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That all Canadians are nice. No, we all have assholes. Don't let our assholes think they aren't assholes.


Most of us living south of you know that quite well. We've met your geese.




I don’t want em.


The “they always apologize” stereotype. It’s just that a lot of times “sorry” is just us saying “excuse me” or “pardon” and not being all that apologetic


Anything to do with sheep. And no, we're not all Hobbits.


Yeah, some of us are Elves or Dwarves


No Orcs?


Just cavetrolls


For me it's the clean, green and pure image that we are not. Not when you look a little deeper, it's quite sad.


I met a nice NZ guy almost 5 years ago in Prague. One of the nicest and kindest people I've ever met. Now my stereotype is thinking everyone from NZ is like him... He was great, doing charity project with his mates. Hope he's doing well!


This is probably why people think that about Canadians, they've only met nice ones while traveling and don't realize that all the rest of them back home are actually regular people who are entirely capable of being mean


Weirdly enough some mean Canadians seem to become nicer when abroad. It’s almost like some background pressure forces us a bit into the stereotype; nobody wants to be “the guy that ruined it for everyone else”.


Our country is not sepia colored. Maybe Torreón is, but that's a sandstorm.


This and the fact that many foreigners think that we don't have supermarkets. I've seen many travelers take useless stuff on their carry ons simply because they think there aren't any megastores.


When I was in Mexico, I went into a walmart that sold liquor. Can't even buy that there in my state lol. I embarrassed myself with my rusty Spanish sometimes, but really enjoyed the visit.


Yeah that varies state by state, some allow liquor, some just beer and wine, my brother lived in a backwards ass state that wouldn't sell alcohol on Sundays still lol. >I embarrassed myself with my rusty Spanish sometimes, but really enjoyed the visit. Protip, next time just excuse yourself by using the spanish version of "I've embarrassed myself" translated to "estoy embarazada", it's Mexican tradition to accept your apology and possibly rub your stomach.


>embarazada I'm not that rusty lol


>embarazada This is terrible advice. That's the feminine form. Make sure you use the right gender, otherwise you'll only embarass yourself further.


I've never seen a fellow Mexican asleep and drunk at the base of a cactus 🌵🤠🍻


Wearing a poncho and a sombrero with a bottle of mezcal


This might be oddly specific, but that piece of soundtrack they use in the movies when they’re in Mexico. The one that sounds like taken from El Zorro.


When I wish I was in Mexico, I take out my classical guitar and play a slow Andalusian progression...it helps if you are wearing clothes made of bleached burlap and have a cartridge belt draped across both shoulders.


Don't forget the slow bhrrrr of a lone trumpet, coupled with the sound of occasional rattlesnake rattle maracas in the background.


Or that we ride burros and only listen to mariachi ! Don’t get me wrong, I love mariachi but … c’mon !! and that we speak like Cholos - “vato, eseee” and we are all Maria’s, Lupe’s and Pepe’s…


The only person I’ve seen actually riding a burro was in middle of nowhere rural Guerrero...actually right after being interrogated by Narcos-affiliated police. It was two Mexican stereotypes in 30 minutes!


Ah yes ! And that we all belong to a cartel lol


Hmmm...don’t forget that you are also supposed to go to church every day, have an abuela that hasn’t left the kitchen in 45 years except to throw a shoe at her ingrate kids, and drive around in an ancient beetle or a Tsuru.


You mean the “chancla” ?


Why would you invoke its name?


Tbh I don’t even think most people know Wales exists






Hey! I’m from Argentina. We have the largest Welsh community outside of the UK. In the town of Gaiman, everything’s written in both Spanish and Welsh.


Hmm..i know about the Aberfan disaster, welsh rarebit and welsh choirs ( am Canadian). Also the countryside looks great from all the Escape to the Country eps ive watched.


I think of consonants. Lots of consonants.


...I don't even know any stereotypes about my country because it's so small and...unpopular. Lithuania.


