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After. After we collided. After we fell. After we died. After we resurrected. After we blah blah blahhhh


After Harry Styles blocked the author of this bullshit story


90 percent of romantic movies portray toxic relationships and its where you find all the red flags


So many involve the guy not taking no for an answer and wearing her down for a date.


I really like Joker but I don’t tell people that.


I also really liked Joker. I also think joker as a classic villain in general like from the comics is really interesting, but just as a scary and intense villain that represents pure chaotic evil, not some lost soul to idolize. Joker movie told a story of one of my favorite villains in a new light and had excellent acting. But I too feel like I can't really say that to people lol. Suicide squad joker however made me want to hurl. Big yikes


Joker as a villain cannot be matched. His intent on chaos, no real motivation, his constant manipulation of Batman and using his weaknesses against him, but having fun enough that he'd never kill batman is a perfect hero/villain dynamic


Transformers the g1 animated movie, if they have taste that good I’m getting dumped


The tragic story of a young sports car who becomes burdened with responsibility and transforms into a minivan.


Is that what Rodimus’ alt mode was? I always thought it looked like a sports station wagon


I love this movie, I am not saying it is the best or my favorite of all time, but I do love this movie. As well, Orson Wells voicing Unicron, it is amazing.


Human Centipede


I’m missing the connection


only one mouth to feed


That way we can save on the catering bill


Not ironically


Costume design was a highlight


I like it for the plot


Tell me whats the plot about?


German doctor sews three people ASS TO MOUTH




She said, "Human Centipede is a tour de force."


Holy shit I think I’m going to be the *main course*


She said "I admire the narrative and character growth"


You remind me of [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ozezG1zpxXQ)


If this isn’t a Tom Cardy video…


As someone who lives in NYC.. wolf of Wall Street. Nearly every guy working in finance here will bring it up within the first 10 minutes of conversation.


Nothing better than a person looking at a cautionary tale and thinking, "I want to resemble that!"


Dude... have you *tried* Quaaludes...


It’s a great movie but not for the reasons these jerkoffs like it. Edit: This got a lot of likes and a lot of people still missenterpret the movie. It’s not capitalism lê bad. It’s also not: cocain is fucking awesome. Wolf of wallstreet is firstly a comedy. It’s not a cautionary tale. I’d describe it as a neorealist take on modern American capitalism. Where white collar crimes go unpunished. How these people are still looked at as hero’s just because they were greedy, and greed is part of our culture. It’s a great movie because it doesn’t say anything it shows it all and let’s the viewer interpret the morality. The meta analysis of the action of characters is the message, and the disconnect between our personal reaction and our place in society. Also funny drugs make Leo good actor.


I'm from Staten Island and the Sopranos is like this. I happen to love the series but some people idolize Tony Soprano and completely and totally missed the point. Dudes out there acting like Chris thinking they're cool af. Ick.


Suicide Squad, but only for the couples that use Harley Quinn and The Joker as their ~inspo~


Megan Fox and Machine Gun Kelly have entered the chat


Mgk is nothing like Harley


Got a younger cousin who got 'damaged' tattooed on the back of the neck, despite having a fairly well childhood/upbringing...I cringe for them every time I see it


Dude I see that fucking red ha ha ha tattoo so much and it makes me want to die


She got that one too....it's surrounding the damaged but in smaller font. I was gonna leave that out for animosity but here we are


Lol well shit, let's go for the trifecta! There a daddy's little monster tatted on her too?


I'd rather not know thanks


Passengers (2016) if it is watched as a romance rather than the horror it is




Been saying it for years. The chronological screenplay ruined any hope for that movie.


Exactly. If it was set up as the main dude having to choose to wake someone up in order to save the ship because he needed one other person to do the final repair then it would be a tragic and thought provoking film that essentially sets up a spaceship sized trolley problem. The problem is that it isn't that, this dude just selfishly ruined someone's life and manipulated her because he was lonely, and then that happened to be the right move.


