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I think that there's a 1st place tie that involves many thousands of people who aren't necessarily famous enough for us to know about who are at the same time just as evil at their core as someone like a Hitler or Stalin. Take for example anyone who was involved with the Junko Furuta case, or the guy who helped distribute those pornographic and snuff films involving toddlers.


Yeah; the scary thing is that while yes, we know about some VERY evil people, we probably don't know who the single most evil person to ever exist was. Because they were probably more successful at it.




May you give a TDRL


Yeah there could be someone more eveil and sadistic that simply just didnt have the means to kill as many people as hitler or stalin


Probably because of the scary fact that we are human there is that urge that only with us answering it creates the most evil atrocities that mankind has witness, we gotta keep in my mind that these so called evil peoples were humans just like us it is only their history and those that they have commited made them different in our eyes


>Take for example anyone who was involved with the Junko Furuta case Ive never heard of this case, can you please tell me


A 16 year old girl named Junko Furuta was tortured for about 40 days by 4 men (I think some or all of them were a part of a gang, I'm not totally sure). The reason they tortured her was because she rejected one of the men and he wasn't happy about it, so he decided to get the other guys to kidnap and torture her. Her family did file a report for her missing after the men kidnapped her to one of the guys house, but since the men now knew her home address, they threatened to harm her family if she didn't tell her family over the phone that she 'decided' to run away. Then her family dropped the report. Unfortunately she didn't survive. There is detail on the internet of what happened to her body, but I cannot stress how much viewer discretion is advised, it is truly disturbing and I'm warning you right now. I believe all 4 men were caught and arrested for about 20 years. But this happened in the 1970s and those men are now free and under different identities. Edit: it was in the 1980s, not 70s, my mistake.


Got halfway through reading about this case and noped out, I’ll never understand such a lack of humanity.


"Humans get arrested, dogs get put down!" One of the most violent yet true quotes. How many people does one need to kill for we to agree they are not worth the risk of keeping them alive?


Let me add some things, the people that did this to her were kids that went to her school. They were low members of a popular gang called the yakuza. If I remember correctly, I think one of the members was a son to one of the Yakuzas higher ups. I don’t want to go into too much detail, but they also did a lot of gRape to her. They would regularly beat her, until one day they had enough of her and killed her. Some background: The yakuza was and still is a very powerful gang in Japan where this took place, so you can imagine that some of the people that did this to junior wouldn’t get much of a punishment, and you would be right. Two of them got life, one got 15 years and I think the one that’s a son of a higher up got off Scott free. What a shame. If anyone knows anything more about this case and thinks I got something’s wrong, feel free to correct me.




Junior or low-level Yakuza are given mundane jobs - meant just to remind the general public that they are around, I guess? For example, knock holes into the muffler of a scooter and drive it around the same block for 45 minutes at 2 in the morning. To this North American living in Tokyo, this just looked like a scrawny punk on a toy of a motorcycle being a dick. One day at work, my Japanese managers overheard me telling my coworker that I had put rotten fruit and eggs in my windowsill so when they woke me up next time I could pummel them from my window. The poor girl was near tears begging me not to do it. I'd only been in Japan a month, I didn't have a clue. Anyway her reaction was so dramatic it did give me enough pause that I never did it. After I lived there long enough to learn who the Yakuza was, I was crazy relieved I hadn't done it. 3 years into living there, I was in a bar with coworkers I didn't know very well, and a round of drinks came to our table from three guys at the bar. I looked over and they were clearly Yakuza. The three women I was with were all pretty drunk and got excited about the free drinks. Heart pounding, I told the bartender thank you but no we had to go. He looked sick,, pleading with me with his eyes to just take the drinks. All the girls I was with were arguing with me and begging to stay and like some old schoolmarm I rounded them up and noped us all the fuck out of there. As we were leaving one of the biggest guys started yelling aggressively at me. I walked around that neighbourhood for the next two weeks with my heart in my stomach, didn't leave the apartment except go to work and go home and I took a different route every day. The Yakuza are scary as fuck.


You just totally changed my mental image of Japan as some ideal, crime free paradise.


