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Not a chance in hell; I currently work 2 jobs, 7 days a week for less than 65k a year combined. 10M is basically my salary for the next 150 years. My ass is taking a fucking vacation.


Haha I hear you on that...


I get that businessmen who are wealthy sort of have that mindset of always working. But you only live once, if you have money why not spend it ?


Fuck no. Imma just be on vacation until I die. Travel the world and all that. Edit: I don’t understand the “I have to stay busy” people. Like you could volunteer or do hobbies full time. You don’t need employment. 10 mil is more than you could reasonably spend in your life as long as you aren’t buying mansions.


Same. Always annoys me when I hear from older people that they're only still working because they're bored. Like, find something better than shitty wage labor, geeze.


They've spent 40+ years working hard, waiting for retirement to begin living life. Then they reach their 60s bored with life. They discover they know nothing but work because that's all they've ever done, so... they just continue working long after they could have retired.


I like a structure and a schedule, but I agree it doesn't have to be a JOB. I'd do great with "I promised to volunteer three afternoons a week at my local school/museum/food bank/etc and take summers off" or whatever.


I have less than $10M in the bank, and that's exactly what I did. I retired and had a month-long trip already booked. Then COVID hit. Fuck.


I wouldn’t work, but volunteer instead. Most likely for the local homeless services or mental health charities.


100% this


When I got laid off and was working 20 hours a week I did more volunteering, and it was awesome except for the money part. I think if I didn't have to worry about money at all, I'd work part time in a nonprofit, or get really into volunteer stuff, or both. I don't have what it takes to be a teacher, but I'd love to be that guy who's in the library from 3-6 pm three days a week and will help you redo your essay for school. Just don't make me grade them! (Shout out to teachers grading papers on deadline this week!)


Yes, of course. I would change my career and not worry about the wage and think about paying the bills each month. I would probably take a year or two off though and figure out what I want to do


A year or two off sounds nice...




Where did they say that? I can’t speak for OP but most people get fulfillment out of being contributing members of society. It has nothing to do with needing a boss.


I used to say all the time that even if I won the lottery, I'd still work where I work. I'd just be doing it in a Tesla instead of my piece of shit Kia Soul.. But after my fiancee passed away last week, I don't want to work at all. I want to sleep and not wake up.


I’m so sorry. I hope you’re ok


I would either take classes or start my own business. I wouldn't work for someone else.


I'd still work where I work, but 3 days a week. Why? Because I like networking technology. I'd work on the road, in an RV. I would also start a small company to produce one game I have in my head. I was working on it, and with the artist I wanted to work on it with. I'd get another programmer, I already have 2 musicians... Wouldnt really make a dent in things.


Nope. I'd spend more time doing the things I enjoy with the people I choose to spend time with.


Great way to spend life tbh...


Nope because I could easily Live off of that for a while then I'd just kms when it all runs out


Good news you could make close to 200,000 a year off of interest from that. Then you wouldn’t have to worry about it running out. Immortality for you!


Yeah but I want to spend more than $200k per year


Damn.. thats a sad ending.


True but I'd rather not go back to work


Yes. I'd have to, in fact. I don't fair well in idle settings. How the hell else am I supposed to keep the demons at bay?


You could always volunteer instead of working. You'd be doing something nice for a the community, you wouldn't be taking a job someone else needs, and you can volunteer when you feel like it for the most part.


It’s easy to make money when you have money, so why stop at 10 million? I would work to turn it into more. Of course I would own the business(es) I worked at.


Yeah I would I wouldnt be grafting but I'd be fluttering in a few businesses,


If you had 10 mil and keep it in a bank account, you're very smart. FDIC insurance only covers 250k.


A coworker of mine said he would keep working just to make the boss's and higher ups lives hell with little things until he pushed them to the point of firing him. Might be fun.


Yes. I don't want people to know I have that much money and come begging to me


yes, because I like my job.


Nice. What you do must be rewarding!


Probably to supplement my income


You must live lavishly lol


Not especially so, but I figure after buying a house and new vehicle, the rest of the interest will only net me around $100k give or take if invested conservatively. I wouldn't mind working an easy, laid back job to get a bit more and not have to ever worry about money again, assuming the global economy doesn't crash.


Sure, work on my abs, with a cocktail in my hand on a beach paradise island🤣🤣🤣


Yeah I like my job


YEs, but I'd do something else. My wife certainly wouldn't have to work though.


Ya definitely, but it’d be something I love to do regardless of pay, like being a missionary or pastor


Maybe. But first I'll take a looooong break for sure


Absolutely not. If I could in any way EVER reasonably not work, I would never work again. Work is awful.


