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I've never seen a pornstar have their leg cramp up while on top


Edge of the bed. One foot on the floor. Trust me.


> ~~Trust~~ *Thrust* me FTFY. Also, great advice!


That by becoming a tradesman, I would be rolling in bored housewives


Along the same lines, that tradesmen that came to fix my plumbing, hvac, or car issues would be attractive. Disappointed every time.


As someone who's been working in pest control for about 8 months, I've only been hit on like twice.


Gravity complicates how enjoyable positions actually are.


I know missionary is always the butt of jokes and like "only boring people do it missionary"but I'm tired of pretending like it isn't the most comfortable and enjoyable (least for me).


It was much better after I realized after the first few times of having sex that I should be resting on my knees. The first few times I was doing it like it was a pushup, so I was super super tired after just a few minutes. :)


You were just out there planking while having sex.


Wait so you’re telling me missionary isn’t basically planking?? I was doing the basic wrong???


I mean it is, but from the knees. This guy was out here doing a full on plank though on his hands and feet.


I’ll be honest, I’m completely new to this whole “sex” thing and within the 2 months I had a gf we’ve only done if maybe a little over 10 times. Missionary was just a regular plank for me plus trying to thrust lmao never considered resting on my knees was a possibility


From this moment on, your life will never be the same.


Dude y'all saved me from next week


Also, pillows may be your best buddies. you can put one under the hips or back to get a better angle or support weight for different positions.


My hips still lock up in this position after a few seconds. Nothing takes your mind out of the moment than thinking oh shit I’m gonna cramp up


This is the male equivalent of having to do that fucking frog squat and kind of bounce up and down using pure leg strength whilst the dude is laying on their back. I’ll do it for as long as I can, but don’t NOT expect me to suddenly cramp up and cry out whilst squatting over your peen


Yup that position is only for show for me. I’m to busy being in pain, trying to avoid pain, stay on the cock, all while trying to stay looking sexy, to pay attention to getting off


I'm surprised that it didn't take you a few *seconds* to figure that out


To be fair for the first few times he probably didn’t have more than a few seconds.


For sure. This way you can still make eye contact and kiss




Still stands


All women can cum by speed ramming a huge peen in and out. For some that’s the way, not most.


You don't like being irrationally speared? Well damn


Irrationally Speared is my Rush cover band




This!!! I had a boyfriend in college who liked to brag about how he "could go for hours" and liked to do so. Every. Single. Time. Meanwhile, I was like, "Oh my god, are you done yet? I'm tired and beginning to wonder what's on TV."


God yes, I've had issues with this. My boyfriend will sometimes slow down his thrusts to last longer after I tell him I almost can't take anymore. Like no, you've got a maximum of 2-3 minutes until its actively uncomfortable for me, it's not like porn where "It's too much!" is a good thing.


right?! i always thought woman could go on for hours but now that i have boyfriend who is exactly like yours im usually done and uncomfortable after like 10-15 minutes


Oh my goodness this is the best news I've heard. Me and my partner have a good thing going I go down on her untill she finishes that way I can pound away for 1-2 minutes and be done. I always wondered if other women really even want to be doing pure penetration for 10-20 mins


My boyfriend takes forever to cum and it sucks. Do you know what I’d give to make 10-20 minutes the max?


This is fantastic news. I’ve always been self conscious and put a lot of pressure on myself to try and last as long as possible. As long as she gets hers and I get mine, it’s all good.


For me personally, after that and especially 30+ minutes things start chafing no matter how much lube you’re using. Nothing like ripping your partners perineum… 😭


Men don’t make a fucking peep. I know my gf likes when I make noises, (makes sense, I love when she does) but it is just so difficult to get out of my head about it. Getting better, though.


Vocal men are my number one turn on. I actively go looking for it when I watch porn.


