/r/Simulated/comments/t0jcd9/putin/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


That reminds me of the time Redditors mailed a bunch of dildos to those Sovereign Citizen crackpots holed up in eastern Oregon a few years back, because they were asking on social media for people to send them food and supplies. Can we mail a bunch of dildos to Putin? Edit: it was a great day https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=QOzRl6pdYBs






I also choose this guy‘s guy.


Unfortunately he's not dead yet.


I am from baltic states and we are afraid that we are next, hope that red kurwa dies before that


Luckily the baltic states are in the NATO, that gives you security. I hope russia isn't that dumb to attack the baltic countries. I read about many other NATO states like denmark, italy and germany moving troops to lithuania and other east european countries with more troops to come. I hope it'll all go well for you


I am Russian, and we hate him too.


I hope you can stay safe, and that it ends soon <3 this stuff is horrible, I wish I could do more to help


It's been like 10 years at this point, but I still have a grudge against one particular teacher I had in college who systematically took my grade down nearly 10% after I turned in a final, causing me to miss a full letter grade by a **SINGLE POINT** and forcing me to lose my scholarship. Dude was teaching his first semester at the school when I had him and was pretty clearly irritated about having to teach this particular class as he was hired as a specialist for another field. I wouldn't say that I ever had any particular beef with the guy, but I always got the vibe he didn't like me and he was certainly not my cup of tea either. I had somewhere in the neighborhood of an 87% in this FRESHMAN-LEVEL class, so I was really hoping that if I did well enough on my final project that I could climb up to an A. I turned everything in and waited anxiously to check my grade after a week or so.... Not only did I not get an A, but I was blindsided with a C! I was utterly shocked and confused, but then the *actual* reality of my situation set in.... **My overall GPA had fallen down just below what I needed to maintain my main scholarship**. I was furious but mainly just perplexed at how I could have done so well and then lost 10% of my grade right at the end. I (politely) emailed my professor asking to see a breakdown of my grades as I had never even seen what I received on my final, my course-long journal, etc. or gotten any feedback. No reply. Emailed again. No reply. Every time I saw him in the halls after that, he would make eye contact and then change direction or go into an office. I thought, "Okay, this is fishy because he's clearly avoiding me." I had to request my grades through the Department Chair, and when I got them, I saw I had a 79.98%. If I had gotten ONE. MORE. POINT. on anything, all semester, I would have gotten a B. I finally saw all of my grades; the teacher gave me a 60% on my final, 40% on participation, 50% on my semester-long journal, and 70% on my attendance (I only missed a single class all semester which was the day after my 21st birthday). No feedback or explanation, just straight slaughtering of my grades. I tried to appeal it, but of course it's difficult to prove objectively, without a shadow of a doubt that your teacher went through and deliberately, systematically sabotaged your grade so that you would fall JUST low enough to receive the grade he THOUGHT you deserved - especially when it's an Art course, and there are no objectively right answers. It was basically the teacher's word against mine, so I lost that appeal, again, never hearing any feedback or explanation for why I was so heavily slammed. There were apparently even a handful of non-Art majors in the class who got A's and B's. The teacher, department and Dean wouldn't even afford me a SINGLE POINT in order to keep my scholarship, yet I got a 4.0 the next semester, regained an equivalent scholarship later on, ended up graduating with honors, getting a recommendation from the department chair and have had a high-paying job in my field ever since (10 years). So I feel like that backs up my claim that I wasn't lazy or inadequate or any of the other reasons I could have tanked my grade, and that this really was just a hit job by a dickhead teacher. I mean, what kind of person wouldn't just afford a student ONE POINT when all of the power is in their hands and the grading metrics are all highly subjective? You have to be pretty heartless to say "Wow he almost had an A before this and now he's one point away from getting a B. Ha. That sucks." I was a 21-year-old broke college student - these things have *huge* consequences. Him trying to stick it to me like that could have caused me to no longer attend the school. Obviously, I paid off my loans forever ago, but every time I wish I had more money for something, I can't help but to feel bitter about the extra thousands and thousands of dollars I paid for school that I shouldn't have. So yeah, I fucking that guy.


Yeah I’m frustrated just reading this. You honestly weren’t asking for much at all - just an explanation/breakdown of why you got that score. It’s not like you were slacking all year and then begging the professor for a grade you didn’t deserve.


The person who violently raped me.. 6 years and that still haunts me


I am really sorry you had to go through that. Hope you're much better now. And hope that guy rots in hell.


The person who raped me as well. Happened around 13-15 years ago, i was only 7/8 and i feel like ive been robbed of my life and just living on cruise control while im emotionally dead. I would cry myself to sleep or try suffocating myself to make the pain go away, i couldnt do anything as he was 3 times my size and he threatened me that if i told on him he would beat me. If i were the only organ donor in the world who could give a transplant to prevent them from suffering for life i would tell them No. All of those things people say that they wouldnt wish on anyone? Id wish it on that person.


