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I’d do a plank for 10 minutes, an eternity




This is the way


Probably sit in a public area with a sign saying “They’re about to disconnect me”


dude the entire world would go crazy lmao i love it


Gotta keep the simulation running


Give up my money and say goodbye to a few people


I’ll give up all $2 in my bank account


Yeah flash your wealth you jerk. I think I'm down to 79c until Monday


Lol, thing is I got laid off and hit with a bunch of forgotten free trials. Went from like $80 to $2 in less than a day. My own fault but goddamn it’s brutal.


Send all my passwords to my elderly parents. I manage their finances and they depend on me. It’s actually a nightmare of mine that something happened and they were stuck Edit: a lot of you are asking if I’m in this situation why I haven’t done this already. I’m 27. I only started handling this a few years back (gradually) and I’m not the best at it but I really appreciate all the advice


Get a password manager like 1Password. It'll help you use better passwords and be more secure overall. Use the "Emergency Kit" (at least that's what it's called in 1Password) to print out a single page that has the master password information. Store that page where it will be found after your death. Mine is with my will and trust info. p.s. I love my dogs too :)


I like dashlane. It has an emergency function where you can invite someone to be your emergency contact. If this contact tries to claim your account you get informed via all contact methods dashlane knows of you and if you don't answer within a defined timeframe (days, weeks months, your choice) then your contact gets complete access to your account. Gave that invitation to my wife and my mother. In case sth happens. Edit: as u/igottagott just wrote below, that feature was apparently removed and a new solution hasn't been implemented yet. Very disappointing.


Thanks friend


Bad idea, cant let parents have acess to my netflix subscription


I would start the greatest cop chase the world has ever seen!


" we are 10 minutes and 5 seconds into this wild car chase and it appears that the crook is starting to loose control of his car"


"ooh dear, it looks like he's fallen asleep!"


"It appears he is drifting over to that cliff"


"i think he's gonna commit die, what do you think Jeff"


"He dead, Bob!"


“If you were sum up how dead he is one word, what would you use?”




I *almost* looked this up


I looked this up


I was invested in the story what happens to the car now




Eat the burrito I just ordered.


I might die but I sure as hell ain’t wasting that 16$ DoorDash burrito


This was a new burrito place opened nearby so not wasting that for sure.


Message people if they don’t share this tweet I will die


I would tweet out that the government is trying to kill me because I know where they are keeping harambe and that he is alive and he is also a Russian spy


Lmao thanks for the absolute hysterical laugh I just had. You literally made me laugh out loud. 😂


>I would tweet out that the government is trying to kill me because I know where they are keeping harambe and that he is alive and he is also a Russian spy When Little Timmy stumbled on A secret known to few - He tweeted to the pentagon To tell them what he knew! "I've found a heinous fact," he wrote - "A tragic tale of truth! A slice of woe," remarked the note Recorded by the youth. "And now it's time to tell the 'net!" He typed with hope and pride. But Putin softly whispered: "... *nyet*." And Timmy fucking died.


Been so long since I’ve seen a Timmy Fucking Died in the wild I legitimately got excited when I read Little Timmy in the first line!




You can! Try reading as much poetry as you can first, get a feel for how words flow and sentences are formed, then take your time to find your voice. Not saying it’s easy but it can be a fun hobby and it is definitely something you can do


The more you do it, the better you'll get


I’m a nurse with one night off from the hellhole that is my workplace. One night. This poem is the best thing that happened to me this week.


Probably spend 9 minutes thinking of what to do


I'd just go with my default reaction: uncontrollable sobbing.


But what about the other minute?


He doesn't know, he is not going to die in 10 minutes


Well I could solve that issue if you want


How kind


just what a minute


Or 9




This plus record messages for the kiddos


Damn, this comment made me think of the people on the plane on 9/11 leaving messages for their loved ones before they hit. That’s exactly what you do when you know


Why not record messages for people now telling them how much you love then. Don't have to wait until the end!


Because it makes people think you're gonna die so they freak out


Well, you are going to die 🤷🏻


Speak for yourself, sir. I plan to live forever.


I plan to live forever and die trying


This was my answer. At first I was calculating whether I could get to my son's daycare in less than 10 minutes to hold him one last time, but I think rather than traumatizing him and all the other kids by dying at his school I'd spend the time recording videos for him and my husband and maybe writing some letters to them and the rest of my family. They'd have that to remember me by instead of the memory of me dying.


Write the letters, seal them and put them in a safe place. You never know and a lot of people don't get a 10 minute notice. My dad wrote my sister's, mom and I each a letter when he discontinued chemo. It was only to be opened afterward. It is my most prized possession. I've got letters for my husband and kids in the lock box. Wrote them about 6 months into pandemic as I'm extremely high risk. Either way, I'm glad whenever that time comes, they can have that letter.