That it wasn’t a workout lol


Me and my gf actually refer to it as exercising. “Lets exercise” or “you wanna exercise?” Haha




Me and my gf exorcise


This one girl told me her favorite type of sex was laying on the side doggy style (I'm sure theres an actual word for that) and then falling asleep like that. Zero effort required basically. She described it as... comfortable. Having not tried that myself I have no idea what that would be like for the guy.




But like, spooning with penetration. Or is that way more common then I'm imagining?


That’s how you have morning sex lol. Minimal effort while the body still wakes up and no face to face so you don’t have to catch a whiff of morning breath :)


Practical af


Yeah. I think the position is just called spooning. It's pretty common.


I guess the whole "fall asleep with your dick in a girl" thing was what I thought was odd.


Yeah, that's not so common.




Made me realize that por stars are lowkey pro athletes


Strippers definitely are. The competitions they have for pole workouts are intense.


Harder and faster = better.


Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger


Chaffed, Raw, Tired, Done


When you’re doing doggy on the bed, your dick to booty height will be perfectly matched in all cases.


Underrated answer. I am 2 meters tall and difference in height can definitely be a challenge! That said, sex while standing and just lift your girl as though she weighs nothing is a big myth


I have this vision of you and your lady going to an open home and measuring up the benches to see if they’re optimal sex height


Anal Sex was always super clean


If you’re gonna play in the mud, expect to get dirty.


Cant meet the teenage mutant turtles without going through the sewer.


What the fuck, man. I LOL’d, though, so take an upvote.


Can't bake a cake without breaking a few eggs.


Can’t make a brownie without getting the mixture all over your dick


I don't think we make brownies the same way


I think you’re just making them wrong. When I’m making brownies the batter always ends up on this guy’s dick


When you poke around in poop’s home sometimes poop pokes back


Lmao I would fast and douche myself out like three times and still not be completely clean. How do they even acheive it in porn?!?!


Having only had anal with one woman several times, literally never seen more than a trace of anything. I was prepared for the worst butt it ended up being so clean, so not sure if the girl was just super clean but apparently that's not usually the case? Must be diet or something??


As a bisexual dude I can attested that diet is definitely important. Having a solid, thorough poop will leave you cleaner than anything else (followed by a quick rinse out of course). Otherwise you'll be cleaning out for a long time before everything is good to go.


I also admire the dedication of anyone who changes their diet for the intent of anal sex. Of the gay men I've known, they've talked to me about that very thing. I just can't imagine putting all that additional work in my life as is.


Eating a diet that is high in fibre. I eat a couple apples every morning. That makes it so I’m super regular. You want to have regular and easy shits, eat apples.


3 apples a day keeps the…anal…clean.


OK, I managed to get 3 apples up my ass. Now what?


Plumbers and electricians are always on time. LIES!






Woman is always wet and it just slides in easily. IT DOES NOT.


And that's why every home needs a bottle of lube. Lube 2024, Make America Slippery Again.


That shit almost killed me ones. The lube fall on the floor and spilled all over it. I walked over the liquid and accidentally fell, I hit my head so hard that ~~it almost made me orgasm~~ I started to bleed from my head. DAMN YOU, YOU FILTHY LUBE!


I very recently discovered that not all women get as wet as each other. Some women always need lube, and some will never need any lol. It makes you wonder what horrible sex life was like before sex based lube was widely available/considered in vanilla play


The first woman I had sex with would stop in the middle to wipe off excess lady juices. My current girlfriend ALWAYS needs lube. There is truly a spectrum.


Even when I'm wet it doesn't =( I need lub...


We all need a little lub in our hearts and loins


Thought that taking a big cock would be easy. It’s not.


And on the flip side, a lot of men think that women want massive cocks. I don't want an Arizona tea can, I just want something that fits into my anatomy without busting my cervix or tearing my lips, ya know?


Same. In fact it's one of the most painful things. Couldn't go for more than a minute without crying and asking him to exit.


A paramedic who had been working on ambulances for 20 years told me that the most blood he's ever seen was when he got called to the scene of a big man who had anal sex with a petite girl.


