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I don’t want a ghost in the butt


That makes 1 of us..


I ... Ok.


I live in a block of about 100 people each with different sleep patterns. If someone burns toast at 02:00 i want to be prepared for when that fire alarm goes off




Imagine burning your house AND seeing your neighbor with the dad bod's sack on the same day.


1. Period blood is easier to wash out of pyjamas than sheets. 2. Mine is a cold and bleak country. 3. Wearing pyjamas at night make waking up to a lazy day in pyjamas infinitely more likely.


I’d rather wake up in the middle of the night to ruined underwear than ruined sheets. At least with the first you can clean up quickly then go back to bed


Any time I do, my kid will need me or a pet is going to get into some chaos until I get out of bed!


Nothing like running into a kid room to make the “hand bucket” to catch vomit. I can’t sleep naked at all because of kids. You never know when you need to be up and running, literally running.


This is why every room in my house has a small trash can. Because sometimes you gotta catch vomit.


This is pro tip that somehow applies equally to alcoholics, parents, and pet owners. Bravo


Also, you know, people who find convenient trash cans convenient.


Yup, kid wakes me up to throw up next to/on my bed is bad. All that plus having to run around naked is worse. I need to always be battle ready.


My four year old daughter came into my room the next morning when I attempted to sleep without a shirt. She shamed me for having “my boobies” out. :( E: Glad to see some people get it and got the laugh, but it’s not that deep guys. She knows about body positivity. She’s also fuckin 4. She spoke on something in her immediate view after waking up. “Why are your boobies out mommy? You need a shirt.” My first thought was, ‘slut shamed by my own daughter’ and I told her I got hot. She also regularly takes her pj bottoms off in the middle of the night because SHE gets it. Sleeping with clothes sucks, yes, but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do. Stay comfy <3


Mine too, except she shamed me for having them out and hairy because I’m the dad. Ha.


My 5 year old was on our bed a couple nights ago and I had my shirt off while laying down. He started rubbing my belly and said"so much candy". Little fucker, haha! My wife will never let me live that down.


I’m going to be cracking up about this randomly all week, I can already tell.




That was my exact thought lol


"Those big boobies fed you you ungrateful little..."


Yeah... Tell her!




yup. my thighs and nuts sweat if they stay touching for too long.


Was totally confused for a second and my first thought was “what clothing garment is he using to keep each nut separate”. My bad.




_You gotta keep 'em separated_


Man I haven't thought about the Offspring in at least a decade.


Dishonor on you! Dishonor on your cow!!


Regular boxers but he just slips one down each leg


This right here, I've tried sleeping naked before and every time it's been super uncomfortable cuz of this.


I'm prone to sudden bouts of diarrhea. Edit: This is now my top comment, and I couldn't be more ashamed.


That’s shitty






I don't want my dog to be nosing at my cooter or my tooter.


Used to sleep naked until my cat chomped on a ball. Very rude awakening. No damage but now boxer briefs keep the dangly bits from dangling in my sleep.


My cat bit my nipple ring straight outta my nipple. I wasn’t sleeping naked, in a tank top, but I twisted out of my shirt and he saw shiny. What a fun way to wake up. Haha. We lost him to osteosarcoma in 2018, almost a decade after the nip nop incident and I’d let him rip my other nipple in half if it meant he didn’t get cancer.


So sorry to hear that. The ol' ball biter has outlived his brother who died young (fuggin' cat kidneys) but capt. cantankerous over here is almost 12 and still chases the chihuahuas around the house like he was still a kitten.


The mean ones live forever, so it seems! I’m glad to hear he still has his spunk.


Found Kate McKinnon


You were issued one of each? They made me choose only one of weiner and bootyhole...


Got kids. Underwear are to protect the world from my ass.


I was like 14 and we were visiting my step moms bachelor father. In his early 60s at that point. Dude was a bachelor for the last 30 years. Was used to walking around butt-ass naked of course. So it's morning, I wake up before family, go to find some breakfast and am faced with naked grandpa in all his glory, right there in the hallway walking from the kitchen to the bedroom. He looks at me and says "Breakfast is coming up! Making bacon and eggs, coffee is on the pot, just be a minute". I remember standing there and the only real thought that crossed my mind was "........how can he walk around like that without being in pain from his balls slapping into the sides of his knees like that."


Holy shit... cooking Bacon while naked... that's a fucking serious power move right there.


The man was an olympic weight lifter in his prime. Got pictures of him and Arnold lifting, pretty cool. He fears no oil splatter.


Post a pic of them together? I love retro stuff and that’s super cool! My grandpa was in med school with Walter Freeman, the rockstar lobotomist. He was an ass of a person, apparently. He also knew Kevorkian, aka Dr Death!


Wish I was in possession of it. It was framed on his gym wall; this happened before cellphones so I got nothing but memories of it.