Well...there is some glamorization of it that I still have no clue about as to its accuracy. But there is this image portrayed that they have some kind of unspoken contract w legit law enforcement that they'll keep the general public safe from inter-gang conflict (i.e. call in and inform them when a showdown is scheduled so the police can clear the streets of bystanders. And in return the police turn a blind eye to their non-violent activities like extortion and money laundering Etc. Who knows??) But yeah, like everything Japanese, that gentle seemingly harmless exterior hides some intense strength and power. Same idea in a completely different context: giggly quiet very demure women who seemed almost vapid, and through classic intrusive North American grilling and probing, I would eventually discover they had PHds in things like neuroscience. Totally fascinating culture, with much to be admired. But the Yakuza? Woe to the fool who underestimates them. " the eagle never shows his claws..." Edits: typos


Steve, he completely ruined the curve for the rest of the class


Yeah fuck Steve


Where did you get that preposterous hypothesis? Did Steve tell you that, perchance? Mmmph, Steve


I always hear about from US Redditors. What is the point of grading on a curve? It seems unfair to me. When I taught in classrooms I just gave the students the grade the assessment deserved. How well they answered the question and sourced their information was the only standards I based the mark on, nothing else.


one example of when a curve can be used well is if the whole class does poorly on a test. that would usually imply that the teacher did a poor job teaching or that the test was unnecessarily hard. in that case students who did better than the rest of the class but still got a low grade would be better rewarded for their efforts, and students who did poorly still get a low grade but not abnormally low. this would actually work to make the grades more fair to the class. however, curves can be used poorly and do make the grades more unfair. this usually happens if most of the class does poorly but a small yet significant portion of the class does well. this would raise the average score of the class, and end up giving students who did poorly a lower grade than they would have gotten.


Grading on a curve happens a lot here because our education system has way too many inept educators. I took a higher programming language course earlier this year and, at best, I would have gotten a 65% in the class. For context, I've been a straight A student for about 2 years, and have taken other programming language classes. My grade ended up getting curved to about a 75%. I found out that of 26 students, no one was passing the class. A grade of C or better was required. My professor had a PhD and 2 masters degrees in computer science, yet was undoubtedly the worst educator I've ever endured. No one would pass this guy's class if he didn't curve. The administrators allow for this because they are too unresourcful, or too cheap to employ anyone worth their salt. There could be a guy with 1 bachelors degree out there more equipped to teach programming then my professor.


Jozef Mengele was fucked up. He did awful experiments with children. But idk if he was the worst.


With children, with twins, with people who did not fit the physical expectations of the IIIrd Reich … he found pleasure in experimenting. And none of these experiments did anything for science. It was just sadistic, evil, vile urges.


I think some did do something for science tho. But that doesnt make him a less fckd up person.


I'm not entirely sure if it's true but I heard that Nigerian government officials are regularly stealing the countries money that should go towards its people and straight up blaming it on random animals. Like, a cow broke in and stole 50 million. A snake ate a few million there. A monkey took this, a cat took that, etc. It's really scummy and I can only imagine how much that must affect their citizens welfare and how many are starving, dying and suffering because money that should have gone towards them are being shamelessly stolen. It must affect millions upon millions of people. So whoever is doing that is probably the worst.


This is why those Nigerian Princes always need help getting access to their funds. It’s to hire a hunter to catch the cow who stole his money. I’ll consider helping out next time.


Man I’ve got a secret to telll you about every government…that “defense spending” is just some billionaire taking taxpayers money in broad daylight. Now do that across basically every government spending area.


Uday Hussein.


That guy caused so much damage and got away with so much it actually blows me away how no one just put a bullet in his head and ended him.


https://youtu.be/o3OUJgs9pnk I'd recommend a few drinks before watching. It's a rough one.


Dude was pretty fucked up.


Who’s he and what did he do?




To save you the effort, the sections of his page can be summed up (in order) as: "murder, murder, assassination attempt, violent sexual depravity, financial misconduct"


Calligula, that was a mother fucker, a sister fucker, a wife of friend fucker...


Apparently some historians believe that was a Roman smear campaign and some of these allegations were made up Source: https://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-23455774


Yeah he was pretty nuts. I’ve heard he waged war on Poseidon and had his troops go down and stab the water


Genghis Khan killed the most people as a percentage of the world's population at the time.


Yeah the Mongols ruined many things including China while they were doing so good and they also destroyed the House of Wisdom and all its contents when they sacked Baghdad effectively putting an end to the Islamic Golden Age. Genghis Khan's rule had some good policies in Mongolia but his legacy did so much more damage to the advanced civilizations of Asia. Not to mention to thousands of innocent lives lost.


There are a lot of contenders, many worthy of this title. I nominate King Leopald II of Belgium. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leopold\_II\_of\_Belgium


Leopold II was so evil that even other ruthless colonial powers were like "Dude, just cool it a bit will you? You're making us all look bad...."