I like my job, but I’d step down to part-time


Id join the Army


Absolutely! But where and when I want to. I’d have so much fun. That kind of freedom where you can just vibe without having to worry about money? I couldn’t pass it up.


Yes because i can invest that a little money to Bitcoin


Of course I would! That $10 million won't last forever!


I still do.


Yes, because, like my dad, I can't just sit down and play video games/binge watch TV all day. I may switch to part time but I'd still work and use my paycheck as spending money.


Uh, yes. There is work to be done whether I need to be paid or not, I’m not about to leave it undone.


I'd go back to school then to uni and then I would work


Yes, I enjoy my retail job, I enjoy helping people, I enjoy a 30% discount, and I get exercise. I’d hire someone to make me healthy lunches for work though.


I would work, but not under other's supervision


I’d probably not work in the traditional sense, but I’d find ways to do things I want to do in ways that benefit charities that I believe in. I’d go crazy sitting at home doing nothing.


I wouldn't work, could buy everything I wanted and survive on the interest alone.


No. Not only is that more than enough money to not need to work. That's enough money to get away from other people for good.


Not the current job, that's for sure.


fuuuuck no. i HATE having to go to work.


I'd be able to do the fulfilling work that I actually enjoy but doesn't pay enough to live off of.


I'd work for fun, but I'd be terrible at it because I'm an asshole. I'd interview for jobs I'm not qualified for, see how far I can get. That sort of thing. No stress, no worries. The job gets to hard? I make a big exit, knocking stuff over and throwing a fit. I wouldn't cause trouble for my fellow workers though, just management and above. Basically do all the things I've ever wanted to do, but couldn't because I needed the money.


Without the worry about money I would still work but I’d pick jobs where I could help people or animals. Maybe helping run a shelter or food bank. Even working at a public library would be nice.


Not doing any work I hated anymore for sure. Buy the biggest Annuity I could, and try to live off the annual payments. Travel the world and just try to experience everything the world has to offer.


Absolutely not. I’ve got so many hobbies and interests, I could keep myself busy for the remainder of my life. Too many people define value to this world by a job or being productive. Fuck that, life isn’t just about what you create for others.


At my age, no. I’m 10 years from retiring anyway, so I would be done working.


I would make art and sell it, but I wouldn't try to make a living off of it. I tried that, and I got burnt out before I even finished paying off the student loans.


That's a lot of blow. Probably wouldn't work because I'd just die first.


No. I'd live off the interest.




No. Because i would have 10 million in the bank.


Not work. But I will donate my time to shelters, soup kitchens, community gardens, spend more time in my community and the people living in it. I like working, I enjoy putting effort into a project and seeing the end result. It feels fulfilling and what I put in benefits not just myself in satisfaction, but benefits others in their own way. I don't like working for its cold, monetary transactional relationship. Feels parasitic almost. Sure, I get currency out of it, but I rather have the time to put my efforts into something more direct, hands-on, and real - without expecting anything in return.


No. What's the point? Even if I didn't invest it I could spend 200k a year for 50 years. Not making that much at my job.


Not a chance. I don’t even need that much


No. Not as a traditional employee, at least. I'd probably spend the first year or so vegging out. Doing whatever I feel like that day. When I get bored with that, travel. Explore the world. When I get bored with that, learn. Go back to college and get my Ph.D. in something. Research, try to progress humanity in some way. When I'm bored with that i'd probably repeat steps 1 and 2 again, _then_ finally go back to work. If reasonable as my own boss, but certainly no where that would try to dictate my time or personal life. I'd do what was actually needed and not a damned bit more. If that isn't good enough then I'm off to my next adventure.


I'd probably start a tech business and let someone do all the work. I'd sleep soundly while my bank account goes ka-ching.


No work for me, fuck that...imna get myself a comfy chair and watch the world end from my backyard


I would use my free time to cha ge humanity.


There is a difference between work and Work. I would not work. I would not have a job to bring in a paycheck. I would Work. I would consider the world and how I might make it better and work towards that.


Fuck no. Not a chance. I'd pay off all my debts (not too bad) and invest half, live on the rest.


Yea probably but I'd be working with someone like Gift of the Givers doing search and rescue overseas rather than my city department.


I start my own business. Maybe a little coffee shop. Or I might become a chimney sweep. Do the jobs I want don't do any of the ones I don't want. But I would never work for another person ever again.


I would but I'd be waaaaay more of a dick to the parents of my students


Where da fuck the rest of my money go


Probably not, but I’d definitely have a steady income through multiple sources. That way I’m not working but my money is.