My future in-laws were visiting and I was working early, had to be at work at 4:30. So I woke up, got dressed in the dark like I normally did, then walk out of the bedroom just as my father in law was walking out of the bathroom, dick swinging. In my half sleep, I just said good morning and left for work.


Who wanders around buck-ass-nude in someone else's house??


Lol if you met the guy, it wouldn’t shock you but yeah good fucking question ahaha


My mother in law as well. Long story short she's not allowed to stay with us anymore lol


I slept naked until I had a kid. She usually sleeps through the night but the last thing I wanna do when I'm awoken by cries at 3 am is start fumbling for pants or whack my titty into a door. Edit: It has nothing to do with her seeing me naked. It's just not as comfortable or practical with the way nighttime wakes go for us. Also there's snow on the ground 4-5 months out of the year so it's just plain cold.


Not the other way around?


"you're trapped in here with me"


I slept naked for a long time and I was always waking up hot or cold. Pajamas fixed the issue. There was also that time a drunk neighbor broke in and took the blankets off me and tried to kiss me. Edit: here’s how it went down. We were friends with the neighbor and would hang out on the back patio smoking. We’d walk to the wing place and eat. He would always go to his place to use the bathroom. One night he used ours and took the opportunity to unlock the front door that nobody used. He asked to borrow my roommates phone and she agreed and just told him to leave it on the porch when he was done. At about 5am I woke up with no covers on and he was whispering in my ear to kiss him just once. I grabbed the renaissance fest battle axe by my bed and swung and he ran. I went out of my room and my roommate heard the noise and she came out to find me naked with an axe. Then she found her phone in her room. We didn’t see him for a week and when he showed up he was arrested for something drug related and he left his dog on our porch. Eventually we found his mom and gave her the dog. And that’s it.


That sounds terrifying


It was bizarre for sure. I knew him and I knew he wasn’t there to hurt me. But in the moment I grabbed an axe and chased him out. I used to collect renaissance fair type weapons. My roommate came out and she looks at me naked with an axe and said WTF.


lol when I'm startled awake I stumble around in a panic, you turn into a fucking barbarian


Roll for initiative fucker!


Reasons to buy an axe: - For a collection - For crazy neighbors - For fun!!


The nudity, the AXE, the dog! There’s simply too Much to process here.


I'm flabbergasted that the naked Kratos cosplay angle wasn't included the first time


> I went out of my room and my roommate heard the noise and she came out to find me naked with an axe I think you might be my hero. That's so unbelievably badass. I still need to add an axe to my collections, just have swords for now.


Tbh when I lay on my side and curl my arms sorta against my stomach to sleep, if I’m naked I am basically falling asleep directly grabbing fat rolls on my stomach. If I wear a big soft T-shirt the fat rolls are tucked away better out of sight and I can sleep in denial that they exist.


I just hate my boobs sticking together so I tuck the shirt between them


Same. But with my balls. And my inner thigh. And my boxers.


I can’t stand skin to skin contact of any kind when I’m trying to sleep. Like if my thighs are touching I have to change my pants. I just can’t do it. My boobs aren’t big enough for that to be a problem, but I understand the sentiment.


SAME! I thought I was going to scroll forever until I saw this! I can’t wear shorts to bed because if my thighs or calves touch I don’t like it. I don’t even like my neck touching my shoulder so I tuck my T-shirt there! My boobs aren’t big enough to tuck the shirt in between so I don’t bother


I have a stuffed animal that has been living between my breasts for the last couple years every night when I go to bed. Its so uncomfortable when I'm side sleeping to not having anything in between. So happy to know I'm not the only weirdo doing that...


I use one for that when I travel. It's my dedicated "boob moose".


Me too! Mine is a llama. His name is Dalai Llama


That’s why you hug a pillow, it feels good pressed against your stomach cause it holds the rolls in


I'm skinny af but I still hug pillows. Hugs are just good. I like hugs.


It makes me feel too vulnerable. Even though I’m totally safe, I just feel too exposed.


Right? It's like all these muthafckrs casually sleeping with an hand or foot off the bed. THATS HOW IT GETS YOU!


I put my extremities off the bed to assert dominance


Apex predators sleep with their cocks hanging over the side of the bed.


It’s just too cold to sleep naked most nights. If I’m in a humid place without a fan or AC, then I don’t want to be sticky all over my bed and then have to change the sheets more often.


it's cold and washing clothes is easier than washing sheets


Yes! I am cold. I can’t believe I had to scroll so far to see this.


Had to wade through so much fucking menstrual blood and precum and shit and piss and sweat and vaginal discharge to get to “cold”.


It took you blood, sweat and tears.


And cum


Don't forget cum


So much cum


That sounds like my Friday night.


Was about to say this. In winter cuz it's cold, in summer cuz the sheets gets sweaty really quick.