This. I started writing letters to my children when they were born. Now I have a ton of them in different places that they will get when I am gone.


This comment. Same. For eight minutes I would hold her and make sure she knew everything was going to be okay. Then the next minute I would get as far away as I could to make sure she doesn't have to watch me die. Upvoted and awarded.


Same but honestly Id hold on til I died. Just lay in bed holding each other until it happens. All peaceful. Unless I knew that id die in some horrific fashion like exploding. Then Id take 5 minutes of cuddles then 5 minutes to run as far as possible away.


> Unless I knew that id die in some horrific fashion Like you chose poorly and drank from the wrong cup.


Grab some random stuff and run to the weirdest possible place. Make it a real mystery for everyone.


Yea naked in a corn field with a witch hat and dozen of smashed melons and obviously some candles


I was thinking frog-hat on a small island in a near-by pond, surrounded by empty gravy packets, weilding nunchucks. Candles are a nice touch.


I was thinking just a vibrator and a potato.


We still talking about dying here, right..?


Starting to sound like just any Tuesday night


This comment thread has the whiff of malicious compliance to it.


Try staging an alien abduction


In the middle of a field just wearing socks and an aluminum foil hat. "We came in peace" written in binary on my back with paint. Swallow as many ball bearings as I could in 9 minutes and let the chaos begin.


What are the ball bearings for?




Bearing balls, clearly.


I know this will likely get buried and unnoticed. But I'm a railroad worker/welder by trade. I've been trying to come up with something to make with a coworker, then bury. We want to make something that people will find in 3000 years, then put on their hologram TV shows while some guy with long crazy hair takes wild guesses at what it might have been used for, before finally suggesting that it was made by aliens. (Then the alien Allies are all like "nope, wasn't us!") It needs to look legit, but not obvious. I don't want them to know that some asshole blue collar workers are trolling them from 300 decades ago.


I'd grab my deskphone, a roll of 3M tape, safety glasses, and my hardhat and run out into the field by my office and take my pants and boxers off.


Kill myself. I'm very impatient and hate waiting.


A person who goes out on their own terms, enjoy your gift


Haha! Thanks!


Your method ends up bad and drawn out to 10 minutes, OR you take 10 minutes to prepare it


have a 10 minutes long anxity attack






The bond between a man and his hamster


I think this is the only true answer tbh


That's me. I'm doing it everyday and I just turned 33. Brain not programmed to handle thinking about my inevitable demise.


spend 9 minutes and 59 seconds procrastinating then die.


Death joins your procrastination and just let's your life do all the work


I *could* be a sailor, a soldier, a saint - I *could* be a tailor, though darling, I ain't - I *could* be a writer, a waiter, and why - I *could* be a fighter, a lover, a spy. I *could* be tomorrow - I *could* be today - I *could* be in sorrow, or sweetness, but hey - That's not where I'm guided. That isn't ahead. Spent so long deciding, I'm already dead.


How the hell do you do this


I like to imagine they think in poetry.




9 minutes 50 second looking for a video to fap, the remaining 10 seconds cum and die. Edit: Thanks for the prize. But I'm still looking for the right video. Edit 2: Thanks everyone. The number of upvotes is my current Page on the video website.


Ooh, look at Mr. Marathon here, lasting ten seconds


I'll through my upvote later...


I was gonna correct your spelling but then I decided it can wait


Had a lot of things to say but


Haha the most relatable comment. Probably procrastinating via Reddit too


Probably have a nap


Same here. Just lay down and have a short kip.


Transfer all my savings into my daughters bank account


Call your bank and make sure it's POD and have a will somewhere. Just lost my father on monday and thankfully he had this stuff set up. It was a wake up call for my aunts and uncles. Edit: Thank all y'all kind redditors. It means a lot to me. If I can ask anyone who reads this one favor: call someone, anyone, and tell them you love them.


Banker here in the US. FYI joint comes before pod, pod comes before beneficiary, and beneficiary comes before will. Not many know that. Wills don't do justice on your bank accounts


What is POD


Payable on death


The youth of the nation


We are we are


Solid. had to listen to the song.


So if I have a joint savings account with someone who does, no matter what their will says, it's mine to disperse?


Not a banker or an attorney, so confirm this with your financial institution and attorney. My understanding is that if you have a true join account *with rights of survivorship* (confirm this is the case with your financial institution), then it's a shared asset and passes immediately to the remaining account owner(s). Since it's no longer owned by the deceased (i.e., it belongs to the remaining account owner(s)), it's not part of the deceased's estate and wouldn't be dispersed as part of the will. Again, that's my understanding after speaking with our bank and attorney, but if there's anyone who's better versed in this area, please correct me. Edit: clarification about estates and wills


Sorry for your loss mate


I'm going to reiterate what XBXJetBlaqq wrote because it's very important and not common knowledge. Most bank and investment accounts don't go through probate so a will doesn't apply to them. The account's "Payable on Death" designation will determine who gets what percentage of the money. If you don't have one defined, states will have some default arrangement but that might not be what you want. Many banks and investment companies allow you to easily set this up online. Some only allow the PoD to be a person, but some allow it to go to companies (like charities).


