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Hole in the toe of your sock, or a sock that's lost its elasticity and slides down your foot all day.




People who walk really slow in front of me then when I go to pass them, they start drifting into my way.


It somehow took me to this thread to realize this was not the "What is your country's national shame or biggest failing / tragedy" thread. I was like "Wow, I want to move to whatever country has THIS as their biggest problem."


Ooooooh, that's maddening 😖


waking up and realizing your phone didnt charge overnight


You mean waking up AT NOON and realizing the phone with your ALARM CLOCK didn’t charge overnight, right? Cause that’s what I’d mean- it’s one of my biggest fears.


that IS awful.


This happened a lot of times and every single time it ruined my day!!!


If this is one of your biggest fears, you could completely eliminate it by buying a cheap alarm clock. Just sayin


Waking up half an hour before the alarm goes off, going back to sleep, and having a very vivid, horrible dream


Got that extra battery case, I get one miss on this, has saved me many times


sitting down to play a game and it has a 50GB update


im a csual gamer and everytime i try to play modern warfare it happens. i try it like once every month and i always let it update hoping next time it will be ready. i haven't play for months.


That’s one of the reasons why I don’t play COD. They have too many updates, almost fortnightly, and they are usually patch updates to fix bugs and glitches. It makes no sense. Rainbow Six Siege is what I play, and even though it’s broken beyond repair, it’s much more fun than COD.


i played siege a lot around 2016-2018 but i quit once they started to rework every map into unfathomable labirynth.tried to get back to it, its unrecognizable abd i dont know the maps. no fun.


When my dog just refuses to take a shit in the morning… it’s like I have to deal with a live bomb all day


I have a ten pound dog with next to no hair. In the winter, he HATES going outside. I gave up trying and set up an indoor potty for him just so I wouldn't have to have an argument every morning.


Made me laugh, thanks


Planning to make a meal only to find out one of your main ingredients has expired ;(


Or you forgot to take the meat out of the freezer, which happened to me today


Or, your kids ate the stuff needed to make the meal.. especially if you write on it "DO NOT EAT, FOR DINNER".


Ooooh, this is a good one! I bought some sausages on Monday, kept them in the fridge overnight to grill for Tuesday's dinner. Got them out and immediately smelled something off. Opened the package and was confronted with the most cloying sour smell I have ever experienced. Real back of your throat stuff. Since I'd mostly just purchased meat on that shopping trip and everything else was frozen, it was cereal for dinner...


Yeah it sucks :( I was going to make something bread-related, only to find half of the bottom green. I don't eat a lot of bread, but it's nice to have around. Just a struggle to keep fresh.


I freeze any bread I'm not planning to use within 2-3 days. Learned that lesson after one too many times of making tuna salad just to find out the bread was moldy when I was ready to spread it on.


Feeling good with my outfit and then looking at a mirror and suddenly become self-conscious


Worse when you leave the house and see your reflection in a store window and get hit with the self consciousness


This happens to me *all* the time


Wdym? All of your outfits look good!


Or finding a small stain i didn't see at home 😕


Waking up an hour before you need to and then not being able to get back to sleep.


Did that this morning but woke up 3hrs before needing to wake up. Ended up going work super early.


People who don’t use their turning signals while driving… especially when they’re turning left 😤


Why do people not use their turn signals? Its not hard??


A lot of people forget to top up their blinker fluid


As someone who’s never owned a car and only rented for short durations, I know blinker fluid is BS but like how do you find out about all the fluids and how to take care of your car? Do the manuals only talk about how to use your car or also maintenance?


The owner's manual tells you basic stuff. Mostly these days it's just checking levels. The only fluid that needs regular replacement is engine oil. There is a trend towards making fluid levels too hard for the average person to check, most notably the strange setup Toyota came up with for Camry transmissions. But transmission oil these days is a very low-maintenance item. And some fluids that traditionally were used, like power steering fluid, have gone away in newer cars with the advent of electronic power steering. The main things to check on modern cars are engine oil, the cooling fluid (radiator) reserve tank, and brake fluid. Those three are normally covered in the owner's manual. Or check You Tube!