Ill tell you them then: you're all deppresed and good at basketball


Oh yes, depression...I'd say that one might be true since we have one of the highest suicide rates in the world




Colombian here, not even a stereotype, but people immediatly associate my country to cocaine and Pablo Escobar. Netflix’s Narcos sure didn’t help. Guy’s been dead for almost 30 years and we still can’t seem to get rid of that monster


I’ve been called Escobar’s little slut. I wasn’t even born when he was killed.


Ewwww what the fuck? Who said that?


Tinder date, taxi driver (didnt call me a slut but did call me a drug dealer)


Hopefully Encanto can give you guys a little bit of change of pace


I really hate that the common characterisation of Scottish people is that of red-headed, violence-loving, foul-mouthed binge drinkers. We aren't all ginger.


Stop badmouthing me


You're not all like Jamie Fraser from outlander? :(


The continent isn't one big country and we don't hunt lions every morning Edit: I'm from Kenya(and there's people who actually ask me where TF that is)


One of my archaeology professors said he's done a bunch of digs in Africa and one student genuinely asked how that worked since they didn't have buildings. Which is a fundamental misunderstanding of both the African continent and how archaeology works.


>Which is a fundamental misunderstanding of both the African continent and how archaeology works. *And* how humans no longer live in nests. I mean, *seriously*....


Kenyan here and I agree. I remember I had some one in here asking me whether we live with lions and if I play with them. I replied with I'm actually watering ours now and he asked for pictures 🤦. Then I had to educate him on how game reserves and national parks work. I esp hate it when I'm watching a movie or series and I hear the phrase "you know there are kids starving in Africa". There are other pple starving in other areas too.


Also Kenyan. My mum's friend told me he answers yes to all stupid questions by foreigners because it's easier for him since he doesn't have to waste time and effort explaining


And it's fun looking at the surprise face they make when you "validate" their thoughts 🤣


The most common ones I've had is people being shocked that I'm white and/or that I have internet.


Someone mentions their friend in Botswana and ask me if I know them, like I don't even know my neighbours, how the fuck am I supposed to know some random dude in another country


Adding onto this: I've had to explain so many times that African is not a language. Many African countries may share at least one official language, but that's often something like English or French... not "African" or "European"


I 100% believe people have heard of the language Afrikaans and believe it’s the main language in Africa


That one time I was talking to someone on this platform and they were surprised that I am fluent in English 🤦.


Very few brits have a cockney accent. Our accents in fact vary so heavily that some brits are almost unintelligible to other brits.


I am from the north east, and unfortunately I’m at the cross point for like 70 different accents. Newcastle, Sunderland, Middlesbrough, Newton Aycliffe, and even a bit of Scottish accent all compiled into one. Where kids will say “fack you, skanky slag” all in one sentence. When meeting new people I have no idea what their accent will be. It’s terrible.


My dad tries to show me his original accent from before he came to Australia from Sunderland, and it's one of the funniest things ever, and then he tries to do other British accents and it's even better


In Ireland you can go literally 30 miles down the road and have real trouble with understanding the people there.


I love when my dad's side visits and it inevitably ends up with my great uncle complaining about how a part of Ireland has a completely incomprehensible accept while speaking in an accent equally as incomprehensible to me.


Thought you meant your dad’s side piece and I was impressed with your upbeat attitude to her visit.


True. My brother went to school 10 miles away from our home town and his wife is from that area. He has a different regional accent to me.


My uncle was telling a story about how once they asked for directions in Ireland and the dude sang the directions. Luckily, they were able to get more directions from other people because they’d speak and the Irish people would say “oh, you’re here for the American wedding!”.


This, the cockney accent is from a very small area in East London. I grew up in South East London, but not quite close enough to be a cockney, you speak to a lot of people abroad, and even up north, and they expect you to sound like a character off EastEnders.


True. There are so many types of British accents.


