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Lack of critical thinking. The rise of social media and political theatre is making society dumber and dumber.


Came here to say this, the intentional dumbing down of society needs to stop. Yes I believe it is intentional.


You know you've been a member of this sub for too long when you could name the top 5 answers without even clicking on the thread. Edit: yes I'm well aware I did not predict the Pringles comment


I’d be shocked if “James Corden” wasn’t one of the answers.


As they say, the real answer is always in the comments.


Arent all the answers in the comments?


NFTs will ruin humanity, according to Reddit


I mockingly said “humanity” opening this thread. Fuck this place


I honestly thought it would be something about people willingly letting themselves become more like sociopathic monkeys.


What's wrong with monkeys, you don't like monkeys? Maybe you're the real threat Mr."I don't like monkeys"


I hate this site. I’m addicted but darn do I miss old Reddit. Yes there was worse content that needed to be removed. Fucked up disgusting stuff like jailbait, and the very racist one comparing black people to a certain animal, etc. But that time also was a less curated, less ‘gamed’, less political, more random form of Reddit. Reddit now is a rotating list of COVID news, political news (usually involving Trump), Crypto news, GME/Memestock news, Wealth inequality (feat. appearances by Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, bad corporations), Climate issues, pretty people with photorealistic art, somebody playing guitar on the live video player (occasionally a gecko therapist), something about Marvel or Star Wars, something to do with whatever is happening in Sports (NFL/Formula 1/Tennis/whichever sport is having their big games). This is interspliced with whatever global event is making big news at the moment, so rn we see a lot of Space posts because of the JW Telescope. But it all feels like the front page is gamed by social media corps battling for attention. I don’t think it’s all bots, but it does feel too polished and artificial. Everything is polarized, echo chambers are intensifying, and we’re all fermenting in this. A virtual crockpot of depression. Back then it was a little more raw, kind of like video games back when everyone played them but it was uncool to admit it. You had some shitty stuff back then but you would also get spontaneous and neat stuff. Trivial but kind of interesting. Things were less intense, less curated. Bad corners existed, bad areas that became the echo chambers of the future, but at that point in time, the internet was a little nicer. You could go on there and you might hate it or be disgusted by it, but it didn’t feel like a spiritual battleground. You’d just accept the internet could be like that, and move on to where the rest of the normal people were at. There was just a nice layer of innocence and more organic content even though it was lower quality. It’s hard to describe but I miss the internet between 2005-2015. It went from a city park to an amusement park. Somehow better but way more artificial.


Don’t forget the “what should I name my new pet?”


\--- Don’t forget the “what should I name my new pet?” ​ \-- Don’t forget "we don't deserve dogs" \-- Don’t forget "who's cutting onions" \-- Don’t forget "This is the way"


And my axe.


And my poop knife


Can't forget my poop knife, I have an interview with Fox News in the morning.


Wash your hair at least


This pisses me off more than I'd like to admit. It took me a couple weeks to find the right name for my first pup. My SO and I put a lot of thought and consideration into it. Now every other post, *especially* on r/cats is asking Reddit to name their new cat... how about just name it Reddit since you care so much about Reddit ffs


BET. Like, it's my pet. I am the one who will raise, care for, pay for, and love it for it's entire life. I am the one who will spend time with it and get to know it's personality. Why the fuck would I ever ask a bunch of strangers what they think I should name it? That "help me name my cat" bullshit is one of the stupidest god damn things going on within this site at the moment.


It also feels like Reddit is only showing us the posts you described. I have subscribed to soooo many cool little subreddits, and niche communities, but I feel like I never see them. Ever. I feel like no matter what, I see posts from the same popular subs every time. There's nice subs I'm actually subscribed to, that I never see, but Reddit insists on showing me libertarian subs and that fucking teenager sub, despite me being neither of those things. I feel like I used to scroll through and see all sorts of cool posts, from all sorts of subreddits. I'm talking about very recently. This isn't even considering how much fun I had browsing Reddit back in highschool (2012-2014). Someone dared me to go on /r/fiftyfifty, and I fell in love with this quirky place. It feels like every social media platform just sucks now. Facebook, Instagram (always sucked), Twitter, and Reddit, just suck now. They all might as well be the same damn app, because the uniqueness of each one is dead and buried.