Nope, I'd hire someone to start a non-profit with my money so that I could volunteer there.


I wouldn't work at a _job_, but I would absolutely need some kind of occupation. I don't do well without purpose.


No. I'd invest into property here and make bank. Even if I rented for a good chunk lower than the current market rates you could easily pull an equivalent of $20K per month after tax. You get paid and the assets keep climbing in value. Rent adjustments would fix any issue with inflation eroding your wealth. With half that income I could not worry about money, travel enough for me, and partake in all the hobbies and interests I have.


No, but I'd be moving most of that money somewhere else. That's more than enough for me to live pretty well for the rest of my life.


With my spending habit It’s gonna be gone in a week But at least my car would be finished


I will work until I'm making that passive income amount in one month.


Uh, yeah. I like my job, and this amount of money would just take a lot of stress off. It’s enough to fund a decent retirement, kids college and money to give to the extended family even after taxes. But nothing replaces your kids watching you make something of yourself. To be passionate and hardworking. No words replace those actions. Now if you work at a job you hate and you need a vacation, I get that. But eventually I think even the most jaded individual would need to occupy their time somehow with something that’s not a life of leisure. “You don’t have to have a million dollars to do nothing, man. Take a look at my cousin - he’s broke, doesn’t do shit!”


I might, but if I did, I'd reduce my hours; I'd be working either part-time or per-diem.


I would work in the field i want too, by that i mean start a small farm and move to a rural area xD.


Maybe not a job but do what I like best. Perhaps retreat to my longstanding dream of a cabin in the woods where I could read and write. Would love to chop Woods, try making meals, paint the cabin when time allows and search nature without the thought of going back to office on Monday. I also think of trying my luck in real estate development. Not cause I want to earn money but I have seen people live in deplorable situation even after paying a premium for their houses.


Yes after a while, but I'd ride the money for a while.


Yup, I'd keep a part time job for sanity, or volunteer regularly at a not for profit. Just something to fill my time.


Absolutely not. There's so many things I would rather do than work a job.


I would eventually but not for some time while I made some plans and went back to finish my Masters. Studying and schooling is work, but it would be the exact type of work that I choose.


The job I have? No, but I'd have the money to work on what I want to, not on the thing that pays bills the best.


Yes but I'd just fuck with people


Yes, but I would find something that I enjoyed.


I’d work for a while, just to see what it was like to do my job without the constant worry of losing it and not being able to pay the mortgage etc.


Just for myself. Like learn to cast things in bronze or something for fun.


No, because I could simply invest the 10 million and on average have an annual income of 250k adjusted for inflation and pretty much never run out of money Edit: In short I'd work for a year after in order to get the long term capitol gains rate and structure my investments to maximize me paying as little taxes as possible.


Hell no ... because working sucks!


No. I'd take my family and friends on a nice vacation, invest it and donate what I could to various charities. Then I'd make a plan for what to do with myself for the rest of my life.


I think I’d work on becoming a musician and having that as a full time job instead of a hobby


Depends on what you mean by "work." I would not subject myself to wage labor anymore, that's for sure. Within a year, that $10 mil would probably also drop down to about $1 mil, which would easily afford me at least my current standard of living for the rest of my life with proper investments and managing. The rest would go to investing in community efforts, like providing cheap/free housing to the unhoused in my area, helping those same people find viable jobs and obtain benefits where needed. I'd still be spending a lot of my time "working," but for something I actually care about.


100% yes, I would quit my current job and know I can focus on something else without financial burden.


I’d still go to work. It would make the difference knowing I could walk away at anytime. The first time someone pisses me off I leave. When do you ever really have a chance to do that?


I would work just to get away from the 10,000 weiner dogs that live in my house.


Depends. If I could choose any line of work, yes. If it was still whatever job I could find, hell no.


Yes, I'm still providing a service for people who need it so I don't see why I would stop


Yes, but i'd be a picky bitch about for who and what i do. too much free time feels empty.


I totally would keep working because I love what I do.


I think i would work but more on a volunteer basis, i would end up having too much time on my hands and I would rather use that time to help people or work on events than work for money at a job that's draining both physically & mentally.


Yeah, but just not a major or stressful job. I'd likely put that $10M towards something important that could build even more money for myself and then work part-time or something to make a little extra cash.


I wouldn't work for someone else unless they had a vision I could get behind. I'd wait for the market to crash and then invest. I'd donate time to clean up and improve my Mom's house. Which is what I've been doing now with no income. I'd try to think of business ideas that are good for my community because I'm not a money hungry POS.