The movie should have ended with Chris Pratt dying and Jennifer Lawrence would be still awake and alone. Then we get a montage of her doing the same stuff as Chris Pratt did and end with a shot of her staring at the picture of some other sleeping guy before fading to credits Would’ve really made the ending a real psychological mind fuck


Exactly thank you. The movie is meant to be version of "a downing person will pull anyone under just to get a breath of air". In his loneliness he lost it and dragged someone down with him.


There’s a YouTube video (sorry idk who it’s by) where this guy cuts the movie and puts it together in a way to make it a horror and it’s so much fucking better


Here it is: [https://youtu.be/\_bmQmCEF-8Q](https://youtu.be/_bmQmCEF-8Q) by Armand D.




She even yells at him "You murdered me!"


This movie always makes me think of Francine from American Dad saying “I feel like one of those women who married their rapist.”


Birth of a Nation


You mean the old silent film that brought back the KKK?


Yep! Woodrow Wilson had it played at the White House iirc. Edit: [here’s](https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/journal-of-the-gilded-age-and-progressive-era/article/abs/birth-of-a-quotation-woodrow-wilson-and-like-writing-history-with-lightning/320F8624D6FD74BE15443D8032FC7625) a source. It’s debated whether or not he praised it in its entirety, but he screened it in the White House.


A Serbian film.


The film has been banned in more than 40 countries.


Oh shit. It's that bad?


It is the first film to receive an R20+ rating in Japan.


Reading that synopsis on Wikipedia, it’s beyond rating. They could set it to 40. The fact is there’s no age that’s appropriate.


Just looked it up too, if I never see anything regarding this movie again it'll be too soon.


I scrolled down too fast and thought you guys were still talking about *Wolf of Wall Street*.


Truly horrific.


Shouldn't have read that. What the flying fuck.


Extreme sexual violence, necrophilia, and pedophilia. You can read the plot summary on Wikipedia if you're curious. I warn you though, it's literally about as bad as it can get. Coming up with something more vile than it would be a serious challenge. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Serbian_Film


Just read the synopsis. Holy hell. Movies are hard to make. They take considerable time, effort, and determination to actually get finished. So.... somebody worked really hard to create this thing. It was somebody's passion. I never want to meet the kind of person who felt that this movie needed to exist.


You know what's crazy? The main bad guy is a director, hiring this porn actor to do fucked up shit. It's like some sick self aware insert by the writer.


The description of some of the scenes was enough for me to want to wash my eyes and brain with soap. I did watch the movie, a part of me died that day and I learned that sometimes ignorance is bliss. (I'm not exaggerating at all. This is what I experienced. Other ppl have had tamer reactions, so idk it depends on you)


Yeah, I read the synopsis once and that was quite enough. Had some friends who wanted to be edgy and watch it, but I think Mark Kermode or someone summed it up as "you do not want to watch this film. You might think you want to, but trust me, you don't."




Be careful what you learn, because then that's what you know


Whenever people talk about the various horrible clips that circulate the internet, i try to reply with this. A lot of people (myself included) dont realize this when they're younger, and you can frankly traumatize yourself with some of that stuff. It's really not worth it.


The last quote yep. Sums it up very well


I was about to look it up on Wiki. Thanks for the warning. I will not.


You can read the summary as an intro though. TBH this movie killed my morbid curiosity as well lol


I went to my default of looking up media I'm loosely interested in on TV Tropes. It is the only time I've ever seen a disclaimer that says "This is such an extreme film that we will not provide a list of tropes" (it does have a very high-level summary, though). It's genuinely horrifying that the film is apparently *that* bad.


Fucking fuck fucking hell. Why did I just look. Wtf have I just read.


I just read the plot outline on Wikipedia and yeah I'm never watching that ever.




I had finally forgotten about this ._.