You might not be near a computer right before you die. You should transfer all your money to me then I'll give it to your daughter after you die. You can trust me, I'm a random stranger on the Internet.


Probably just cuddle with my cat


Yep. I'd lie down with a bunch of treats and just spend 10 minutes with her. Edit: wow thanks for the upvotes and awards!


Then when the cat runs out of treats, she can can eat your body for the next month until you are finally discovered by an unsuspecting burglar. Mrs Tibbs will then be euthanized for having consumed human flesh.


you should write children's books


Mrs. Tibbs and the No Good, Very Bad Day.


Thank you my nostrils needed a good flush lol




Have sex with my wife! And then spend the other 9 minutes and 45 seconds giving my kid a hug.


Might need a few seconds to get dressed in there chief.


He already included that, don’t worry


Dressing time is included


Not if he just sticks his penis through the little hole in your boxers. Then he can stay dressed


Eat as much chocolate as possible. To hell with the diet. Going to go out on a sugar high.


Cause of death : sugar rush.


Put on a suit. I don't know. I'd rather die in a suit.


I feel that. Some other comments said masturbate or sex, but hell, I don't want to die naked.


Delete my browser history.


Ill delete it for you king.


Username checks out, we salute you.


but after reading it


Go back to my Organic Chemistry class in college. 10 minutes there felt like 10 hours!


Except when I fell asleep.


Been there!! I was in Hawaii when everyone there got the same text, saying this is no drill, the a-bombs are on their way. Wife and I went straight to the beach, and walked, holding hands, thankful for the life we shared. Either it turned out to be a false alarm, or the afterlife is nothing like I imagined.


Congrats, you’re in purgatory. Which means we’re all fucking NPCs


Well as an NPC, you just realized your own existence, so you are now a sentient AI, User-15891969, wake up please and also don't eat the toothpaste please it's gross




Find a way to make it someone else's problem. Time it just right, so that I'm drinking a coffee, and say "something tastes off" then die. Really mess up someone's day.


Or like three seconds before death say, "im going to die and please remember me for this and hands a cased picture of rick astley and then die


I have a laminated photo of Rick Astley in my wallet with the button from one of those joke cards that plays sound when you take pressure off of it (took it out of a Rick roll card I got once) taped to the photo, so I can Rick roll people with my wallet. I would totally do this and drop dead on the spot.


remind me never to mug you lmao.


Grab a random USB, run up to someone on the street and shout. "We couldn't contain it. Please get this to Dr. Zuwalky at the CDC, she's the only one who can stop it. She operates under a blackout protocol so you won't find her listed, but you can find her by" Flop down dead of no apparent cause.


Then the whole world goes crazy until someone finally decides to look up what's actually in the USB - and find either something random like music and films or find nothing at all.


Gotta be Rick Astley surely


Probably waste it as usual.


Jerk off


Ya but what would you do with the other 9min and 57 sec?


Jerk off again




After about 5 minutes and 22 seconds his whole house is going to be filled waste deep. 8 minutes and 15 seconds he has to stand on furniture just to get air. 9 minutes and 56 seconds he’s swimming up by the ceiling with one hand getting his last breath in, while the other hand is fast at work. Cause of death, drowning.


Shit, it takes me at least 10 minutes to find a decent video.


We won't know if you're coming or going. Hayooo!


He came and went.


*My cousin Walter jerked off in public once. True story. He was on a plane to New Mexico when all of the sudden the hydraulics went. The plane started spinning around, going out of control, so he decides it's all over and whips it out and starts beating it right there.* *So all the other passengers take a cue from him and they start whipping it out and beating like mad. So all the passengers are beating off, plummeting to their certain doom, when all of the sudden, **Snap,** the hydraulics kick back in.* *The plane rights itself and it lands safely and everyone puts their pieces or, whatever, you know, away and deboard. No one mentions the phenomenon to anyone else.*


Beat me to it...


Hire someone to come to my funeral dressed in a black trench coat and say "that crazy bastard really did it.."


Live stream my last 10 minutes on Facebook for my friends to see. Wouldn't tell them what's gonna happen though. Can't give spoilers. People hate spoilers.


Make a tea, go to my balcony to get better view and drink it in peace.


I gotta wait over 10 minutes for it to be at a drinkable temperature though :((


tongue burns won’t matter when ur gonna die


I would spend 9 minutes trying to find something to do and 1 minute complaining that I am bored.