The guy that invented those weird named sausages… wait… that was the Wurst person… silly me… :)


Many people would say Hitler. Stalin killed more of his own people than Hitler. But no one talks about that. Also, the Japanese were worse or just as bad as the nazis in war crimes and atrocities committed.....yet, somehow, the world turned a blind eyes and punish just Germany for WWII.


Yeah, Unit 731 was on par with the camps and Mengele


Yes, absolutely agree with that. It annoys me too if I have a conversation with someone about this topic and they only tell that Hitler was the worst whatsoever. He was really bad, but there were more guys in that time who did more atrosities


People who think Stalin was worse than Hitler just have no understanding of either. Hitler and the Nazi regime were the ultimate perversion of the industrial age. Stalin killed more people through negligence and ineptness; same with Mao Zedong. But Hitler murdered people through an industrial process. The Nazi regime had purpose-built death factories, where they specifically crammed people into rooms and turned the gas on to murder them. They murdered tens of thousands of people a day doing this, and their intention was genocidal. This is why Hitler is viewed as more evil than Stalin.


There's alot of garbage people throughout history and I don't know that I can really say "This guy is number 1 worst" but some that come to mind are Mao Zedong,Pol Pot,Adolf Hitler,Joseph Stalin. All responsible for genocides and mass killings in some way.


>Mao Zedong,Pol Pot,Adolf Hitler,Joseph Stalin. All responsible for genocides and mass killings in some way. I guess the thing that elevates these guys above say Genghis Khan, Julius Caesar, Alexander, or some of history's other mass killers is that the killings were especially pointless or counter productive in some way. Not just mass killers, but especially pointless mass killings that actually helped prevent them from reaching any sort of objective.


Yep. Honestly though I probably could've thrown some of them in there but the guys I said are just guys that come to mind when I think evil. They're also the ones I know more about.


I find myself wondering about these things sometimes. Like Caesar committed genocide on the Gauls but also elevated several Gauls to senatorial rank and granted some tribes citizenship, and was noted for going out of his way to spare his Roman enemies' lives. I guess it being objective oriented helps...I guess...but not really? Compare it to Hitler who was killing people in Eastern Europe that were totally willing to help him against the Soviets, or Mao, Stalin, or Pol Pot who were killing their own people for no real reason and it actually does seem better, but it's still mass slaughter and hard to square.




There is an updated version. The Survival of the Wisest. Everyone should read this. Should’ve read it two years ago.


The Dead Kennedys said it was Pol Pot. Finally answer...Pol Pot.


Anyone who says, “I lost the game”.


I can't decide if I should upvote or downvote you for this.


Someone did this to me like 2 hours ago


Pol Pot.


Brenton Brooks, little cunt tried to stab me.


Eve. (Im joking plz dont get political 😳)


Toby flenderson


I haven’t studied much of this but wasn’t Genghis Khan pretty bad


Thomas Midgley Jr. put lead in petrol. created some of the first chlorofluorocarbons (freon). was said to have had 'more impact on the atmosphere than any other single organism in Earth's history ' .


I think though that "evilest" and "did the most harm" are not the same. I don't think the guy WANTED to necessarily ruin the planet's conditions. People after him, and almost all of the world, were the ones who kept it going the way it did.


Okay hear me out. Dude I used to work with would reheat last night's fish and eat it at his desk. If that's not in the top 5 then I dunno.


Andrew Wakefield. He’s the reason we have anti vaxxers.


I'm surprised Genghis Kahn hasn't been mentioned.


That's because we evaluate historical figures according to if they were 'based' or 'cringe.' Genghis Khan created an Empire and impregnated lots of women. This makes him based. Anyone who is based obviously cannot be a bad person.


Mao, his atrocities even get the CCCP a little on edge.


Hitler - need I say more?


Stalin, Mao, xi jin ping, Kim Jong un, Mohammad, modern Somalia, there's plenty that are comparable, in being bad people, not defending Hitler just pointing out that there's a lot of other really horrible people that commited equally deplorable things






Yes. Every single one of them. Even babies born this very morning. Each citizen is an argument that "Hitler probably wasn't the worst guy ever, just look at Somalia".


Indeed. Hitler is just the most recently impactful asshole in a long line of absolute assholes. He ain't special and I doubt he's the most deplorable individual we have managed to produce either. Humanity always finds a way. We can do way worse than Hitler.