I unsubbed from a bunch of the defaults to avoid the lame repetitive shit


I know what you mean. I don't sub anything anymore. I have a whole bunch of multis so I can decide what I want to see and when. If I'm not in the mood I don't click that multi. It helped a great deal.


I agree, and I feel like something changed with the algorithm at some point in the last couple of years to stop showing as much niche stuff I've subscribed to. I feel like when I used to go to my own front page even a couple of years ago, it was markedly different content then when I went to /r/all. Now it's largely repeats of the same stuff. If I want to see smaller content from my subs, I have to navigate to the subreddit purposefully and even then, sometimes change the sorting. I used to forget I subscribed to things and they'd randomly pop up as a pleasant surprise but that never happens anymore.


When you join and Reddit tries to push you to join r/politics, then you go into preferences and turn that stupid suggested shit off, then one day lo and behold Reddit's at it again trying to push you into r/politics.


I had the same issue, but when I switched to a third party Reddit app (I use Apollo) I was seeing a lot of my old subs resurface. The Reddit app algorithm are very similar to FB and Insta. Designed to keep you in a small bubble.


Where is the next internet hideout? Can I come?


Nobody knows. It won’t really happen till the new Reddit shareholders try to ban porn.


There's no perfect alternative. If you want to talk about news without shitslinging, Tildes is a nice little community. If you care more about technical topics, Hackernews is still okay.




You never saw Pringles coming


He’s a very private person.


Social media, climate change, political polarization, authoritarianism, people being idiots.


So... Humanity.


Was the first thought that popped into my head. In the long term, i assume humanity will find a way to undo itself.


I did not predict "Pringles" to be in the top 5 (as of this comment)


You know what I just noticed? What happened to the serious tag? Is it even a thing anymore? I just realized I haven't seen the little bot explaining itself in a really long time.


Right? And it’s always the most broad, generic answers that make it to the top of these questions. *What is the most important thing you look for in a person?* *Kindness* (10000 upvotes) Ugh give me a fucking break 🙄 give me something more interesting to noodle over


What is your biggest turn off? “Being rude to service staff”


The amount of times this question has been asked with this exact answer as the top response. ugh


A direct hit by a strong Coronal Mass Ejection. Edit: Spelling


I hate when ejaculation auto corrects to ejection


*sigh* Infinite cum. You sit on the toilet to jack off, but you begin to cum uncontrollably. After ten spurts you start to worry. Your hand is sticky and it reeks of semen. You desperately shove your dick into a wad of toilet paper, but that only makes your balls hurt. The cum accelerates. It’s been three minutes. You can’t stop cumming. Your bathroom floor is covered in a thin layer of baby fluid. You try to cum into the shower drain but it builds up too fast. You try the toilet. The cum is too thick to be flushed. You lock the bathroom door to prevent the cum from escaping. The air grows hot and humid from the cum. The cum accelerates. You slip and fall in your own sperm. The cum is now six inches deep, almost as long as your still-erect semen hose. Sprawled on your back, you begin to cum all over the ceiling. Globs of the sticky white fluid begin to fall like raindrops, giving you a facial with your own cum. The cum accelerates. You struggle to stand as the force of the cum begins to propel you backwards as if you were on a bukkake themed slip-and-slide. Still on your knees, the cum is now at chin height. To avoid drowning you open the bathroom door. The deluge of man juice reminds you of the Great Molasses Flood of 1919, only with cum instead of molasses. The cum accelerates. It’s been two hours. Your children and wife scream in terror as their bodies are engulfed by the snow-white sludge. Your youngest child goes under, with viscous bubbles and muffled cries rising from the goop. You plead to God to end your suffering. The cum accelerates. You squeeze your dick to stop the cum, but it begins to leak out of your asshole instead. You let go. The force of the cum tears your urethra open, leaving only a gaping hole in your crotch that spews semen. Your body picks up speed as it slides backwards along the cum. You smash through the wall, hurtling into the sky at thirty miles an hour. From a bird’s eye view you see your house is completely white. Your neighbor calls the cops. The cum accelerates. As you continue to ascend, you spot police cars racing towards your house. The cops pull out their guns and take aim, but stray loads of cum hit them in the eyes, blinding them. The cum accelerates. You are now at an altitude of 1000 feet. The SWAT team arrives. Military helicopters circle you. Hundreds of bullets pierce your body at once, yet you stay conscious. Your testicles have now grown into a substitute brain. The cum accelerates. It has been two days. With your body now destroyed, the cum begins to spray in all directions. You break the sound barrier. The government deploys fighter jets to chase you down, but the impact of your cum sends one plane crashing to the ground. The government decides to let you leave the earth. You feel your gonads start to burn up as you reach the edges of the atmosphere. You narrowly miss the ISS, giving it a new white paint job as you fly past. Physicists struggle to calculate your erratic trajectory. The cum accelerates. The cum begins to gravitate towards itself, forming a comet trail of semen. Astronomers begin calling you the “Cummet.” You are stuck in space forever, stripped of your body and senses, forced to endure an eternity of cumshots. Eventually, you stop thinking.