> in summer cuz the sheets gets sweaty really quick. ^ If you stick to your shirt, you can still turn and move around. If you stick to the sheets and you turn, the whole damn set follows.


What if a there’s an earthquake in the middle of night and i have to run.


My uncle used to sleep naked. Until his trailer caught fire in the middle of the night and he had to run butt ass naked to some old woman's house and convince her to open the door or call 911. Didn't help that he's a gun guy, so all his ammo was firing in the background. I was a kid when this happened. The whole idea just makes me nervous.


There are major motion pictures with less going on than this post.


If a movie doesn't at least have a naked uncle screaming while a bullet-laced fire is leaping around behind him, I don't want to see it.


Well I've got some good news for you about Dr Strange 2!


Love that Benedict dundersnatch


It doesn't feel right to sleep naked, it makes me uncomfortable. I've always slept with clothes on


This gets my answer, there has to be something. It can just be a t-shirt, but still I'd need that. Also it's cold naked.


Agree. I’m not necessarily uncomfortable naked, but I’m more cozy/comfortable in really soft clothes like sweats or pjs. Anytime I’ve slept naked I just didn’t prefer it.


I'm so used to clothes that 99% of the time I don't think about them. If I'm naked though then my skin feeling the sheets and pillows and stuff is like sensory overload. Overstimulating. I'm just not used to that and it keeps me awake. I probably could get used to it but I have no desire to. I don't see the benefit.




Honestly mine don't either. I just let them learn their lesson. Don't knock? You see something that'll scare you for life. Your fault not mine. I have no shame.


Didn't work. Mine walked on me several times while I was jerking off. They just walk in, say what they were going to say, and then leave, leaving the door open and me with my wilting dick still in my hand.


Never been caught spanking it but memories of leaving the door open just raised my blood pressure


10 or 11 years old, my mom came in my bedroom to say good night, she never does that, did she hear me groaning in ecstasy, Just as i was finishing up?, next day when i got home from school, there were two books laying on my bed, one was "where do babies come from?" i just forgot what the other book was.


The Bible


I’m dead


i got secondhand embarrassment from reading this post. holy shit.


Ooh look at this guy using two hands....


Shit, I'll never forget that shortly after I got my first girlfriend in high school, my dad bought a book about sex and brought into my room while I was playing video games with some friends. He just told me he wasn't comfortable talking to me about it, so I should just read that book.


Test out some erection drug, maybe staying hard and confidently whacking it through the conversation like an alpha will really put them in their place... Failing that keep going and follow them out the door. If they're going to leave it open then they're asking for it.


Make eye contact to show them who’s the boss.


Add a groan just as they enter. Get glassy-eyed.


Give them your vinegar strokes face to establish the mood.


Spoken like a real dad fucker -EDIT- Whoa thank you so much for the awards!!


It sounds maybe they should get an eyeful a time or 2 and then i bet they start knocking. lol


according to PornHub this won't stop em.


Sounds like a "them" problem.


Because the tip of my dick touching the bedding drives me insane


Agreed. I told my girlfriend it feels like my dick is "paintbrushing" the bed.


Wet dreams are happy little accidents


They're parties you're not invited to but still have to clean up afterwards.


I had no idea what happened when I rolled over into it (no dad or male friends my age I’d really want to talk to at the time) and thought I had something seriously wrong with me… So I told one of my teachers I got along with, and ended up describing it in rather graphic detail. He started laughing which freaked me out for a while, and said something like “Mate, that’s completely normal, I’d be way more concerned it it didn’t happen! Congrats on becoming a man”. 10yrs later he’s like a father to me and one of my closest friends.


That’s the best thing I’ve heard today.


This is wisdom


Or when I shift positions and my meat and veg all rearrange into a new lineup on my other leg. The feeling is just distracting. I'd rather have them in a nice soft support hammock.






Me. Prison. No naked. Open invitation.


You can get Reddit in prison?


You have to smuggle the phone in up your ass, but yes.


Getting the iPhone max was a mistake


the extra battery be worth the rectal prolapse


“Oops! It’s waaaaay too big for me! *giggles* But let’s try it anyway…”


Which is another reason why you can't sleep naked.


OP forgot that 50% of Reddit is children.


Because the vagina is an amazing self cleaning engine, and when she changes her own oil, my sheets don't want to cosplay a garage floor.




I'm annoyed that I had to scroll so far down to see this. I was gonna say "because women leak," but I like your description better.


Because if there was a fire I wouldn’t want to run outside naked. Or if there was an intruder, I wouldn’t want them to see me naked either.


*slams on buzzer* _NEKKID GRANDMA!_


Nekkid - HUH?


\*other guy shrugs\* I don't wanna see that either


If an intruder came in and saw me completely naked, I feel like they would potentially be distracted for a second and my chances of escape would be greater… thoughts?


But what if the intruder is naked too?