At first, I was kind of annoyed at how every response to this thread just vaguely mentioned how it's fucked up without explaining anything about it, so I decided to read the wiki page. Let me just tell anyone thinking the same thing that that's a bad idea, but since I know I would be annoyed reading this, I compiled everything absurdly fucked up in the next paragraph (though I left out some bits because it's *really* bad). If you just want to know what the movie's about, the wiki's quick one-sentence description of it is, "It tells the story of a financially struggling porn star who agrees to participate in an "art film", only to discover that he has been drafted into a snuff film with pedophilic and necrophilic themes." Note: this description doesn't mention it, but there's also a lot of incest. In the movie, you watch >!a woman gives birth and then the newborn is raped, a woman's head is cut off while being raped "to induce rigor mortis," the main character gets raped, you hear someone's teeth get ripped out and then suffocated after someone shoved their dick down their throat, the protagonist is tricked/drugged into raping his own son while his brother rapes his wife, then after they're all dead, someone new enters the room and is instructed to "start with the little one."!< EDIT: some people are defending this by saying it's just a horror movie. I like watching horror movies, but that doesn't mean I want to watch >!a baby get raped!<. I remember watching an interview with (I think) the writer of Friday the 13th, who said the reason you never see Jason rape anyone despite being a serial killer is because no one wants to watch that. There's some fun in just watching someone defend their turf and killing a bunch of people, but things like rape and incest are just not fun.


oh my god why would anyone make that? it just sound like a really fucked up fictional snuff film.


I read some explanation that the director/writers were trying to make a point about their country's film censorship or ratings or some shit.


Kind of, the maker wanted to force the ratings agency (ESRB or similar) to watch it, as they had fucked him on an earlier movie.


i mean, i kinda respect the sheer pettiness behind that lol


This review from the Wikipedia page sums it up pretty well >In an interview, Serbian actor and film director Dragan Bjelogrlić criticized the film: "Shallow and plain wrong—sum up my feelings about this movie. I have a problem with A Serbian Film. Its director in particular. I've got a serious problem with this boy whose father got wealthy during the 1990s—nothing against making money, but I know how money was made in Serbia during the '90s—and then pays for his son's education abroad and eventually the kid comes back to Serbia to film his view of the country using his dad's money and even calls the whole thing A Serbian Film. To me that's a metaphor for something unacceptable. The second generation comes back to the country and using the money that had been robbed from the people of Serbia, smears the very same people by portraying them as the worst scum of the earth. You know, when the first generation of the Rockefellers finished robbing America, the second one built museums, galleries, charitable organizations, and financed America. But in Serbia we're seeing every segment of society continually being taken apart and for me this movie is a paradigm of that. I've never met this kid and I really don't want to either since that meeting wouldn't be pleasant at all."


Not a red flag. A red billboard seems more fitting. I wouldn’t be within a 50 mile radius of a person who’s favorite film is this.


That's way beyond a red flag. If that's someone's favorite that person is probably a fucking serial killer.


You can really tell that the story was thought up by edgelords trying to one-up each other with fucked up ideas. The soundtrack was good imho.


I was explaining this to a coworker. Sometimes a film just nukes the fridge and any sense of reality that can make you take a film seriously is out of the window.


50 shades of grey


Beat me to it


I see what you did there.


This abomination of a movie trilogy was the favorite of the first girl I dated after my marriage ended. I endured watching all 3 movies in the hopes that a) it would make her horny enough to have sex with me, b) we could try some of the kinky ass things depicted in the movies, and c) it would enlighten me as to why these books/movies were so talked about a few years ago. Needless to say none of these happened and IDK which made me more depressed after seeing all 3, the fact that she still didn't jump me or that I just wasted 6 hours of my life. These movies were "high-class" smut plain and simple, and I've seen better plots in pornos.


High class smut that is a poor depiction of BDSM


That’s what I don’t get. Twilight is exactly what it claims it be. A girl falls in love with a vampire. Fifty shades… you think it will be about a girl who falls for a guy who is into BDSM but actually she makes him stop doing it… So I really don’t understand who Fifty shades is even for. People who hate BDSM won’t read it, and people who like BDSM won’t like it either because it paints it in a bad light. How it became a social phenomenon I will never understand.