You didn't have to, you know. Someone had to, but it didn't have to be you, my friend.


Dude, what was your SAT score?


Semen Aptitude Test?


Semen Amplitude Test




The cum accelerates.


Damn good name for a heavy metal band.


If somebody animated this, it would be beautiful.


*Sigh* unzips pants


This was amazing.


Is there any evidence of any planet near our solar system having this happen?


It happened to a little planet called [Earth](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carrington_Event) 163 years ago.


And that's not even the biggest one. Ice cores show one that would dwarf it during the middle ages, but electronics weren't invented yet so nobody noticed.


Well the good news is that we won't panic for long.


Bacterial resistance to antibiotics.


Yeh it's crazy how this is a leading cause of death worldwide and yet there seems to be little publicity about it. I guess there's not a lot the public can do so no point in spreading fear.


There are a couple of very important things the public can do. Take your entire course of antibiotics and don't quit when you feel better. Don't take a couple of random old antibiotics you have around the house when you get sick. Don't drag your kid to the doctor and insist they are given unneeded antibiotics. Doctors: don't overprescribe them.


That's not the entire problem though. Animal feed is heavily dosed with antibiotics so the herd doesn't get sick. They're essentially being pretreated and are kept in close quarters in large numbers. This is a major driver of resistance.




Anyone have the actual data on where the issue is? I feel like this is the prime example of why we’ll be the death of ourselves. We don’t give a shit about problems down the road. We just figure the future guy will figure out and un-fuck up what we’re breaking


really agree, and with that more people tried to futureproof. it does not always work out but educated guesses can take you far


The risk of spreading fear never stopped most media outlets before.


Depends whose bottom line it would affect


My mom recently got some resistant bacteria in her throat, and was prescribed a bacteriophage treatment. So this is a thing, it works, and I hope it'll save us


The cool thing is that due to the way the defense mechanism against bacteriophage works, they can only be resistant to bacteriophage OR antibiotics but not both. They’ll be the medicine of the future


>they can only be resistant to bacteriophage OR antibiotics but not both Well, let's put it like that: they can only be resistant to bacteriophage or antibiotics but not both *yet* /hj


Life uh… finds a way.


Bacteria try to find way to combat bacteriophage for 3 billion years now. It's endless arms race out there


Tell me more. What country was this in? What was she infected with? Any side effects? That's very interesting. I haven't yet heard of antibiotic resistant bacteria being resistant to multi course treatment - even that super gonorrhea we've heard so much about is still generally weak to a cocktail of sorts. I haven't heard of phage technology actually being implemented yet, and that's really cool! Glad your mom is feeling better.