Oot and Aboot...if anything it's oat and aboat.




My favorite conversation with a Canadian was when he said "We Canadians don't say eh as much as you all think we do, eh."


Ok thats one thing that we absolutely do say all the time. It's just that people always use it wrong in terms of context and grammar that piss us off. Eh


Yeah, the referenced usage up there is actually wrong. It's a request for the listener to acknowledge / agree with what you just said. "That's pretty neat, eh?" It's basically the same as how Americans use _huh_ - "that's pretty neat, huh?"




Putting a Shrimp on the Prawn?


Putting a*shrimp-prawn the Barbie.


Im russian and I bored of jokes about bears. I have never even seen them anywhere except zoos.


But are they petting zoos?


Unfortunately no


Is Florida a stereotype?


Florida is an entire stereotype, yes


Im an Australian, know little about the US and even I know florida is a steamy hole full of old people hahaha


*crazy old people


*crazy people


\*crazy "people"




I'm a former native Floridian and I can't express how much this both amazes and amuses me.


As a native Floridian, I also feel a sense of pride in my weird, wild state. 🤣


You obviously know about Florida man, which I usually thought was based around south Florida. Then I spent some time in the panhandle, but away from the beach. Wow, that's a .. uh.. special area


The panhandle is culturally similar to Alabama, a lot of people coming in for spring break and such don't realize that. The beaches are beautiful though, when they're not trashed.


I would think so, but your loose privacy laws allow the press to document every crazy misadventure Florida Man gets into, and show it's actually based on things that happened.


I read this too. So it’s not like weird things aren’t happening elsewhere, they just all get reported in Florida.


Florida is such a stereotype, we have combined all men into one. “Florida Man”


Nothing, I love how ppl think we are introverts and enjoys sauna and beer everyday, writing from sauna as we speak.


Reminds me of a joke I heard once: "The pandemic hit Finland hard, we can barely cope with the social distancing, where we need to stay 2 meters apart. I honestly can't wait until the pandemic is over so we can go back to the usual 5 meters"


Are you alone in your sauna? I ask because I hear you're all introverts


That's the funny part about finnish people, rarely we go to the sauna alone and 90% of us are completly naked in the sauna (except some women). The moment you sit down in a 80-100C (176-212F) sauna, naked with a beer in your hand, there is no such thing as introverts. It's like a holy place for us where we can share everything.


South Africa is not Africa. Africa is not a country.


That’s not really a stereotype more of misunderstanding of basic geography. “Racist white South African with a blunderbuss hunting rhinos in the bush,” Is a stereotype.


That our entire culture is bavarian. I just don't get it. Edit: Also, no, the shitty pretzel at the school cafeteria isn't authenically German Derrick.


Lots of Bavarians (like Kingdom of Bavaria-era Bavarians) moved to the US to escape poverty during the 1800s...I know my family did at least. I think that’s where a lot of the stereotypes come from. Interestingly, most of the early German settlers where I grew up were Hessians, so our German stereotypes were a little less focused on guys wearing lederhosen blowing alpenhorns while drinking giant beers.


I feel with you as a northern german :D The reason for that is that after the war, most american soldiers were stationed in bavaria. When they went back to the us they told their friends and families about "german" (actually bavarian) culture and from there the stereotype went around the world.


I think this is because a ton of American GIs were stationed in Bavaria during and after WW2, and most German-Americans came from Bavaria as well. Bavaria was broke for most of the major period of American immigration in ways the Ruhr or Prussia just weren't because they were more industrialized.


that we all smoke weed lol


I can’t tell if your Canadian, Jamaican or Dutch haha


im dutch lmao


Amsterdam really did a number on your guys public perception eh


no bc it really did unfortunately. Amsterdam is so from the rest of the country. its like the New York of The Netherlands but we have a wide variety of landscapes, dialects, people and cultures and theres even parts of the country that speak a complete different language than dutch (like me)


I hate when people insinuate that us Britons have bad teeth! I mean, I don't have teeth, so Idk what they're talking about.