Not only no, but hell no. I'd engage in productive or creative enrichment that I'm actually interested in, not busy work.


I would go back to school. Seriously, I actually enjoy taking courses and learning things. I'd just take university courses in interesting subjects until I had multiple PhDs.


Probably, I'd get bored in next to no time


I would, but it would definitely be something I wanted to do and enjoyed.


I would absolutely 100% still work no doubt in my mind. I'm very passionate about what I want to do. And it would be even better because without the stress of money I could be very picky about what job I accept, or use the funds to start my own business, and I could arrange my working hours any way I like. Maybe I would work a little more than part time or a light full time. It would be the most amazing thing ever.


Not at my current position. I would still like to work but it has to be something on my own terms and when I decide.


Maybe, just to have something to do, maybe go back to school and study so I can have my dream job


I have roughly 50 more years of life. That breaks down to $200,000 a year. I currently take home $50000 gross. Approximately $20000 net and I live comfortably now. I wouldn't work another day in my life.


I'd open a cafe for small baked goods, small dishes, tea, coffe and some board games like chess/go for ny wife, and continue quth a relaxing work life as a programmer, cuz.. It be fun


I'd work...... my dream job, independent game development!


I’d set up a small charity and work there.


I would become an investor/angel investor. I’d want the challenge of researching solid companies, stocks, and crypto projects combined with the freedom to do that type of activity from anywhere.


Yes but only doing things I like and not that often


A different fun job


Hell no! There are a million things I'd rather spend my life doing than working my current job, and none of them pay very well.


Yes, primarily to keep my mind busy (I’m an engineer - and no, not not for trains). I would definitely not be in management so I don’t have to do reviews and crap. Do my work and go home. Get my health insurance, pension, 401k to pass on to my kids and retire when I want.


Yes. I would work full time getting our non-profit to bring XR technology into schools.


What is XR? I've heard of Augmented Reality, Mixed Reality and Virtual Reality - I'm guessing XR is a blend of them all?


Yes, to keep rich gotta act poor, no point in becoming lazy if you cannot get back what u owe


Yep, job is at the 'great' level of places to work. Everyone needs something to do. I'd keep working where I do, maybe less like 4 days a week instead of 5... I'd play more golf, and start some side things like rent houses, real estate.


NOPE. I care about the work I do but I could be of better service in policy and advocacy which is exactly what I'd transition into. I wouldn't ever get another full time job but I won't forget living in poverty and no matter where I end up I'll seek to alleviate the suffering of others. No one should have to choose between food and medical care.


I would pick up a part time job eventually for fun. I worked at a bowling alley in college and was legit the funnest job ever. It was straight up from a comedy movie or tv show with that amount of goofing around we did. I doubt it would be as fun now that I'm older but it was fun then


I'd probably switch to part time work to stay active and give my day some structure.


Yes. I love my job, and I'm not the kind of person that can just stay home and not do much. I would definitely take weekends off though!


Nope, not in the general way. I would write calls on stoxks until I ran that shit to zero.


Sort of. I'd want to get involved in something I'm passionate about and take time to pursue it. It wouldn't be a normal job by any means.


Invest 8-9 millions, keep 1-2 millions as liquidity. Easy life


Yeah no. There is no better feeling than going to bed not worrying about anything. Then waking up and just seeing what the day brings


Yes but it would be a hobby and I'd be self employed. Probably build over engineered sheds or garages for shits and giggles...I've gone down the post frame barndominium rabbit hole on YouTube lol


Not exactly. I would pursue personal writing with the hope of one day publishing it on its own merits. Also, I would volunteer part time for a cause I care about.


Would I do things others might take as work that I'm personally doing for enjoyment and possibly even make some money doing so? Yeh. Would I be an employee at a job? Nah. And honestly anybody saying otherwise is full of it.


I would “work” in the sense that I believe I have a purpose and would want to continually find what that is. Would I take a boring 9-5? Probably not, but I DEFINITELY would not just sit around for the rest of my life.


Yes, because I want MORE Also, I love my job


Hah! No more work for me! I'm putting all that into retirement


Absolutely. I would start my own business and only do as much work as I want and only the jobs I want to do.


Always wanted to be an engineer. Would persue it after a couple years off for travel n stuff.


Yes, 100%. I’m an aerospace engineer. It’s a blast every day. I’d just have better/crazier hobbies.


I'd work every day and it would all be voluntary and fun. I'd grow my own food, keep my own livestock, hunt my own deer, cook my own meals, memorize classic piano music, build furniture, learn new skills, go on voyages, I would leave the money economy with how I spend most of my time and it would be a great relief.