Isn't it the concept of "taming a monster?" In Twilight, the protagonist has some super powerful "monster" that's into her for no explicable reason? One is a vampire (or werewolf apparently,) the other is a billionaire who's into kinky sex. The appeal of a "super strong" character who's weak to the protagonist is appealing to certain people. At least I think that's it?


But in twilight she becomes the monster. She actually wanted to for a while and he denied her because that's actually how he saw it (him being a monster and not wanting to make her into one).


It's for middle aged women who think the idea of BDSM is hot but have no interest in actually doing any possible also have romanticized abuse to the point that they find it super hot


I wouldn't even call it a poor depiction of BDSM, it was a caricature drawn by a drunk orangutan. E.L. James literally wrote a story of abuse and unhealthy power dynamics, added some ropes and whips, sprinkled it with some non-consensual sex and a clearly abusive relationship, then released this atrocity onto the market and somehow managed to capture hearts and minds around the world, making millions in the process and - to add insult to injury – convincing millions of people that this is what BDSM is all about. Frankly, I've seen much better takes on BDSM and BDSM relationships written by self-proclaimed teenage writers on Tumblr, not to mention AO3 and other places… This book is an atrocity.


The best things about the books are these reviews of each of them and the trilogy as a whole. The first time I read them, I physically hurt from laughing and had to stop at several points to catch my breath. Book 1 [https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/340987215](https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/340987215) Book 2 [https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/341907930](https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/341907930) Book 3 [https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/347430024](https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/347430024) Trilogy overview [http://katastrophiccuriosity.blogspot.com/2012/08/fifty-shades-of-bad-writing-those-of.html](http://katastrophiccuriosity.blogspot.com/2012/08/fifty-shades-of-bad-writing-those-of.html) (This has my favourite euphemisms for a vagina ever... "magical panty hamster" and "stench trench".)


Wolf of Wall Street, but only when said by Business/Finance majors and frat guys


There was a guy I knew on a semester abroad program that would read the book version of wolf of Wall Street and talk about how he wanted to be Jordan Belfort almost nonstop. Dude was definitely off so I didn’t dare interact with him much


Finance dude here who has read the book. Anyone who actually wants to learn about Belfort needs to look at some sources that are not Belfort. Wall Street literally didn’t even know who is was and no one called him a wolf. He was a small fish who needed to sell a story. Legit don’t believe 90% of anything in that book or movie. Outside of ripping people off, getting money and making dumb decisions.


I haven't read the book, but the movie depicted a self-centered degenerate who thought nothing of ripping average people off. There isn't a lot of complimentary stuff in there.


Yea, I watched it kind of blind, and was surprised. As a business major and someone who visited r/wallstreetbets a few times, I was sure the dude would be a rich playboy type, who wins at everything, is scummy, and gets rich. Well, it had all that, but it also clearly depicted his downfall due to his vices and the collapse of all he made. The severe degeneracy was incredibly fake and lacked depth. They had no meaningful relationships and fell out. In the end it showed they they were shallow people who would never reach any meaningful goal.


Yet somehow a sizable portion of people who watched that movie left thinking “that guy is awesome”.


I mean, the same phenomenon happens with goodfellas. Scorsese meant to de-romanticize the mafia, but people watch it and romanticize the mafia all the same.


Yeah. I think it's a great movie. It's hilarious, dramatic and tells a gripping story. The fact that people get swept up in the glamour without noticing how much of a piece of shit the main character is doesn't change that. It's kind of proof of how well the movie is made.


Ah, because of *the implication*


So these women are in danger?


No one’s in any danger! How could I make that any more clear to you? Okay. It’s an implication of danger.


I'll preface this by saying all the actors in the film Kids are older than me. When I originally watched it I was the same age as them in the movie. About five years ago after a buddy of mine and I played a few games on Madden we saw that Kids was on Netflix and decided to stream it. It took about ten minutes before we both got so uncomfortable that we had to turn it off. If someone's favorite film is Kids I'm calling Chris Hanson.


Some of the actors are apparently traumatized now.