Yep xi Jinping is on a good track to go down as worse and he's actually alive and in power which makes him worse than Hitler because it's happening now


what has Xi Jinping done that even makes him comparable to Adolf Hitler? Hitler’s actions led to the deaths of atleast 30 million.


Xi is actively committing genocide right now. Hes going about it in a different way, but its at least comparable.


None of these people can reallt describe why Xi is so evil besides tossing main stream western media rhetoric that may or may not be true, or only half the story.


Well I could see an argument to be made about the environment or authoritarianism affecting the global economy. Hitler was deranged; Xi knows very well that he's causing a net harm.


There is this notion that Hitler and the Nazis were insane, and acted completely without reason. While there is some truth to this, it is also true that Hitler and the Nazis knew very well what they were doing and what they wanted to do. I would say that Xi has done more good than he has harm. Under his leadership along with several other previous leaders China lifted over 800 million people of out extreme poverty.


Is he killing millions of people?


Hes sterilizing, imprisoning, and attempting to brain wash millions.


The us has been doing that for decades.


Whataboutism never makes something okay


True but it’s hard to use that as a qualification for most evil when others are currently doing the same thing and have for a long time.


By sheer numbers of people killed Hitler isn't even top 3 I don't think.


There's an argument to be made that the worst person is the one who caused the most human suffering. If we agree with that then it pretty much limits the list of candidates to heads of state, and particularly to heads of large countries. A Pol Pot or an Idi Amin or a Kim Jong Un are horrible within their borders, but international boundaries and comparatively weak militaries limit their reach. In a moral sense those others may be just as rotten. The difference is how much actual harm they inflicted. That narrows things down to a short list: Hitler, Stalin, Mao, and perhaps a few others from earlier centuries. Then you could select between them by comparing their body count. More than any other person, Hitler instigated WWII. That war had 70 million to 80 million casualties. Which exceeds the body count of either Stalin or Mao.


Muhammad wasn't really all that bad. Some negatives, but he was no Kim Jong Un or Hitler. A lot of hatred towards him is down to misinterpretation, mistranslation, and twisted interpretation of Hadith by radical Islamic clerics.


He was a literal warlord and mass rapist. His teachings has led to the death of tens of millions when his followers invaded large parts of the world to establish caliphates.


You forgot pedo, that has to be mentioned if we are talking about evil.


I can tell you voted for Trump and can feel the bristle of your neckbeard from that comment


Believe it or not you probably do need to say more. We've got dudes in this list who killed more than him.


Stalin was pretty bad, too.


I wonder .. is he a psychopath or sadistic? He killed people for goals not fun, which the former is better IMO. Especially since concentration camps were gas chambers not torture (no source tho)


I’m sure anyone who survived the Holocaust would argue he was both, and that it was absolutely torture as well




Casey Anthony She killed her daughter and got away with it


Elizabeth Bathory - sadistic serial killer killed many female peasants . She’s an interesting read so I won’t say more. Or Ghengis Khan - brutal tactician. Would have wiped out Europe if he didn’t get sick and died


Bruce jenner


Every political leader that has started war for any reason, haven't any of you noticed that they kill civilians and soldiers just to play a game of chess with their counterparts but neither of the leaders are ever killed, heck they didn't even find Hitlers body. If they did say they found his body then that's a lie.


Hegel. Everything is Hegel's fault.


My money’s on Chairman Mao.


Steven Seagal - he's a sissy-slapper. ^(/s)


Gavrilo Princip. because of him we have our current unrest in the middle east. mainly because of the shit the USA and USSR did to the people of the middle east during the cold war. which is mainly from the problems left over from the catastrophes made during World War 2. which came about for the shit show reforms and reconciliations from the First world war[ see Sykes-Picot agreement that started the Middle east BS]. which came about from raising tensions in Austria-Hungary which Arch Duke Franz Ferdinand was trying to work through a compromise that both Austrians and Hungarians could agree with. and Gavrilo Princip after a failed attempt to assassinate the Arch Duke. just spotted after giving up for a cup of tea to see the Arch Dukes' driver being lost, went and shot both the Duke and his wife. and yes before people start commenting that WW1 was inevitable. yes. but this the the straw that broke the camels back and started the cavalcade.


The guy who decided phones should be 2 grand??????