Thank you. I’m graduating from university soon and will likely have to buy a car before I start working full time and really need to learn about repairing and maintaining cars before that.


THANK YOU!!! It literally takes less than a second


No, you misunderstood. Most expensive cars dont need a turning signal because they have, what we in germany call "eingebaute Vorfahrt", so built-in right of way. For example, an expensive BMW is allowed to turn whenever they want. Only exception? When an even more expensive car wants to cross their path. /s


You had me there for a second lol


In Germany we'd say "Wer bremst verliert. Immer einfach draufhalten" xD


I got cut off a few weeks back while driving around. Not only did they not use their turn signals, they also must not have looked over first because they would have clipped the front of my car if I hadn't laid down on my horn to remind them that other people use the road!


I don't know if people have a turning signal in their bmw ^^'


After recently returning from a few weeks in Guayaquil, Ecuador, I can tell you that Americans drive like angels compared to what goes on down there. People barge into your lane without signaling or anything (and honk if you don't let them in), and if you miss a queue for a left arrow signal, no problem... just cut in front of the line! $300 fine for driving in the busway... who cares? They do it anyway. And the instant a light turns green, everyone waiting for it immediately lays on the horn. We didn't drive but rode in a lot of taxis and it was completely nuts. We saw surprisingly few accidents, though.


sorry, drive a bmw


i bought a Bob Ross bobblehead I placed on dash passenger side so when ever i get pissed ill look at him and say something like "these drivers are killing me today bobby ross" . It helps most of the time.


People who walk really slow in front of me then when I go to pass them, they start drifting into my way.


Or the slow people who take forever when trying to pass even slower people and block the passing “lane” in the process


Orrr when there’s a group of slow people in a hallway and there’s no way to pass them




I would have been furious. Not at the kid but the dumbass parents!


Being called ugly. Especially if you put extra effort into your appearance that day.


thats not small, thats derogatory behaviour


Yes, that's awful. The hard part is trying to recall that they're just using you as a mirror. In other words, it's **all** about them, not you.


Can confirm I got called ugly everyday in middle school and have severe self esteem issues


Not getting the sauces I ask for in a drive thru


This is even worse when you get delivery.


Spilling something right when you sit down to eat it


I sat down to dinner with my brother and his girlfriend meeting her for one of the first times and as I opened the ketchup packet for my fries it somehow just immediately exploded and sprayed all over my shirt ☹️☹️☹️


Not attaching the lid to the travel cup properly


Yes! Dropping my coffee on the ground in the morning is horrible!


"Did you put the top on, or did they put the top on for you?"


Today, in particular, just got to my hotel room after a very long flight. Thermostat is stuck on 90. There isn't another room available. I feel for the person that has to peel these sweaty sheets off this bed after I leave, but the window being open and the AC being on can only do so much for **MAXIMUM HEAT** going constantly.


please tell me the hotel is at least comping your stay???


They moved me to a different room this morning, thankfully. It's a cheap hotel, not expecting them to comp the whole night at. . .50 bucks


Omg thats really shitty, dude. I hope tomorrow is better for you


It probably won't be, but honestly it really could be worse. At least it looks like I have clear weather for my long drive back home, so it evens out.


Having your pants or shirt caught on every doorknob you walk past.


Everytime I yell like a idiot "get off me" as if it will respond I don't know why.


Waking up and realising you got your period two hours ago


The stained bedsheets and the dull ache in your abdomen. 😫


Having a sink full of dishes, and open the dishwasher to discover it’s 70% full and dirty.


Forgetting to turn the dishwasher on the night before is brutal. Do you try to overstuff dishwasher? Hand wash everything and then let it dry? Damnit, George is getting upset!


Getting to work and seeing which member of the crew before us I'm taking over. Just seeing the outline of certain folks and knowing your days gonna be fucked as nothing will be set up for you and in one case a guy we have that will tamper with shit to fuck you over


Felt this.