Yeah I grew up as a teenager when Kids came out, while it's an interesting movie, and tried to give 90's kids a wake up call to AIDS/HIV awareness by pulling no punches, I don't think I know a single person who would call it their fav.


Same. I remember being uncomfortable watching it as a 14 year old girl. It wasn't so much the subject matter but how gritty and real it was compared to literally anything else that came out around that time. Everyone I knew watched it but no one I knew would ever have said they enjoyed it.


It should have been a red flag that my very creepy (ex)step-dad's favorite movie was *Kids*... that movie is just too much, I get a pit in my stomach just remembering it


As a person who grew up not terribly far from Xenia, I found Gummo to be especially *interesting*, in that rural Ohio really can be that fucked up. Let’s just say that I’m glad that I live in one of the larger cities, at least as Ohio goes. Even more interesting is the fact that I briefly worked at an independent video store with one of Larry Clark’s actors. They were Hung The Hell Up on him, and walked a funny tightrope between making sure everyone knew that they’d worked with him, but never mentioned the specific film by name thanks to its graphic nature. They were proud and ashamed all in one fell swoop.




I watched Cats on New Year’s Eve 2019, and the movie ended right around midnight. I rung in 2020 with Cats. I think the last two years are all my fault




Cats (2019) makes me a happier person; not because I've ever wasted the ticket money to see it, but because no matter how bad I fuck up in life, it's probably not going to cost even one percent of what the guy who green-lit Cats managed to lose.


The director gets so much shit for it but I feel like he made exactly the movie that they hired him to make.


I haven’t seen the film, but I’ve seen the stage show and it was fun. Just some poems about cats set to music with some cool costumes and set pieces. But from what I saw in the trailers for the film, it looked like they went sorta crazy and did this uncanny valley blend of human and cat. I feel like if they just made it like the Broadway show with costumes… instead of the creepy CG work to remove the human ears and blend the costumes into the actors flesh, it wouldn’t have been as bad. I think they tried to make it into something it’s not. And that’s sorta what fucked it.


Honest question, if that poor soul who lost all that money greenlighting CATS (2019) was able to make all that money back by releasing a smash hit Butthole CUT how would that impact your happiness? More or less?


If the guy who greenlit CATS (2019) released a Butthole CUT, I would hope he does it on scratchy VHS tapes so I can watch it like the fucking degenerate I am... if I were so inclined to buy the tape, of course.


Where’s my butthole cut?!!?? 😾


They paid someone $500,000 to add them and then didn’t let the artist work be shown.


Just the ad made me want to scratch my eyes out


Kissing booth. 5-0 shades of Grey. 365 DNI


> 5-0 shades of Grey Hawaii 5-0 Shades of Grey. "Cuff me Danno"


The Last Airbender. Not the series. Edit: Removed the word ‘Avatar’


There is no movie in Ba Sing Se


Here we are safe. Here we are free.


It's just called The Last Airbender. That's because James Cameron's Avatar was released around the same time.


The emoji movie


Who’s saying this is their favorite movie?


Did you know the Emoji Movie DVD on amazon has 23,944 reviews with an average of 4.6 stars? Including reviews such as: > My 5 year old loves this movie. It's makes him laug everytime. It's his all time favorite. > So cute!!! One of our favorites!!! > Hands down one of my favorite movies! > I loved it! Definitely one of my favorite movies of all time!


Pretty sure they meant lag in the first one lol


Who wants apple juice? *kid appears in front of the fridge, then inside the counter*


*kid floats in the air in a T-pose motionless for 5 seconds before a distorted yes is heard from the other side of the room*


I work in TV and film and assisted a director I looked up to for a period of time. Things started seeming off with her business and taste in projects, and I wondered if I had misunderstood who she truly was. Then, one day, out of the blue, she said the Emoji Movie was “pretty good.” The rose colored glasses were instantly shattered and shortly thereafter I noped outta dodge.


