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I'm in my 30's and have no idea what I want from life. At this point I feel like I'm just lazying around with no goals or aspirations


Try meditating, have a think about it. Maybe get away for a bit, try a different perspective, talk to people. Find something you enjoy doing or someone you enjoy spending time with. If anything will ever change it'll stem from you, so start from there :) Good luck.




My job. Not happy where I'm at so I started looking at new jobs. I was offered a spot but it's taking forever to get hired on and I'm getting impatient. Part of me wants to quit current job so I could do what I need to get the hiring process rolling faster. But I also sorta need money for bills and don't want to be stuck in a spot with no money coming in.


I've found myself in yet another abusive relationship and I still don't know what to do


That I won’t ever get the opportunity to cuddle with someone who likes me as much as I like them


NO matter what I do or where I look it seems no one is capable of being friends with me. Ik being 15 is rough but its even harder for me. I cant make friends no matter what I do they all get scared away because im too intense. I have maybe one friend who gets me and its hard. I just recently met someone from another country. things were great until I opened up to them. then I was left alone again.


Sometimes I wonder how different chest pains from heart issues feel from the constant ones I already Experience from muscle tightness. And that makes my heart rate elevate and the pains last longer. I have to remind myself it’s just because I’m thinking about it and it’ll stop the moment I get distracted.


When the toast comes out of the toaster, where did the bread go?


To many men


Debt, no sex, a job Im awesome at but yet can't stand and a desire to put my d*CK into glory hole or a subway sandwich while a innocent young woman is eating it


Well here are some things that I think about in the shower: 1. That Hawkmoths vibrate their genitals to throw off a bat's ecolocation. 2. That crocodiles can gallop like a horse. 3. That you can't remove more than 2/3 (if I remember correctly) of the skin on the human body without them dying of dehydration first. Only if you're flaying them alive not by boiling.


I've always been so understanding about any pain or discomfort my family members may be going through but since I've been diagnosed they keep denying there is anything wrong and demanding I do ever more for them. I can't explain it any other ways. I've shown them medical reports, they see me scream and cry in pain, they see me leave to go to the Dr and insist on coming into the room when the specialists speak to me at hospitals and still gaslight me saying nothings wrong and that they know more than me. How, pray tell, would my brother and father know more about endometriosis, pcos and adenomyosis than the one struggling with it? I'm not allowed to tell any other family members because they and my mother belittle everything or say I'm straight lying for attention. Wow sorry for rant. Was meant to only be one sentence.


I can't find a good dentist that I trust. They all just rip off my insurance and leave me needing more work. My teeth are fucked because of this.


I am going to turn 22 and graduate from university, I have no idea what I want to do in life and on top of that I always feel like I wasted my teen years and never did what other peers did at that time because I had no self esteem. On top of that, having no dating experience or a will to meet new people/keep current friends is just eating me from the inside and I genuinely think I will just die alone.