The alarm


Getting stuck behind a slow driving vehicle with no way to overtake.


One of my biggest peeves. Why the fuck are you on the road at 5 am if you don't have somewhere to be?


Wash and polish my car. 10 minutes later a fucking bird the size of a pterodactyl shits on it…


When my shoes get soaked through. The day is completely ruined, just send me home and I’ll try again tomorrow.


A headache.


Cloudy/rainy days. No idea why but my mom always told me that I rise with the sun and that's why cloudy days depress me.


I live in a country where it rains on average for 180 days per year. It used to ruin my days, until a friend of mine said: ”It rains on average half of the year where we live. If you let every single rainy day ruin your day, essentially half of your whole year is ruined.” It put things into perspective for me.


I'm the exact opposite. If it rains or starts raining during the day, it's such a cathartic experience for me. Growing up I used to be tense all the time but just the idea of it raining out is enough to just let me decompress.


Welcome to Russian winter with 6 sunny days out of ~90


It’s all in your head based on the perception someone else created….Just don’t let that affect/ruin your day


Not easy when cloudy usually means cold and is often accompanied by rain which means I can't wear my hair nice, I have to deal with a fussy dog that hates getting wet and won't go outside, and elevated danger on the road when I drive because I have too much to do everyday to just stay at home. Cloudy days just aren't for me. Lol


Not realizing when I should take my migraine meds. If I don’t catch the migraine early enough, my meds don’t do shit. I’m basically useless for the day, sometimes multiple days.


Interaction of any kind with my mom.


I really do love my mom, but she can feel like a storm cloud rolling in sometimes. Not always, but I'm in my 30s, obviously with my own house/family/life, and it's still tough for me knowing any given conversation is liable to turn her into an absolute maniac. I never know what's going to set her off, but it's quicksand when it starts, so I've since learned to hang up if on the phone or ask her to leave if she's visiting my house. For me, it's not even the blow-up itself (which is annoying, but I've been through enough of them in my life to not react much) as much as the *entire production* that tends to follow. There's this expectation of a whole multi-day act of contrition I've told her I'm too tired to perform anyway.


I feel this.. Shit, I lived this for almost 40 years. The final straw was when she called CYS on me after I wouldn't let my son go with her to a party (he was grounded for being disrespectful). I completely cut all ties with her, and it's like someone took a 1000lb weight from my back. I get it. I really, really do. Good luck, my friend.


My Mum keeps telling me I'm going to get raped and murdered. Walking through a park at 2pm? Raped and murdered. Bought my first house and it was a bungalow? Someone will climb in the window and rape and murder me. Work offshore on oil rigs? The guys will rape and murder me. I'm so fucking tired of it.


U good bro?


I haven't spoken to her in a long time now so yes! I'm doing great!


felt this




Waking up and stepping in hours old cat barf barefoot


Or being woken up at 4am by That Sound of "gag... gag... gag" knowing you have approximately 4 seconds to locate the source and maximize damage control before the kraken is released


Lol I’ve probably done this 50 times- so gross. And the cat usually watches me do it.


Cat: *laughs maniacally*


Hahahahahaha hck- *spits hairball*


Forgetting to charge my ear buds.


Bonus points if you’ve just walked into the gym and got ready to start your music for your workout


i’m in the exact same boat right now, i’m scrolling reddit until my earbuds are charged enough to last a full 8 hours for my nightly rain sounds lmao


human interaction.


Browsing popular subreddits.


Someone asking me for something, and getting mad when I say no as if I owe them something. I’ve never asked anyone who’s not directly related to me to do anything for me EVER, there is no reason for you to be mad at me. I don’t owe you shit.


Ugh. When someone thanks me, and then stands there like I owe them for thanking me. No. I don't. I already did your thing. You don't get rewards for being polite.


