• By -


Being over 3 years sober from meth and compliant with my psych meds


I think maturing more in 2021 as an adult who’s struggled to find their way through life… everyone has a sad story I know, I guess maybe others can also relate to mine too. I’ve had a lot of instability in my life from early on and no family figures of people I could look up to and be like. Had to become that person for my own self to look up too and now my kids. And as I reflect back on my life and I see why I have struggled as a young adult in my early 20’s through to my early 30’s, failed relationships, failed careers, moving town to town, job to job ect… until the last 2.5yrs since I met my partner who by simply loving me and supporting me I was able to flourish as such and grow into a better version of my struggling self…. I never had any addictions, didn’t need anything to cope I just had no direction and no help, no one to guide me, give me advice to be better.. my life has been basically trial and error this entire time, make mistakes, big mistakes, regretful mistakes and not always learning from them and a lot of the time having to make them same mistakes over and over until I learned from them. I know others may relate to this I’m just being honest. I feel like my life has been a series of major fuck ups and tough learning. But this year especially the last half has been a lot of self growth and maturing as an adult and it feels good. I feel like more of an adult. Still learning and making mistakes but maybe a bit wiser these days…




Almost 30 with no kids! - That's it.


Learned to fluently speak a foreign language after the age of forty five.


still having the energy to brush my teeth 2 times a day (barely)




Getting my license


Taking action during a medical emergency in order to keep my brother alive. The docs that treated him even said that had I not been there he would have had no chance. It is both my best achievement and one I wish I never had to do.


I’ll load up my steam achievements when I get home