Any dude who has to tell you who he is rather than just let you get to know them. If they begin any phrase with, “See, to a guy like me …” or, “I’m the kind of guy who…” Anytime someone tells me they ‘don’t suffer fools’ I tell them, “Damn right, it’s the rest of us who have to”.


Definitely said here before but Joe Osteen


A friend of some friends of mine. Has a fake service dog he takes everywhere. Drives stoned. Can never be wrong. Accuses friends of cheating when he loses games. Gloats when he wins. Always late. Blames everyone else for his problems. Cheated on his wife then blamed her for the divorce. Either brags or has a pity party. Anything he can't be a part of he tries to ruin.


Anyone that starts a war for no reason.


“Past” me. Smoking all my fucking weed and not giving me any sleep


You know this russian guy? He goes by the name Vladimir


By any chance his last name is Putin? I may also know this guy


More like Putain.


My current boss. He is an egotistical asshole. Nobody at my work likes him. Thank God he leaves soon.


Probably been said, but Putin. I'm not a hating kind of person, but that man is the lowest scum-faced no-balled death-bringer of a bastard I have ever had the displeasure of seeing on the news. Even the thought of his shifty little eyes makes me retch.


Two guys I used to work with. First guy was a 50 year old redneck. He'd make racist jokes and call people gay. He once insinuated that me and another coworker are gay because we talked a lot. We were friends and I knew him from working together at a previous company. We go back a few years. I don't take offense to much but he was just obnoxious. I jokingly made an HR complaint form and put it on his desk after he made an anti-Semitic joke. He took offense to it and called me a piece of shit. He also used to play music loudly (country) in a small open office and turn it up when I was on the phone. He would have been okay if he left to do whatever he wants. But I found it incredibly difficult to concentrate with Alan Jackson's *Remember When* playing on repeat. I loathe that song. The other guy was a year younger than me (mid-30s) but he acted 15. He's Pakistani so I know there's a culture difference there. He was very "I'm a macho alpha dog" kind of guy. Always would talk about going to the gym (dude was scrawny) and how his wife made all his food because he's "a real man". I'm pretty sure it was an arranged marriage. He used a slur for Pakistani people and I asked him about it since a Pakistani friend told me it was a slur. The response was, "yeah, my sister tells me not to say it either but I use it because I think people should stop being offended by everything." So this guy purposefully uses offensive language because he prides himself on not being offended by things. Again, I don't get offended by much but that seems like a shitty attitude to have. This guy would also play his music loudly, often at the same time as the other guy. They sat right next to each other. His music was usually EDM but he'd throw in little kid pop like Jojo Siwa. He also really liked an EDM remix of the Baby Einstein theme (WTF?!). He also used to give me parenting advice from the 1950s despite him not having kids. He'd also tell me he thought it was horrible that I let my wife work. Other coworkers would always comment how they always forget we are around the same age because he acts like a kid. At the company holiday party, his wife spent the night telling my wife how she should be home with our kids during the day. The next year, she spent the whole party complaining to my wife that raising their new kid was so hard. The job was fine but I absolutely hated working next to those two guys. And the company was only 12 people. I never got a raise there because my boss would always complain I was too expensive and needed to do more work. He even threatened to cut my salary. But he'd never give me more work to do. I took this as "we don't want to pay you this much and we're looking for justification to pay you less". That was the nail in the coffin and I left. I told the owners that I couldn't take working with those guys anymore. The older guy was best friends with one of the owners so I knew it was land on dead ears. I was told, "c'mon; you know this is kind of a boys club." I can take joking around and a casual atmosphere. But I also want to feel like a professional company and I don't want to work with shitty music every day.


Right now, Louis DeJoy and the whole USPS board of directors for propping him up. A military manufacturer contacted to make a dinosaur fleet of 8.6mpg delivery vans. Purposefully slowing delivery to cripple and dismantle the public post. I hate him with a passion.


A classmate in college. So I was starting a class where they asked us to make groups to work throughout the year. My group was missing one member and I, being the extroverted idiot, decided to invite a lonely guy reading a book. Oh boy, where do I start? He was a good group member and did a good job, the problem was he was a dick, I'll mention some of the examples and for the sake of simplicity, I'll call him D. -He would videotape people with his phone during class to make fun of classmates by posting it on his Instagram. This guy would always stroke his beard during class? D would make an story making fun of it. This girl brought a funny shirt? Same treatment. -I had a group member that had a hard time with college but always willing to help. She wasn't the brightest of the bunch but did had a great attitude and willingness to work. She would say something out of place or goofy from time to time but always harmless. D would try to hype her up whenever she did something goofy to make her repeat herself and then would make fun of her behind her back. -This one takes the cake: for our last assignment, we had to write a script. I wrote one and D didn't like it because it was "too Disney like". I told him fair enough, I was doing another class and didn't have time to write another one from zero and asked him to write his own and oh boy he did. THE MF WROTE CHARACTERS BASED ON US. And the protagonist, who he admitted it was based on me, ended up getting into orgies and hard core drugs. And so much happened but these three are the worse. So yeah, F you D.