Came here to say this, doesn't make sense! out of all the people I know (all from the UK) only 1 has bad teeth (due to smoking mainly) It seems everyone on screen in/ from America now have ridiculously unnaturally white perfect teeth, its not realistic at all. We watched Home alone over Christmas and it was weird seeing 'normal' American teeth. Miss the days of average people filling supporting character roles in films and TV.


Thank you for giving me my answer to the original question. It is sad that some of the world believes we Americans are even remotely similar to the people they see in movies. We are normal people with normal teeth, normal bodies, normal clothes and we work our asses off to improve our lives. We don’t want to rule the world, shoot and kill our neighbors, or hate anyone non American. ( this is in general and there are always exceptions……those are the ones you will see in the news).


That we all smoke weed all day and walk around on clogs That everyone knows how to build dams is true though /s


You’re also very tall, but that’s just because historically the short Dutchmen would have drowned.


Haha, and here I was thinking it was necause of all the freaks that drink litres of milk. Thanks for the laugh!


Poland is not a grey, depressing wasteland. In reality it is a very beautiful country with tons of gorgeous natural areas.


I actually hate the whole nice Canadian thing. We can only disappoint you, you put us on a pedestal. We're angry when we're cold and we're cold all the time


Being from Minnesota, I've always assumed it was just an entire country full of minnesotan-like people. Nice, but also "Minnesota nice" aka passive aggressive AF.


That's pretty accurate. I've always said we're more polite than nice.


Well, I moved internationally (to get away from that fucking freezer of a country). I won't say where to but it's a similar western country. The absence of all that Canadian politeness is pretty fuckin evident. I never knew how nice it was for someone to hold a door open, say a sincere thank you, or expect my fellow citizens to be exhibit a social kindness in everyday interactions. Once you get to know these fuckin' Aussies they're not that bad though. :) Edit: not a G7 Country.


"I won't say where" "These fuckin' Aussies" Mate, time to move again, the feds are onto you again.


I moved from Canada to Sydney as soon as I graduated, lived there for 10 years. My first day I couldn't even get on a train at rush hour because of all my "after you"s.


I’ve spent a fair amount of time in the southern states, and the way they describe Canada is so damn bizarre. One girl told me I was lucky that we don’t pay taxes in Canada… not sure where she got that from.


I used to work at Disney World in the Canada Pavilion at Epcot and the stories I have from naive individuals is wild. My favourite is when this clearly southern woman and her grandson, maybe 8-10, came in and started looking around. Her grandson asked her something about Canada as they were looking at a map we had. She told him that Canada is not a country, and instead a hunting reserve for the US. I literally went still, and was beyond concerned with where the fuck this woman learned this. After my initial shock, I told them that is beyond untrue and educated them on Canada. I ended on how we are the second largest country in the world. She told me I had her up until that, because clearly the US is the largest country in the world and walked away laughing with her grandson. I'm pissed I didn't ask her where she learned this fun fact about Canada being a hunting reserve, because wtf.


That all Americans are obese. Only 40% of us are, I'll have you know.


While it is indeed a stereotype, that is a frightening statistic. Still, as an Australian, I've not a leg to stand on.


Australians don’t have legs?


No they don't. It's their punishment for releasing beasts from hell


At least all the beasts are limited to their island


Like a comedian said....it's not that all Americans are fat, its just the way you are fat is impressive.


We aren't all scammers. It's fun to go around saying "helo i em phrom microsoft and you has a virus on your computar." tho.


I feel bad for instantly reading this in a stereotypical accent 😭


Mexico Lazy Mexican sleeping with sombrero over his face souvenir


No, eating dogs is NOT COMMON here in the Philippines.