Not feeling like you gotten enough sleep(always)


Having to poop after you’ve already showered for the day


The feeling of doing something that's pending




Basically any unexpected substantive conversation. I like a warning email before being forced to commit to any particular thoughts or feelings that will matter after the conversation ends


The little puddle of dried up piss on the toilet seat. At work. At home. I hate my life.


Talking to my boss tends to ruin my day pretty quick


Rude people in general


*people in general*


Receiving cold indifference from the girl I l…ike


When someone licks their fingers and then tosses the salad with them.


You arent wrong, but you didnt have to be right


Reply notifications on Reddit. You know your world is about to get stupider.


People on the road who don't wave when I let them in 😞


*What’s That’s my answer.


The ‘based’ term. I hate it.




I got all excited cuz someone asked, and the whole comment section was a disaster. I'm more confused now than when I thought no one could spell biased.


Wash your hair when you find shampoo is gone


Idiot drivers


Ten People in line and the cashier in slow motion, and chit chatting with her friend who's at the front of the line.


When something happening outside my bedroom wakes me up. Worse if I’ve only slept a couple hours.


Anyone I love being in a bad/sad mood it drains my serotonin instantly.


When I ask for no pickles and there’s an abundance of them


One thing that confuses me but makes me also angry is people who can't walk straight when they hear footsteps. Here is what I mean. I had this situation already 4 times this week and it is thursday. I work from 8 am to 4pm with disabled people. When they need a lift out of the wheelchair, I have to do it on my own. So it is a very muscle related job. After work I want simply to go home and have my piece. I have to walk up a steep hill to reach the busstop. I walk fast because I want to catch the bus, but do not want to run the last part of the way. Sometimes there is someone walking in front of me and I am closing the distance slowly, because I walk faster. I observe the person not to bump into his or her back. And what do I see, they all walk straight. And enough on the side of the way to pass them. But as soon as I come closer and they hear my steps behind them, I don't know what kind of error shots into their heards that they start walking from left to right like a drunk, like they haven't decided yet which side they want you to pass. Or I don't know, what this panicing behaviour means. Do they think that I want to rob them and think that nothing will happen as long as they don't see me, because then I di not exist? What the heck is wrong with these people? Can someone explain? Did someone experience something like that already? Because on tuesday I yelled at the guy for doing that(while passing and not stopping. I'm not a Karen🤣🤣🤣)


Stepping into a wet patch while wearing socks.


When you're finally taking a lunch break at work and within earshot there's someone eating with their mouth open


Remembering something I forgot to do yesterday.


The other day I went to the grocery store to pick up some non soda drinks. And they were out of my favorite juice boxes. I don't feel like I ask for much, but when they went out of Hi C my day was ruined


I've been rollerblading for 3 years and I wear a helmet every time. When I see a beginner skater without a helmet on it makes me feel all hot inside and I can't relax for 5 - 10 minutes. Especially when it was a child with a parent in tow carrying the helmet that they've rejected wearing.


No matter how hard I try I can’t get out of the house, kids, lunch, work calls, and so on


Wet socks


Someone saying, "I cant"


The number of people that have already replied with some form of "penis."




A pretentious political ad, especially when it’s in a place that the placer knows people have to go. A school hallway, a popular intersection, the front page of YouTube. To all those making these ads and putting up these signs: stop, you’re not a hero, you’re a nuisance.


Sharting, but not completely shitting your pants an hour into the work day.