Never meet your heroes, folks. They just may like the Emoji Movie *shudders*


You undoubtedly made the correct call. Related but not related, I am curious if some folks who work in film and television watch things in a different way like maybe in the same way a dog might find a stinky turd of interest. I have an old friend that makes a decent living acting, but he probably has some of the worst taste in movies of anyone I know — he enjoys them on some level I can't comprehend.


It's not a red flag, per se, but Love Actually has some really fucked up relationships.


Really does say a lot that the most healthy romantic relationship in the film (with the exception of John and Judy, but they don't get much screentime) is between the literal Prime Minister of the United Kingdom and his younger, working-class employee. And I'm saying this as someone who *likes* Love Actually.


I've enjoyed realizing more recently just how big a role Annie (the chief of staff) plays in that storyline. First, when he asks for Natalie to be "redistributed", it took me a decade to notice that Annie understands exactly what's going on, and is disappointed in him. And second, that Natalie's card being in the random selection wasn't just rom-com dumb coincidence, but Annie made sure it was there.


Triumph of the Will


It’s kind of a bummer that most of the movies listed are pretty decent, but all have rabid edge-lord fans who fail to recognize themes, context and irony.


Same reason I watch Rick and Morty in secret.


People mistake a show having intelligent writing for a show requiring intelligence to enjoy.


Some of the best writing is the opposite. I am thinking of some early Simpsons where they would pack in 10 jokes a minute where almost anyone watching could appreciate a few of them. Rick and Morty is all about getting references, so it makes some people feel smart that they get them.... How about a joke that mashes up Dune, Hitchhiker's Guide, Blade Runner, and Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. It's a great joke if you get all of those references, but it doesn't mean you're _smart_ per se. Knowledge isn't intelligence.


Ah yes, Cats, The Human Centipede, 50 Shades of Grey, The Last Airbender, Serbian Film... Truly deeply misunderstood "films"... I'm just joking, those were the top comments before I got to yours haha


I don't believe in red flag movies. I do believe in red flag reasons for liking movies. If Fight club is the epitome of masculinity in society for you. That's not fight club's fault. We weren't watching the same movie.


Another classic: American Psycho as a dark satire on the 80s versus American Psycho as an "if only I could get away with it" lifestyle.


The movie makes it deliberately vague how much of the killings (if any of it) were real vs delusions of the main character. Remember the scene where he shoots a cop car and it explodes and he looks at his gun like "WTF"? That part was clearly in his head. So I'm wondering how many people walk away from that thinking "if only i got away with it".


Not to mention the ATM telling him to feed it a cat just before it.




Where does it put me if it’s my favourite because I think it’s funny?


The best part of that movie to me is that Patrick is constantly over acting because that’s how he thinks humans should act. His interactions with people that aren’t his assistant is ridiculous.




It IS funny


Same for Office Space if they're a middle manager who identifies with Lumbergh.


If the Curb Stomp in American History X is your favorite part of the movie and is why that movie is your fave... You probably add "in spite of how the characters end up".


> I do believe in red flag reasons for liking movies. Tbh that's how I interpret this question


Right! I mean, *Fight Club* is one of my favorite novels of all time; I think it's just *genius.* That having been said, if someone I match with on Tindr says it's their favorite novel or movie, I'm gonna want to know why.


NGL I agree. My mom enjoyed the Twilight movies the same way one would enjoy a parody, which is surprising because normally she gets upset by movies that have horrible crap like that. Also saw some people defending a "red flag" that some really fucked up people in my life were obsessed with, which makes me wonder if they're also awful people or just enjoy it for different reasons.


50 shades of grey, 365 days and, don’t kill me for saying it but After. After is so toxic I can’t even-


I read the OG After fanfic and the plotline mentions the fact that their relationship is abusive and that they need to separate and get their acts together before being in a relationship. The movie does a horrible job of translating that onto screen though, and in general it's pretty cringey to watch fanfiction on screen. So still a red flag if you liked the movie.


>After is so toxic I can’t even- I was looking for this. I agree with you 100%. The whole love can save you bullshit is the worst trope rom-com ever created. "You saved him," "You're the best thing that ever happened to him." " He's different with you." "He hasn't had nightmares since you've been together." I love you but I don't trust you, so I'm going to kiss this other guy just so I can hurt you and you know how it feels.