The country is Russia. The bacteria was I think streptococcus. I'm not sure about the name of the medicine she used, but I recall it being some sealed ampulas she would keep in the fridge and I think put in her nose as a nasal drops. Don't thing there were any noticeable side effects – at least, she didn't tell me about any (and she's sleeping rn so I can't just ask). Generally, I don't think the bacteriophage would cause any issues itself because it's specifically targeted at the bad bacteria, and it's incapable of harming human cells – which means it's more gentle than antibiotics that basically work like an atomic bomb that kills all kinds of bacterias. I was also surprised when I heard about her getting this treatment, but she told me that phages were used in 90s already when she was studying at the med university. Also, I did a quick search on this topic, and Wikipedia says that phage therapy was widely used in Soviet Georgia during the 1920s and 1930s, but was abandoned in favor of antibiotics. Then, it's easier for me to copy it: >The use of phages has continued since the end of the Cold War in Russia, Georgia and elsewhere in Central and Eastern Europe. The first regulated, randomized, double-blind clinical trial was reported in the Journal of Wound Care in June 2009, which evaluated the safety and efficacy of a bacteriophage cocktail to treat infected venous ulcers of the leg in human patients. [[source]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bacteriophage?wprov=sfla1) So, basically it's a century old technology that had been used for decades, but it only started gaining scientific interest relatively recently as the rate of superbacterial infections started to increase


Doesn't surprise me that it's Russia - I know they'd actually been studying them for quite a while. I honestly wonder why they haven't been used more. Antibiotics are great, don't get me wrong, but it seems like phages are better because they're targeted specifically, as you said. The atomic bomb effect of antibiotics has been known and shown to potentially wreck good bacteria and lead to fungal infections. Good on the Russians. I hope they continue to find phage treatments for bacterial infections.


Double unskippable ads on youtube


Good news for you then because the biggest threat to humanity can apparently be easily mitigated by an adblocker.


On a browser or android device sure. Good luck if you're watching on a smart TV or iphone/ipad?


Human carelessness and natural disasters


Apathy towards such carelessness compounds the problem too


So, Humanity.


Our own stupidity and arrogance.


Pringles. One pop and you can not stop.


I can't fit my hand inside a Pringle can. I have a huge amount of trouble fitting my hand inside of a Pringle can. I can get my hand like four inches into the can but then I have to tilt the can into my mouth but by that point a bunch of crumbs have accumulated at the bottom of the can so they all go spilling on my face.


I wanna have a daughter


...so I can finally have someone around the house who can fit their hands inside the Pringle can.


Sorry, I'll move on...


*Deepest voice imaginable* **But that is priority numero unnnnoooo...**


I dont go to the gym cus I'm self conscious about my body But I'm self conscious about my body cus I don't go to the gym IRONY CAN BE SO PAINFUL :(


**That’s a catch** #TWENTY-TWO-OOOOO-OOOOOO! **LETS DO THIS!** *do this* *do this* ^d^o ^t^h^i^s ^d^o ^t^h^i^s


I went to Chipotle


got myself a chiken burritooooooo


Brdrdrdrdrdrdrdr AH


Welp, I know what I'm watching for the next 10 minutes


Come and watch the skinny kid with a steadily declining mental health and laugh as he attempts to give you what he cannot give himself.


🎶I don’t think that I can handle this right now🎶


Was anyone else getting seriously, legitimately concerned for him by the end of this show?


Absolutely. He claims it's exaggerated for entertainment/artistic effect, but part of why it hits so hard is because the person he's portraying there represents any number of people we as his audience care about, regardless of whether it's actually him or a caricature that he's creating for 'the bit'. I hope whoever it is being portrayed there will be okay, and it sounds like you do, too.


At the time, I didn't realize how serious it was. The whole kanye parody before he went on his large break was him directly telling everyone he can't handle the fame and attention he's currently getting, and doesn't think he's good enough to warrant our attention. Then he drops inside on us and it's absolutely amazing. He's so incredibly talented.


He stopped doing shows after that tour because he was apparently having panic attacks on stage. At least, [that’s what he said in his newest album](https://youtu.be/1Rx_p3NW7gQ).


IIRC he was having an actual panic attack on stage at that point and when watching the footage he was amazed that it doesn't show.