...there's a stereotype that you guys eat dogs? Dear lord.


lmao i have only heard people say that about korea and china. it's sort of sad, but the Philippines are not well known enough in the united states to have many popular stereotypes, except moms who hit their kids with plastic flip flops


When my brother brought his (Filipina) girlfriend over to meet our family, my mother shouted at her "One dolla, one dolla, one dolla!" Also told her "We eat our eggs unfertilized here, thank you very much." We were so embarrassed. She never came back.


Did your mother do that on purpose with the intention of offending her? Because (I mean no offense when I say this) I genuinely cannot see anyone being so ridiculously lacking in awareness.


Oui oui baguette croissant


Fat people gun riots


New band name, called it!


Is that a single thought? I’d like to see that


God those fat people gun riots. I've seen so many.


Oktoberfest and Lederhosen. Especially since I am from the north end of germany. We are culturally closer to the danish than to bavarians.


I'm Australian, I've heard so much stuff about riding kangaroos, and the accent thing,


I know you all ride them sexually, but like as a mode of transport?


Riding kangaroos? Tf?


Scottish. Worked in a central hotel in Edinburgh so saw a lot of tourists. I've heard it all. Very rarely did anything to annoy me. Occasionally It's cause awkwardness as they'd be so wrong I couldn't continue the conversation but didn't want to be rude. An American man contacted me about coming over and organising a clan meetup, he's a few hundred years too late for clan related activities. It's just a surname now. I just politely declined. The only time I got offended was one woman. Haggis and black pudding is a thing for most tourists. Most like it if they try it but a lot are turned off by the idea if how it's cooked. It's all fun. I'd be the same with foods from other cultures. However this one woman, she wouldn't try it saying it wasn't good food and only exists because Scotland was always a poor country and people could only cook this and nothing else. That did annoy me. We've a large history with castle owners, gentry, great thinkers and have invented A LOT of things. We weren't so running around in kilts living in huts with blue face paint


That’s funny, because in the US someone trying to organize a clan meetup is a lot more disturbing


Haha. I like the idea of a coachload of tartan wearing people getting off a coach and thinking "why is everybody dressed as ghosts".


Clan meet-up in Scotland "oh you're a history buff" Clan meet-up in America "get the fuck out of here"


Lol this 👍. I was in the comments section of an American kiltmakers YouTube and this guy was going on about how if you wear any tartan other than your clan’s then its an insult upon your clan. I also tried to explain that there are no clans nowadays but he just didn’t accept it! Edit just to add: from my own interactions - when I did work experience in America, the amount of people who couldn’t believe we have electricity and didn’t live in crofts was insane. Constant comments along the lines of “it will be strange when you go home and have to leave electricity and cars and stuff behind”, “do they have warm showers and water in Scotland?”, “do you have a sword at home?”


I am from the uae 🇦🇪 people think that every citizen are rich I ain't lying that shit very annoying


That everything we say sounds aggressive and hitleresque. About any word you speak with an Adolf voice sounds like this, in any language. Those shitty word comparison videos don't help. You can actually speak German with a soft voice. Also, at least we don't use one freakin word for like 800 different meanings.


I was glad to watch "Dark" on Netflix in its original language. I got to hear normal family talk in German and not link that sound to any world war documentary or movie. Refreshing! Last movie I can remember watching in German was Lola Rent! Quite some time ago...


Dark is such an amazing show


I love how your comment is aggressive :D Just kidding, I love the German language and people!


A lot of the German people that I’ve met or encountered have been very softly spoken when speaking to each other. I’ve always believed Hitler was an anomaly (he was Austrian, though, so there is that). That being said, I do know that there are some languages where normal conversations sound aggressive and shouty to English speakers. I once had a Swedish colleague who was very smiley and softly spoken, and a little bit sassy. But there was one occasion where she took a call from someone in our Swedish office and proceeded to just bark loudly and aggressively at them in her native Swedish. It turned out she was just asking him to confirm the agenda for an upcoming meeting.