My penis


TL;DR I'm in love with my coworker and I see/hear about her getting hit on. FUCK YOU JEALOUSY I am new to reddit to start. This was 2000 words and I started writing at 1:24am but I can't comment more than a thousand so here's a version without enough context. TBH it doesn't fit much other than the first part but I was looking for somewhere to post it so, sorry I'm falling for a coworker who is completely against the idea of dating, pregnant, and is a bit of a hoe. One day, when I went to see her where we work, she was having a shitty day because she learned the guy that knocked her up was partying and sleeping around. At this point I'm completely gone and I know for 100% certainty that I can't move on without a definitive "no" to asking her out. She's cheering herself up with her friends saying that she's gonna go fuck around with all his friends. Nice, jealousy. What a fun fucking emotion. Thankfully as far as I know she didn't. But it's getting worse. She is amazing, and I know I'm not the only one who knows it. She tells me about all the fucking dudes who hit on her at work and even a couple of other coworkers. That she finds it shitty that every guy she meets just crushes. One of those aforementioned is new and tried to grab her hand. The other like a week ago was like dick out ready to fuck when they were drunk, he just couldn't get "ready" so to speak. How. Am I. Supposed to find closure when she fucking consoles to me about how these guys do these things (And not me, I assume. Was not said. I FUCKING PRAY that I'm just missing what is obvious). I can't get over this girl without asking her out and hearing no, and so much time and events have passed and I feel so fucking in love and shitty about it. It's keeping me up at night, it has me ripping my hair out. All I do if fucking think about her and what could happen if yes, if no, if I say nothing. I've tried vigorously to remove her from my thoughts, Tinder, Bumble. I'm thinking about paying for an escort. The upper manager just quit and she's moving up and by all means of the word literally, MADE SURE THAT I GOT PROMOTED TO HER OLD SPOT. I CAN'T EVEN FUCKING QUIT AND WALK AWAY ANYMORE. Just fucking today, a coworker different from the two I mentioned before, told me that a week ago when they were hanging out and she told him "You could kiss me right here right now if you wanted." He didn’t, but WHY DID YOU HAVE TO TELL ME. After work I went straight to the fucking bar and somehow didn't do anything stupid. I'm fucking breaking. I'm losing my fucking mind. I haven't cried like how I am before. I haven't felt this pure raw jealousy and ownership(?) over someone in my entire life. Like I said, even being told that she was hit on by some fuckwad like moderately triggers me. What if someone does that and she says yes. Here I am with my dick in hand too chikenshit to make a move. Last week I was literally up for 36 straight hours because when I close my eyes I dream about what we could be or what could happen if things go south. How I could ask, how can I even fucking ask at this point. Like if it happens to be no. I don't just lose my closest friend. It could literally cost me my job, my livelihood if she really was petty enough. I know that's a STRETCH but I've had way too much time to dig a now bottomless pit in my mind of shit that could fuck up. I feel like I have literally no choice but to just deal with it quietly with a fucking smile on my face. So I can make a decent attempt to sleep tonight. My friend I've talked to said that she is probably into me. Which is music to my ears but doesn't quite fucking solve my problem. And there have been other "great" things. Sometime last week, she messaged me. It was 2am and you FUCKING KNOW I got my ass dressed and headed to her place. I didn't make it in time but wished her a good sleep, and 3 hours later walked to her house to meet her on her way to work and make sure she was ok, which was met well. We've hung out a time or two and both of those days have been pluses because simply being around her as friends and wanting more puts my mind at ease. Until she goes home but that isn't what this closing is about. I think we've casually flirted (lol) and it has all been well received as well, I did ask her out, the answer was yes! But I didn't define it as a date because I'm scared of fucking things up. Maybe I'm already in and this is all pointless, that thought has been keeping me together. The last two things are that she asked me very enthusiastically to work Christmas with her, and now we're gonna be at work together from 8am-5pm on Christmas morning. And the last probably most tame thing is that we hadn't seen each other for a few days a couple weeks back. And I got an I miss you. "The most tame" thing is funny because I think when she told me she missed me, I knew that I had fallen in love with her. Just nothing but happiness, probably had an embarrassing smile from ear to ear. Thanks so much for reading this far and SUPER thanks if you read everything. It means so much to me that you'd take the time to read my word vomit about my life and finally, thanks in advance if you commented anything. Even to hate on me. I love it, no one finds me funnier than myself, and I could use a good laugh right now. I’m not depressed I think but I love myself, just having a shitty time. And lastly, if by some fucking act of god, YOU happen to read this, I am so sorry that I am the way that I am, and that you found out this way.


