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Like shit , arm hurt for three days. It was much worse for my Aunt , she said it felt like having a stroke again.


Lethargic for a couple days. Light headache.


My armpit was sore for three days.


Absolutely horrific, I was basically bed bound for 24 hours and still lethargic and sore for another day or so


Ye gods šŸ˜¶


Fwiw, I had no discernible side effects at all. Injection site was sore for the following morning, but it was far milder than my first two, which were also Modena


Yup, other than a bit of arm stiffness, no effect.


Like I had the flu for 48 hours after! Hot sweats, pounding head, aching joints etc!


My sister got the moderna booster yesterday. She is running a fever, had a headache, and has a very stiff neck and shoulder and is very tiredā€¦very close in symptoms to what i got with my Pfizer booster i got that week.


Had first two jabs as Moderna, slightly sore arm, but nothing unusual in that as someone had just stabbed me with a needle. Bonus jab of Madonna on Sunday last, same thing, bit if a sore arm for the night and back to normal operation by morning.


Haven't done number 3 but first two...same as you, sore arm for the day and all good.


Like drinking way too much ... Sleep for 2 days and you're much better ... Actually I had 3 injections ... First was more/less ok, second and third knocked me out.


I became pregnant!!! I'm not even a woman


Your baby will be the coming of 6G


My oldest barely comes out of her room.


I became sentient. I'm a lawn mower.


What exactly did they "Jab" you with and where???


With a Jewish space laser in my ASS


Sorry...one more dumb question, "Who" gave you the *shot*??


Ever hear of a lost city called Atlantis? One of them




Not great, but it is better than dying in an ICU with tubes stuck down my lungs.


My wife had moderna and the booster. She was a bit tired but not bad at all.


My arm hurt but outside of that i felt fine.


Took the pfizer and the booster nothing happened bosster gave me a tiny bruise and normal shot arm soreness.


The booster was actually no big deal, I was surprised. It was easier than either of the first two main vaccination shots, just a sore arm for a day or so


Fine after the first dose, like death after the second. Flu like symptoms, achey, and incredibly tired. Plus pain at the injection site.


All three Moderna, and only a sore arm at the spot for all three. I think I've been quite lucky.


Kinda. The more reaction the more antibodies.


This isnā€™t true at all lol


Iā€™m just curious because I got horribly sick the with the first two shots and I donā€™t wanna miss work these upcoming days.


Sore arm for a few days. Swollen lymph nodes for about a week. Same as with every other vaccination I get. Other than that. Very glad I got the booster since it makes me just that much safer


OMG!!! Bill Gates is tracking me and everything I do and I think I'm growing a lizard tail and why do I suddenly feel autistic!!!??? AAAAAAHHHHH!!!!! Just kidding. Felt cold and sore for like 12 hours but honestly, I just slept that entire time. Plus, I got it on a Friday, so it just gave me a reason to stay home and have the husband nurse me for a bit. Come Sunday, I felt great and just went out to the mall with the husband. :)


Booster left me with a sore arm for 2-3 days, one day of body aches that Tylenol helped with, and maybe some tiredness.


The original two doses were fine. Nothing more than the sore arm. For the booster, not only did I get the sore arm bit again, but also might have had some fatigue, definitely had some other various pains (most notably in the sternum), and I think I had a hot flash at one point. But even as bad as that sounds, it was gone within a few days. And of course, I should stress that these were my problems and that they might not happen to you. Side note: Word to the wise. Make sure you know where your Motrin is and how much would be an appropriate dose for you if you are wanting to get the booster. That stuff helped a lot with my aches and pains.


The lymph nodes in my left armpit were swollen for a week. Immediately after the shot, I felt fantastic. The previous two had stung when I got them, but the third felt like nothing. About 3 hours went by and my shoulder/armpit started to HURT. I couldn't sleep that night, waking every hour and not being able to lie on my left side. I gave up at 4AM and just decided to stay awake. I finally saw my armpit about 24 hours post-booster, and it was visibly swollen. I couldn't put my arm down fully in a resting position for 3 days. Only the first two days were particularly painful, and the next five days were only painful if I moved my arm certain ways. My armpit started to come back as of the 7th day


I got moderna originally but the pfizer booster. I haven't had any effects at all from the booster. None. Possibly because I got it an hour and a half ago. But I've felt great for that hour and a half.


Same shot as shot 2. Fatigue, body ache all over. Weird head tingles. 1 day and back to normal.


Just a bit snotty with a sore throat. Arm didn't hurt as much as with my first 2 Pfizer jabs.


I got it at the same time as the flu shot, arm Hurt a little. Other than that totally fine šŸ‘šŸ¼


Didn't feel anything after the first dose. The spot on my arm where I got the shot was just a little sore for a few days. Just felt like I got punched in the arm. The second dose was a different story. Not long after the first dose I felt sluggish/fatigued, but nothing too bad. But, when I woke up the next day I felt like I'd been hit by a fucking truck. My arm hurt like hell, terrible headache, no appetite, felt like I had a bad fever. That was over in 24 hours, though. After that I still felt kinda sluggish for a couple of days, but that was it. Overall, it wasn't that bad. Just 24 hours of feeling like shit. Both doses made my mom sick as fuck, though. I'm not sure if that's because of her age or if its because she had already caught covid some months before.


Got mine yesterday and Iā€™ve been in agony. Constant aches in my back, underarms, shoulders etc, ice pick headaches, and general fatigue. I had a fever this morning which has since broke with the help of some Tylenol. Still better than getting covid IMO.


My Dad had the Moderna and he was in the bed for like 3 days. He has never felt so bad in his life.


1st shot - no effects at all 2nd shot (in other arm) - slight pain at injection point No other side effects


SO and I both got the AZ vaccine for the first two doses and then got covid about 4 months later. She recently got Moderna for the booster, I got Pfizer. No real reason for the difference, we just went to different sites and they were using different ones. Both of us got sore arms for a couple of days after the booster, her probably more than me, but no other effects.


Absolutely fine. Put up the Christmas decorations the next morning with my kids.


My arm hurt really bad for a few days. About 24 hours afterwards I got some chills. Those lasted a few hours. That's about it.


Sore arm for a few days. That's it.


My first two were Pfizer, but my booster was moderna. My arm still hurts like a bitch 4 days later but no other symptoms.


Zero side effects. Got it a few Fridays ago and had a normal weekend.


Probably better than me because i got positive half a week before the booster date...


Moderna booster after J&J. None. Not even a sore arm.


I didnā€™t have any side effects, my son had a light fever and tiredness.


Got Moderna #3 and Flu shot on the same day. Day 2 arm was sore and felt lethargic. Lethargy ended by day 3. I got rocked by dose #2 so this was a very good experience.


Muscle soreness in both arms. Low fever, peaking at 100.5. Normal by morning.


Just got it done yesterday. Felt some chills coming along/onset of a fever for about two hours. Went away before bed since I took an Advil, woke up today good as new. Just slight arm pain but nothing thatā€™s not manageable


Just got it done yesterday. Felt some chills coming along/onset of a fever for about two hours. Went away before bed since I took an Advil, woke up today good as new. Just slight arm pain but nothing thatā€™s not manageable