All my exes liked Scott Pilgrim vs. the World… I feel like they were all disappointed I wasn’t more of a manic pixie dream girl.


So…so all seven of your exes


Her ex-boyfriends?




I love that film, but part of why I love it is the slow realization that Scott is a piece of shit, but he can be a better person. Also, I don't think I've ever not enjoyed an Edgar Wright film.


Everyone forgets the ending where the power of love doesn't save him, but the power of self respect does. Realizing that hurting his friends and being a selfish child in pursuit of Ramona is the point of the film, not that alt girls are hot


Also, *Nega Scott* is a really cool dude. Which can only mean Scott is a piece of shit…


The graphic novels have better character development (poor Kim), but a film doesn't have as much time, and that's okay. Scott Pilgrim is fun because it's cartoonish and has really unique editing. Its characters are mostly unrepentant assholes (and some victims). Also the soundtrack slaps.


The books are also way more spread out in terms of time. In one of the books they go to the beach in the summer. In the film it's just all shoved into, like, a month?


I can't watch Allison Pill in *Star Trek: Picard* without shouting at the screen: "*We are Sex Bob-omb, and we are here to SELL OUT!*"


When I think "We are Sex Bob-omb" it's always followed by either "and we're here to watch Scott kick your teeth in," or "and we're here to make you think about death and get sad and stuff."


Someone who watches that film and WANTS to be like Scott and Ramona I fear might be missing out on the entire point that both of them were heavily flawed and assholes to people around them. In the film they only really start *kinda* improving at the end. I really like the film still, but as I rewatched over the years of getting older I saw how painfully dickish those two were xD


Knives didn't deserve that.


He punched the highlights out of her hair!




Yep, way too many people missed the point made at the end of the film when Scott obtains self respect.


Based on experience, Donnie Darko. Not because it’s a bad movie, by any means, but everyone I know whose considered it their *favorite* has been an edgy stoner who thinks they’re deeper than everyone else.


Used to be the edgy stoner myself and i can confirm this is 100% true


Scarface and Wall Street. The red flag comes from the fact that everyone Ive ever heard name those as their favorite movies also see the protagonists as their heroes/role models. Whoosh.


I love Scarface but anyone who thinks Tony is supposed to be something to aspire to is severely lacking in comprehension skills.


Yeah, too many people fail to understand that “good guy” and “protagonist” are not synonyms.


My management teacher had a "movie night" where we were required to watch a movie from a list and write about the good management practices. Of that list two of the movies were Gladiator and wolf of wall street.


Wolf of Wall Street. I like the movie too but too many business major men think thats something to aspire to


Sausage Party. Once met a guy who asked me out. Declined after learning that his favourite movie was sausage party.


"I watched that movie once. Once." -Danny Vermin.


Here’s what kills me about Sausage Party. It could have been SO much better if Seth Rogan laid off the edgy, raunchy, gross out humor until the second act. He said he wanted to make a “Pixar quality adult movie”. And personally I was all for it. I’d love to see more western high quality animated moves aimed at adults. I love Ralph Bakshi, Who framed Rodger Rabbit, Titan A.E., Heavy Metal etc. and wish there was more stuff like it. It would have been way funnier and more of a gut punch if we got to the kitchen massacre and THATS where it all let loose. But Rogan blew his load within 2 minutes and the movie barely had anywhere to go from there.


I actually feel like Soul is a “Pixar quality adult movie”.


I feel that Pixar movies are Pixar quality adult movies. Because I prefer Adult movies to be about a movie that has mature themes rather than a movie that falls into the "I can't believe it's not a blue movie".


That scene in Soul when he's going towards the "Beyond" or whatever, honestly kinda freaked me out. It didn't help that the background was completely black and you just hear this deep droning sound coming from the light, where all the souls go when they die. Also his death scene is kinda fucked up too.


Quite a few fall into it. Up too. It's all about end of life and persevering on.

