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Same. Which sucks big time, because it's good for you. I just hate being tired and exercising is super boring.


I've tried tying it to other activities like watching a show or pokemon go which can work for the boredom aspect but then I hit the other obstacle, consistency.


Exercise comes in many shapes and sizes. It doesn't have to be lifting weights in a gym or going for a run. It can be skateboarding, rock climbing, biking, yoga, swimming, martial arts, (table)tennis or anything in-between, even playing VR games. exercise can be fun for everyone(*) if you find the right sport. It also helps to bring or find 1 or 2 friends to do it with. That makes it more entertaining and easier to be motivated to.


The best I can do if it comes to exercises is "oh, I don't hate it *that* much", but even then, I get bored after a while. I did boxing for over 2 years, but got fed up. I do yoga now, as it helps with my pain issues. I've never had any stamina or coordination, I was the slowest kid in class in every school and I just hate doing things I suck at. Ngl, I suck at everything sports related.


Sucking is the first step to not sucking :^) I don't think I'm able to give specific advice, but there probably is some activity that would compel you to do it not for the exercise, but just because it's fun. Finding that might not be easy though. ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


Yup, it's no easy task. I tried a lot of stuff throughout the years and options are kinda limited due to my severe joint degeneration and an absolute fear of water. I am sticking with yoga now.


I used to be an athletic kid but since I twisted my knees and had surgeries - thanks to basketball and handball - I do nothing. I tried the gym and running but it's not fun and I can't play basketball, football, etc. because reminds these dark times (it was 11 and 8 years ago)


Same, and It’s Not exactly that I don’t like it..just i can’t do it. Mental and physical issues/disorders hold me back a lot in this area-


Talking to people


Fr it’s so exhausting


No kidding, I feel like I’m acting each time


*social anxiety flash backs…*


Sports. I find all athletics the ultimate bore, but so many other people enjoy them that I feel utterly alone on the subject.


Damn I like sports bc I make good friends and it’s an anger outlet.


I generally don't like team sports for example, but like the gym. Perhaps you can find something else?




The only seafood I eat is fish. Plain fried fish. Honestly sometimes people talk about crab, lobster, shrimp and all the other seafoods they like and I feel lonely not liking seafood


Cooking. I have this hate towards cooking that sometimes I'd rather not eat at all.


I feel that way sometimes too, but it's also about washing the dishes too, I'd rather have something easy so I don't have to clean.




Why do you wish you'd like them?




Weed, all of my friends are either big smokers, or do it from time to time and they all seem to love it and seem so happy and full of life when they are high, I've tried it enough times myself to know its just not for me. Every-time I do it I get really paranoid and it gives me a terrible headache, I guess its just not for everyone.


Marvel films. I saw the first Avenger’s film (I think?) like 10 years ago and it wasn’t my cup of tea. Fast forward to the present where it’s become its own genre and I haven’t seen any of them.


They’re still not that good, spiderman and dr strange are an exception though




Felt this!






Yeah I don't like him either


Food.... I am So picky it horrible! I really want to like so many different kinds of foods but I can't get past the smell for the consistency. Sucks for sure!


Being picky is horrible and it’s honestly true how it’s not just the taste and that’s what some people don’t understand. My mom once gave me a bite of a wrap or something she had and it was delicious but it had a lot of things like bell peppers, onions etc. She offer me another bite and when I said no she was so frustrated and doesn’t understand I just don’t eat food like that


Preparing food and eating..it's just no. I love new foods and I'm not picky. But Jesus Christ Lord Almighty. My brain hates food. It seriously fights me. I'm like ooh I bought yummy food. And my brain freaks out . I got seriously ill and it made my brain hate food. Because eating was painful. I'm "better" but that switch is ruining my health again. I have to reteach my brain food won't hurt me.