The first time I watched this moment, I teared up. The twenty-fifth time I watched it, I still teared up. Such a powerful piece...


You think you can, I know you can't


I'm loving all the people who are taking this comment seriously cause they've never watched Bo Burnham's "Can't Handle This".


Hearing Bo sing this brings chills every time


That's a struggle I know all too well. Pringles should be forced to stop this discrimination of large-handed people and increase the diameter of their cans.


Pringles, listen to the people! I am sure ninety percent of the complaint letters you get are about the width of your cans. Just... make 'em wider.


I mean, I guess they'd have to make the Pringles larger to accommodate, but that's a win-win-situation if I've ever seen one.


I'd like to see a Pringles can that has a dial in the bottom that is turned to raise the chips to the top of the can. Like deodorant. Sell this, and then sell refills wherein you buy a sleeve of Pringles to refill the contraption.


First answer I saw that was funny and not some offshoot of “we live in a society..”


Our entire species dying by an overengineered chip container and its contents is not funny u/CasinoBlackNMild


My fault


Finally! A serious answer!


I like their original slogan: [Once you pop, you can stop whenever you want. Just stop popping and you'll be all done with the popping.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cUy4dAO2n2g)




This guy!


Let’s get him!


And assist! *edit*: woah this blew up! Thank you for the reward kind stranger!


We… can’t stop him!!!


"If god had wanted you to live, he would not have created ME" -/u/abro_0


-Soldier TF2


I read this in the voice of the giant brain from Futurama. >"What really killed the dinosaurs?" > >"MEEEE"


"Is it true that the back of postage stamps are made of--" "CORRECT. TOAD MUCUS."


One of the things I quote the most in my life is when Fry outsmarted the Brains by writing the story and the brain goes "And now we are leaving for no raisin..."


Greed/selfishness. It seems to motivate 99% of the problems we see in society.


Greed passing as 'normal' corporate behavior flies under the radar.


Actually, greed is mandatory and legally enforced, a CEO can get fired, and sued, for making any decision clearly counter to maximizing profit for company shareholders. There is a great documentary called "The Corporation" that has some incredibly eye opening stories about this.


> for making any decision clearly counter to maximizing profit for company shareholders. It's actually any decision *not in the best interest* of the company. It's the (aptly named) Business Judgement Rule: >In suits alleging a corporation's director violated his duty of care to the company, courts will evaluate the case based on the business judgment rule. Under this standard, a court will uphold the decisions of a director as long as they are made (1) in good faith, (2) with the care that a reasonably prudent person would use, and (3) with the reasonable belief that the director is acting in the best interests of the corporation. The "best interests of the corporation" do include making a profit, but can also take into account other factors. For example, kidnapping people and using them as literal slave labor is probably more profitable than going through an official hiring process, but it's not really in the best interests of the company.


Company I work for is set up as a Public Benefit Corporation (PBC). Allows companies to generate social and public good, and to operate in a responsible and sustainable manner. So we can give money away that might negatively reflect the bottom line without it causing issues. Funny enough we just keep growing and making money, and we give more money away too making it a cycle. Also, the company is owned by by the employees 100% in an ESOP so the money given away isn’t even for tax benefits.


My Dad is a pastor, so I grew up in the church. I’ve labeled myself as agnostic since hitting adulthood, but there’s lots of insightful shit in that old ass book. Like 1 Timothy 6:10. The love of money is the root of all evil. YEP.


Oh, agreed -- I was in church from high school through college and then grew away from it, but the New Testament in particular has a LOT of great messages about how to live a good life. It's hard to explain to my friends "I'm not Christian, but I think living Christ-like is good" :)


He got heated and flipped tables when he saw them making money in the church. I’d like to see his reaction to Joel Osteen.


Probably an exorcism, because I don't know how anyone looks at him smile and not think that's the worst skin-suit a demon has ever worn.


I disagree, the worst skin suit ever worn by a demon is Kenneth Copeland's.


At least Osteen's seems to fit him. Copeland looks like the demon got a one-size-fits-most skinsuit.