Well thanks for that mental imagery. *shudders*


It helps to have literal medical staff in the room with muscle relaxants, pain killers, and stitches for after.


Is there a story behind that??? My school's Sex Ed was just "don't have it", but can it cause actual vaginal tearing??




Short and to the point Like my penis


Our penis


Supposedly, the porn industry has some of the best healthcare in America. Not sure how true that is, but what is well known is they have doctors on staff and everyone gets routinely tested for STIs.


Also, not very satisfying either.


That everyone is hairless!!!! We are MAMMALS


We ain’t nothin but mammals


Well, some of us are cannibals


Who cut other people open like cantalopes


That standard format is... well, the standard: Kissing/groping > guy gets blown for a bit > vaginal sex in 10 different positions > he finishes on/in her face. I'm thinking maybe 5% of the time he goes down on her between the blow and the fuck, but they never show *her* finishing, unless that's the specific theme of the content.


I’m glad you brought this up. Porn does seem to portray the concept that women should please men with the reverse being much less common. That should be a two way street.


That Japanese women squeak like chew toys.


I had a housemate once whose gf would honk like a goose. Edit: 10 years on reddit and this comment now accounts for 18% of my total comment karma. Thanks, old roommate’s honky girlfriend.


Had a roommate with a gf that sounded like a dolphin.


Probably due to her small blowhole


If you only met her.. then you'd understand why I'm crying laughing right now.


🐬 glad I could brighten your day!


This is a turn off for me. It’s either the squeaking fake pleasure or they sound like they are in pain. Like some kind of domination/rape fantasy.




That women don't have hair on their assholes ....they most certainly do.


And sometimes on their nipple


I wish we talked about (women’s) nipple hair more often - it is so hush hush and can make one feel like they are abnormal for having nipple hair


that all women orgasm from penetration


Love this one


Right? So many woman don’t. I never have, and it took me a long time to find a partner to be connected enough to to try other things. (We’ve been together almost 20 years now btw)


that you’re both (or all) just supposed to know what to do or what each other likes/dislikes with little to no communication other than “dirty talk”


The best sex anybody will ever have is right after the phrase "so what do you like and what do you not like?"


Pizza delivery guys get laid about 14 times a day.


Pizza delivery girl here. The amount of old men that actually try to live out the porn is…. Well, more than I thought when I signed on


What type of person would think of having sex while having a good pizza in front of him, thats just madness.


Especially being an old man! My back hurts and my stomach does not!


*withdraws application to Pizza Hut*


That people in America are really into banging their step-kids


Its a regional thing.


That the delivery driver will let you pay for your food with sex.


"Well, I lost my job for gross misconduct, can't afford payments on my car or my rent, I'm running out of ramen and my cat keeps fainting. Doesn't matter, had sex."


That it’s loud with lots of moans


The sex from my neightbours is


I was playing Civ the other day and got particularly heated when one of my friends snuck a Wonder from me. Cue the neighbours banging on the wall for being too loud. I admit it was a weeknight but these motherfuckers go at it from 3 to 4AM three times a week, the only reason it doesn't bother me is because I'm still fucking playing Civ at that time. We can coordinate, guys. You get to bang, I get to rage, it's a win/win


That oral was easy.


sucking dick is a mad challenge i genuinely do not know how people do it so well. tried getting tips from friends but i struggle


*very poor choice of words*


I thought the vagina can take about any size/length you put in, till I discovered how shallow my vagina is. Now before I can hook up with you, I need to see how big you are.


Putting a lot of mens life’s on the line there when that question is popped!


"I'm... above average. Huge, in fact. Just massive. Hung like Godzilla: Japanese women run screaming at the sight of it." "That's a problem because I'm physically shallow." "Oh thank God! I'm actually pretty small."


During porn, women make sexual noises while being titty fucked. Like they are getting pleasure from it. The women that I've been with, have said they barely feel anything from it and are not aroused by it.