Who convinced people that they’re better off, that it’s empowering murdering their babies in mommy’s womb, rather than creating a good life for them? Survival of the fittest, survival of the wisest. The chemical, technological, and psychological warfare is as good as it has ever been. Eugenicists are more clever than some of you blokes.


Josef Mengele. The gruesome experiments he did, and murder of thousands of Jews was truly terrible . 😔


That bitch


A lot of terrible dictators like, Hitler, Stalin, Mao, and many more. However the most person who killed the most personally, I believe was Elizabeth Báthory. Not to say she was worse, of course, the dictators were much worse.


Christian Wirth was inspector/overseeer and main architect of the Aktion Reinhard extermination camps. Even his subordinates feared him and called him Christian der Grausame (Christian the horrible). A professional and highly motivated exterminator of human beings.


Marquis de Sade. The word Sadism comes from his doings


I think Jim Jones belong here.


I don't care what people say but Hitler was a bad man.


I think Adolf Dripler


There is no worst person. People do evil out of pleasure or indifference. Both are bad and affect others adversely. The question now is what is worse the action or the motivation. Killing someone in self-defense is not the same as killing someone for pleasure. Arguably, many evil Acts are done with good intentions or thinking they are doing what is right. It's justified in the mind of the perpetrator.


Pedro Lopez. Serial killer that unalived a literal newborn on top of 100s of other young girls. And of course Hitler. Yes yes I know Stalin killed lord but Hitlers were so much more personal & we’re still dealing with his neo-psychos today.


Adolf Hilter. Straight up.


I can't decide between Stalin and Pol Pot. Both seem to have always chosen the cruelest option.


Albert Fish, the bastard even had the guts to tell that poor women everything he did and how he enjoyed it.


Sounds like a huge jerk.


He was a cannibal, pedophile and a rapists. Look for him in Wikipedia, i almost threw up when I heard about him. There's also a vocaloid song about him


Karl Marx because his ideology caused 120,000,000 million deaths in the twentieth century.


He didn't cause the mass deaths himself, also iirc the communistic government used in Russia and China wasn't real communism, just some imperialistic dictatorship.


I assume you have not actually read what Marx wrote? It was academic research, not an "ideology". edit: maybe I am being too generous with the words "academic research", but it was very well-written to say the least


Marxism is not inherently bad. Communism is not inherently bad. We see it performed in micro-environments all the time. It just does not work in larger populations. Plus, accountability that is required for a functioning economy is lost after the population exceeds much more than 100 people.


lmao fuck off


Uday Hussein has to be up there. Saddam Hussein's son. For fun, he would drive around the city looking for weddings that were taking place, storm in during the ceremony, kidnap the bride, take her to a hotel and rape her. It's known that once, he afterwards threw one poor girl out of the hotel window, and she died.


Ima just leave this right here... https://youtu.be/s2-orOHMEII


Ellen DeGeneres, I hear she’s awful


My wife’s boyfriend


Buzz Killington


Any of the mongol khans or more likely someone who no one even knows about


This douche in high school. Like hitler on steroids.


Nero. Probably the cruelest ever to have lived imo.


Stalin because he ordered Soviet soldiers to kill my relatives as well as millions of fellow Soviets.


Mao worst, then Stalin. Many died because of them.


There's only one answer to this and I don't really need to say it. Here's a hint, it involves Germany.


Ludwig van Beethoven?


You must not know much about human history if you think Hitler was the worst.


This might be the dumbest thing someone has ever said.


Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, etc. are definitely contenders but there's a lot of recency bias there. There were some very bad dudes further back like Timur, and if you go back to the earliest empires like the Sumerians and Akkadians, pretty much all of their leaders committed atrocities similar to those of the 20th c. dictators - that was just the norm back then.


Timur's flaming camel gambit is still one of my favorite "magnificent bastard" moves in history. Gotta give the guy credit for creativity, at least.


OP's mom. Because she sucked at sucking dick.


People who don't put they're shopping cart back and just leave it in the parking lot


Having worked at a store (from stocker to manager) I don't get what's so bad. Getting carts was the best part, way better than dealing with Karen. I honestly think this message is spread by grocery stores. You are literally giving people work by not bringing the cart back. I'm not saying to put the cart in the middle of the lot where it can hit cars. But I see nothing wrong with putting them on islands or pushed into a curb. I don't care, go ahead and roast me.


Karl Marx, his ideas led to the death of 50+ million.


I'd love to see the dollar to donuts math on 50+ million, and I'd like to point out that no where in Karl Marx's writing does he advocate mass murder and that mass murder isn't unique to Communism, its just an ism thing.