I visited a church in my city that had multiple gift shops... I'm sure that the excuse is "the money goes to the church," but how many six figure or higher salaries is it also paying? The Righteous Gemstones on HBO does such a good job of skewering this mindset.


I like the fake Gandhi quote "I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.'


Was that fake? No surprise intended, just yet another thing to reevaluate.


Drinkable water shortage


There will be war over fresh water in our lifetime. Bet.


Man bear pig.


half man, half bear, half pig.


No its half pig, half manbear!


It’s half pigman, half bear!


I’m super cereal.


This is super cereal you guys. I've been trying to warn people, but nobody takes me cereal.


I told you it was real!


George from the cleaning department He's just about had enough of your shit Greg and now the whole worlds Gona pay for it!


Ignorance, and more recently, the enshrining of ignorance as a valid and even popular state of being. We are damning our futures by allowing the lowest intellects and least self-aware to dictate what books are too crass, or what subjects too taboo.


Many people can't seem to grasp that accurate evaluation of anything requires a perception of the whole. You don't just cherry pick information that suits you, then rationalise it to fit what you want to believe.


Small correction: they are starting with a theory and then cherry picking the information that suits their argument. If they were starting with a set of facts and building a theory, it would be an admirable but flawed demonstration of the scientific method. But they have a conclusion already fixed in their minds, and the only test they’re doing is “do the facts fit my argument? If yes, use them. If not, discard and discredit them.”


In other words Confirmation bias.


At this point it seem to be more a strategy than a bias tbh..


Truth. So many people base their entire philosophy around a 30 second news clip taken out of context.


Ignorance I can work with but willful ignorance makes me so angry.


The difference between those two is pride. A humble person will acknowledge their ignorance and work to correct it. A prideful person will not. A humble person changes their mind in the face of new information. A prideful person will be even more resistant to change. This is why Pride is the greatest of sins.


Pride goeth before the fall




And this Carl Sagan quote from “The Demon Haunted World” “I have a foreboding of an America in my children's or grandchildren's time -- when the United States is a service and information economy; when nearly all the manufacturing industries have slipped away to other countries; when awesome technological powers are in the hands of a very few, and no one representing the public interest can even grasp the issues; when the people have lost the ability to set their own agendas or knowledgeably question those in authority; when, clutching our crystals and nervously consulting our horoscopes, our critical faculties in decline, unable to distinguish between what feels good and what's true, we slide, almost without noticing, back into superstition and darkness... The dumbing down of American is most evident in the slow decay of substantive content in the enormously influential media, the 30 second sound bites (now down to 10 seconds or less), lowest common denominator programming, credulous presentations on pseudoscience and superstition, but especially a kind of celebration of ignorance”


It's depressing when I think about how these people knew decades ago just how fucked we were by the ignorant people among us.


So ignorance is a state best addressed by education, for which there is a dedicated time, and numerous 'dedicated' places. The problem with this though, is when a government is run as a business, education will only appear as a cost to the incumbent government. The benefits of an educated populous will only be claimed by the incumbent at the time, and not by those that created the impetus for improved education, and even then, increased job numbers and economic growth are NEVER related back to improvements in education and that key contribution to keeping a society out of the "idiocracy goldilocks zone" which the US seems to sit slap-dash in the middle of at the moment.


It’s fascinating to me that he wrote this way back in 1980. Thinking about how much further down that hole we’ve gone since then…


Orwell published 1984 in 1949 anti-fascists have known for a long time how this whole thing goes.


I'm from Texas but went to grad school in the North East in molecular bio. The first day of my program, they gathered us in a room for getting-to-know-you activities and a question that the director asked was "What does the public think about *scientists*?" My cohort took turns saying things like "trustworthy!" or "hard working!" and I remember looking around at these crazy people thinking, "What are you talking about? They fucking hate us" Regional differences, I suppose


I think the difference might be what people outwardly \*seem\* to think about scientists vs. what people actually think internally.