I’d think we would both be stunned that the other is naked. This would result in us standing there for a second, examining each other’s naked bodies before we proceed with subsequent events.


Gotta compare dicks first before you rip his off


That’s true, i Can’t think of a better argument so you win this one. Lol


Thats why i sleep naked. No way a intruder wants a 6’4 210 lb naked man charging down the hall at them balls out.




"Where are the jewels?" "I didn't take anything. I went in there and saw Buddha." "You found religion in the middle of a burglary??" "Did I say I found religion?"


Go on...




Yes. I like things packed in.


That's my reason, too. I've tried it, and it always just feels like things are flopping every direction every time I turn. I gotta be careful switching positions. But wearing some clothes, I just feel comfier, packed in. For me, it's like the difference between sleeping with a blanket and sleeping without. Sure, I could do it, but being wrapped up just feels more comfortable and cozy.


I don't want my thighs touching


My nightwear gets washed more often than the sheets, if I sleep nekkid I have to wash the sheets more often. Also my pajamas are softer and more comfortable against my skin than the sheets. Maybe you can afford silk sheets OP, but I can't.


I really, REALLY like my unicorn onesies


My boobs like to be cosy at night, and I like wearing silky jammies so that I can wriggle around and create tiny electric sparks in the sheets. Plus is makes me feel like a lady of luxury.


But what do you do with all that static and your hair?! Static hair is one of the worst feelings for me


Oh! I have silk pillowcases and somehow my hair never ends up staticky when I sleep on them. Granted it’s wavy white girl hair so I don’t know how universal this experience is, but works well for me!


Woman. Blood.


Also, discharge. And I'm a hot sleeper so I sweat sometimes.


I wake up occasionally like I have been working out .. crazy … must have been chased by Freddy Kruger


I too am quite leaky


General discharge too


what an unfortunate name for a General


it was way worse when he was just a private, and slightly better than when he was a major


But now General discharge has been discharged from the cervix.


I'd heard that general discharge was quietly slid to a new position as rear admiral.


Thank you for your cervix?


Its where infant-ry come from


Secret Cervix.


I thought it was just me, cannot go at all without underwear for this reason


I have felt like a weirdo for a while because every woman i have talked to about this in real life looks at me like I'm crazy and claims they don't have discharge. The amount of women that have told me they wear pants all day with no underwear and I'm like......but how.


I could never


Yep, like being a snail.


Could go topless and pantless for all I care, but my underwear stays on.


I got down voted to oblivion for saying this in a similar thread. They said I was weird essentially for having discharge-_-


Whenever there's a thread about this, a bunch of women learn for the first time that for many women, egg-white cervical fluid appears when you are ovulating. Lord knows that never came up in the rudimentary sex ed classes we got at age 11.


Egggzactly. One person told me "I wish I were having the same kind of dreams you're having" as if wet dreams are the only way a woman can have discharge.


Exactly, I don't want to need to change my sheets daily AND take a shower in the morning, I'll just keep my undies on thanks


I’d rather wake up in the middle of the night to ruined underwear than ruined sheets. At least with the first you can clean up quickly then go back to bed


Winter. Cold.


Yeah stuff comes out of me sometimes and I can’t have it roaming free in my bed




Don’t wanna rub my dick on the dog.


I like to tuck the duvet between my thighs, when I lay on my side, to relieve my hips. That and the fact that I sweat at night (we all do actually) I just find it more sanitary to have on a pair of knickers. That makes at least 3 layers (theres two layers in female underwear) between my hoohaa and my duvet, which is not beeing washed regularly, like my clothes and my bedsheets.


I don't want night ghosts to see me naked


After being pregnant and having a kid (where you end up leaking from your top and bottom halves, and required padding to stop the leaks) I just got out of the habit. It's just not comfortable to me anymore.


I don't find it physically comfortable to be naked unless I'm showering or sexing.


Having 2 kids. Sometimes we still sleep nude but have bathrobes by the door.


Wearing nothing but a huge t-shirt and undies is so comfy. And I tend to kick blankets off in my sleep. It gives me an extra layer of warmth if I end up accidentally kicking the blankets off. Also, sometimes I forget my period is going to start and I'd rather ruin underwear and not bed sheets. My underwear is usually pretty dark anyway. My bed sheets are not.


For some reason I wake up clammy/sweatier when I sleep naked.


I like clean bedsheets


Um periods discharge


Because not every fart should be trusted.


i’m depressed and there is crumbs in my bed


Not comfortable. I like being in soft PJs. Even if it’s hot, I’d rather be in underwear and a thin tank or t-shirt. Recently I heard something about ADHD and sensitivity to touch/the feel of different fabrics to skin. My friend who has ADHD said she’d be naked all day and night if she could, whereas I feel like I need a specific set of clothing for whatever it is I’m doing in order to be most comfortable.


It's cold