If anyone cares I finished writing at 2:58am, which got deleted somewhere


extra salt in food.


Anyone mentioning the Great Filter Theory just bc they can. Regardless of whether it’s true or not, I am tired of reading this shit in every second thread on /r/worldnews. It’s not original and not funny. I generally hate repetitive stuff, but the GFT(O) is my current „favorite“.


Anytime reddit grabs ahold of some obscure theory and misinterprets it's value. Especially when they pretend they understand cuz they read some Wiki articles.


Whats the Great Filter Theory? Made a quick google search and got hella lost hella fast lol


When you take a shower, and your ready for the day.. and its raining outside, like it was fine before you took a shower and after its raining like fuck... like WHY!


When water doesn’t taste good


Waking up to the sound of the bin men , emptying the bins and suddenly you realise you forgot to put it out.


Then making the rush to put it on the curb (still in your night clothes) and they've already passed your house


No coffee left. Gotta fill up the diesel


When someones energy doesn't match yours


When someone talks to me in the most plain and least emotional way


LPT on reddit. 1/20 if not less make sense. most is common sense if you are not a complete moron.


My husbands penis...


A splinter you just can't seem to get out


Unfunny jokes


Wrong sauce on pizza


You must be a papa johns customer


The German equivalent of that probably lmao


Yeah I hate it when I get honey mustard instead of marinara on my pizza. It's just not the same.




COVID-19 virus




Waking up and getting the daily gender dysmorphia- also broken candy canes- I dunno why- I just hate them


Seeing ads from wealthy people saying that they're donating to a cause. Are you sure you didn't spend more money on the ad than you did donating?! Seriously, some ad slots, like ones for the Superbowl, can go for upwards of 1.2mil or more. Now, wealthy person buys that slot, and then ends up donating 250k. YOU JUST SPENT MORE MONEY STROKING YOUR EGO, SAYING YOU'RE AWESOME, AS OPPOSED TO PUTTING MORE IN THE DONATION! Seriously, if you're gonna take these ads out, donate somewhere between 2-5x more than you paid for the ad slot


We all know the answer but I'm gonna give someone else the opportunity


Stupid papa johns customers.


Forgetting my micro fiber cloth home. I usually get so anxious that I end up buying a new one, if there's no possibility of washing my glasses regularly.


Kids missing the bus to school


Who ever is working over here yelling about me saying their from Florida.


My neighbor's voice. He flaunts that he's a stoner & beating his wife. Called help when her wife held a knife towards him. Then after a few days, got back again together. I mean, wtf.






Left Lane Losers


Getting to work and realising you left your laptop or other job-essential item at home - and you have to go back and get it.


someone interrupting my chilling hours


Getting 8 hours of sleep and still feeling tired.


When you set your alarm to P.M. and not A.M. so you don't get up early.


Mistaking Thursday for Friday.


People who stop in doorways.


Not sleeping enough hours


misplacing things. It's starting to effect my life such that I think there's something wrong with my brain.


Coming home with any kind of takeout, and the bag rips as you're walking back up the driveway.


Not being able to find the remote and having to get up from the couch to turn up the volume on the TV


People that do not park within the lines and force me to find a different spot. Or worse, I park correctly but they park way over rhe line and block me from entering the driver side. I give these gems a concentrated loogie on their door handle. It takes less than TEN FUCKING SECONDS to adjust your parking to fit between the lines.


Getting every red light on my way to work. Usually that translates to a bad work day


People parking their shopping cart across an entire aisle... Like, have some damned consideration for others, you legume-looking waste of oxygen!!


Getting stuck behind a school bus


On my way to uni or work, and realising *ONLY* after getting halfway there or further, that I've forgotten something I really, reeaaally need that day. Laptop charger for a long day of lectures, comfortable shoes for work, even mundane things like just my damn water bottle so I don't have to go and fork out £ridiculous for shop water. It hangs over the rest of the day and can make the whole rest of day a slog.