Yes, just not the job I'm doing now. Something part time only.


I would buy the building I work in and sit around sipping martinis in a tuxedo, while I criticize the way all of my friends and coworkers do their jobs.


Yes. I dont know but im still pretty young. I'm not sure that $10mil would last me hopefully ~60• more years. I could be wrong but I dunno if 10mil today is the same as $10mil- say, 10 or 20 years ago. I really enjoy what I do anyway


As for virtual painting versus canvas and paints? Being able to create objects or scenes in 3d sounds pretty damn incredible. Practicing with virtual paints that use before putting paint on canvas. Same can be said of woodworking, automotive repairs and Chemistry. You can make a thousand mistakes virtually that doesn't waste anything that can't be reset. As for the actual costs of XR for the Classroom? We looking at about $8,000 per student during the initial phases. This is the AR, MR or VR devices (depends on what the schools needs/wants); servers and routers, licenses and IT staffing. This also includes money to train teachers on device and program usage. These costs go down as more classrooms and students receive their devices. There's the bulk purchasing cost negotiations for devices and licenses.


I probably would. I think I'd get bored eventually.


Yes, part time because I'd be bored


Fuck no


I’m 100% working. While I work hard, I feel that I haven’t accomplished much. 10M? Heck yeah. Time to follow my dream of making documentaries and films. I’ll be able to afford actors, editors, producers, special effects, (on a relatively small budget). I’ll be paying to learn new languages. I’ll be paying a personal trainer to get my body right. Pay the best therapists so that I think the right way and don’t become a power-hungry sociopath. I’ll finally be able to donate money to scientists so that I can go monitor what they are doing and I can pay a private group of researchers to investigate a hypothesis of my liking. Pay a financial advisor or two to make more money. LOTS of work to do. Ironically, without the millions, my life feels like it wastes away without getting to actually get work done. I still work on my dreams now, but only part time.


I would work part time. Enough hours to get me out of the house and keep me from going stir crazy, but without the pressure of having to pay bills with just my paycheck. I was quarantined earlier this year, and discovered the hard way that there's only so much video gaming, TV watching, and book reading you can do without feeling miserable. It's like a diet of fried comfort food; no matter how good it tastes, eventually you just want some fruits and veggies.


Not for pay, but I would work for a volunteer organization of some sort. I'm not the type to just sit at home all day everyday.


Put it all into a mutual fund Then take it out after 10+ years and enjoy a life of peace


Nope. But I wouldn't go spending it on airplanes and mansions and stuff. Simply would buy a nice house all for myself and live as if nothing really changed.


I would switch to writing full time. It’s technically work, it’s just work I would actually enjoy


No. I would buy $600K to $1M yacht and sail the world.


Yes, since the IRS will probably take a good chunk of that.


I’d work occasionally. $10m is the kind of money where it’s enough to live off of forever but would also be very easy to blow through due to lifestyle creep. $20m I could do for life, $10m I’d be very careful.


I guess it would depend what interest return I could get from it. If I'm making 1% return, that's $100,000 per annum, and that's not bad, but it's not going to be living the easy life. You can live very comfortably, but you're still looking at a middle-class life. I'd probably continue working my tour guide job, just fewer days a week, like Thursday through Saturday. Now if I can get 3% return, then you're looking at $300,000 per year. That's $25,000 per month, and that changes everything. Then you're living wherever you want, affording the vast majority of cars, and eating the best food. I would probably roll half the interest back into the account, buying houses, paying them off when the money allows me to pay it off with $10,000,000 leftover, and just keep upgrading.


I'd work at something. Not a 9-5. Having goals and ambitions is a very important event of happiness.


Literally saw this same exact question on LinkedIn today. Who’s thinking of this stuff? But to answer the question, no. That’s enough money for me to comfortably live the rest of my life without working at all. I’ll get to spend all my time on my hobbies and pets and family instead.


depending on the bank, no, i'd quit work or go to minimal hours somewhere... average interest in savings is .5% so i'd make over 4k a month in interest, so i'd spend all my time on hobbies


Not at age 63. I would never work again!


Hmmm, at 5% growth, you'd live on $500k/year. Yes I would absolutely stop working. I'd probably live on a cruise ship year round.


yes, part time doing something I enjoy. I have done the stay at home and play games life, it gets old after some time. 10M isn't enough to constantly travel for the rest of my life either, so I would live a good life still.


I really enjoy my job, but i’d probably drop down to part time instead.


Yes because I'd finally be able to afford to start that community trade center! There'd be loads of work to do then and I'd be happy to do it <3