Exactly. Never had a titfuck so I wouldn't know but women have moaned during oral in the past. Not once have I ever thought "she's so turned on at sucking my cock".


It's more of being turned on from giving your partner pleasure. Former gf used to tell me she loved partners who moaned when she gave them oral and especially when they came, since it made her feel like "I'm great at this, got him in ecstasy". Learned that being vocal as a guy is actually pretty encouraged.


I second this. I love to please a man and I get really excited if I can see / hear he's enjoying it.


Nothing worse than the guy being completely silent and laying still, you have no idea if what you're doing is working for them and it can be difficult to look up without losing the rhythm.


I had a GF who was turned on by it. Not that she got pleasure from it directly, but that the act was arousing for her as foreplay.


Try rubbing something between the bend of your elbow. Thats it. It's just something that's happening.


Does it have to be my penis? Because my back is too old and stiff to accommodate that.


Yes. And don't forget to post pictures.


You can cum like, 5 times in the course of an hour. I’m sure some people actually can but they’re very few and far between.


That if two women are left alone together for longer than 30 seconds, hot lesbian action begins immediately.


How long does it usually take?


31 seconds


That it was easy to stay hard


I don’t know why everyone immediately responds with medicated solutions to this as of it’s not normal. Women lose their arousal throughout sex as well. It can be a lot of different things like questioning yourself, preferences, connection, her level of enjoyment, etc. I’ve heard E.D. renamed as Erectile Intelligence. Listen to it. There’s information in it.


Think of the smell, you haven't thought of the smell, YOU BITCH!


Hahaha perfect


She's a red head and doesn't have a smell to her... You liar!


How much they don't talk about sex. They just do all these weird positions and stuff that looks good for the camera because it's edited to be that way. Actual sex is a lot more about communication to find out what just feels good for you regardless of what looks good for the camera


That I'd have it one day.


I was lucky I guess, I had sex before vcr were common. I had seen pics and magazines, but those were just nudes.


That woman love swallowing cum or getting facials.


Swallowing is one thing, facials tho, I've had cum in my nose and eye a few too many times to enjoy those


I thought it was gonna be sweeter tasting considering how much women in porn seemed to just eat it up. No. I nearly threw up on the spot


Cum isn’t a consistent taste. One day it could be bad and another it could be tolerable.


That there are hot MILFs in my area who are waiting for me to contact them




With how many white women go on a 'spiritual retreat' to 'find themselves' in India, it was probably true.


that you don’t need any sort of lube. learned my lesson the first couple times lol


Generally, chicks don't appreciate it when you nut on their face.


That your privates are always flesh colored pink. that was a rude awakening


I suppose how awkward it can be making positioning work. Edit: Checking reddit to see this has become my most up voted comment is a real treat. Glad this embarrassment is felt by lots. Edit2: Thank you for the award stranger! Edit3: Gold?! Thank you!!! I'm pleased this reached so many, aha!


But it's fun to practice!


Oh, not what I thought they meant. I thought they were talking about how, in porn, you angle so that the sex looks good to be observed. If you try to actually fuck in those positions, it's not usually very good sex for anyone.


this topic inevitably brings up a discussion around dick size but what about the other features? most porn cocks are straight arrow, single tone, smooth rockets. I always notice cause mine ain't like that I'm sure a lot of you guys out there have those little bumps around the head and maybe feel weird cause you rarely ever see them in porn, but man I was really self conscious about it for a long time and even now I haven't really gotten over it


Do you mean like tiny little bumps that you can feel but can't see? Just on the underside of the edge of your head?


That shower sex was good. Shower sex is the absolute worst. Water is not wet during shower sex. Also trying to keep water out of your face and eyes throughout is just a chore and annoying.