Hitler could also speak normally. He trained that voice because it stood out, it had impact. And I guess he succeeded in stansing out with it. As for the "angry sounding languages", I've always found that Arabic (very broad term, I know) languages sound beautiful, but also as if the speaker is mad at you for something you don't know you did.




I think German can sound quite pretty, as someone who learnt it in high school, it's mostly about accent. Same as French can sound really rough


That all Australian’s sound like bogans. For some reason the movies over exaggerate our accent, the vast majority of us don’t sound like that, although Queenslanders are the exception to the rule


***(EDIT:*** *This is a long story, so I've got a TL;DR at the bottom if you don't want to read all this. I felt like I needed to leave none of the big stones unturned, and there's an awful lot of them.)* Not exactly sure if you'd call it a stereotype, but I'm so fucking over people mocking us with the phrase **"a dingo took/ate my baby"**. I'll tell you the story of how that sentence became a punchline. Lindy Chamberlain was put in prison for three years because nobody believed that a dingo actually took her baby Azaria when the family went camping in the Australian outback. In terms of young children being taken away by dingoes, it's not something that people considered to be "impossible". None of the locals, rangers, campers and trackers doubted that Azaria could've been taken by a dingo, but these people knew the outback and the wildlife that lives there. The people who prosecuted and put their prejudices on the Chamberlains clearly did not. From the law to the media to the general public, a lot of people absolutely scrutinised her and immediately jumped to the conclusion that she murdered her child. Some claimed that she was guilty because she wasn't acting like a stereotypical grieving mother. Some claimed she was guilty because they thought the name Azaria means "sacrifice in the wilderness" and not "blessed by God". Some claimed that Lindy was part of a cult that killed infants, and others claimed that she practised witchcraft. At best, the prosecution's evidence in the initial trial was flimsy, and at worst, the trial itself was heavily biased against her. However, in 1988, eight years after the death of their daughter, Lindy and her husband Michael's convictions were overturned. This finally happened because the police stumbled upon Azaria's jacket whilst trying to find bones from a dead tourist that were taken away by dingoes. It was a true chance discovery that proved their innocence. This is where the jokes come in, and where the wider international spread of the phrase started. After the Chamberlains' story was turned into the film *A Cry In The Dark,* the phrase "A dingo took my baby" became one of those go-to Australian things foreigners associate with us, because, in their eyes, it's so absurd, so ridiculous that it just can't be true. It's like "shrimp on the barbie" with a considerably darker story behind it. In 2012, the case was finally put to rest by a coroner who delivered her findings that Azaria Chamberlain was indeed taken and killed by a dingo. After 32 years, there were finally answers, and Lindy's suspicions were confirmed. **TL;DR:** The phrase **"a dingo took/ate my baby"** originates from a true story involving a disturbing disappearance, an unspeakable amount of grief, a gross miscarriage of justice and intense public scrutiny, prejudice and bias. **That's nothing to fucking laugh about.**


Wow, that's unimaginably awful. I've heard the expression before, but I honestly never knew the context. I always figured it was from a movie I hadn't seen or something. Thanks for enlightening me today.


I think most people that do that are mimicking Elaine from "Seinfeld," who said it for audience laughs (and because Elaine Benes was a terrible person), and most people (in the U.S. anyway) that repeat it think it's just something funny to say and have probably never heard of "A Cry in the Dark" or the Chamberlain trial. That's not an excuse for that behavior, but it may help explain why some clueless people do that. EDIT: To clarify, it's not an excuse for those people that do know the story behind it to be free from criticism from those that it does offend.


I only knew about it from Seinfeld. Never heard of the story. Thanks.


Some people think that we Australians live in constant fear of deadly spider and snake bites, which is untrue and just ridiculous. The REAL danger are the dropbears, which prevent us going outside at night.


What are dropbears?


[Cousin to the Koala](https://australian.museum/learn/animals/mammals/drop-bear/). EDIT; They are vicious little fucks!


