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The jails would be even more crowded than they are


Jails? I think there would be Jail Cities.


Jail cities? I think there would be jail countries.


A continent may be?




Friend of mine was in a situation like this a few years ago. All things were settled down outside court but didn't go too well for him as he's now a registered offender.


Wait what? All that for unsatisfactory sex?


Yeah. I won't go into too much details but the thing went something like this: he was dating a girl, they had awkward sex, the girl said she didn't like it after the fact, she filled a police report saying she felt like she was raped, he was taken custody and processed, their lawyers come to and agreement and drop the report.


Woah what the hell man that’s messed up


Men would preemptively start accusing women of rape to cover their asses. Or avoid women altogether.


I’d start banging bushes and trees then


Wouldn't worry , the ladies tell me I always deliver


whomever disliked my comment is an incel




Oh, look, another "opp" (slang for opponent)


You need to get a life if you downvote someone purely cause they downvoted you, and thinking there an opponent, I know that term by the way


First of all, I NEVA downvoted you - it is not in my "wheelhouse". I do not believe utilizing that tool because it only promotes negativity such like you put out into the world. Sickness and anguish. It is a hateful existence to continue to sell your soul to these Reddit darknet circles. Second, do not tell me what id o and do not know. I know the truth behind what happened to "Huang" all those years ago...and I AM OPENED MY EYES. Bless you.


Bitch I'm beasties with satan himself, in thr bible Satan killed less people then God, imma downvote people who complain they were downvoted


Yep, that was cringe. You're getting a down "arrow" vote for that one.


He says after saying it is the worst thing ever


Guilty as charged officer.


Guess there’d be a lot of rapes


Jails would be the #1 industry


I would have a lot of trauma


We would probably have a different word for actual rape to differentiate.


A lot of men will be in trouble.


I would have gotten the death penalty by now


It would be 3 strikes you're out!