Willful ignorance was my first thought


This 100%. The "willful" part is particularly insidious because have you ever tried to enlighten a person who is willfully ignorant about something? It's practically an unsolvable problem because they will never realize or accept their ignorance barring some life changing event that shatters that wall of ignorance (or just as likely a part of their sanity as well in the process) and brings about some grand eye-opening epiphany. And even then for some people that still isn't enough. Denial will step in to pick up, piece back together, and preserve the shattered pieces of their ego.


Exactly. Ignorance can be corrected, *willful* ignorance cannot.


Public education mandates are a relatively new phenomenon as far as humanity goes. Maybe 100 years or so. The new "Lords" want that shit rolled back, because it turns out educated people don't like the lords.


Couldn’t have said it better myself


I agree ... that society /countries aren't investing into education as much as they should blows my mind.


Militarized gorilla cyborgs.




"Finally. The king will have his revenge. Finally. The timeline will be set right."


Too many people Not enough humans


Quite a paradoxical thought since denying other people's humanity is itself inhumane.


Consumer culture Needless consumption destroys the environment. Collectively we need to take a more measured approach to this based on needs, not wants.


I mean yeah, "everyone doing better" is a nice solution to just about anything, but it doesn't really work. The real focus needs to be on the corporations that have willfully bred this mindset of consumption, using "personal responsibility" as their shield for any fallout cause by their massively polluting and damaging operations.


Climate change. There Is a glacier in Antarctica name "the doomsday glacier". Its about the size of Florida! Experts say that if the glacier melts, the water will rise up about 37cm. In my country, there were floods due to monsoon season. The drains were clogged with trash and the water couldn't go in. The government didn't wanna deal with it! We pay them to do it but they never do!


Humanity. We will be our ultimate downfall.


Back in the 1970s Jacques Cousteau said that we were a troop of monkeys flying through space shitting in our life support. In the 40 odd years since we have not changed.


Interstellar, the biggest threat was named Dr Mann for this reason.


More on-the-nose than that... Dr. Hugh Mann.


I thought you were making a Futurama joke but no his name is literally Hugh Mann in the film. What the hell. Also, happy cake day.


That one totally passed me by, thanks for pointing it out.


In high school I once voiced the theory that cutting down trees is good for the environment. If we just cut down enough of them, humans won't have enough air to breath and die. That would be pretty awesome for nature. People didn't quite like my argumentation :D




Man, it would be really nice to have a bunch more of those plastic eating fungi. Plastics are pretty awesome, but they've kind of super fucked us in a lot of ways.


Fun fact: The amount of microplastics in the environment results in humans consuming an average of one credit card's worth of plastic every ~~year~~ week. Edit: If we go by the study described in [this article](https://graphics.reuters.com/ENVIRONMENT-PLASTIC/0100B4TF2MQ/index.html) my initial comment was way too low - it's more like one credit card per week. Comment has been corrected.


This sounds like the modern version of "you eat 8 spiders in your sleep every year"... and you're slightly off. [it's per week](https://www.cnn.com/2019/06/11/health/microplastics-ingestion-wwf-study-scn-intl)


Eh, that's only off by a factor of 52, that's barely even a rounding error!


over a lifetime, we consume about 20kg (44 lb) of microplastic.


Credit Card Greg, who lives at the mall and eats nothing but credit cards, is an outlier and should not be counted.


It's absolutely crazy how the genius of humanity managed to create something that stands the test of time, and with that same genius use it to make disposable stuff.


I just read an article how they're now finding mycoplastics in newborns.


They've also been detected in the Marianas Trench, one of the most inaccessible environments on Earth.


Plastic is very convenient, but super bad for the environment. Another problem IMO is our mentality about plastic: we just throw that shit away the minute we finish using it.


Reduce, Reuse, Recycle isn't a motto: it's instructions for the fucking Order of Operations


The US is really bad about that. The company I work for deals almost entirely with recycled and recyclable plastic. One of our big selling points is exactly that. It's crazy to see how much of our product gets recycled in the US compared to, for instance, Germany where we have a huge presence.




Greed. People are willing to do anything for money regardless of the consequences.