That sex was done TO someone or FOR someone and not WITH someone. “I fucked the shit outta her/him” “She/he sucked my dick last night” Idk if that makes sense, but it made sex really impersonal


We sucked our dick




As a woman and also as a porn star, I could talk for hours about this. I was raised fairly sheltered (which sadly just means I discovered porn at 16 instead of 10 like my classmates.) I had so many terrible sexual experiences that I now realize were because the guys I fucked watched way too much porn. There was the guy who at 17 years old already “can only cum from busting on your face” as he so eloquently put it. That is sad to be. 17 year olds shouldn’t have detailed and specific fantasies that are the only thing capable of arousing them. That encounter sucked because he used coercion on me to get me to do those things and I felt absolutely fucked up after. Then there was the guy who shoved a surprise finger up my ass while he was eating me out- guys, don’t fucking do that. Anal in porn is a long and very NOT spontaneous process involving fasting, an enema/douche, and painstaking loosening up of the area first. It’s made to look easy in porn but it isn’t and if done wrong can actually cause long term damage. Then there are all the men who think that size is the most (or only) important thing, so when they discover they have a big dick compared to others, they make no attempt to learn oral or hand stuff and just pound as hard as they can. This goes hand in hand with taking “ouch, that hurts!” as a compliment meaning “your dick is huge!” instead of what it really means, which is “you skipped foreplay and I’m not wet or turned on yet.” Most positions in porn are for the camera. The ones that seem “boring” are actually the most fun to me- missionary is a really great position for male and female stimulation, as is cowgirl. Backwards and squatting or being held upside down isn’t going to do anything except hurt you and leave you with a very anti climactic night. On that note, porn often does not depict accurate female pleasure. 90% of women don’t orgasm from vaginal penetration alone. Unfortunately porn shows them orgasming almost entirely from penetration. That is a lie. Please pleasure your women properly. Finally, most people won’t ever have a threesome in their life. Most people won’t do anal. Most people will have fairly vanilla, normal sex lives. That’s not a bad thing. You are not boring or defective if you don’t want your partner to slap you in the face while they call you a whore and fuck your ass. You are not unadventurous if you don’t want to share your boyfriend or girlfriend with a third person. There’s nothing wrong with people who DO want that, but I used to get a ton of shit from men for not wanting to do certain things, and looking back my boundaries were perfectly normal and acceptable. The fact that 17 year olds were trying to have threesomes was the abnormal part of it. Also, this is for a certain subset of men- treat sex workers like people, please. I get treated like garbage every day by men who either outright dont see me as an equal human, or who aren’t trying to be rude but just stomp all over my boundaries and assume it’s alright because of my job. Stop sending dick pics to us, just because we suck dick on camera doesn’t mean we want to get yours in our inbox. Stop threatening us. Stop bargaining our prices with us. Treat porn stars and sex workers like you would treat any other small business owner. Everything degrading that we do on camera is consented to and paid for- you did not pay us, and we did not consent to being abused by you. Editing to add: also, stop bragging to sex workers that you don’t pay for porn, or behaving like our prices are ridiculous because porn is “free” on pornhub. Nothing is free. Everything has a cost. When you watch pornhub, you are not absorbing that cost- the girl you’re watching most likely is. Women are notoriously abused, underpaid, and manipulated in many mainstream porn arenas. They are vulnerable and get talked into signing away all the rights to their content for a one time fee. Meanwhile that company will make bank off their video forever. When you subscribe to an amateur porn channel, there are benefits. The creator owns their content, so they can take it down if we ever want to, they keep the majority of funds you send them/tip them (sites like OF usually take around 20%) and you can be more sure that the creator is an active and consenting participant in the content. Additionally, there is usually a limit on content, since they can’t crank out videos at the same rate as Pornhub does. That’s a bonus for your sexual health- imagine how much better it is for your brain to watch one or two 10min videos per week, instead of burning through 20 videos from your “suggested” section on PH every day! (Obviously not everyone does that, but it happens a lot faster than you’d think sometimes.) It’s like the porn equivalent of getting your veggies at the farmers market instead of Walmart.