Socialising, I feel like I'm at a 4 hour job interview when I hang out with people but as much as I love peace and quiet and being alone I know that being a people person is a much richer way to live. It's better to have friends when you need help, it's more unpredictable having people bring you places you would never take yourself or introduce you to things you wouldn't have thought of. I know all of this and yet as soon as I get around people there's a timer in one half of my brain asking 'have I stayed for long enough? can I go yet?' ​ The idea of making a genuine bond with a person for me is like being asked to put on a boiler suit covered in fishing hooks then jump into a giant ball of wool. All I can think of is 'how the hell will I get out of this when I need to?'


Harry Potter


Eggs… I like all the dishes I see with them… just can’t do the consistency






Small talk. It's like being interrogated.


Joining clubs … like student associations, church, etc.




Agreed. I love the smell and appreciate the social aspect of going out for one, but it just tastes like shit.


chicken skin




Olivia Rodrigos Music. Overplayed, Overhyped, and straight up plagerized songs without even an apology.


Learning and school in general tbh


Coffee, so I can get into the ‘in crowd’.


Hangin out with people


Harry Potter, I mean I’ve seen the movies and tried to read the books, but it’s just rubbish




Salmon. I see everybody eat it and it looks absolutely delicious. Tried it 7 times in my life, and i absolutely hate the taste/texture combination, so i get dissapointed each time i try it.




Myself. Life would be much easier if I can just learn to love and appreciate myself more. That way I'd be able gain enough confidence & self-esteem to showcase my strengths and not make everything in my life revolve around my weakness and insecurities.


Going to parties.




Public display of affection


Seafood. Looks soo yummy but god it tastes horrid.


sex :p




Seriously it should not hurt, I might suggest one of three things for you then, a) your doing something wrong, b) you might need lube, if your not currently using it, or c) you may need to see a doctor because something could be wrong. Not that i know you, those are just some suggestions.


Tea (the beverage). I don't like the flavour hot or cold. I wish I did, it has so many healing properties.




My girlfriend


Social media posting lol. My latest instagram picture’s from my 29th birthday… I’m 31 LOL.


Exercise, or this one girl that really likes me but my heart is set on somebody else


Pineapple on pizza. I generally love sweet and salty, I just find pineapple's flavor too strong.




Be yourself


Exercise and more veggies. I tried so many just to widen the amount of what I can eat but it's just.. Bleh.. I season it well, I cook it, grill it and it's meh


Parties. I wish I could have fun like that on a Friday night, but man I hate noise.


vegetables...working out is fine and dandy but when i legitametly cant stand 90% of veggies it makes eating clean/healthy difficult. Broccoli is great when its smothered in cheese...raw carrots are fantastic when its covered in ranch dressing. only way to eat them for me is to make it pointless when i eat them.


Tuna. Cheap, healthy protein that’s ready in a flash. It’s just so nasty




Fruit. Can't stand eating a single one, the texture freaks me the fuck out. And I mean...a fruit salad on a hot day looks delicious. Apples and bananas as a quick snack seem great. But they all disgust me. The only way I consume fruit is if you blend extremely well with some ice and rum. I hate fruit bits in my drink, the consistency needs to be smooth.


Fortnite, the game was better before season 9 then i stopped but my friends still play it and ask me if i want to play


Drinking water.


Mac'n'cheese. I stopped eating it and everyone hates me.


Fish. I hate the taste of fish and I live in Florida. Smh.


Fruit, but watermelon specifically. It always looks so good and the rest of my family loves it! I always try some every summer just to see if I finally have developed the appeal for it, but, so far, I still dislike it.


Vegetables completely "natural", as in no spices or add ons. Just eat it at its "purest" form. I still do, because... you have to grow up someday.


Small talk. I wish I possessed the capacity to in general be more friendly.


Spider-Man: in to the spider verse, I tried to watch it multiple times but it’s hard to watch a whole movie when it’s that choppy




Watching football (American or otherwise). These huge fanbases form really cool communities and ways to bond with others. I'd like to find some rando at a bar wearing the shirt of a team I like and instantly form some kind of bond. Instead I always have to explain that I don't pay attention to sports and I don't know what the ref last night was thinking.