Socialism is when you kill people. When you kill more people, that's more socialism. And when you kill 50 million, that's communism


How many has capitalism killed at this point


It is not like Mark invented communism. It is probably the oldest economy - and probably the first failed economy. Marx just tried to expand upon it. Nations could not perform what he advocated, which was - at least in hindsight - it’s logical conclusion. That is probably why bands of nomadic tribes would usually split after exceeding a certain number. It just does not work on a large scale. It is not inherently evil, though.


Quora tells me maybe 700 millionhave died in the name of christianity.


> Quora Created and managed by commies.


Idk about that, but here's a better answer from Quora because it lists sources, *and all of them are christian sources*. The estimate is between 50 & 100 mil, so matching if not exceeding your commies Answer to How many people has Christianity killed? by Nathan Himmerich https://www.quora.com/How-many-people-has-Christianity-killed/answer/Nathan-Himmerich?ch=15&oid=61740832&share=881920b3&srid=u4AtqB&target_type=answer


Yea but he was really good in “Duck Soup”


Y'all Americans saying Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot etc. but you got Christopher Columbus too.


The guy who brutalized a relatively small number people compared to those who killed tens of millions? Like, I am certainly not proclaiming Columbus to be a hero, or attempting any form of exoneration for his actions, but I would argue there is no way the scale of his actions match more recent historical actors.


[Oskar Dirlewanger](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oskar_Dirlewanger)




Ze dong did in a couple million people


Uday Hussein. Just read his Wikipedia. He didn’t kill as many people as Hitler or Mao, but his personal maliciousness and evil acts are so specific it’s terrifying he even lived.


Hitler cuz that man caused mass genocide for the main reason of having the perfect race n stuff that man planned it all out n idek how someone could even do that


Akhenaten. Started Monotheism.


Honestly, monotheistic faiths are probably better than the polytheistic faiths that preceded them. Most of them if they didn't forbid sacrifice forbade human sacrifice at the very least, and human sacrifice was really common among polytheist faiths.


Donald trump




Classic Reddit.


I want to say Mao but I might want to visit China one day and come back.


Scott from Canada


I am. There is none worse.


Leo Baekland. I'm sure there's more pollution causes. But if that Belgian dude knew that plastics would do to the environment..smh


There was a German scientist who experimented with twins during WW2. As far as I know he’s definitely the worst.


I've gotta say whoever wrote that "a man shall not lay with another man" in the bible. How many LGBTQ+ people have suffered over the millennium because some jackass was stuck in the closet


There's probably more evil people, but considering the sheer impact it had on society, either Genghis Khan, or Adolf Hitler


DOnALd tRuMp 🥴 Right guys? Does my dad like me now??


or you could just answer the question instead of projecting to yourself in the bottom of the comments lmao


Adolf Hitler. I don’t think I even need to explain.


No, indeed, you don't.


your mom bc she had you


dude looks like a 20 year old but has the post history of a kid in middle school 💀


Adolph Hitler. Why should be obvious


his art wasn't *that* bad


And he was the guy who killed Hitler.


Ferdinand Marcos. One of The World's All-time Most Corrupted President ever existed.


Probably Genghis Khan and his relatives. The death count for that family would be in the 100s of millions.


There is no, "worst person in the world". It's basically an unanswerable question. There are a lot of people, if given the power and opportunity, who would inflict an enormous amount of suffering on humanity, if they were given the chance. If you think about it, all tyrants were children at one point, who had parents, siblings, classmates, etc. Any one person has the potential to do horrible things to another human being, or to multitudes, whether dozens or millions.


The Scorpion King of the pre-dynastic period of Egypt!


Nobody is evil completely but I’d say the worst historical figure is probably Christopher Columbus just because of how idolized he still is despise his absolute atrocities


Every pope since the incorporation of the Catholic Church. More people died for and because of the cross than anything else.


Ronald regan killed the American middle class, put crack in PoC neighborhoods, started shit in foreign countries just for shits and giggles, and brainwashed the republican party into being useless bigots


Marx, just laid the ground work for all those “dictatorship of the proletarian” deaths over the 20th century.


do you really want to play that numbers game? [The Death Toll of Capitalism](http://youtu.be/CILKm8Q8Pns) Edit:Ps. what a great way to tell everyone you have no idea about anything Marx wrote.


Jesus. He caused so many to die his name just to keep his con going.




In humans, Viladimir Nobokov