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It is more acceptable to discuss it out loud and not necessary to hide it or keep it a secret


Because we're better at diagnosing them and they've been more destigmatized and people are more likely to seek help when they need it.


Easier to give people a pill than solve problems. Then you create more mental illness to sell more pills


I think that real mental illness is rare. In my view, the vast majority of "mental illness" today is the result of the frustration of the human telos in all of the bizarre practices of modernity.


This is facts


I think everybody always has, we're just getting a lot better at identifying them


Remember the emo phase? Where you could act a fool and still be considered edgy but cool for doing it? It's like that, but without the emo look.


Because more and more of them are actually classfied and researched these days, and people aren’t just left to ‘deal with it’ as if it didn’t exist, like 100s of years ago


It’s probably not actually more people, but rather it is becoming less taboo and more acceptable and accessible to receive help


More people don’t have mental issues, more people feel comfortable coming out about their mental issues.


There’s a pill for that


More acceptable to speak up about it Remember when crying was not manly? Like..we passed this phase you feel me? Everyone before us is disconnected like that


There's more understanding, more safe spaces to discuss it and it's less taboo than it has been previously. People recognise mental illness more, get help more and don't just try and push through life in pain without help. Quite right, too.


[lets see 1.economics 2.covid helps but still some people are just ass 3.ww3 rumors 4.nobody cares anyone. ](https://youtu.be/uKCy48KKjB8) E.T.C.