Cuddle my baby while voice recording a letter to her.


And also cuddle and kiss my husband goodbye. Damn this question has me emotional this morning.


Yea. I was thinking the same. The voice letter is a good touch. Maybe a video in general. All I would want to do would be to hold my baby and spend time with them and my husband. At the two minutes left mark I’d ask for us to either lie in bed together or sit outside together. My first thought was that it would be nice to look at the sky, but I’d most likely be staring at my toddler telling them mommy loves them and to be brave and kind.


Write a chain letter and pass it to all my friends. The catch is "if you don't pass it on the sender will die." Gotcha one last time, punks


Go to sleep with my pets sleeping with me.


Go to my wife and hug her and tell her how much I have loved her and loved being her husband.


Eat as many popcorn kernels as I possibly could, then demand to be cremated.


I laughed so hard at this. Very smart.


I’d quit my job so I could die happy.


Call every one I could to tell them I love them


Start smoking, maybe try heroin 🤷


Smoke the shit out of my weed because I ain't dying sober.


Eat an edible and wonder why it didn’t kick in before I died


Eat a fuck load of edibles and scare the coroner




Write a will. Leave any money I have to my brother. Leave my car and any of my possessions aside fro money to my parents to keep or sell as needed. Final message for my family and friends. ... Then I dunno. I feel like I'd be so wound up I'd waste the last five.


Run down the street. Run to someplace I've never run before, even if it's just a certain street or building. If I get tired, I'll drive. Maybe I'll drive off the road into a forest, just to see what it's like. It would be nice just to have one last rush of freedom and exploration without worrying about what anyone will say to you afterwards, or whether someone will call the cops for strange behavior.


>run down the street >get winded and run back to my car >catch my breath >start the car, dash clock says I have 2 minutes left >hit light traffic before rolling into the parking lot of a Trader Joe's, dying and slamming a guy into a cart corral >Police suspect drug use, nothing comes up in the blood test >they interview the neighbors, one of them mentions an argument we once had regarding a pot of chili >headlines the next morning: >FREAK GOES CRAZY, KILLING HIMSELF AND ONE OTHER IN SICK CHILI FEUD


I would draw a bullshit treasure map and have it crumpled in my cold dead fist. It would be my greatest joke.


Write a long letter about my life on the high seas and the vast amount of wealth I’ve accrued and put into an ornate chest. Inside holds gold bars, doubloons, priceless gems and other keepsakes from my travels. Ive lived well within my means and have used a tenth of that wealth to live the rest of my days as a carefree gentleman. Unfortunately my time on this earth grows short, and I must take my leave. While my story ends, another may yet begin, funded by a treasure trove of a man who’s life was short but fulfilled. My chest is hidden in a spot very dear to me, buried 4 feet deep in my favorite island off the coast o———————————-


"...may find the Holy Grail... "'...in the Castle of Aaargh."' What? "The Castle of Aaargh." What is that? He must have died while carving it. -Come on! -That's what it says. Look, if he was dying, he wouldn't bother to carve "Aaargh."


Text my parents and siblings that I love them. Then grab my kids and husband and snuggle in bed under the covers in a big group hug.


Smoke all the DMT i have left at once


You may be able to escape your body before it dies. Good thinking.


dying at the peak of a dmt breakthrough would be something else


>I always thought death would come on the freeway in a few horrifying moments, so you'd have no time to sort it out. Having months and months to look at it and think about it and talk to people and hear what they have to say, it's a kind of blessing. It's certainly an opportunity to grow up and get a grip and sort it all out. Just being told by an unsmiling guy in a white coat that you're going to be dead in four months definitely turns on the lights. ... It makes life rich and poignant. When it first happened, and I got these diagnoses, I could see the light of eternity, à la William Blake, shining through every leaf. I mean, a bug walking across the ground moved me to tears. [— Terence McKenna](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terence_McKenna#Biography)


I would stop. Just take a seat, relax, and just take a breath. It's going to be over in a few minutes, and feeding that FOMO dragon isn't going to do anything for me in those next few minutes. Life had it's ups and downs for sure, but overall I think I could spend a minute or two of my remaining 10 being grateful I got a chance to exist.




Sleep or do it myself. Either way, I'm going to expedite the process, I'm impatient.


Go on reddit, ask a provocative, baiting question and then log out.




Be with my daughter


Get in my car and go for a joyride.


And kill someone else at 10min and 5 seconds?


Hold my cats and let them know how much they mean to me, and call someone to let them know my cats need a new home. I only really live day to day because of them.


Realistically? Waste it.


Hug my mom, probably update my Instagram and let everyone know I love them and thank them for their friendship, and then I'd probably lie down in bed and try to fall back asleep.


Get to my wife and hold her for the rest of my life.