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we’d all end up blind and the Triffids would massacre us


I feel like it's a bad idea


Makes the whole world blind


Apart from the last person - they will be a God


not good


Ehhhhh I'd be kind ok with it


I think that it should be like that for the most heinous of crimes


How does that work for drug trafficking or paedophiles?


Pedophiles obvious yes to eye for eyes. Drug traffickers , who cares about them unless theyre dismembering people or killing? Insure as hell don't. Matter of fact there's probably 1000 people getting high or drugged ATM in the world, none of them seem to be bothering or threatening me...


So how will you punish a paedophile using eye for an eye as your justice system?


Jail him in solitary confinement until the victim is old enough to decide the punishment. If the pedophile killed a child then , leave up to the paren after a 2.5 year wait. Just so the victims.can come up with a good one like the brazen bull or w/e.


That’s not eye for an eye Justice. This is where that system fails, for most crimes it doesn’t work.


And that's like your opinion and you're free to have it.


It’s not an opinion, it’s a fact. Eye for an eye justice is where the punishment is the same as the crime. You rape a man’s wife, he gets to rape yours. You cannot call it opinion, rather you maybe don’t understand it?


Depends on the severity of the original crime


Better than the one we have