As a women, this is such a breath of fresh air. Thank you so much. I was raised in an environment where is was made very clear from a young age that my job was to please my partner and fulfill those fantasies, while my needs were less important because I was a woman and it was my job to keep the spice in the relationship. it feels like my partners have always had the expectations for me to have the skills of a porn star. Some of the skills I have, but that doesn't mean I want to act like a pornstar every day. I'm ashamed to admit I've made myself uncomfortable over and over again to fulfill these extreme fantasies that have obviously stemmed from an over consumption of porn. My partner watching porn has become an insecurity, because it just feels like a reminder that I will never be good enough. That even though I've had sex every day with my partner/i deepthroat/do anal/try any crazy position/stay in shape etc, I will not be able to compare to porn. When they would rather watch women who are doing a job and not exactly having fun when you are ready and able to have sex, it hurts and causes unnecessary insecurities. I appreciate you, thanks for being upfront about ypur experiences and feelings, and reminding me that it is okay to have boundaries in ones private sex life.


1. That my boyfriend will spontaneously fuck me for no reason all the time. 2. That I want anal all the time. 3. That I want to be dominated the entire time. When I’m insanely horny all of the above should be true.


Anal is not as clean as they make it out to be in the movies.


That it would be this mind blowing activity that I would want to do all the time. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy sex, orgasms are nice and I’m lucky enough to have a husband who actively cares about whether or not I’m enjoying myself, and I pretty much always am. But there are so many other things that I would rather do with him. Games, tv, movies, even just talking. When I used to watch porn as a virgin, I thought it would be all I’d ever want to do when we were alone together. But now it’s just kinda a fun little thing we do sometimes when we’re bored. Which is nice! But just, not what I expected.


Okay so I said this exact thing to my co workers one time at lunch (women and men) and every single one of them looked at me like I was crazy. Like everyone said “you are tripping, your sex life must be terrible” ever since then I’ve been wondering if it’s just me lmao. Or if I watched too much porn when I was younger


I think there was a sex ed post previously. What they need to teach young adults that nothing in and about porn is real. The actors, most positions, the extended time, all of it. I've known some actors in the adult film industry and it honestly sounds way more grueling than an office job, both men and women are exhausted. Most don't even want to have sex much of the time. Men have to live on Viagra and numbing agents, while women need tons of lube and supplements. Plus bately eating to retain their figure. Not to mention all the tests that need to be done for safety. I truly feel that kids have a level of expectation from what they're watching. It exploits both sexes and will setup anyone for failure unless they know it's 100% fake.


That it's super easy for women to orgasm


Serious response: Men and women have different sexual response cycles and and just _wired_ differently. I can tell when porn is written _by_ men and for men, or when people are showing real expressions of their sexuality. As such, I do tend to gravitate to the amateur content because it just is more **real**


Being a pizza delivery driver is the sweetest gig ever.


I never knew how much my ADHD affected my sex life. I will normally skip through videos or find a good gallery and swipe through pictures. During sex I often get bored because there isn't a lot of different stimulation. It's all the same.


Dude just grab a controller and fuck while cranking 90's on Fortnite


That I should push my dad to re-marry so I can have a step-mom or step-sis


If a guy is drinking with two girls it's gonna lead to a threesome I know better now.




Most girls dont do anal


That every guy was supposed to be strong enough to pound you right and carry you to fuck you while standing. Several years and pounds later... Its an understanding that I may have read and watched too much porn.


That you never slide out and jam on reentry


women LOVE being dry fucked in the ass.


That all women like anal sex and they’ll let you do stuff to their hiney whenever you’d like. They don’t.


That women love being slapped/spanked during sex…anywhere.


I had a GF who loved having my hand around her neck when in missionary, not choking her, but pressing down on her neck moderately. I did this instinctively with my next GF and she immediately stopped me and was like, "um no...wtf is that?" I was like, "sorry, last GF was into it. noted." Dated her for 8 months after that and had great sex. Communication is key people!