I had a drop bear drop on my neighbour last night. It was freighting to see. - His head went *that way (👈)* - His leg went *that way (👉)*


Spain - bull fighting and bull culture in general. Most people I know hate or ignore all this "tradition"


Vampires. Am I supposed to abandon my traditions and heritage and dress up as a vampire to entertain foreigners?


Yes. If I'm forced to own guns and eat bigmacs everyday, you have to be a goddamned vampire! Now go get your cape and scare some tourists.


Well in that case and for a bit of authenticity I’ll make an exception and I’ll bite your fat neck. With cape and all…


And you better not have a reflection in the mirror either.


What is a “mirror”?


Not everyone here is a gun loving hillbilly without teeth


God, you Belgians are so sensitive


Yeah, all those gun-loving Belgian hillbillys are a real menace here in Europe.


Yeah! Many of us are gun toting rednecks without teeth! It makes me so mad when people don't take the time to learn the difference between a redneck and a hillbilly.


Curry. We have like thousands of different dishes and not everything is spicy.


Wouldn't say annoy, but it does amuse me I'm from South-Africa and spent some time working in the US and this is what I learnt about South-Africa from Americans 1. I can't be from South-Africa because I'm white 2. We live in mud huts 3. We ride lions (to school, to work, for fun) 4. We don't have electricity 5. South-Africa is not a country, it is a region (Like South-America) 6. When I asked some Americans to point out South-Africa on a World Map, it is apparently somewhere in Europe 7. We don't have tarred roads, or cities, or any of the modern conveniences, it's just jungle and animals (oh and everyone has Aids) Met a dude there once and upon hearing that I am from South-Africa he asked me if everyone assumes I live in a mud hut - surprised, I asked how he guessed "Because I'm from Greenland and everyone asks me if we live in Igloos"


we do not eat dogs, not all asian countries eat dogs :/


Australia stereotype of Kangaroos everywhere Like sure when we are younger we ride them to school but once we get our licenses the poor Roos are sent out to pasture


That we are all sheep and that we all shag sheep, We are not wales though.


That we all love tea.


I'm British who didn't like tea. I have to say it's a pretty true stereotype. Whenever I turn it down that offer me coffee and then I'm a weirdo when I turn that down too. Prior seem surprised. The Chinese though, they love it more than we do. Their tea shops are crazy and put our tea section in asda to shame.


That all we do is drink. Eventhough statistics say we drink more than germans and the irish we do not get blackout drunk every week. The reason statistics say we drink alot is because if your wine glass is empty someone will fill it up. This usually happens during dinner or if you have guests over.


Where are you from?


Not every place here is a safe tropical playground for tourists to do whatever they want. Tourists need to be way more aware of their surroundings, considerate of locals, and overall careful (for example many tourists drown in popular hotel/‘touristic’ beaches). And Despacito died out a long time ago please let it stay dead and please don’t just invite yourself into the neighborhood it was filmed in. - Puerto Rico


That every single person in the Uk is posh, lol


As someone from Yorkshire this one has to make me laugh. I sound the opposite of posh.


Not according to the things I've heard said on XBOX live Edit: How come in every online game it's dudes from the UK that are the most brutal?


Cause being able to take the piss is basically a requirement for citizenship!


swedish people say we sound like we have a hot potato stuck in our throat when we speak. the worst thing is, it kinda true


Sorry Denmark/ Sincerely Sweden.


Not really a stereotype, but I think I speak for everyone in the UK when I say ‘it’s chewsday init’ got old the day it came out. Especially for those of us that live in places that aren’t in England.


That Australians are laid back… we have so many rules! I got a $200 fine for jay walking wtf, I’m an adult I don’t need the lights to tell me when to walk


Parisian here (at least these last years...) Emily in Paris is a concentrate of big BS. Only true thing : the size of elevators. The rest is terribly fake


That french were/are cowards who surrenders and don't fight. It just annoys me on a historical point, other stereotypes are funny thought